A Place...To call.. My own?

By Salem_Kitchen_Witch

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...Loading Chapter One...
...Loading Chapter Two...
...Loading Chapter Four...
...Loading Chapter Five...
...Loading Chapter Six...
...Loading Chapter Seven...
...Loading Chapter Eight...
...Loading Chapter Nine...
...Loading Chapter Ten...
...Loading Chapter Eleven...
...Loading Chapter Twelve...

...Loading Chapter Three...

116 1 0
By Salem_Kitchen_Witch

        Both Rin and Itadori continued to talk about whatever, once Rin sent his message, he'd set his phone down to continue working on what he started, and pick his phone up when Itadori responded. Both of them are talking about themselves a bit to help get to know each other a bit more.


Itadori: Hey, I know this is childish, but if you 
were able to, what would you be when we become

Rin: Eh? Me? I dunno guess when I was younger I
wanted to be a cook since I'm pretty good at it, then

I suppose I wanted to be an Exorcist to beat some ass.

But now? I'm not so sure...

Itadori: That's okay, most people are like 30 and still
Don't know what they wanna do. 


Itadori: HA! True!

Rin: What about you?

Itadori: Me? Easy, a Jujutsu Sorcerer, saying if I still make 
it out alive Lol.

Rin: Fr?

Itadori: Yea, what I can say about that rn is that this job

fucking sucks ass but is so cool at the same time! It's 

dangerous, yes. But it's for a good cause. 

Rin: Sounds interesting, I suppose being an Exorcist in a 
way is the same. I think?

Itadori: Eh, whatever, point is we get to kick ass!

Rin: Haha, true.

Itadori: Love to chat more, but I gotta go to sleep, maybe I 

should ask somebody to knock me out.

Rin: Should I be concerned?

Itadori: Haha, jkjkjk. Goodnight, see you tomorrow!

Rin: Yea, see you tomorrow.

      Rin set his phone down and finished his last question before getting ready for bed himself. Kuro was already asleep as well as Yukio. Rin turned the lamp on his desk off and hopped into bed. Rin figured out in the first 30 minutes that Itadori was indeed familiar, but he didn't know where he might've seen him. 

     He feels like he should know, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Either way, Rin was tired, and was way ahead in his classes, so as far as this week break, he also guessed that he has some free time within his classes, or can ditch it to go to Shura's training classes. Therefore he'd have more time to control his flames. 

     But all that is up to future Rin. At the moment, Rin needed sleep. 

     Rin woke up at his usual time of 7 in the morning. Kuro walked up to Rin and was purring almost as loud as a race car.

    "....Mornin' Kuro..." Rin said.

    "Morning Rin!"

     "Did Yukio already leave?"

     "Yea, he did"

      "'kay..." Rin sat up and stretched out his arms.

     Kuro hopped off the bed and waited by the door as Rin went to get dressed and handle his morning business. Rin took a quick shower to help him wake up from the drowsiness, got dressed, brushed his teeth, dried his hair and tried to style it in his normal way. 

    Rin walked out of the bathroom to put his shoes on, and slipped on a jacket to complete the look. 

      Rin walked out and Kuro followed behind Rin.

     "Did Yukio feed you before he left?" Rin asked.

     "Yea, he did"  Kuro answered.

    Rin nodded and walked into the kitchen where his usual demon cooking friend was there, he was already cooking something up.

    "Need any help?" Rin asked.

     The small demon shook his head as he grabbed a plate and gave it to Rin.

    "Ah, thank you" He said then going to sit down to eat.

     He looked at the time and it was currently 7:15 and he finished eating, and quickly did the dishes and with Kuro in his arms, he left the dorm to meet up with Itadori and his classmates. But a question appeared within his head.

    'What business do they have with Mephisto?'

   Itadori awoken with Nobara knocking on his door to the Inn. The person who contacted them for a problem, Mephisto was kind enough to rent them each their own rooms for the night. Why one night? Who knows, maybe he had another place for them to stay until they took care of what Mephisto wants them to take care of. 

     Itadori got up and sluggishly opened the door. Nobara stood there.

     "Get ready, Rin should be here any minute to lead us to Mephisto so we could talk" She said, walking off.

     Itadori watched as she walked away. How she was already awake and dressed, prepared for the day this early was a mystery to him. But he left it as he closed the door behind him as he also began to get dressed in his usual uniform that Gojo had provided him. 

     He soon was all packed up and met up with Gojo and the others. Rin was already there chatting it up with Nobara about something. 

     "There you are!~" Gojo said aloud, making the other teenagers there look to him.

     "About time" Nobara muttered.

     Kuro jumped out of Rins arms to pounce on a moth that he saw on a nearby bush.

     "Sorry about that, I sorta slept in" Itadori said.

     "Obviously" Megumi sighed out, his arms crossed, he was clearly unamused.

    "Oh shut it" Itadori said.

      "Rin, your cat has two tails, is it a defect?" Nobara asked, pointing to Kuro who had just crawled out of the bush covered in leaves. 

     "Ah, no. The other tail just kinda....Grew.." Rin said.

     In a way, knowing what type of cat Kuro is. It's understandable. 

     "Grew?" Itadori asked.

    "Question for you Rin" Gojo asked.

     "Uh, what is it?" Rin asked.

     "Is your cat by chance... A demon?"

    "A what?" Itadori asked.

     "A demon" Gojo said.

    "Why?" Rin asked, furrowing his brows, Kuro walked to Rin and Rin held his cat close to him protectively.

      "Your cat has a strange aura, I'm no expert but I don't need anything to know it's not normal. It's not a curse, but it's not a normal Feline either. The only other option would be a demon" Gojo said.

     Rin's expression darkened.

     "Kuro has never hurt anyone, but I will if you try anything funny" Rin said, his voice deepening, showing that he will indeed hurt someone if his cat was so much as threatened. 

    "Don't worry, just trying to understand you better. I didn't think a human and a demon would get along so well" He said, tilting his head out of curiosity. 

      Rin felt slightly better knowing that Kuro was fine and no one was gonna do anything to him. 

     "Kuro belonged to my adoptive father first, he was his familiar" Rin said.

      "Familiar? Was he perhaps an exorcist?" Gojo asked.

      "Yes, yes he was, he was also a priest of a monastery that my brother and I used to live in" Rin said, remembering good times with Shiro.

      "Mind if I ask what happened?" Gojo asked, in a tone softer in case if it was a sensitive subject.

      Those good memories were soon replaced with how he died. Rin frowned.

     "He died by demonic possession" Rin said.

     "Oh," Gojo said.

     "I'm sorry that happened" Itadori said.

     "It's fine... But it also isn't. That's why I've decided to become an exorcist, find that demon and kill it slowly and painfully" Rin said, his eyes full of rage and malice.

     "I see, a good goal to have" Gojo said.

     Rin sighed, his expression dark and gloomy from it, but he had put the thought aside.

     "Say, didn't you guys wanna see Mephisto? Follow me, I know where he lurks" Rin said, beginning to walk off.

      Both Itadori and Nobara looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, but both Megumi and Gojo were already ahead, no more than 6 feet away from Rin. They both jogged up to catch up with them. Soon enough, Rin was leading an unknown group of four to his school, to meet up with his principle. 

     "Holy SMOKES! This place looks fancy!" Itadori said as they walked the campus of True Cross Academy.

     "Eh, guess it is" Rin said.

     The campus was empty, aside from a student wandering by, a substitute walking to their assigned class to prepare, or a hall monitor walking around to ensure there is no students wandering without a pass or ditching or skipping. 

      If the campus is empty, maybe then classes were still in session. 

     "Do you go study here?" Nobara asked.

     "I do, I have 6 normal classes, like history, math and what not along with two electives. and I have after school-schooling which is about 2 hours long, and I have a club I like to go to after" Rin said, referring to the "Club" as Shura's training lessons.

     "I see, you're a busy one aren't you?" Gojo asked.

     "Eh, just... Tryna do my best" Rin said. 

      Itadori could see the frown on Rin's face despite walking behind him. He could feel that although this was a good school filled with good people, Rin disliked it majorly here.

      Something was clearly wrong....

     Rin walked up to a door that looked like a janitors closet and begun digging around his pocket.

      "Uhh... Is this Mephisto guy behind that door?" Itadori asked.

     Rin looked at him, Kuro who was walking beside Rin stood next to him, waiting for him to open the door, he looked at Itadori and meowed.

     "In a way, yes. But in a way, no" Rin said, pulling out a golden key.

      "Every Cram school student is given this so when we enter our classes, we avoid traps set by Mephisto himself" Rin said.

     "Why would he set traps?" Megumi asked.

     "Traps, wards, protection barriers, it's too keep unwanted people and demons away" Rin said as he looked around to make sure no one was around and looking before putting the golden key into the key hole that somehow managed to adjust itself to fit inside the hole.

      Rin opened the door and revealed an office, where Mephisto sat in his seat, stacking some playing cards. Mephisto looked at Rin.

     "Rin? What a surprise! Come on in!" He said, flicking one card, making the house of cards fall and tumble. 

     Rin entered the office "Some people are here too see you, saying something about business" Rin said.

    He nodded and beckoned them all to enter.

     "Hello Mephisto, pleasure to meet you in person" Gojo said.

     "Hello to you too Gojo, I must say, you're a lot different than I expected you to look, either way, I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come aid me in a problem" He said, standing up to shake his hand.

     Gojo accepted the handshake "Not a problem, I figured this could be used as another form of training for my students, so I hope you don't mind that I brought them along" Gojo said.

     "Not at all" Mephisto sat back in his seat, resting his feet on his desk and smiled.

      "Anyway, Rin? Why aren't you in class?" He looked over to Rin.

     "Yukio excused me for the week to rest up" Rin answered.

     Mephisto nodded "I'll say, I thought it was about time you got a break from everything. How are you holding up?" He asked.

     Rin looked away, slightly pained "I could be better, but it's whatever" He said.

     "As I said before at Shiro's funeral, call me should you need anything. Anything at all" Mephisto said.

     Rin nodded "I'll be going now. I'll be heading back to the dorms" He said, walking off.

    "Rest well" Said Mephisto before Rin closed the door behind him.

     Rin took the key out and put it back in, turning it, and opening the door revealed his dorm room. Kuro walked in, Rin took the key out and walked in himself, closing the door behind him. He opened it again and was greeted with the dorm halls. Rin nodded to himself and left the door open to walk out and towards the kitchen to make himself some lunch. 

      [Before with Mephisto, when Rin had left]

       "Rest well" Said Mephisto before Rin closed the door behind him.

       "Everything alright with him?" Nobara asked.

       "He's been going through a tough time lately, he's trying to get through with it. Leave him some space" Mephisto said.

       "I see" She said, looking at the door he left through.

        "Okay, now, onto business" Mephisto started.

       Gojo nodded "Yes, onto business. Which I suppose we'll have to start a Jujutsu base here as well in case any more Cursed Spirit problems arise" 

      "Yes, usually, this wouldn't happen. You see, when the Exorcists couldn't defeat it, we lost many Exorcists, and I happened to come across you sorcerers, and I asked for help. I'm glad you responded to my plea" Mephisto said. 

       "Any way to help" Gojo said happily.

     "Good, now then, until this problem is handled, feel free to stay here at one of the dorms I have chosen for you. Since the boys and girls dorms are all full and can't take in any more people, you'll be residing with the Okumura's. Rin and Yukio" He said.

     Gojo nodded "Don't worry, you'll all be provided with your own rooms. As to why Rin and his brother have an entire dorm building to themselves is due to the fact that Rin is a special case and needs the space. I'll tell you what his case is, but I think it would be best if Rin decided to tell you that himself" Mephisto said, standing up and grabbed a key.

     "I'll lead you there right now. Once you are all settled in, you can begin your duties in ridding True Cross of the cursed spirits whenever you need to" Mephisto said.

     "Why thank you Mephisto" Gojo said.

     Mephisto opened the door with his key and was greeted with an entry way of a dorm. Mephisto walked in, having Gojo and his three students follow after him. Mephisto got his key, stuffed it in his pocket and closed the door.

     "Follow me" He said.

     The further they walked in the dorm, the smell of food was in the air. 

     "Hey Ukobach, do you think this would go well with this?" It was the sound of Rin's voice.

{To Be continued...}

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