सौंदर्य विध्वंस का : The Beau...

By roseeee__1

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An untimely tale surrounding the Kingdom of Kapila. Caught between myriad of emotions, battles, jealously, be... More

Chapter 1: Beginning of Destruction
Chapter 2: Amendments
Chapter 3 : Mysteries
Chapter 5 : Secrets
Chapter 6 : New Emotions?
Chapter 7 : Questions
Chapter 8 : Longings
Chapter 9 : Hopes
Chapter 10 : Hopes (Part 2)

Chapter 4 : Politics

91 17 20
By roseeee__1


I enter his chamber, closing the door behind me. It is the biggest, most elegant room I've ever seen. It's simple, yet sophisticated. There are intricate golden designs on white walls. A small yet beautiful chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. I must admit, he has good taste.

"Rajkumari Aparajita..." He turns around as he hears the door close. "Hope everything in your chamber is according to your taste." He adds

"Why did you summon me, Rajkumar?" I asked getting straight to the point.

I had not intentions nor any interest in talking to this man. He was the one who initiated the war against m̶y̶ k̶i̶n̶g̶d̶o̶m̶ . My father's kingdom. He killed one of my brothers. He bought me off my father. He is the root cause of my misery. Only him. The only intention of me to come to Kapila was to kill this man - Achyuta.

"Well, if you want to get straight to the business, I will also not hesitate to ask you what I want." He says with sudden seriousness covering his face.

"आप स्वयंवर में हमे अपनाए. हम आपसे विवाह की इच्छा रखते है." He says bluntly.

(Choose me in your swayamvar. I harbour the wish to marry you.)

Well, I was quite expecting it. In order to become a king, he needs to marry a princess before his crowning. That's what is the tradition followed in Kapila.

"I don't harbour any intentions of marrying a man I hardly know, prince. And I've requested the king to keep a special competition for all the participants in swayamvar. The one to win, will marry me." I say turning away my gaze from him.

"Very well, princess. If you want to play this other way around, I will also show you that only I, Achyuta possess the right to marry you. Nobody else." He says like he's challenging me.

"But I don't like you." I say standing firm on my ground.

"You will start liking me if you spend time with me. Afterall, nobody can resist my charms." He says with a hint of seduction in his voice.

I scoff at his words. Charms my foot. I won't even look at him.

"Well, it's not that you have someone on your mind. Do you?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

This is it. I sense the right timing. He's feeling self-aware and disappointed right now. This is the time I plant the seed of animosity and jealously in this palace. This was my chance. And I take this chance without a moment of hesitation.

"I like your brother, my friend, prince Abhaya. I've liked him since childhood. And I only wish to marry him." I say carefully, so that each and every word gets etched in his heart.

I see his eyes getting darkened. For the first time, I notice his features. His face was not as perfect as that of Aniruddha. But something about him was a thousand times more charming then Aniruddha. If not his bad attitude and temper, he would've been more charming.

"Leave my chamber, princess. Remember, you're not allowed to love anyone except me. For now, live happily with your silly little crush. Once you're mine, I will make sure you forget even his name." He says clenching his fist.

Mission accomplished. The seed is planted. I smirk and turn around to leave. I leave his chamber with a few long strides. The door closes behind me. I see Kamakshi standing outside, waiting for me. I don't intend to go to my chamber yet. So I ask Kamakshi to accompany me to take a walk around the garden. We silently make our way to the garden.

As much as I hate this palace, it's garden is one of the most beautiful one I've ever seen. Lush green trees and grass, flowers of every colour we can possibly think of, 4 jhulas (swings), birds singing, rabbits running around our feet and beyond words. It feels like we've entered the garden of heaven. Time slows down and all thoughts and pains vanishes here. This is my favourite place in this palace full of strangers.

I see Abhaya sitting on one of the swings. He's reading a book. He lifts his head, and our eyes meet. He waves at me, stands up, keep his book down and makes his way towards me. I smile at him. I need to act like I've forgiven him, for my plan to succeed. He's just a few feet away, when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. Whoever it is, they have a firm grip. They shake my up. I get a mini heart attack. I turn back to see who it is. Aniruddha. Of course.

"Hello princess! Taking a walk?" He asks cheerfully.

I see that Abhaya has also reached my vicinity and also waiting for my answer.

"Yes. I and my companion, Kamakshi were bored in the chamber. So we decided to take a stroll in the garden." I say smiling at Abhaya.

"Why don't you princes join us?" I shoot a questioning look at both of them.

"Sure." They reply simultaneously.

Kamakshi starts walking. Abhaya follows her. Aniruddha gestures me to go next. After a few moments, Abhaya and Kamakshi are side by side and I am walking with Aniruddha. And there is an awkward silence weighing between us.

"Have you decided your groom to choose during swayamvar yet, princess?" Aniruddha finally asks, breaking the ice.

"No, I've not yet decided or chose any one of..."

"Great! Why don't you consider marrying me, Rajkumari?" Aniruddha asks cutting me off.

Both Kamakshi and Abhaya stops walking. They turn around, totally surprised, waiting for my response. I myself am baffled at this proposal. Why does this man, who have tonnes of admirers want to marry me? Then again, he needs a wife so that he can get next position after the king, when his brother is crowned. All of the brothers are morons.

"Sorry prince, I must decline your offer. I appreciate your proposal. But, I've already requested the king to hold a competition during the swayamvar. Whichever prince wins that competition, shall be my groom." I say.

"Don't worry princess. प्रेमी अपनी प्रेमिका को उनके स्वयंवर में जीतकर लायेगे." He says with a flirty smile.

(The lover will win his beloved from her swayamvar.)

"ज्येष्ठ! आपको ऐसा बोलना शोभा नही देता." Abhaya says with visible anger on his face.

"What? What is wrong with that? She is beautiful and I like her. So I told her to consider marrying me." He says defending himself.

Both of them grow silent. They both stare at each other for some time. I smell jealousy here if I am not wrong. They might not be interested in marrying me at all. But all the princes had their self respect. By adding the element of competition in the game, I've directly questioned their abilities. If one of them wins, others will be ashamed of losing against their own blood. This is where animosity will begin in this huge palace.

"Why don't we go in the dance room. I hear melodies coming out of it." Kamakshi speaks sensing the tension in air.

"Certainly, good idea. Let's go, Rajkumar Abhaya and Aniruddha. Perhaps, Kamakshi could show us some dance or perhaps I'll play some instruments. She's an excellent  Kathak dancer." I say.

Both of them nod their heads and we leave for the dance room. One of the princess is already performing when we reach there. The guru (teacher) is seated in front of her, observing her. She struggles in some of the steps, but otherwise she's doing awesome. Her performance ends with applauds. The guru gives her some instructions. I nudge Abhaya and signal him to ask Guruji.

He walks upto the centre of the hall, "Guruji, our guest and my friend here, Kamakshi, wants to perform a dance. With your permission, can she start?" He asks politely.

"Ofcourse, tell her to go ahead." Guruji says with a warm smile.

Abhaya comes upto Kamakshi and gestures her to go. Kamakshi's cheeks visibly turn red as she moves towards the centre of the hall.

She reaches the centre, takes her position, bows Guruji and does namaskaram (the act of seeking blessing from the mother earth before a dance). The instruments start playing, and she effortlessly dances on the beats and rhythms. Her clean moves and expressions leaves the audience dumb-struck. I see Abhaya watching her in clear awe and admiration. While Aniruddha is busy staring my face. I shift my attention to Kamakshi again.

After the dance is finished, the hall is filled with lots of applause and cheers. Guruji is smiling widely as he comes on the stage to appreciate Kamakshi. I am smiling for the appreciation Kamakshi is receiving. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I want to see who it is. But I can't turn. I feel dizzy. Everything starts fading away... Dark spots forming in front of my eyes. I hold on the person who is standing behind me. I try to fight the darkness. But I give up. My vision goes dark


I hope you enjoy this update. I wasn't planning to upload it today, but my conscience took over me and I uploaded it. Do let me know your thoughts and favourite part in the comments. Leave a like if you enjoyed it. Add the book in your library to get updates.
A question, who do you think is the male lead?
Will write soon. Take care. xo.


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