By Fairyaftab

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Byeon Woo-seok × oc " i won't let you go " " let's stay together" More

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115 5 0
By Fairyaftab

" WAIT YOU MEAN YOU AGAIN FOUGHT WITH HER"? Tae-oh said with disbelief " I didn't mean to but I just couldn't control my anger and Burst out like this am sorry " tae-oh walked to her and hold her hand " no need to say sorry I can understand but be careful next time it's not a time to fight with each other someone targeting us all okay "  she nodded

                            3rd person pov

" Are you keeping your eyes on her "? The man was sitting on chair sipping his drink the other man who was standing Infront of him nodded " yes am keeping my eyes on both of them and I feel soo-jin is anxious about something" the man smirked " that's what I wanted to make him worried and become a worst nightmare for Sofia I want her to be aghast every single second that she can die anytime I want her to go through the same things I went

                           Time skip

Sofia throw herself on bed she huff and closed her eyes " why it's so hard to make him fall in love with me he is so cold but I won't give up I will make him fall in love with no matter what


Soo-jin was sitting on his bed a smile appears on his face without him knowing " she's so cute even I can't handle myself am I really falling for her "?

                             Next day

" Ms Kim today I have some work can u stay home.and don't go out til I come home "?

" Where you going "? She asked raising her eyebrows" some important work I will see you later " saying that he left but she didn't stay instead she followed him he was about to open his car door when she closed it back " you can't go I won't allow you to go u can't leave me alone what if someone tried to attack me while you gone "?

" Nothing will happen I will come soon just lock the door I will make it quick" she keep denying he got annoyed and suddenly yelled " Nari I told you I will come can't you understand"! She was taken back a little he never talked like this with her before he huff and said " I will come soon just go in and lock the door " saying that he left from there

But she was Kim Sofia she didn't listen what he said and sit in her car following him she was curious that where he is going which work is more important than her

                            Time skip

He stopped car Infront of a house she also stopped her car in some distance he stepped out and unlock the door and went in she also followed him entered after him he didn't notice her because at that time something else was going in his mind

Soo-jin entered his hidden base where he saw someone else waiting for him while looking at the pics of Sofia when soo-jin asked " why you came back I thought we are done "? There was a really gorgeous women

" Over are you serious? Disappearing one day suddenly not even contacting and u think we are over "? She said Mockingly " why you here just tell me "? He said being annoying " I heard you are working as bodyguard , why ? Didn't liked that " hacker job " ?

" Shut up Jessica and leave "! She chuckle " really is my boyfriend anger"? Hearing that Sofia's eyes widened

" Am your girlfriend soo-jin don't
Forget that and being this bodyguard won't change that you're criminal a psychopath criminal "

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