Not my Captain

By Backtoback1234

21.5K 575 8

Female Footballer OC I don't claim to know the people in this story and so if their character, sexuality or s... More

Who she is
2012 Olympic Call Up
First Meet
Round for dinner
Truth Comes Out
Truth comes out Pt. 2
Christie Rampone after 4-2 Victory
Critics eat their words
Coming home
2015 USWNT Roster not revealed
Jill Ellis on why the roster isn't released and Castillo.
Ignacio Quereda on first World Cup and Castillo
Spain Women's National Team want Castillo
Tug of War between USWNT and Spain
Run ins
Last Day for USWNT
USWNT or Side-lines
Castillo's ON the team
Outrage over Castillo being benched
Late night adventures
Finally Starting
New Captain Live Stream
New Captain?
Fans Opinions, Votes and Speculation
Finding out and telling her
🔞 "Celebrations" 🔞
Announcing captain
Captain to Captain
Spain Secures Castillo
Possible Signing
Llorens holds a press conference
Barcelona Confirms it
Castillo's not at the olympics
Sorry I'm not there
No Castillo, No Gold?
USWNT management under scrutiny AGAIN
Announcing their passing
Too little too late
I need you
Letter to Them
Castillo's Heart breaking letters
Another Loss
Announcing it
Condolences pt.2
Condolences pt.3
Letter to teddy
Castillo's letter to her brother
Castillo to leave Barcelona
Charlie...I did it
Castillo joins Arsenal
Reactions to the loan (2021-22)
Learn the Alphabet with Lexi Castillo
Chants/Songs etc.

2021-22 Loan

307 7 0
By Backtoback1234

~ Training Centre ~

At the Arsenal Women's training grounds, the team was bustling with energy as they prepared for their session. Leah, surrounded by teammates, was chatting animatedly when Beth approached with a curious expression.

"Hey Leah, where's Lexi? You two are usually joined at the hip," Beth inquired, her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

Leah glanced around, realizing Lexi hadn't joined them yet. "She's probably in the car still or getting changed. Got a call from Alexia, so she might be running a bit late," Leah explained, shrugging lightly.

As the team continued their preparations, their attention was drawn to the entrance where Lexi stormed in, visibly upset and not in her usual training gear. Without hesitation, she made a beeline for Jonas Eidevall, the manager, sparking confusion among her teammates.

Beth furrowed her brow, turning to Leah. "What's going on with Lexi? She seems really upset," she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Leah's expression mirrored Beth's confusion. "I don't know. She was fine this morning when we arrived. Maybe something happened on the phone?" she speculated, her tone tinged with worry.

Confusion rippled through the team as they watched the heated exchange unfold between Lexi and Jonas. Voices rose, punctuated by sharp gestures, as the argument intensified. Lexi's frustration was palpable, her gestures animated, as she expressed her grievances to the manager.

Jonas, usually composed, seemed taken aback by Lexi's outburst, his attempts to calm her down proving futile. Despite his efforts, Lexi's frustration only seemed to escalate, culminating in her storming off, her footsteps echoing in the tense silence that followed.

The team exchanged concerned glances, unsure of what had transpired but deeply unsettled by the sudden turn of events. Whispers filled the air as they attempted to piece together the fragments of the heated exchange they had witnessed.

Before they could ponder further, Katie McCabe approached the group, having overheard parts of the argument between Lexi and Jonas.

"I think I know what's happening. Lexi's apparently going to Barcelona within the week," Katie announced, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern.

The team looked to Leah, expecting her to confirm or deny the news. However, Leah's response was filled with disbelief.

"I didn't know. She didn't tell me anything," Leah admitted, her tone betraying her hurt and confusion.

Katie nodded sympathetically. "Sounds like she just found out herself, and from someone at Barcelona, not Arsenal," she clarified, her brows furrowed in concern.

Beth pieced together the puzzle, recalling Leah's mention of Alexia's call. "Didn't you say she was on the phone with Alexia?" she questioned, seeking confirmation.

Leah nodded slowly. "Yeah... I guess Alexia must've told her," she acknowledged, a sense of betrayal evident in her voice.

As the group discussed Lexi's situation, Leah's attention kept drifting in the direction Lexi had stormed off. Sensing her distraction, Katie stepped forward with a reassuring smile.

"Leah, why don't you go check on her? Don't worry about training; I'll cover for you," Katie suggested, her tone firm yet supportive.

Leah hesitated for a moment before nodding gratefully. "Thanks, Katie. I appreciate it," she murmured before making her way towards the direction Lexi had disappeared, her mind racing with concern for her girlfriend.

~ Changing room ~

Leah burst into the changing rooms, her eyes searching for her girl and when she found her sat on the bench, head in her hands, she immediately rushed to her side, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

"Lo siento, cariña," Lexi murmured, her voice choked with emotion.

"It's okay. What happened out there?" Leah asked softly, concern etched on her face.

Lexi took a deep breath before replying, "Jonas... me va a enviar a Barcelona. Dentro de una semana."

Leah gently pulled away, wiping Lexi's tears with a tender smile. "You know, I always find it sexy when you speak Spanish, even though I have no idea what you're saying half the time. But, it's probably not the right time for me to get all worked up about that, huh?"

Lexi managed a soft laugh through her tears, appreciating Leah's attempt to lighten the mood. "Gracias, mi amor. It's okay, Leah. I just found out... *takes a deep breath* ...they're sending me to Barcelona."

Leah's brows furrowed in confusion. "When did this happen? Why?"

Lexi took a moment to compose herself before explaining, "I just found out today. I'm so confused, Leah."

Leah reached out, placing a comforting hand on Lexi's shoulder. "I heard about Barcelona... Katie overheard it. The argument wasn't exactly quiet."

Lexi chuckled softly. "Yeah, it probably wasn't. I'm sorry, Leah."

Leah shook her head gently. "Don't apologize, Lexi. Just... tell me everything. What happened?"

Lexi recounted her conversation with Alexia and the subsequent confrontation with Jonas, expressing her frustration and feeling of betrayal.

"So, basically, Alexia called me, saying she can't wait to play with me again soon. I was confused, so I asked what she meant. Then she said something about me transferring to Barcelona," Lexi explained.

Leah listened intently, her expression growing more sympathetic with each word Lexi spoke.

"I promise, Leah, I didn't know. If I did, I would've told you," Lexi assured her.

"I know, Lexi," Leah replied softly.

Lexi's voice trembled with emotion as she continued, "I ended the call with Alexia, and I was furious. Furious because I didn't know. I found out from Alexia, not from our management. And then I confronted Jonas, and... everything's arranged. I wasn't even told about it, Leah. I didn't know they put me up for loan. I feel so betrayed, you know? It's like they did this all behind my back."

Leah nodded sympathetically, her heart aching for Lexi's pain.

"I mean, yes, I love Barcelona. It's where it all began for me, my first professional contract, my home club. But Arsenal... Arsenal is where I want to be. It's my dream club. And I don't want to leave, Leah. I don't want to leave you," Lexi confessed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Leah wrapped her arms around Lexi, holding her close. "We'll be fine, Lexi. We've been through this before and we'll get through it together again."

Lexi nodded, finding solace in Leah's words. "Remember when we first met in 2012? You were all the way in America, and I was here in England."

Lexi smiled, reminiscing about their past challenges and how they overcame them together. "Yeah, I remember. We talked for hours every day, even though we were miles apart."

"Exactly," Leah agreed. "And then we met again at the World Cup in 2015, and everything changed."

"It feels like a lifetime ago now," She mused.

"It does," Lexi agreed. "But now, facing a year apart again, it feels daunting."

"What if Arsenal doesn't want me back after the loan? My contract ends next year, right when the loan ends," Lexi worried aloud.

"Lexi, don't worry about that now. Let's focus on making the most of our time together, whether you're at Arsenal or Barcelona. We'll deal with whatever comes next when the time comes," Leah reassured her.

"Oh my god. Leah. I just completely shouted at and disrespected our manager. Well your manager. Oh god. No. He's definitely not going to want me back now. Leah what am I going to do? I-" Lexi began to ramble but was promptly cut off.

"Stop it Alexandra. He knows you are just frustrated at what's happening. He knows you. He won't hold it against you, I promise. And if he does, he'll have a problem with me as well. Ok. So stop." 

"But what if..."

"No 'what ifs' for now. We'll face whatever challenges come our way together, just like we always do," Leah interrupted gently.

Lexi's eyes softened with gratitude. "Leah, t'estimo tant. You mean everything to me."

"And you mean everything to me, Lexi. We'll get through this, together," Leah promised.

Leah checked the time. "When did you say you have to leave again?"

"Within the week," Lexi replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Alright, let's get going then," Leah said, offering Lexi a reassuring smile.

"But what about training?" Lexi asked, her concern evident.

"Training can wait. Spending time with you is more important," Leah insisted.

Lexi chuckled, teasing Leah affectionately. "Who are you, and what have you done with my Leah?"

Leah laughed, playfully swatting Lexi's arm. "Shut up. But yeah, let's go spend some quality time together."

Lexi smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Quality time huh?"

Leah smirked back. "Mmhmm something you'll enjoy very much."

Lexi practically bolted towards the door. "Well then come on we got stuff to do and by we I mean me and stuff I mean you."

Leah laughed, allowing herself to be dragged along. "Calm down, Babe. We got all week to do whatever you want."

Hand in hand, they left the room together, ready to enjoy each other's company and perhaps explore some other desires too.

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