Turning Tides | P. Jackson Bo...

By MayLarie10

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~Book Dedication~ For the Black Sheep of the family. Even though you try somehow it's still your fault. You'r... More

The Gods
I'm A What?
You're A Real Problem
We've Got A New Kid
We've Got A New Kid [pt 2]
Let's Go On A Quest
Let's Go On A Quest [pt 2]
Was That A Chimera?
It's Ares
Who Are You?
This Isn't Good
Where's Luke?
She's Your Sister!
He's A Cyclops
Grover's Wedding Dress
We're Leaving
He's Afraid of The Dark
I'm Going To Die In The Sea
My Name is Thalassa
You Need A Little Help?
I'm Sorry Ayden
Merry Christmas
Hello Again
I Refuse
First Greek Party
She's Not Judgemental
Esmeray Cromwell
Grover's In Trouble
Mr. Di Angelo
The Fate of Olympus
I Promised You
Ayden Made A Gun
Is This A Date?
I'm Having Fun
Updated Cast *OLDER*
Real Talk
Happy Birthday
God Killer
Lo Mein
I'm Ready To Hurt Some Shiny Kids
For Old Times Sake
Bigger Threats
Swear On The River Styx
Dylan's Candy Shop
Eris Cursed Her

I Know You're Tired

26 2 0
By MayLarie10

Book 4 - The Battle of The Labyrinth

They were wrapping the fallen in the shrouds, but Ayden couldn't bring herself to stay around. She has never been to a funeral and she never planned on attending one. She couldn't sit there and look at the fires. In her head she'd killed all those people cause she hesitated. She was the reason they were dead. She slipped away before the others could try and mourn with her. She found herself down by the water. She was searching the beach for rocks.

"Watcha doin?" Tyson asked as he came to find her. She picked up one of the shiny rocks and showed it to him. "Pretty." He took it in his massive hand. "You don't want to be up there? The others were looking for you."

"I don't really like funerals," She explained. Tyson nodded and sat down next to her.

"You lost people?"

"Yeah," Ayden nodded.


"Yeah." Tyson picked up one of the rocks and handed it to her. "Thanks."

"She forgives you," Tyson muttered as he squatted close to the rocks using his hands to dig past the surface.

"Did she tell you that?" Ayden joked slightly as she sank to her knees staring at the green and deep red colors in her hands.

"She did." Tyson didn't look up from his rocks. He leaned closer to the hole with his head in his head as he slowly started to pick out the best ones. They sat there together both of them looking at the nicer rocks on the shore. Ayden stood up.

"Would you like to come with me?"

"Where?" Tyson stood up. One of his feet slid into the hole making him shorter and crooked.

"Cameron's cabin, I like to put the rocks around a tree," Ayden explained as she looked down at her hands full of the weathered stones.

"A tree?" Tyson asked. The two of them gathered their rocks. Tyson picked out the prettiest one he could find since Cameron was that pretty.

"Yeah, well Cameron used to say that if you spoke to the trees they would listen. I didn't have a body to bury, so instead I sort of made a memorial." Ayden picked up one of the rocks. It was a deep red.

"Does she listen?"

"I don't know," she walked down the path. "Gods, I hope so."

"She was your best friend," Tyson added. "She was very pretty." Ayden smiled as they came around the corner. She knelt down and carefully placed the new rocks around the older ones as the rings encased the base of the tree. "She loved you."

"I would like to think that, but I don't think so. The world isn't that fair." Tyson put his large hand on Ayden's shoulder. It was her burn, but it didn't hurt. His touch was light and comforting.

"You're a good person." Ayden stood up turning to him.

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah," Tyson smiled. "Percy wouldn't like you if you weren't a good person and you've been nice to me since the first time I met you." Ayden felt her eyes burn as she leaned forward hugging him. "I like hugs."

"I know, Ty." She laughed. Ares stood behind them and cleared his throat. He thought it was an appropriate time to visit her after this small battle, but he was wrong. "Ares?" Ayden stared at her father.

"Daddy?" Tyson pointed at him. Ayden gently guided his finger down.

"Ty, can you give us a minute." Tyson patted Cameron's tree and walked down the path back to the center of camp. He had to push tree limbs aside so they didn't hit him in the face as he walked through.

"You're friends with a Cyclops?" Ares crossed his arms.

"What are you doing here?"

"Believe it or not, but I'm here to check in on you." He moved closer until he could see the initials carved into the tree.

"Yeah, I don't believe that. Are you here to warn me that they're trying to kill me again? Am I in trouble? What do they need?"

"That can wait, but how are you doing? I know you've been down in the Labyrinth for over two weeks." Ares wanted to reach out to her, but she crossed her arms stepping back as she looked back at the cabin.

"I'm fine. I'm not in the Labyrtingh anymore. It's gone."

"I also heard about that," Ares smiled. "My daughter stopping the Labyrinth. I'm proud of you." Ayden pressed her lips together as she stared at the tree.

"I don't care." She breathed. "I don't want your praise for killing people. I'm a murderer and you're pride makes me feel like crap."


"You're a murderer too, why don't you have more remorse for the people you've fought in battle." She stared at him as his soft expression hardened.

"Why are you acting so childish, you love fighting. You like the thrill of the way you're body won't stop fidgeting until you get a sword in your hand."

"I don't want that. I don't want to fight anymore," She rubbed her forehead. "I'm tired of it."

"You don't think others are tired of it too. You aren't the only demigod child with a rough childhood Ayden. Others have had it just as worse." Ares shook his head. "You are selfish to only think about your own problems. You all have issues it comes with being half god."

"I hate you."

"Never asked you to do anything else, but I do want to know this," He grabbed her arm. "Why did you get these if you weren't going to use them to do something? I thought you got them to protect your friends and you're doing a real shit job of that." He gestured to the tree in front of them. C. E. craved into the bark. "When you took these marks you sealed your own fate. You had the option to deny the em, but you didn't. You accepted. You gave yourself these weapons so that you could fight anyone, you don't have a choice anymore and don't try to blame me for your need to have power. That comes from yourself."

"I wanted to save my friends, but I can't!" She stepped closer to him.

"Even if you can't, you are not allowed to back down from this war. You are the tipping point. You back down it leaves all your friends in danger because you were too cowardly to fight anymore." Ayden teleported behind him kicking in his knee. She turned, but he shoved her back making her fall on her back. She didn't get back up. She laid there as she fought the urge to cry.

"I don't know what I'm doing." She muttered.

"You are going to save your friends and you are going to save the gods. That is your destiny." Ares brushed off his jeans and turned around to face her. He held out his hand but stopped when he saw a bloody tear leave her eye. "Brute," He knelt down beside her as she stared up at the trees.

"I couldn't save her," Ayden shook her head. "I can't save Ki and I can't save Luke. Yeah, I wanted this power to save them, but it's no use. The whole reason I got them was to save them, but I'll just end up killing them in the end. What do you people call me now? Kin slayer." She let out a sad laugh.

"Brute, I know you're tired." Ayden sat up laughing again as she wiped away the bloody tears. "I would do anything to help you-."

"Don't be sympathetic it doesn't suit you." She looked around at the trees. "No one can help me. I have to get through this next battle on my own. I'll win it. Not for you or the gods, but for my friends. I will win it for Percy, Clarisse, Annabeth, and Grover. I'll win it for everyone if it means I can be done.

"That's right," Ares nodded. "This battle and you're done." Deep down Ayden knew that was a lie, but she needed a reason to get off the ground.

"Do you scare yourself sometimes?" She whispered as she finally met his gaze. He stared down at the vulnerable child in front of him. Ares wasn't a comforting person, he didn't know how to make her feel better.

"No." She pursed her lips and wiped at the corners of her eyes.

"You're a terrible liar," She pushed herself up and teleported down the path. She'd left the God of War on his knees in the dirt.


Ayden had found her way back to the others. She was checking in with Clarisse, she was still at the big house waiting for Mr. D to get back from Olympus to see the carnage and heal Chris.

"Where did you find those two?" Chiron asked. He was in his wheelchair now that he had two broken legs. Esme, Nim, and Blair were near the edge of the barrier next to the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece. "I haven't seen them for years? I thought they might have died."

"They aren't staying."

"But who are they, the one had a book it looked like Hecate," Annabeth explained as they walked down the path together. "They're demigods they crossed the barrier."

"Esmeray is one of the conduits, she's like me. I went to find her before all of this started."

"And the other one?"

"Blair, that's her girlfriend, they've been with each other for years." Ayden offer. She came through the clearing and saw Blair jump off Nimbus' back and run toward them.

"That was so much fun." Blair grabbed her hand.

"Yeah, yeah, can we leave now?" Esme sighed. "I have reservations for us."

"Why do you both always have date plans at the worst times?" Ayden chuckled as she let go of Blair's hand.

"We spend as much time together as we can. Speaking of where is yours?" Esme asked as she looked back toward the woods. It took Ayden a moment until she realized they were talking about Percy.

"He'll be here soon." She nodded her head.

"What about Nim?" Annabeth asked.

"You're Annabeth Chase," Esme glared at her.

"She truly means well, she just looks like that," Blair chuckled as she moved back over to the angry-looking girl. "We were happy to come help."

"When did you both stay at camp?"

"Several years ago for a few days, but left," Esme answered. "We didn't want to be involved with any of this. We've been fine on our own and being here only wanted to turn us into soldiers which we aren't."

"You fight well."

"We know how to defend ourselves," Esme shook her head. "My mother wants me to kill you still. I came to warn you and we flew over a battle happening. Blair really wanted me to help and I still needed to talk to you."

"Oh, so you're not going to kill me?" Ayden smirked. She felt someone take her hand and saw the curly head appear next to her. Percy. Her cheeks heated.

"I'm still thinking it over. She would give me another dragon, which I would love for Blair and Nim, but you would be a powerful ally." Esme explained. Blair rubbed Nim's head as she looked at Ayden.

"Don't worry Ayden, we're on your side. Even though she says stuff like that she doesn't mean it." Blair laughed. "I promise." She pointed at them. "So this is your Percy Jackson."

"I mean he's not mine." Ayden corrected as she turned to the side seeing Percy's face was red as well.

"Nice to meet you," Percy gave them a wave. Nimbus turned her head sniffing him. Percy glanced at Ayden, but she just smiled.

"You're fine. Nim just wants to know your intentions."

"How do you know that?" Esme stared at her. "I didn't tell you that."

"I can guess, she does it with everyone," Ayden shrugged.

"He's cute Ayden. You picked well." Blair smiled as she came forward and turned his head from side to side.

"I'm confused."

"Me too," Ayden laughed. "I didn't choose him."

"Well you are well matched," Blair stepped back and nodded. "I approve."

"Thank you?" Percy and Ayden said at the same time. There was a small ringtone and then Esme checked her phone.

"Babe, we're going to be late. Ayden I'm sorry to leave you, but just be careful." Esme looked over her shoulder. There was a group of Hecate demigods near the woods with one another. "Avoid them if possible."

"Take care of one another and thank you again for coming to warn me and helping fight," Ayden gave them both a tight smile.

"Rivera!" Mr. D yelled as he arrived. "Rive-why are you making me yell for you?" He shook his head. "They are waiting for you." He pointed ot the sky. Ayden rolled her eyes and turned back to the others.

"Thank you both so much and please go enjoy your trip."

"We will!" Blair put her arm around Esme's shoulders making the girl shake her head. Nimbus lowered her head as Esme helped her girlfriend onto the saddle. Annabeth was left watching in awe as they flew up into the air.

"Wait where are you going?" Percy grabbed her hand stopping her. Ayden let out a long sigh.

"I have to go to Olympus. I don't know why yet but I'm sensing it has something to do with Conduits. That's usually what they call me up there for." She admitted He let out a long sigh as she put her hand around his neck. "Yeah, I know. They aren't my favorite people."

"Do you think it's your father?"

"Probably not," She shrugged. "He already came down to check in on me, but it was a big lie."

"If you don't come back by tonight I'm going up there. We deserve some downtime before we have to start preparations again." Percy brushed her hair behind her shoulder. She gave him a small smile as she took his other hand in hers. "Are you okay?"

"Are you?" She smiled. Percy leaned forward and kissed her. "Get going before Zeus starts a storm."

"Fine," Ayden sighed as she stepped back. "See you soon, Jackson." She winked and teleported away.

"Where is she going?" Nico appeared from behind the trees. Percy laughed a little but just decided to let it go.



"She'll tell us when she gets back," Percy stuck his hands in his pockets. "Let's go, we can get some food."

"What do you think they need her for?"

"Probably some kind of quest."

"Don't they hate her or something?" Nico asked as they moved passed some of the other campers as they tried to pick up the destroyed buildings.

"I think they are more scared of her than anything, they need her, but they can't hurt her anymore. Not with the Primordials looking after her."

"A lot." Percy smiled, he didn't hide the fact that his face turned pink. He was starting to find it more normal when he talked about Ayden.

"I hope she gets back soon." Nico smiled as he nodded. They moved through to pillars as they got in line for meals.


"I need to thank her." Nico grabbed a plate, he started to put small portions of food on it.

"She got to you too, huh?" Percy asked. Nico stared at him unsure of what he meant. "She's got a way with people."

"Yeah," Nico nodded and stopped at the end of the line. He was looking out at all of the tables. Each for the cabins. Percy knew that he didn't feel like he fit in here, knowing who his godly parent was. There wasn't an official cabin for Hades here either since he wasn't liked. Percy tried to let him know that didn't apply to him, but Nico didn't want to listen. He didn't feel like he fit in well. "You can sit with me and Tyson until she gets back."

"I can't stay for long. There's some things I have to handle." Nico followed after him avoiding the other's eyes.

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