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Season 3, episode  9▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Season 3, episode  9

"I'm not saying you're wrong but i'm not saying you're right either." Alyssa says sat in engine crossing her arms together. "You're more confusing than Amelia and she's a child." Olivia says laughing taking her seat belt of since they arrived at the the scene. "I'm with Liv on this one." Eddie shrugs also taking his seatbelt off jumping out the engine with Olivia and the others. "What's the name of the victim?" Bobby asks the woman who called 911 the others following behind. "Her name is Olivia." The woman tells them as they all look at Liv who finally looks up at them. "That's so cool- I mean is she okay?" Liv asks looking at the woman. "She is alive its a miracle, I see it fall from space." The woman explains leading them inside. They all get inside the house and once their inside they look at the hole in the ceiling then the hole in the weighted blanket that Olivia had on. "Oh! It fall all the way from heaven and land on top of her." The woman calls out. "You mean through her." Chimney replies walking over. "This can't be happening right?" Olivia asks crying out. "Pulse is strong, airways clear breathing's good crt is good." Chimney tells the team. "Olivia I need you to tell me your pain level from one to ten." Bobby says looking at her. "Its like a four but its throbbing how am I even alive I have a hole in me!" Olivia screeches out as Liv examines it. "It looks like left lower abdomen might have taken out the kidney or at least lacerated it." Chimney states looking at liv. "Can you wiggle your toes for me ma'am?" Liv asks looking up. Olivia wiggles her toes and Liv looks at Bobby. "It missed her spine cap." Liv tells him. "Yeah and thus weighted blanket contained the blast radius must have cauterised most of the blood vessels on the way through the nerves too." Chimney stands up next to Olivia. "Thats why you're not in excessive pain Olivia." Liv voices crossing her arms together. "Lucky me." Olivia replies sarcastically. "Cap were gonna have to move her with this blanket." Chimney tells Bobby looking at him. "And the chaise is also fused to her cap- Guys! Guys, I - I found it, all the way from outer space, should I grab it?" Buck asks looking at them. "Hell yeah! And we should keep it." Alyssa smiles. "Doesn't belong to you or Buck." Bobby calls out looking at the pair. "It belongs in a museum." Chimney calls out making everyone look at him. "Okay, were gonna need the saws, both of em." Bobby looks at Buck who gets up. "Im sorry, im sorry did you say jaws? Did he say saws? Did you say saws?" Olivia asks freaking out slightly whilst Alyssa uses the saw to start sawing the sofa. "Of all the people on the planet this thing had to hit me." Olivia says sighing. "You know only one other person in history has ever been hit by a meteorite and that was in the fifties which makes you pretty special." Buck tells her smiling. "Look at mr wikipedia over here." Alyssa laughs shaking her head. "I don't feel special how do you know that? Why do you know that?" Olivia asks concerned. "Buck was on the pier when the tsunami hit, he's kinda obsessed with natural disasters ." Eddie replies chuckling slightly. "You want a natural disaster? Pfft look no further than my life." Olivia sighs feeling sorry for herself. "Wait for it." Luv whispers to Olivia as they look at Buck. "Not anymore, space rocks do not just fall out of the sky onto anybody you are gonna be famous" Buck smirks as Olivia's eyes widen. They then lift the sofa up with Olivia on it walking to the ambulance.

Olivia rushed into her parents confused on the call She received she couldn't stay long since she was still suppose to be at work. "Mom? Is everything the- the call sounded serious." Olivia says looking at Valerie. "Liv..take a seat please." Valerie tells her putting a hand on her shoulder. "Mom what's going on your scaring me." Olivia let's out a nervous chuckle. "It's your dad Liv.." Valerie looks down slightly wiping her own tears before looking at the girl. "What about him mom?" Liv looks at her frowning slightly. "He- He's in hospital Liv..they don't think he'll make it." Valerie sobs hugging her oldest daughter. "Mom this makes no sense I- I spoke to him last night he was fine. Mom he was fine." Olivia's legs started to shake and her lip started to tremble. "..no- no mom." Olivia finally cried hugging into her mom. "I'm sorry Ollie." Valerie squeezes her tighter. "What- what happened?" Olivia asks still sobbing. "It's his heart.." Valerie wiped her own tears then her daughters. "Now Liv listen to me. Go back to work and when your shifts over go to sleep then- then you can see your dad." Valerie kisses her daughter on her head walking off leaving Olivia to sob on her own.

Olivia jumped out the engine as usual not being her usual self since the news which her friends noticed and tried making conversation with her multiple times. "Dispatch said two victims and a hazardous materials recycling truck, I want you to grab the CO2 detection equipment and I want everyone in full turnouts and BAs go!" Bobby explains as everyone rushes of to follow the orders.
"Cap that's a bright one." Buck calls out looking at the white fire. "Put my money on magnesium." Eddie calls out. "Chim and Liv you take him, Eddie, Buck, check the driver. Everybody else this entire tunnel is an exclusion zone. Keep people away go go go!" Bobby orders once again everyone following the orders. "His pupils are uneven Chim." Olivia says sighing looking up at chimney who nods. "How's he doing guys?" Bobby asks looking at them. "He's bradycardic pupils are uneven GCS is twelve and falling."  Chimney tells him as they start to move the man. "Smokes gonna get bad in here let's get him out of here, go! Go!" go! Bobby shouts as they start to move the man. "I've lost his pulse!" Olivia calls out. "Starting compressions !" Chimney tells them as he gets ontop of the man on the gurney starting compressions.  Liv and Chimney are with some of the others still preforming compressions on the man before Buck and Eddie rush over. "Chim! Liv! Where's the hazmat and the nitro?" Buck asks taking his mask and hat off. "Delayed, too many cars tying to evacuate downtown." Chimney tells them as the two turn to eachother. "Cap, no hazmat of nitro yet we're coming back to you." Buck says speaking into his radio. The liquid nitrogen starts to come over and the use it to contain the fire whilst doing so other firefighters lead Bobby off cleaning him of the chemicals then taking him to the hospital.

Olivia sits in her dad's hospital room holding his hand keeping her head low.
"Bobby's gonna be fine hopefully..and Hen- Hen is gonna be okay too, she's coming back to work." Olivia sniffled staring blankly at her dad.
"Ollie..You have visitors." Valerie says walking into the room. "Me? I- I didn't tell anyone I was here." Olivia replies shooting up out her seat. "You didn't but we did, You need someone here for you too Ollie." Amayah tells her holding Amelia. Olivia furrowed her brows slightly walking out the room spotting Eddie and Buck. "Liv.." Eddie calls out spotting the girl. Olivia just rushes up to the two hugging them both. "You don't have to be strong around us Liv, let it out." Buck taps her back and Eddie nods. "I know.." Olivia then allowed herself to cry in front of her friends. "Did they say how long he's got?" Buck asks trying to be sensitive on the topic. "No..he could just go at any time." Olivia wiped her eyes. "You're not going through this alone, you've got us." Eddie messes up her hair slightly laughing.
"Hi!" Amelia shouts out walking out the room and heading over to the three. "Hi Millie, me and Eds got you something." Buck smiles going in his bag. "For me?" Amelia asks grinning. "Well we had to get something for our favourite girl!" Eddie laughs as Buck passes her a teddy bear they got her. "Guys I love it! Oh my gosh i'm gonna call it Buddie! For Buck and Eddie." Amelia smiles hugging the teddy. "Did she just-"
"Give you guys a ship name? Yes, yes she did." Alyssa says popping out behind Olivia. "Oh Aly you're here." Olivia eyes soften looking at her best friend. "I wouldn't be anywhere else Liv." Alyssa hugs the girl tightly. "I'm sorry you're losing him to Aly..I know he was like a dad to you." Olivia breaks away from the hug looking at girl. "At least I have amazing friends who'll remind me i'm not alone. Because we're not Liv."  Alyssa says firmly. "Group hug." Amelia laughs as they all crowd around eachother hugging one and other. "I love you guys." Olivia smiled slightly.

A/N: my poor girl can't catch a break Sorry for not updating this book!! 🫶🏼.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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