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By Amberslvrs

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212 9 0
By Amberslvrs

This chapter is based on season 2 episode 11 of the rookie!
Tw: Mention of alcohol
abduction and violence.


"Are you actually suggesting I go to this
thing with Ben?" Olivia's eyebrows we're raised and her hands were on his hips. "Look, all i'm trying to say is most of your friends work here, and one of your friends are my sister. It wouldn't hurt to reconnect with some friends." Buck says lifting a weight at ease. "He is not a friend! He made my high school experience hell!" Olivia shouted out as Buck's eyes shot up to her. "You know i'm right Liv." Buck smirked as Olivia's eye roll. "..Fine i'll go." Olivia exhaled before walking off.


"Holy shit Ben, you're engaged now?" Olivia asks choking on her cocktail nearly.
"Yeah, you remember Danika?" Ben asks looking at the girl who was way too out of it to remember. "No. But tell me anyways." Olivia smiled politely taking another sip of her drink. "She was the head cheerleader you guys where best friends?" Ben tries to refresh her memory as Olivia scoffs. "You two being together makes perfect sense.. she always had a secret crush on you." Olivia laughs slightly before standing up. She stumbled feeling lightheaded. Ben put his arms around her supporting her. "I've gotta call an uber." She reached out for her purse but Ben moved her forward. "That's nonsense i'll take you home come on." He pays for the tab and starts leading her out the back supporting her since she was stumbling left right and centre. She started laughing he was laughing along with her. "I had a really good time tonight, it totally makes up for high school." Olivia laughed even more. "It was fun, but the next part is my favourite." Ben smirked moving a piece of Olivia's hair out of her face. She looked at him taking a step back. "I- I should call Buck to pick me up." Olivia grabbed her phone out her pocket but it fell, lucky or unlucky for her Ben caught it and put in his pocket. Olivia started to feel worse suddenly then the realisation hit her. "..I-I think someone put something in my drink." Olivia called out before Ben put his hand over her mouth. She tried fighting him off but she failed, he opened the trunk of his car and shoved Olivia in it.


"Buck! Liv didn't come back home
last night did she crash at yours?" Alyssa asked walking into the firehouse and making her way to the firefighters. "No, she hasn't called me and I told her to call me when she wanted me to pick her up." Buck glanced at Alyssa a hint of concern in his voice. "Maybe she stayed at his the night?" Eddie suggest as everyone shuts that idea down. "Liv isn't in to stuff like that." Buck replied as everyone raised an eyebrow. "I tried it once okay?" Buck sighs as everyone looks at him shocked. "And we're sure she's not here in the locker room?" Bobby asks trying to ease the tension up. "Guys I know this sounds like a stretch but i'm worried about her..she never goes MIA like this." Alyssa looks down slightly worried for her friend. "She's right guys, no matter what's going on with Liv's life she's always shown up." Hen said as everyone around them grew concerned of the safety of the girl. "Guys let's just check her parents place before we assume the worst..Alyssa right? You go with Buck and Eddie and the rest of us we'll get Athena." Bobby says as they all make their way.


Olivia woke up her breathing heavy and her vision blurry. She felt something drawing on her and it was burning she sat up weakly looking at the tattoo. "Do you know what this is?" Ben asked smirking. She glared at him before speaking. "My day of death." She spoke weakly before losing consciousness again.


"Come on Liv please be home sleeping." Alyssa prayed sat in the back of Buck's jeep. "Alyssa she's going to be okay." Eddie looks over at Alyssa who just shakes her head. "no, no she's not." Alyssa plays with her bracelet that is matching with Olivia. Buck notices through the mirror and smiles slightly. He remembered how he took the bracelet of her and how defensive she got over it. "We're here.." Buck said before pulling up in the driveway. "If we did all this panicking and she's in bed i'm gonna kill her." Alyssa laughed slightly jumping out of the jeep. Eddie and Buck looked at each other expressing the same look of concern before getting out the jeep and knocking on the door. "Hola! Buck, Aly! and dude I don't know.." Amayah says as she opened the door making the three laugh. "Eddie." He nodded as Amayah snapped her fingers together. "You're the probie!" Amayah laughs before looking at the three. "I know you haven't come here to see me so what can I do you for?" Amayah questioned leaning against the door. "We're here for Liv..did she make it here last night?" Buck asked looking at her hoping for the best. "Nope." Amayah laughed as the three all have a look of panic on their face. "But she said she was gonna work things out with Joe after seeing Ben so maybe try there." Amayah suggests leaving the three to be somewhat hopeful again. "Thank you so much Maya!" Alyssa shouted out hugging the teen girl. "Don't touch me ever again, but you're welcome." Amayah smiled before the three rushed off.


When Olivia gained consciousness again she was in a chair and her hands were duct taped to it. "Why ben..? Was high school not enough for you?" Olivia asked weakly as Ben laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know." Ben spat at the girl as she started looking around. "That's why I asked." Olivia glared at Ben as he stood up. "I'm gonna ignore that comment, I'm gonna go in the next room don't go anywhere- See what I did there?" Ben chuckles at himself before walking out. Olivia saw this as the perfect opportunity to escape she started to move her wrist around trying to snap the wooden arms off. She took deep panicked breaths trying to stay as silent as possible before the arms of the chair snapped. She stood up quickly thinking of a plan and hid behind to the side duct tape still around her wrists. "Yo Livy I got-" Ben was unable to finish his sentence because Olivia hit him down. She fell down with him before quickly getting up and running out. She ran outside looking around she was surround by hills which all looked alike she let some tears drop down her face before running faster. As she ran she tripped over a wire she groaned getting up before Ben stood behind her. "boo." He whispered before spraying pepper spray in her eye. She screamed slightly before fighting back despite being unable to see. She threw some punches all which Ben dodged until Olivia back handed him. "You stupid girl." He laughed before kneeing her in the stomach throwing her across the gravel and kicking her in the head.


"She wanted to go home,hang with her sisters I told her that she should go reconnect with an old friend..She went out with Ben because I told her to." Buck says blaming herself as Bobby looked over at him putting a hand on her shoulder. "You couldn't have known." Bobby replies reassuring him. "I should've! I never saw him coming, she did though! some part of her didn't feel right about this whole thing she hesitated and I pushed her right to him." Buck's eyes begin to water before Athena runs in. "Guys! We might've found where he's keeping her Danika his fiancé has come forward with some news we're heading over there now!" Athena shouted before everyone rushed out following.


"You're doing so good, most of them give up at this point." Ben laughs holding a knife at her back making her walk. "You're sick." Olivia said slowing her pace down. "Heard that before sweetheart." Ben replied poking the knife into her back. "do that again and the only place that knife is going is straight into your skull." Olivia scoffs weakly limping whilst walking. "Still thinking there's an escape? You weren't conscious for your birth but you feel every second of your death." Ben spoke Olivia scoffed wiping her tears with her hand. "You're such a cliche you would think you'd be more original." Olivia stumbles As Ben pokes the knife at her back again. "Oh look we've arrived." Ben laughed as Olivia's eyes widened seeing a barrel and a whole in the ground. She let tears from her eyes fall down her face before glaring at Ben. "I'm not going in there." Olivia exclaimed as the man laughed. "Yeah you are, since if you don't i'll just use this on you." Ben grabs his gun out before Olivia makes her way to the barrel. She manages to slip her bracelet off using it as evidence that she's there before climbing into the barrel. "Any last words Juarez?" Ben asked raising his eyebrows. "Yeah, you'll be dead long before me." Olivia claimed making the man pissed off. He shoved her head down before closing the barrel up in kicking it down in the hole he had dug up. "Stupid girl should've said no." Ben chuckles to himself covering the barrel back up.


"I have eyes on the suspect I repeat I have eyes on the suspect." an officer said through the radio after seeing Ben at the house. The officer takes a deep breath before shooting Ben. Buck shouted running over to Ben. "No! he's the only one who knows where Liv is." Buck shouted out trying to help Ben stay alive but ultimately failed. Bobby rushed in the others following behind before Alyssa runs in. "Guys! It's Ben's phone look.." Alyssa shouted turning the phone to them showing a live recording of the barrel and Olivia inside. "Is she even breathing?" Hen asks panicked not being able to tell. "I'm not waiting to find out." Buck ran out the others following but splitting up. "liv! Olivia!" Everyone was shouting out for anything any kind of response. Something catches Buck's eye and he walks over to it, it's the bracelet. His face grows even more concerned determined to find where she is, he starts kicking around until he finds it. He finds the barrel. "I've got her! I found her!" Buck shouted out as loud as he possibly could as everyone ran over. He started digging at the dirt before shovels were handed out to people, they dug up enough dirt to pull the barrel out. Buck and the rest of them opened the barrel grabbing Olivia out. "She's not breathing!" Buck shouts as everyone starts to panic more than they have since the search started. Buck did mouth to mouth with olivia and once that didn't work he started compressions. Alyssa started crying looking at Olivia's bracelet on the ground. After a couple more seconds Olivia gasped for air they all let out a sigh of relief as Buck pulled Olivia into him. She couldn't even speak she was just looking at her friends. Then she started to sob. Buck brought her in closer to him putting his hands on her head as she sobbed into his chest.


Olivia woke up squinting slightly at Buck who was reading a magazine at the side of her hospital bed. "Having fun?" Olivia asked as Buck shot up. "You're awake." Buck smiled slightly as the girl rubbed her eyes. "No thanks to you..thank you for saving me." Olivia glances at Buck who moves his chair closer to her bed. "Hey I didn't save you, you saved yourself the bracelet is how I found you.." Buck replies looking at the girl guilt flooding him. Olivia chuckled softly before taking a deep breath looking at him. "Liv, if you ever wanna talk about it..you can I'm here for you." Buck took her hand squeezing it. Olivia looked down at their hands trying not to smile. "..I was so scared I-I just kept thinking I was gonna die and no one would know where I was, and My sisters- my sisters and you. I knew you'd blame yourself but Buck it's not your fault okay? It's not your fault." Olivia said firmly holding tears back. "I'm so sorry Liv." Buck looks at Olivia before she sits up holding her stomach. "Don't do that Buck. You didn't do anything." Olivia started to let tears fall down as Buck's eyes watered. "I let you go with him." Buck looked down letting go of her hand. "You didn't do this to me Buck, stop blaming yourself you saved me." Olivia cried before Buck leant over and wiped the tears of her face with his thumb. She looked at him softly and he looked at her and they both share eye contact for some seconds before there was a knock. Buck coughed breaking the eye contact and getting up opening the door. "There's our girl!" Hen called out walking in with the rest of her friends. "Hey guys." Olivia smiled warmly trying to get up but Bobby walks over stopping her. "Absolutely not, you're resting liv." Bobby laughs as the rest do too. "I'm not even sure She knows what that word means." Chimney smirks as Olivia laughs.

"Guys! I got food!" Alyssa shouted out carrying takeout with Eddie. "Please tell me you got me-" "A burger with extra pickles and a pot of chopped up pickles?" Buck asks Eddie laughing passing the girl the food. "You guys know me so well you're gonna get me emotional." Olivia smiled along with the rest of them before sitting up. "You had us really worried Liv." Alyssa looks at her best friend taking her hand. "Not me though, I said 'That girls a fighter! and she won't give up." Athena smiled making Olivia smile even more. "You guys really had hope for me..?" Olivia asks looking at them. "Come on Liv give yourself credit, We all know how bad ass you are except from yourself." Eddie laughed slightly as so did everyone else. "The proof is literally tattooed on you but you still don't believe it..you're a fighter liv." Buck says softly making Olivia smile slightly. "I'm definitely never going out with anyone but you guys ever again." Olivia joked laughing slightly. "I don't think that should be the takeaway." Alyssa looked at them they all shook their heads. "No that should definitely be the takeaway." Bobby says laughing looking at Olivia. "We contacted your parents Liv, they said they took your sisters with them to a work conference and will try to be here." Athena looks at the disappointed girl who laughs. "They won't be here, and you know what? For once i'm fine with that I've got you guys." Olivia smiles as everyone crowds around her. "Well now is the perfect time to give you your gifts!" Alyssa shouted out.

A/N: I wrote this chapter so horribly but we move! Our girl Liv is finally getting some trauma 🤑🤑

word count: 2566

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