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Season 2 episode 4▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Season 2 episode 4

Olivia sat up straight in bed thinking about what nearly happened between her and Buck. Alyssa stands at the doorway eyebrows raised. "What Aly?" Olivia groaned looking at her bestfriend. "Nothing, It's just that I know that you know that you're late, and yet you're not even getting dressed yet." Alyssa said going into her best friends closet throwing clothes at her. "This is your first shift back after Ben..don't let him ruin your job." Alyssa's tone was comforting as she looked at her best friend. "Yeah you're right." Olivia got up grabbing the clothes and getting ready for the day.


Olivia walked into the firehouse a banner hung up for as everyone welcomed her back. "Welcome back Liv!" Hen smiled at Olivia as she smiled softly back at her. "Yeah thank you.." Olivia looked at Buck who hadn't spoke two words since she walked in. "Trouble in paradise?" Chimney asked laughing as Olivia turned to him. "You talking about me and Joe?" Olivia crossed her arms exhaling. "I was talking about you and buck- wait you and Joseph broke up? again?" Chimney asked shouting slightly getting Buck's attention. "No! Olivia shouted before the bell went off. "Saved by the bell as always." Chimney rolled his eyes playfully making his way over to the engine along with the others.

Olivia jumped out the engine following Chimney and Hen looking at the scene. "LAFD! Step back." Bobby said firmly before they heard yelling in the distance they looked up, and saw a man stuck between two buildings. "Woah whatever you do brother, don't suck in that gut." Chimney spoke making Olivia laugh slightly. "Guys come on we need to get up there." Olivia made her way up the others following behind. "How we doing George?" Bobby asked from the rooftop. "I can't..I can't feel my legs, And I think my ankles broken." George shouted out in pain. "Sir you have any idea how long you've been down there?" Olivia asked him concerned. "I saw the sun come up." George shouted back up as the others all look at eachother . "Well he's wedged in there pretty good." Buck stated looking at Bobby before taking a quick glance at Olivia who didn't notice since she was focused on helping George. "How's your breathing?" Hen asks shouting down to him. "I can't really take a deep breath." George responds panicked. "Hey George! Can you show us how high up you can reach? If we can drop you a line we may be able to pull you up." Buck suggests shouting down at him. "Nice and slow George come on." Olivia spoke looking down at the man. The man stretched his arm up barley moving it before slipping slightly. "Woah easy." Buck said as Eddie and Olivia turn to eachother. "George just keep hanging in there we will get you out." Bobby tells him before Chimney, Buck, and Bobby head off to help him. Bobby starts drilling a whole in the wall nearly catching George's leg. "A little high boss." Olivia speaks into her radio. "Sorry about that." Hen tells George who sighs. "All right George imma need you to control your breathing and take shallow breaths." Eddie informs George who nods. "Eddie how did Buck seem to you this morning?" Hen asks smirking as Olivia glares at her. "Fine why?" Eddie straightens up his back looking at the two. "He's ignoring Liv." Hen tells him and he laughs not believing it. "No way, you're serious? What did you do Liv?" Eddie asks. Olivia looks at him her eyes widen slightly before scoffing. "Why do you assume I did something? I wasn't the idiot who-" Olivia stops herself clearing her throat. "huh." Hen and Eddie say at the same time raising their brows "Whatever Guys let's just get down there." Olivia began to walk off Hen and Eddie whistling before following. Olivia makes her way into the room Bobby and the rest of them were in and she looked at Buck instantly who of course looked away. She exhaled looking away from him as Eddie Bobby get the man down. Olivia rushes over as everyone lifts him onto the stretcher. "Thank you!" George shouted out being grateful. "You're gonna be just fine." Hen reassures him as they start transporting him. "Who knew having a gut was gonna save my life?" George asks making everyone laugh.

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