Not my Captain

By Backtoback1234

22.5K 580 8

Female Footballer OC I don't claim to know the people in this story and so if their character, sexuality or s... More

Who she is
2012 Olympic Call Up
First Meet
Round for dinner
Truth comes out Pt. 2
Christie Rampone after 4-2 Victory
Critics eat their words
Coming home
2015 USWNT Roster not revealed
Jill Ellis on why the roster isn't released and Castillo.
Ignacio Quereda on first World Cup and Castillo
Spain Women's National Team want Castillo
Tug of War between USWNT and Spain
Run ins
Last Day for USWNT
USWNT or Side-lines
Castillo's ON the team
Outrage over Castillo being benched
Late night adventures
Finally Starting
New Captain Live Stream
New Captain?
Fans Opinions, Votes and Speculation
Finding out and telling her
πŸ”ž "Celebrations" πŸ”ž
Announcing captain
Captain to Captain
Spain Secures Castillo
Possible Signing
Llorens holds a press conference
Barcelona Confirms it
Castillo's not at the olympics
Sorry I'm not there
No Castillo, No Gold?
USWNT management under scrutiny AGAIN
Announcing their passing
Too little too late
I need you
Letter to Them
Castillo's Heart breaking letters
Another Loss
Announcing it
Condolences pt.2
Condolences pt.3
Letter to teddy
Castillo's letter to her brother
Castillo to leave Barcelona
Charlie...I did it
Castillo joins Arsenal
2021-22 Loan
Reactions to the loan (2021-22)
Learn the Alphabet with Lexi Castillo
Chants/Songs etc.

Truth Comes Out

526 14 0
By Backtoback1234

In Lexi's room, bathed in the soft glow of evening light filtering through the curtains, she can be found sat side by side with Alex on the bed, packing a box with care. Lexi held up her cherished USWNT jersey, number 15 with "Castillo" emblazoned above it, while Alex arranged four VIP tickets to their opening game against France.

"Okay, so the jersey goes in next," Lexi said, passing the jersey to Alex.

Alex nodded, admiring the jersey before carefully placing it in the box. "Now for the tickets," she said, sliding them into the box beside the jersey. "And last but not least, the signed picture of me."

Lexi smiled, gently tucking the signed photo of Alex Morgan into the box. "Perfect," she said, surveying their handiwork.

"Okay, Lexi, let's sign this jersey," Alex suggested, nudging the marker toward her friend.

Lexi hesitated for a moment, feeling a surge of nerves. "Do you really think Leah will like this?"

"Of course she will," Alex reassured her with a warm smile. "She'll love it."

With Alex's encouragement, Lexi carefully took the jersey out and signed her name under the number on the jersey before packing it away in the box once more.

"So, here's the plan," Lexi began, her excitement building. "You'll drive me to Leah's house. I got the address from her mom. We'll put the box on her front door, then we'll drive back to the Olympic village. On our way, I'll message Leah, telling her to go to the door because there's something there for her."

"Wanna leave a small message as well?" Alex said, leaning back against the headboard.

Lexi nodded, a hint of excitement in her eyes and wrote on a piece of paper

"Got a surprise for you Leah, Use these tickets and see what happens - Lexi"

She showed the note to Alex who smiled and then grabbed the pen and paper to write her own message

"Enjoy the Jersey and try wear it to the game. It's the first of its kind and the first autographed - Alex Morgan"

Satisfied, Alex closed the box, after Lexi placed the handwritten notes inside. Together, they shared a look of anticipation, knowing the truth was about to come out.

~ The Plan ~

As the USWNT team enjoyed dinner together, Alex glanced at the time, her expression turning slightly urgent. "Lexi, we need to hurry up," she whispered, trying not to draw too much attention. "Don't forget the box. If we don't leave soon, the plan won't work."

Lexi nodded, realizing the importance of their mission. "Right, the box," she murmured, reaching for it beside her chair.

Some of the other players, like Carli Lloyd and Tobin Heath, overheard Alex's urgency and exchanged curious glances. "What plan?" they whispered to each other, but Alex and Lexi were already on their way out, focused on their secret task.

With determination, Lexi rose from her seat, shooting Alex a determined nod. "Got it," she affirmed, her voice filled with resolve as she ran out the room to retrieve the box.

"I'm Here!" She says as she returns out of breath now holding said box.

Alex nodded in approval, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Let's go," she urged, leading the way out of the dining area.

As they swiftly left the dining area, the rest of the team continued their meal, unaware of the clandestine operation underway.

They drove in silence as Lexi's nerves began to rise.

Sitting parked outside Leah's house, Lexi's nerves began to flutter like trapped butterflies. She fidgeted with the box in her lap, her mind awash with doubts and uncertainties.

Alex, noticing Lexi's unease, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said softly, her voice filled with comforting warmth.

Lexi looked over at Alex, grateful for her steadying presence. "What if she doesn't like it?" she fretted, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"Lexi, she's going to love it," Alex assured her with a reassuring smile. "You've put so much thought and care into this, and it's going to mean the world to her."

Lexi's heart pounded with anticipation as she stepped out of the car, clutching the box tightly against her chest. With swift, purposeful strides, she hurried across the pavement to Leah's front door.

Setting the box down gently on the doorstep, Lexi quickly scanned the area to ensure no one was watching. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she dashed back to the waiting car, her movements swift and urgent.

"Let's go, Alex!" Lexi urged, her voice filled with urgency as she practically leaped into the passenger seat. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were executing some covert operation, and every second counted.

Alex revved the engine, and they sped away from Leah's house, leaving the box behind like a secret treasure waiting to be discovered. As they drove off into the night, Lexi couldn't help but steal a glance back at the darkened doorstep, her heart fluttering with anticipation of Leah's reaction.

"Did you send the message?" Alex asked, glancing over at Lexi as they reached the entrance to the Olympic village.

Lexi nodded, her fingers flying over her phone's screen. But then she hesitated, uncertainty clouding her expression. "What do I even say?" she murmured, chewing nervously on her bottom lip.

Alex flashed her a reassuring smile. "Just keep it simple," she advised. "Tell her to go to the front door. Say there's a surprise waiting for her."

Lexi nodded, grateful for the guidance. With Alex's words echoing in her mind, she quickly typed out the message, her fingers dancing across the screen with newfound confidence.

"There," she said, hitting send. "Let's hope she gets it."

Miss America
Hey Leah
I know it's late but could you go to your front door really quickly. There's something there for you.

Miss England
Are you at my front door right now?

Miss America
No I'm not but you really need to go to the door.

Miss England
Is Alex Morgan there? I stg Lexi if Alex Morgan is there I will pass out. I'm in my pjs I can't see her like this.

Miss America
Nobody is at the door okay.
Just please go to the door

As they entered the bustling Olympic village, Lexi's heart raced with anticipation. She darted through the throngs of athletes, eager to reach her room and escape the overwhelming nerves that threatened to consume her.

Meanwhile, Alex glanced around at the rest of the team with a small, knowing smile. "Lexi's fine," she explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "I'll go check on her, make sure everything's okay."

With a nod to the others, Alex followed Lexi to her room, determined to offer her support and encouragement as they awaited Leah's response to the surprise waiting on her doorstep.

Lexi glanced at her phone, frustration evident in her expression. "Leah's not going to the door," she murmured to Alex, her tone tinged with disappointment. "She's just trying to guess what's there."

As she showed Alex the message, their anticipation heightened. Just then, Leah's response popped up on the screen, confirming the presence of the box and prompting her to inquire if it was from Lexi.

With a surge of excitement, Lexi and Alex exchanged eager glances, their plan unfolding just as they'd hoped.

~ Leah ~

Leah opened the door to find a neatly wrapped box sitting on the doorstep, her curiosity piqued. Looking around, she didn't see Lexi nearby, which puzzled her.

Picking up the box, she scanned the neighborhood for any sign of Lexi's presence even calling out her name, but she received no response.

Shrugging off her bewilderment, Leah carried the box inside, where her mother, Amanda, greeted her with a raised eyebrow. "What's got you out of your seat?" Amanda asked, her tone laced with amusement.

Lexi responded with a sheepish smile. "Lexi said there was something at the door," she explained, gesturing towards the box. "I figured this was it."

Miss England
There's a box?
Is it from you?
Did you leave a box on my door and run? 😂😂
You could've just rang the bell and given it to me idiot 😂

Miss America
And no I couldn't have. Trust me I couldn't have.
Have you opened it yet?

Miss England
I'm about to
What's in it?

Miss America
Open it an find out you impatient ass

Leah's eyes widened in excitement as she opened the box, her mother Amanda peering over her shoulder with curiosity. Inside, nestled among the packing material, were several items that made Leah's heart race with anticipation.

"Mum, look!" Leah exclaimed, pulling out a pristine USWNT jersey, number 15, with the name Castillo emblazoned proudly above. "I've never heard of Castillo, but this is amazing!"

Amanda leaned in closer, inspecting the autograph underneath the number. "Well, whoever she is, you've got her autograph now. Any reason you think Lexi gave you this?" Amanda remarked with a smile.

"No idea mum."

Beside the jersey were four VIP tickets to the USA vs France women's game. Leah's excitement bubbled over as she clutched the tickets in her hands. "VIP tickets! Can you believe it, Mum? We're going to see the game up close!"

"Wow, that's incredible, Leah," Amanda said, sharing in her daughter's excitement.

Next came a signed picture of Alex Morgan, one of Leah's idols. The thought of owning a piece of memorabilia personally signed by the football star left Leah practically speechless with delight.

"Alex Morgan's autograph! This is unbelievable! Oh My God! Lexi said she'd get it and that Alex Morgan said she will give a jersey as well. I thought it would be a Morgan jersey though. Oh well." Leah exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy.

As Leah sifted through the contents of the box, her mother Amanda pointed out the notes tucked inside. With trembling hands, Leah unfolded the first note, which bore Lexi's handwriting. "Got a surprise for you, Leah. Use these tickets and see what happens," it read.

Amanda nodded approvingly as Leah read the note aloud, her heart swelling with gratitude for her new friend's thoughtfulness. Then, Leah turned her attention to the second note, written in Alex Morgan's elegant script. "Enjoy the jersey and try wearing it to the game. It's the first of its kind and the first autographed - Alex Morgan," the note proclaimed.

Leah's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in Alex's message, unable to contain her excitement at the prospect of owning such a cherished memento. She glanced at her mother, before eagerly discussing their plans for attending the upcoming match.

As Leah revelled the surprises in the Amanda looked at the jersey closer, her brow furrowed in thought. "You know, Leah, I've been hearing some buzz about this Castillo girl. Apparently, she's the new young player for the USWNT, and she's only fifteen. Can you imagine? There's been a lot of chatter online, some people aren't too happy about her making the team at such a young age. But she must be incredibly talented to earn that spot," Amanda explained, her voice tinged with admiration.

Leah's eyes widened at the revelation, her attention momentarily diverted. "Yeah, Castillo sounds impressive, she must be amazing if she's playing for the national team at fifteen. It's so cool that I have her first jersey and first signed jersey. But I bet Lexi's even better," she remarked, her mind inadvertently drifting back to her friend.

Amanda couldn't help but smile at Leah's unwitting confession. "Oh, Leah, sometimes you can be so dense," she teased affectionately, causing Leah to furrow her brows in confusion.

"What do you mean, Mum?" Leah asked innocently, oblivious to the implications of her words.

Amanda chuckled softly, realizing that Leah was completely unaware of her own feelings. "You know exactly what I mean, sweetie. Let's just say, Lexi has made quite an impression on you," she replied cryptically, watching as Leah's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment.

Leah grinned sheepishly, her cheeks still flushed from her mom's teasing. "Alright, Mom. I think I'll go to my room and send Lexi a message. I want her to know how grateful I am for these amazing gifts," she said, her excitement bubbling up once again as she thought about her friend. With a quick hug for her mom, Leah hurried off to her room.

~ Lexi ~

Lexi fidgeted nervously on the edge of her bed, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. Alex sat beside her, offering a reassuring smile. "She's probably just excitedly unpacking everything. Give her a bit more time," Alex suggested, trying to ease Lexi's growing anxiety.

Lexi nodded, but her mind was racing with doubt. "I just hope she likes it. What if she thinks it's stupid or doesn't want it?" she fretted, her voice tinged with worry.

Alex placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Leah's going to love it. Trust me, you put a lot of thought into this, and it shows. She's lucky to have a friend like you," she reassured, giving Lexi's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Lexi managed a weak smile, grateful for Alex's support. "Thanks, Alex. I just... I really want her to like it," she admitted, her nerves still gnawing at her.

Alex leaned in, offering a reassuring hug. "I know you do, Lexi. But trust me, Leah's going to be thrilled. Just give her a bit more time," she urged, trying to calm Lexi's anxious thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, Lexi nodded, trying to push aside her worries. "Okay, I'll try to be patient," she conceded, her fingers still tapping anxiously on her phone screen.

Miss England
One attached image: tickets
One attached image: Castillo shirt
One attached image: signed Alex Morgan Picture
One attached image: Alex Morgan Note
One attached image: Lexi's Note

As Lexi's phone pinged with incoming messages, she hesitantly glanced at the screen, half expecting disappointment. Instead, her heart swelled with relief and joy as she saw a series of photos from Leah, each one showcasing the contents of the box.

"Look, Lexi!" Alex exclaimed, peering over her shoulder to see the pictures. "She's sending photos of everything!"

Lexi's eyes widened as she scrolled through the images, her nerves melting away with each glimpse of Leah's delighted expressions. "I think she... she likes it," she breathed, a wide smile spreading across her face.

Alex grinned, squeezing Lexi's hand in excitement. "See? I told you she would. You had nothing to be nervous about," she reassured, sharing in Lexi's happiness.

Relief washed over Lexi as she continued to view the photos, each one reaffirming Leah's appreciation for the thoughtful gifts. "Thank you, Alex. I couldn't have done it without you," she said, gratitude evident in her voice.

Alex smiled warmly. "Anytime, Lexi. I'm just glad everything worked out," she replied, her own relief mirroring Lexi's. Together, they watched as Leah's messages continued to flood in, their worries replaced by a shared sense of joy and satisfaction.

"Alright, Lexi, I'll leave you to have some alone time with your girlfriend," Alex said with a mischievous grin.

Lexi's eyes widened in surprise. "She's not... I mean, Leah and I are just..." Lexi trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she stumbled over her words.

Alex laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Sure, Lexi, whatever you say," she teased, before turning to leave the room, her laughter echoing behind her.

Miss America
Did you really just send me pictures of what I put in the box?

Miss England

Miss America
You don't like it?
You don't have to keep it if you don't want to it's ok

Miss England
What are you on about?
Of course I like it Lexi
It's just so much
You said an autograph from Alex Morgan and instead you gave me all this

Miss America
Well the jersey was Alex's idea tbh
The tickets were a thanks to your family
And i promised the autograph did I not

Miss England
You are amazing you know that Lexi???

Miss America
Sure 😅

Miss England
Who is Castillo tho? And how did you get her first autographed shirt?

Lexi looked at the message. She kept rereading it and looking at her door, wishing Alex was still there to help her out with a response. She knew Alex would say tell the truth but she couldn't just say "oh well it's my shirt so it was quite easy to do just needed a pen and bam first signed shirt" no she couldn't say that. She could say Alex got Castillo to sign the shirt, which wasn't a lie, she wouldn't have signed it if Alex didn't tell her to. Ok that's what she'd say. Alex got it.

Miss America
Oh, Alex got her to sign it, I said to give you Alex's jersey but Alex said that one would be more special
She's the newest member of the USWNT. She's gonna make her debut against France I think.

Miss England
That's so thoughtful
It definitely is more special
Did you read the note Alex Morgan wrote, that I should wear it to the game?

Miss America
Of course I did Leah, she was sat next to me when she wrote it.
Also call her Alex because Alex Morgan is so long and kinda weird to read

Miss England
I don't think I'll ever get over you being so calm about knowing ALEX MORGAN
Will you be at the game?

Here was the second question she was dreading. Yes she would be at the game, but not in the way Leah thought. She would be there but not as a fan, as a player.

Miss America
Yeh I'm gonna be at the game

Miss England
Will I see you there? With these VIP tickets?

Miss America
Haha enjoy those VIP tickets
Yh I think you might see me, you might not I'm not 100% yet

Miss England
Well tell me where you are sat before the match and then if you aren't near we can find each other at half time or after the match
How you giving me vip tickets and not knowing if you are near or not?

And there it is... Leah thinks she's going to be with the fans. How does she say she won't be able to. That she's going to be on the subs bench and in the locker room.

Miss America
Ok Leah I'll let you know before it starts
Uhhhhh yh I didn't think of that I guess

Miss England
My mum called me an idiot today because of you but I think you are the idiot after hearing that

Miss America
Rude 😂
Why she call you an idiot

Miss England
Well not idiot but dense

Miss America
What's that mean?

Miss England
Pretty much the same thing I think
I don't even remember to be honest I was too busy looking at the box of stuff 😂😂

Miss America
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it Leah
I was a nervous wreck getting it all together
I thought maybe you wouldn't like it

Miss England
How could I not like it Lexi

Miss America
Im sorry Leah I have to go
I have to wake up early tomorrow
But I'll see you at the game
Goodnight x

Miss England
Oh ok
I'll see you then
Goodnight x

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