Weeping Angels

By SaxonMacleod

82.2K 1.4K 162

Kettu Kinson's life hangs in the balance, literally, when he meets beautiful young artist and philanthropist... More

Part 1: The Thoughts of a Melancholy Young Man.
Part II: Practicing for nothing.
Part III: The Bridge.
Part IV: A Meeting Most Awkward
Part V: The Balance Of Life And Death, Over Cups Of Coffee.
Part VI: Tequila, Tunes, And Mortification.
Part VII: Madrigal Creation and Self Destruction.
Part VIII: A Despairing Guitarist Walks Into A Bar...
Part IX: Hangovers And Oil Canvas Paintings.
Part X: Timidity At It's Best, Or Worst.
Part XI: Disgraced Confessions and Eye-Beaming The Beyond.
Part XII: Failed Flirtations Are No Big Deal.
Part XIII: Speaking Of Horrors Of Days Gone By.
Part XIV: Between Hope and Ruin.
Part XV: Everything is Beautiful.
Part XVI: The Lovesick Balladeer.
Part XVII: Practicing for something.
Part XVIII: Time's Continual, Infernal stride.
Part XX So, What Now?
Part XXI: A New Dawn.
Part XXII: Ecstatic Joy and Abject Terror
Part XXIII: Objects In The Rearview Mirror.
Part XXIV: Sometimes, Daddy Doesn't Know Best.
Part XXV: I brought you into this world...
It's Damned Good To Have Such Great Friends.
Part XXVII: The Plunge.

Part XIX: Weeping Angels.

2.6K 55 11
By SaxonMacleod

The crowd thundered, and Kettu Kinson felt impossibly small standing just off stage. He looked out into the stands, thousands of people were in attendance. He couldn’t make out any faces from the crowd, they all seemd like blurry shadows to him.

“So this is what the big time feels like.” Jack said in awe as he gazed out over the packed stadium. The feeling was indescribable, the very notion that they were playing a stadium show was mind-boggling. It seemed like the turning point, the cornerstone for a new beginning, A new Sanctus, and a new life.

But for Kettu, none of that seemed to matter. He only had one thing on his mind.

The song.

He had every aspect of it memorized, every note, every word, and in only a few short moments, he would take center stage, to play that very song. It had been decided, to open the show, Kettu would go out on stage and perform his solo act, and after that, Sanctus would play their sets. He could feel his heart pounding in his throat. Never had be been so nervous in front of a crowd before, normally he would have taken a great amount of joy in it, but today, with all his emotions on the line and his heart worn on his sleeve. There was undoubtedly a lot on the line tonight.

Yet he gripped the neck of his guitar and mustered up all of his courage as he turned to the stage manager.

“I’m ready.” He said.

And the lights went out.

The crowd was silent as a few soft chords began to echo off the stadium walls, and a single spotlight slowly cut through the darkness, illuminating the lone figure of Kettu Kinson on the stage, sitting on a plain wooden stool, his head lowered to the floor of the stage.

“Heaven.” Kettu spoke into the microphone as he continued strumming those soft chords, he lifted his eyes to the spotlight above, “I used to think of it as a place I would never be, a place of mankind’s fallacy and vain. A place of streets of gold, mansions of silver, and Angels singing in chiors. But in this last month, I’ve seen it. Not as a place of everlasting paradise, but as a paradise right here on earth, and all of this, every moment of it, is thanks to one special person,”

Kettu took a breath,

“So, Nina Andews, if you’re here tonight, this song is for you, it’s called Weeping Angels.”

The crowd cheered, and Kettu began to play.

“ I’ve never seen a bluer sky

Than the colour of your eyes

I’ve never ever seen them cry

But I know of tears of days gone by.

The scars on our wrists,

The scars in our minds,

My hand in yours,

Your hand in mine.” He breathed in, closing his eyes, taking in that moment again, the moment of creating music as he prepared for the chorus.


’re just a pair of weeping angels,

And although I didn‘t see,

We’re just a pair of weeping angels

You’re a kindred soul to me.

I’ve never seen your pair of wings.

Or heard the songs that angels sing

I’ve only seen what wrath hell brings

Until you took me ‘neath your wing.

The scars on our wrists,

The scars in our minds,

My hand in yours,

Your hand in mine.

We’re just a pair of weeping Angels,

Wrapped about in our embrace.

We’re just a pair of weeping angels,

And I see that in your face.

In the darkest nightly black,

I’d kiss you if you kissed me back,

I’d say I love you, but I lack

The courage in my heart so cracked.”

He opened his eyes again, this was his moment, the one he’d spent days preparing for, why he went to the hospital, Everything he had done, all the progress that he had made, all of it, came up to




And the guitar chords rang.

“We’re just a pair of Weeping Angels,

A love unspoken until now.

We’re just a pair of Weeping Angels.

I love you, now spoken aloud.

The Scars on my wrists,

The Scars on my mind,

With your love,

They’ll heal in time.

The scars on your wrists,

The scars on your mind,

I’ll return your love,

They’ll heal in time.

We’re Just a pair…

Of Weeping Angels.”

The final chord rang.

The last words had been sang.

The crowd was silent for a moment, then slowly began to applaud. Applause turned to cheers, and Kettu sat on that stool, his eyes staring out over the enormous stadium, a smile on his face. He’d done it, He’d finally opened himself up to the world. In that moment, he felt liberated, alive, and genuinely happy, so much so that his heart felt like it could burst.

“Kettu!” He heard a voice shout over the crowd, He squinted through the darkness, “Kettu!” He saw a familiar form running to the stage.

“Nina?” His eyes widened, his grip loosening on his guitar. He could see her clearly now, it was her. His pulse quickened, his nerves began firing frantic messages to his brain. He watched as Nina scrambled past the security barriers, bolted up the stairs to the stage and began running toward him.

He stood up, letting his guitar drop to the floor of the stage as she came toward him. He watched as she ran toward him as if the world had been slowed down. Nina had tears in her eyes, but surprisingly, a smile on her face as her arms outstretched. He felt as her arms wrapped around him, and her lips crushed against his in a warm, passionate kiss.

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed into her as the crowd exploded in cheers and applause. This moment could go on forever, He thought to himself, in fact, he wished it would. He closed his eyes, savouring the kiss and it’s warmth and passion. Nothing, absolutely nothing had felt this positive, this bright, this damned wonderful before.

Nina broke the kiss, gazing into his eyes with her own, she giggled a bit and touched his face,

“I love you too, Kettu.” She laughed as a tear of emotion slid down her cheek, “I love you too.”

“Yes!!” He heard Jack shout, he turned his head, and could see his band mates celebrating. He smiled at Nina, his heart beating wildly, and kissed her again.

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