naughty neighbour

By jess_romanoff

65.5K 2.5K 814

Y/n Y/l/n moves into a new apartment complex and meets her mysterious redheaded neighbour. What will Y/n disc... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one

chapter fourteen

1.7K 62 8
By jess_romanoff

i don't know what happened but apparently a bunch of you didn't get this chapter. hopefully it works this time 🤞


~ monday morning ~

I woke up bright and early for my first day back at work. I decided to make myself a bagel with cream cheese this morning for breakfast.

I don't have a coffee machine yet and i know that doesn't mean i can't make coffee. I would just prefer making one with a coffee machine. I like my coffees a certain way and instant coffee is not it.

After my delicious breakfast i went straight into my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. I spent the next 10 minutes rifling through my clothes to find the perfect outfit for my back to work look.

I settled with a pair of black tapered pants, they were mid waisted and fit perfectly. Therefore i saw no need for a belt, plus i struggle to style a belt and tend to think my outfits look better without one. I had then picked out a light brown button up shirt. The shirt had short sleeves so it wasn't too dressy, but definitely still had a businessy feel. I had tucked the shirt all the way in before pulling out a small amount to have it sit perfectly around my waist.

Even though i dress mostly businessy i still wear a pair of white sneakers. I think they just finish the look off perfectly, and give off a hint of street wear. I added my accessories being my apple watch and my abundance of rings. I hadn't been wearing them all week so i was definitely excited to finally have them on again. The band on my apple watch is currently white so it matched my shoes perfectly.

Once i made sure i had everything i needed, being my bag with my laptop, note book, pens and pencils, as well as my wallet. Then i had my lunch bag which had well my lunch in it as well as my water bottle.

I headed to the door looking back one last time before leaving. There weren't many people out this early on a monday morning so i rode the elevator down by myself.

I glanced at Natasha's car as i walked to mine, still shocks me how she could afford such a car. I wonder how much an influencer makes? Maybe i'm in the wrong profession, i definitely couldn't afford a car like that.

The drive to work was nice, it's only around 15 minutes away. There's staff parking which is amazing because trying to find parking in the city is impossible.

"Y/n! welcome back!" Samantha the receptionist at Prime Publishing greeted me.

(i never gave the company a name so here it is 🙃)

"hey Sam, how's it going?" I greeted her, i liked Samantha. She was always super nice to me ever since i started.

"monday morning" Sam shrugged causing me to chuckle, "how's your new apartment?" I beamed at her genuine question.

"amazing, still missing a few things but definitely getting there" Samantha listened to me intently, another thing i appreciated. Someone who actually listens.

Just as i was about to keep talking Stuart walked in. "ladies, Sam honey looking gorgeous as always. uhh i don't believe we've met, Stuart" Stuart spoke smugly.

"it's Y/n, i'm Felicity's assistant. we have been in several meetings together" I spoke calmly, this wasn't a new thing, Stuart is so far up his own ass he takes no notice to the people around him.

"oh, right well, just an assistant. i don't need to know your name" I groaned quietly as i rolled my eyes. Stuart couldn't tell because he never actually looks at me, there is always something more important on his phone.

"anyways, ciao bella" Stuart husked to Samantha before heading towards the elevators. [goodbye beautiful]

"gross" Samantha muttered, it was just loud enough that i heard. I giggled causing Samantha to join in. "i'm sorry, he is just the worst"

I nodded in agreement, it's super annoying having to deal with him but it's what i have to do. Technically he's far higher than i am so i have no leeway against him.

"he treats me like that everyday" Samantha scoffed at the information, i'm just glad i don't have to interact with this him too often.

"Y/n, my darling!" Felicity's voice came from behind me. Immediately i spun around to greet the older woman.

"Fe!" I exclaimed as the blonde made her way over to me before pulling me into a quick hug. We are about the same height but since Felicity wears heels she ends up being taller by a few inches.

Even though she is older it's not by a lot, only about 10 years. I remember celebrating her 30th only a few months ago. She has long beach blonde hair that is always styled perfectly. She applies a full face of makeup everyday, not an absurd amount it's definitely a natural look. Occasionally she will have on a pair of gold framed glasses, today she had opted against them. She always dresses to impress, whether it's with tight pencil skirts or tailored pants, she always looks immaculate.

Felicity always has a designer bag on her arm as well. I can definitely tell all of her clothes are expensive. I mean the huge diamond ring on her finger is a dead giveaway. I'm pretty sure her husband is rich but she would probably make just as much money.

"good morning Felicity" Samantha greeted my boss. Felicity gave her a wide smile.

"Sam, how are you?" I let the two engage in conversation, catching up on each others weekends.

"and you little miss, how was your week of moving?" Felicity wrapped her arm around my shoulder pulling me in close. I was immediately hit with her Chanel perfume, one i knew all too well.

"uh, really good. almost have all my furniture" I answered, i had to readjust myself so my arm hung loosely around Felicity's waist. I try not to touch her too much considering she is my boss. It's kinda hard when she pulls me into hugs quite often.

Since starting at Prime Publishing Felicity immediately took me under her wing, ironic considering my current location. It was no surprise to anyone when i was promoted from intern to Felicity's assistant. If i had to guess i would say she requested me, not that i'm complaining. I do really like working under her, she teaches me so much. 

"oooo very nice, did we take any photos of the new furniture?" Felicity asked more questions. Before i could answer Samantha's phone started to ring.

"come on, we will continue this in my office" Felicity and i waved goodbye to Samantha as she took the call. We made our way up to our floor before heading straight to the lunch room.

Within 10 minutes Felicity and i had made it to her office. "now where were we" I giggled as i sat in front of Felicity to continue talking.

"i don't have any photos, sorry. i got everything  delivered last week besides the sofa. that won't come for a couple weeks" I explained, it's going to be a tough couple of weeks without a sofa but i'll manage.

"you'll have to take some once your sofa comes, then it'll be complete" I nodded as Felicity spoke. "have you met any of your neighbours?" It was an honest question, an innocent one even.

If only she knew i thought, "uh i've met one or two" Felicity raised an eyebrow, she knew when i was lying. "fine, i've only met one so far. she lives two doors down, her name is Natasha"

Felicity's lips curled up into a wide grin. "is she nice?" She asked as she started pulling out paperwork. It was only 8:54 so technically our work day hadn't started yet.

"she is yes, she actually helped me carry all my boxes up because Jade couldn't make it. then she helped again when my furniture arrived, with building them" Felicity listened as i spoke, her head nodding a few times signalling her understanding.

"very nice, so you're settling in well?" I really like how much Felicity cares about me and genuinely wants what's best for me.

"yes, i'm loving it. plus the drive here was only like 15 minutes, so good" Felicity chuckled at my excitement.

"well that's fantastic to hear, i look forward to hearing more. however we should really get started on some work" Felicity tilted her head almost in question. I immediately stood up giving her a nod in understanding.

"yes, of course. who have we got on this morning?" Felicity beamed at my immediate change in attitude, time for work.

"Phillip's, i sent you a copy of the first chapter last night so it should be at the top of your inbox" I spun around going to leave before Felicity continued.

"and Y/n, it's good to have you back. take 15 minutes to catch up on last weeks evens. there's no rush okay?" I turned back to give her a wide smile.

"thank you. Fe" I was super grateful for a boss like Felicity. Without another word Felicity turned her attention to her computer letting me know i was clear to leave.

I am excited to be back at work, at least now i will have something to keep my mind off a certain redhead.

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