Embers of the Holy War

By wispylingerer

323 62 3

When Long Guang's family manor burned down, taking along the lives of his parents and his servants in the roa... More

The Legend of Hero Rayler
The Boy With No Memories
Through The Looking Glass
What Makes You, You
The Fire Dragon
The Long Family and I
Finding You
Lady Luck Is Not On His Side
Arrival of the Demon King
Shattered Dreams
Hanging Onto What's Left of You
The Hero Awakens Once More
You Who Shine Brighter
Stray Dragons
Predator and Prey
The Black Lotus
Hate Me, Protect Me
Good Apple, Bad Apple
Closed Wounds
What Was Lost/What Was Found
Enshrined in Glass and Stone
The Demon King's Curse
The Pure Maiden
Fight or Flight
Two Against One
Roots That Run Deep
Jin's Vanishing Act
Elegy of the Fallen
I Promise
What Should Not Be Seen
For The People, For The Nation
Into The Twilight Zone
The Golden-Eyed Child
Let's Play Ball!
Eyes of the Crowd
The Man Behind The Mask
The True Culprit
Liars Be Silenced
The Dragon Tattoo
Seeking For Answers
Information For A Price
The Ghost in Twilight Tower
Aegis Squad
Family In A Car

Unresolved Wish

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By wispylingerer

A duel: a face off, often combative in nature, on conditions agreed upon by two individuals. When a person challenges another to a duel, they are, in essence, placing their honour on the line. When the challenger loses a duel, not only will they lose their wager, but also their honour. To lose a duel as a challenger is a matter of immense shame, an unremovable stain on their name. They would be deemed by society as a foolish loser who is incapable of gauging their opponent's strength. However, depending on the societal rank of the challenged, when a challenger wins, they can gain immense respect from the people and even secure a high-ranking position in the government. Such cases have occurred already, when nameless commoners become police officers or soldiers overnight by literally beating up nobles in a duel.

With that being said, for the Hero reincarnated to challenge the Minister of Intelligence, it was like fighting an immovable object with an unstoppable force. The consequences of the duel are capable of destroying the order of Alcaen society as they know it - that's how serious the duel was.

Suffering from a serious case of second-hand embarrassment, Saturn covered his face. Jin, at the back, had an unreadable expression on his face, staying uncannily silent.

Meanwhile, the belly dancer, Opsidia, giggled amusedly. "Looks like you have trouble, Lord Janus."

Lord Janus disregarded her comment. Instead, he asked, "What are your conditions?"

That was...kind of easy. Guang thought that he would need to convince Lord Janus endlessly for him to agree to such a ridiculous demand. Not that he's complaining. He wasn't exactly good with words in the first place, so he had to change up the terrain where he had the advantage. For Guang, it was by changing this discussion into a knightly duel.

"If I win, you will remove that stupid law," Guang stated. "If you win, I promise to shut up about it until the day I die."

Saturn grabbed his wrist. "Mr. Long, please reconsider the duel."

Guang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Saturn to care this much about his safety. Even though he found that sentiment touching, he still had to do this. Thus, he placed a hand above Saturn's.

"It's OK, I'll be alright."

Guang took a few steps forwards, but without warning, he was pulled back again by Saturn.

In an undertone, Saturn murmured, "I'm serious, Mr. Long. I'm not being polite or anything. If you face Lord Janus in a duel, there's no guarantee you'll leave in one piece."

Was Lord Janus that strong? To be frank, Guang wasn't expecting much of a fight from Lord Janus since he was a minister, whose job was just to sit behind a desk and argue about politics.

Despite that, Guang shrugged off Saturn's hand. "I myself will determine whether I leave in one piece."

"Admirable determination," Lord Janus complimented. "But alas, this boils down to a pointless duel. I see no reason in accepting your challenge."

Crap, Guang was going to lose his only edge in negotiations. He opened his mouth, ready to provoke Lord Janus, but before that, Lord Janus continued, "However, if it teaches you to know your place, I shall entertain you a bit."

Guang let out a breath of relief. For the very first time, he bowed, showing some respect to Lord Janus. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"Saturn, you're up."

Saturn? Why Saturn?! Guang clearly demanded a challenge with Lord Janus, not Saturn! Saturn was an outsider in his personal beef with Lord Janus - his dissatisfaction won't be sated in a duel with an outsider!

"I don't want to fight with him!" Guang cried. To his surprise, Saturn had said the same thing at the same time, albeit in a more calmer tone.

"Lord Janus, you know I don't like violence," Saturn clarified lightly. Despite that easygoing front, there was a slight distaste in his voice that spoke of his true feelings.

Opsidia laughed jeeringly. "Whatever your preference, Lord Janus' order is absolute! Isn't that what you've always told me, Saturn?"

Nonchalantly, Lord Janus waved his hand. "My terms are non-negotiable. You can either duel with Saturn or leave. What will your choice be, Mr. Long?"

Guang clenched his fists. This guy...was he dancing around his palm this entire time? Lord Janus was a coward through and through - not showing himself, using a fake voice and refusing to even participate in a knightly duel. On top of being a murderer and being a blind stickler for the law, this guy had not one single quality that gained Guang's respect.

"Forget it," Guang huffed. "This is just a waste of time. We're leaving. Come on, Jin."

Dramatically, Guang turned on his heels, not sparing a single look back at Lord Janus nor Saturn. Obediently, Jin trotted behind Guang, not a word said.

"A-ah!" Saturn called, running after them. "Wait, honoured guests! I'll escort you!"

When the oak doors closed, leaving Lord Janus and Opsidia alone in the chamber, Opsidia turned to Lord Janus. In a low, serious tone, she asked, "Do you think he will be satisfied with that?"

Lord Janus did not reply. With a final flicker, his entire being disappeared, leaving no trace of the man behind. Opsidia let out something that was in between a sigh and a chuckle.

"I suppose it'll work out. You know him best, after all."

Saturn escorted the two of them to the elevator. Just like before, eyes followed their every move, but Guang was too busy fuming about Lord Janus to pay them any mind. Guang doubted his words had moved Lord Janus' heart, but he had planted his seeds, so he could only hope that one day, they would sprout.

While waiting for the elevator, it was just Guang, Jin and Saturn, standing awkwardly with each other. When Guang has calmed down a bit, he can't help but wonder why didn't Jin stop him from acting out earlier? Jin was always one to berate him and ensured that he was properly following the rules of noble etiquette and manners - and Guang was sure that he failed to follow every single one of them. Not only that, but he revealed to Lord Janus the picture that Jin had told him to burn. With all that being said, his silent treatment was making Guang uncomfortable, like they were refusing to address the elephant in the room.

Not only that, but Saturn, despite wearing a mask, seemed to be avoiding eye contact. He was looking everywhere else but Guang and- was he counting how many fur were there on the carpet?

Seeing how they would be bidding their farewells with Saturn soon, Guang decided to talk to Saturn first.

"Saturn," Guang spoke up.

Saturn hummed casually, brushing his hair back. "What is it, Mr. Long?"

"...is there something on my face?"

Smoothly, Saturn said, "No, Mr. Long, you're as dashing as Hero Rayler himself."

"Then why are you refusing to look at me?"

Out of his peripheral vision, Guang saw Jin pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You couldn't be more subtle, Guang," Jin groaned.

Guang smiled. Now there was the Jin that Guang knew - his annoyingly adorable brother who would reprimand him for his lack of manners.

Saturn nervously chortled. "It's nothing, really. I just didn't really know how to face you after what happened earlier. I understand that a duel means a lot to a knight, equivalent to a test of one's pride, but you couldn't get your wish granted."

To think that Saturn would also understand the knightly ways! This guy was beyond cool! "Well, it's true that I was frustrated that Lord Janus refused a duel, but it has nothing to do with you, Saturn."

"My brother may be stupid, but he doesn't hold irrational grudges," Jin testified monotonically.

Guang covered his face, trying to hide his flushed face. Not that it really helped, since it was extremely obvious. "No one asked!"

Jin and Guang exchanged a few friendly hits. When the corners of Jin's lips lifted slightly, Guang's smile became wider as well.

Saturn couldn't help but chuckle at the warm scene. As if caught red-handed, the two brothers froze, realising there was another person here.

"Sorry, it's just, you two are on such good terms, it's cute," Saturn said.

Cute?! Guang refused to be called as such by a complete stranger! Before he could stand up for his rights, there came a 'ding', indicating that the elevator had arrived.

"It's been a pleasant short meeting with you, Mr. Long Guang, Mr. Long Jin." Saturn bowed.

Jin bowed back as well. "Thank you for your kind hospitality, Saturn."

Meanwhile, Guang energetically shook Saturn's hand, much to Jin's shock. "It was nice meeting you, Saturn! See you next time!"

Saturn returned his handshake as well, with his other hand placed against his chest. "See you, Mr. Long."

Guang waved as the elevator doors closed on them. He met an especially unpleasant person, but at least he also got to know someone cool. An equivalent exchange, one could say.

Suddenly, Guang felt an uncomfortable shiver race down his spine. Oh, crap. This was a terrible omen. One that he was most familiar with, one that could spell the end of the world.

Urgently, he turned to Jin. "Jin, listen, there's something important I need to tell you."

Such a serious tone coming from the carefree Guang, Jin was somewhat alarmed. "What is it?"

"I need to go to the toilet."

"Huh?" Jin asked, unsure if he heard right.

"I need to go to the toilet," Guang repeated with emphasis.

"Hold it in till we reach the ground floor."

Unfortunately, when Guang said he needed to go to the toilet, he meant he direly needed to go. Pronto. Waiting was not an option. So when the doors opened, he immediately dashed out, leaving behind nothing but a trail of dust and Jin.

Sorry, Jin, but his future and honour are at stake!

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