Who made me a prince (wmmap x...

By silly_Nikolai_

115K 3.6K 1.6K

After Han jun-seo woke up as Ethan De alger Obelia that is 'Athanasia De Alger Obelia' older brother and Clau... More

Some warnings and other stuff
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 5

7K 300 83
By silly_Nikolai_

___________ CHAPTER 5 __________

It was already morning. Ethan slowly woke up, blinking a few times as he looked at the ceiling with a dazed look, being all tipsy and dreamy....

"Mm... It's morning already..." He spoke out with a low mumble as he raised up a bit with half closed eyes and looked around. The sun was shining the whole room, it was warm. Ethan wanted to stay in the bed for the rest of the day.

Ethan rubbed his eyes to wake up properly. He slowly got out of the bed and the sudden pain in his legs made him hiss from the pain, Ah fuck, He completely forgot about it...

"Oh shit, I forgot my legs..." Ethan sighed as sat down back on the bed and looked down at his legs, he should be careful with them. He now slowly got up, trying to be careful.

"Hm, What should I do today." Ethan spoke to himself, He wouldn't be able to do much since his legs were slightly hurt, Well not slightly but whatever. He put on shorts and a white shirt, it was a plain and normal clothes but Ethan didn't have any different clothes that he would wear and look like a real prince, I mean was he a prince to begin with? He wasn't even treated as one.

His bandages and small scars were now visible as he walked out of his room. He wonders what time it is now? did he sleep too much? He was exhausted so he maybe slept for a long period of time.

The moment Ethan went to the stairs, he heard two people talking and from the voices he could guess that it was a woman and a man talking to each other. Ethan peeked over and saw Felix talking to the head maid.

Ethan paused as he had a frown on.

'What?! What is he doing here?!' Ethan gulped down as he took one step back causing the floor to make a creak noise. Ethan's body halted at the right palace as he cursed in his mind. God, why now?!

That followed The head maid and Felix to look where the noise came from and they saw Ethan standing there.

"Your highness." Felix smiled at the sight of Ethan as he looked away, this was so damn uncomfortable... What was Felix doing here? And the head maid was so nervous for god knows why- Uhm, well...

Ethan hesitantly walked down the stairs, Ethan looked at Felix whose eyes suddenly widened and then darkened immediately, The head maid's face twisted in pure horror as Felix clenched his fists.

'What? Why's he angry?' Ethan wondered but he didn't question it, he took one step back as he looked at Felix with even more confusion. Now this guy glaring at Ethan like that...What did Ethan even do?

"Why is his highness legs bandaged that poorly? and why does he have so many scars." Felix suddenly spoke with a cold voice, These words made Ethan flinch a bit while the head maid started to tremble in fear...

Ethan looked down at his legs and forgot that he was wearing shorts, he should've worn pants...Ugh, now he needs to explain and make some excuse up. If he would wear pants then that way Felix wouldn't have seen anything but it would've been bad for his injuries and also hella uncomfortable.

"I...got hurt nothing more." Ethan said with slight hesitance clear in his tone, Why was he protecting this maid- No, He wasn't. He would rather die than protect this thing, he was just doing this for his own sake.

He looked at Felix who saw that Ethan didn't want to talk about it so Felix didn't suppress it any further, He would of course not take a blind eye on this, he just didn't want to cause the prince discomfort.

"Why are you here tho?" Ethan asked and tried to change the subject to not talk about this topic anymore, Felix let out a sigh as he answered back.

"I'm here to bring you to your majesty." Felix spoke. A smile on his lips as Ethan nodded his head at that, So that was it.

"I see." Ethan answered back shortly but he paused after two seconds, wait, did he hear that correctly..?

"..." Ethan looked at Felix after he realized what Felix said, As Ethan tried to process Felix's words...Felix had an innocent smile on. Ethan stood there flabbergasted, in utter disbelief. What?!! There was no way that scumbag was planning to see Ethan too!!

The head maid was shocked as she took one step back, she looked at Ethan first and then Felix who suddenly leaned in and picked Ethan up and held him in his arms, He knows that Ethan isn't too fond of psychical touch but he's worried that Ethan's legs would hurt in pain for walking too much.

Ethan gripped onto Felix's rope as he looked at Felix, he then let out a sigh knowing that he wouldn't win against Felix right now about putting him down so he just gave up In the end, He also would rather not walk in this situation...

"Then let's go shall we, your highness?" Felix asked as Ethan nodded his head. Felix then spared one last glance at the maid who was trembling in fear, Felix was sure that this maid was involved in this, Felix wanted to be sure...But he just walked out of the home.

"Say Felix, Why does he want to see me." Ethan asked suddenly as he didn't even call Claude by 'father' Ethan just referred to Claude as 'He' Felix looked at Ethan with sad eyes, he let out a sigh and smiled.

"Well, his Majesty is your father of course he would call for you." Felix didn't know what to say other than this...Was there another reason?

Felix looked at Ethan who looked away with a bitter look, Ethan would've been happy to hear that Felix would say "He's just doing it, there is no reason, not like he cares about you." Ethan just shut his mouth and waited for them to get to the Palace quickly.


"Bleesing and glory upon the sun of the Obelian empire." lily bowed her head down and greeted Claude with Athanasia standing next to her. Ethan on the other hand was standing next to Felix and was holding onto Felix's robe, He was so bored.

"I haven't been able to pay attention to my daughter and son due to my duties, but still Athanasia grew up to be healthy and credit goes to you." Claude said as he looked at Athanasia who was about to faint, Due to his duties?! This jerk! He just abandoned her like that! Not only her but even his son!

"Thank you, your Majesty." Lily thanked Claude hesitantly, she was nervous... Then Claude attention went to Ethan.

"And...you're even paler than yesterday and what's with these bandages." Claude's eyes narrowed as Athanasia and Lily both looked at Ethan who frowned, Athanasia covered her mouth. Who could hurt her brother like that?!

"I was playing and got hurt." Ethan immediately said the same excuse he said to Feliz and Claude's eyes became cold, though he did not say Anything any further about this topic, But it wouldn't fool Claude at all.

"Well, from now on I will look into their well being so no need to worry, starting today they will be treated as proper prince and princess." Claude said with an amused smile, as he looked at Athanasia who was frozen in the palace and Ethan who was looking at Claude as if he hit his head...very hard.

'What?!...No please, thank you for not paying attention to me till now! please do continue so!' Athanasia wanted to sob and run away with Lily right now.

'WHAT?! WHY ME TOO LEAVE ME ALONE!' Ethan tugged onto Felix's robe even further as he had a sour look.


This was insane...why is it that Ethan has to be with Athanasia and Claude every time they meet..? Isn't that kind of concerning?


"I think you got a bit chubbier than the last time we met." Claude said humming as Athanasia smiled innocently.

"You look pretty too, Papa!" Athanasia said beaming as she thought. 'Dude we met 5 days ago, what are you on?'.

"And why do you get thinner every time I see you." Claude furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Ethan who threw Claude a deadpan look, Why was this guy asking such useless things? Well to begin with, it's not Ethan's fault that he's not getting properly fed and taken care of.

'Ah my poor baby brother...he's really so thin...' Athanasia thought as if she was the older sister here. "Brother, you should take care of yourself properly because you're still a child." Athanasia said with a hurt tone as Ethan looked at Athanasia with confusion... Isn't she younger than Ethan? Are they all just fucking insane or what?

"I am taking care of myself and you're also a child, younger than me." Ethan said crossing his arms in front of his chest as everyone went silent, Taking care of himself...

The 'Taking care of himself' In question:

— Bandages.

— Scars.

— Thin.

— Pale.

"I don't think that's called taking care of yourself." Claude said with a small scoff as he then turned around Leaving Ethan in annoyance. "Follow me."  Claude commanded as Ethan scoffed at him, This guy was getting on his nerves.

"I was on my way to the lake so get ready and join me." Claude didn't even care if Athanasia's or Ethan didn't want to go with him. At Claude's words, Ethan's ears perked up, oh the time Athanasia will fall into the lake...

Well, Ethan doesn't really wants to get near Lake, He panics every time he needs to be associated with lakes or Sea in particular.

That's just due to his past experiences.

"Your majesty I worry about them being around the water is..." Felix spoke with uncertainty but Claude cut him off.

"What's there to worry about when I'm here." Claude asked as Ethan rolled his eyes, as if that's gonna treasure them, It's even more dangerous to be around Claude.

Lily suddenly took a step in and tried to speak.

"B,But..." Athanasia gasped as she immediately tugged onto Lily's dress and tried to stop her as she was shouting inside her head, No Lilyyyy!

'Don't fight him lily! I don't want to ride that boat either but what if he'll throw me in the lake?!' Athanasia wanted to cry out as she imagined what Claude would do...


"you're no fun, die."




'What if he'll throw me in that lake like that?!' Her imagination was running wild as she sobbed, Life is so hard oh my god... (Not as hard as me- whatever.)

"Don't you want to ride with me?" Claude turned his head around and looked at the two kids in front of him as Athanasia immediately beamed, Asshole! Of course they both don't want to ride with him.

"Yep! Athy wants to go with papa!"


And Claude got two different types of answers. Claude looked at Ethan who was still annoyed with this but Claude ignored. Moreover he found how Annoyed Ethan was at him funny.

Ethan got annoyed at being ignored as Claude held Athanasia, Then he put her on the boat, after putting Athanasia on the boat, he held Ethan and put Ethan on the boat too.

'Ugh this asshole!' Ethan grumbled inside his head and after they were ready to have a ride, the boat started moving.

Ethan looked in front as he was mesmerized by the sight, his blonde hair waving slightly as the wind blew, his eyes sparkling beautifully.

Athanasia was also mesmerized by the sight.

What an ride, were all the Emperor's boats like this?

'But how is it moving? Nobody is rowing this thing.' Athanasia thought as she leaned in a bit to look at the boat but suddenly she was interrupted by Claude.

"What are you thinking about?" Claude had to always ruin the moment with his questions, didn't he? Athanasia hiccupped, when would this guy give her a break?

'What should I say? The weathers okay today? The lake is pretty? Don't even talk to me, don't look at me!' Athanasia felt like she was growing gray hair all because of Claude and the stress Claude was putting her through.

"Your hair is sparkly papa, I love sparkly things!" Athanasia said giggling. 'Well his hair is pretty, like gold. Am I obsessed with golden things because I was so poor in my previous life?' Athanasia sobbed inside as Ethan suddenly spoke too.

"Who doesn't, money and gold is the best." Ethan rested his cheek on his palm as Claude smiled in amusement, he really had two types of different kids but they had something in common, didn't they?

"That reminds me, You had a jewel pouch with you that day." Athanasia hiccupped again as she looked at Claude with a frozen smile. "I kept your treasures safe and sound. Why don't you come and retrieve them yourself Next time?"

Athanasia shouted inside her head as she wanted to jump out from this boat!

'And to that, I can't say anything! I suppose I'm not meant to have a peaceful life.' Athanasia wanted to rip her hair out as she looked at Claude, her attention Caught Claude's hair and eyes as she started spacing out.

'What clothing is that supposed to be from? Egypt? Greece? The kingdom of Oil? He looks good in it.' Athanasia tilted her head on the side...He looked good, she wouldn't lie on that.

'Seeing him like that isn't so bad, I don't want to admit it...He's the type of Man who easily attracts women..Though I can see why they would get drawn to him.' Athanasia looked at Claude's eyes, they were so eye-catching, his handsome yet cold face was what was making him so attractive... Athanasia's attention went back to Claude's eyes then at Ethan's who was looking out from the boat and not talking at all.

'Are my eyes same as them..?' Athanasia's cheeks started to slightly show red hints, she was thinking if she looked just as beautiful as them and if her eyes were just as gorgeous...Her cheeks were flushed red as she looked out from the boat, but suddenly her attention caught a flower in the lake.

'Huh? Woah What's that?' She was surprised at the flower since she hasn't seen any flower which looked like that, She wanted to get it...It looked so beautiful, she suddenly leaned over the boat to take a better look.

'Is that a blue lotus..? No, it's because the lake is blue, the lotus themselves are transparent, so lotus blooms in a palace like this? I want one.' Athanasia thought as she tried to grab one flower while she was holding onto the boat as tightly as she could so she wouldn't fall down.

She stretched her hand out to grab one but she couldn't reach it....Ah damn it.

'A little more, just a little more.' She struggled a bit as she tried to lean in a bit more then suddenly her hand slipped and-


Athanasia fell in the water causing Ethan to halt on his seat, he was spaced out and lost in his thoughts and the sudden noise caught him off guard, Ethan looked in the direction and realized that It was the time Athanasia fell into the lake.

This was the time Claude would save Athanasia....He didn't need to worry, everything would be okay.

Athanasia started to struggle, it was hard to swim due to the dress and his small body, she coughed up water, trying to ask for help.

"Puha!..Keugh!..." She struggled to reach the boat, every time she tried to do so her hand would slip down and she would struggle with it.

"H...Help!...Hel..." Athanasia looked at the eyes that were looking at her, Her eyes filled with horror, no, they wouldn't help her. Not even her own brother will help her, Will they watch her drown like this?! Even her own brother...?

Isn't That Too Far?!

'Ah damn it...why isn't he helping her...' Ethan's heart was beating fast as he had hard time watching Athanasia struggle in the water, it was reminding him of what he went through. Ethan's breath was becoming heavy as he looked at Claude with a glare, Ah this guy seriously was an Asshole.

Ethan closes his eyes and took a deep breath... It's okay...


Ethan immediately jumped in the water, He needed to save her.

Athanasia couldn't see clearly who the person that jumped in was. Her sight was becoming blurry but, She tried to open her eyes. She could see her brother's figure trying to reach out to her.

Ah...She was wrong, Her brother might look like he doesn't care but he still jumped in the water to help her. He was different from Claude...She regrets assuming that he was like Claude.

Ethan finally grabbed Athanasia's hands as he wrapped his one hand around Athanasia while trying to swim up with using his other hand, he had a hard time pulling up Athanasia because of his injured legs but he didn't give up.

Ethan was annoyed since his memories were rushing inside his head, He didn't need to think about them right now. Not Now, they'll both die at this rate.

'Fuck come on!' Ethan cursed Inside his head, his body was becoming numb as his vision was getting blurry, Athanasia eyes were filled with tears as Ethan tried to reach up....but suddenly he felt something grabbing his leg that started to pull him down even further. Ah no! No, No, No!

'Shit...No please...' Ethan gripped Athanasia's hand tightly as his eyes were trembling. Shit, this was not helping him! He shut his eyes tightly as he struggled to get free but he still didn't let go of Athanasia.

Ethan was scared of the water...lakes, just anything. He was even terrified of them. once almost drowning in the lake in his previous life made him develop fear towards Lake or seas, He didn't have pleasing memories about this but, He did know how to swim.

Learned it due to the fear that something like that might happen again...

Every time he would not be able to swim up...It was making him unable to move his body. He would remember how he struggled at the orphanage, kids just stood there watching him struggle like that.



Ethan and Athanasia were on the ground, safe and sound.

"Cough! Puhaa!..Ha...Kegh! Kegh!..." Athanasia was on the ground coughing up water as she had tears swelled up in her eyes, her whole body was trembling all over and her face was pale.

"Princess it's okay! everything is okay!" Lily hugged Athanasia who was coughing up water and sobbing while Ethan's hands were shaking, not these memories, please...

Claude stared at them as his hand was all wet, water drops dripping down his hand as he had a cold look on his face.

Ethan's face was pale, he didn't say a word and that made everyone to look at him in worry, his hands were shaking all over while he had hard time trying to adjust his breath. His heart felt like it was trying to jump out from his chest.

"Ha..." Ethan closed his mouth shut as he clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath, everyone was panicking at the sight of the Prince being like this. Felix tried to touch his shoulder but Ethan slapped his hand away as a reflex.

"I-...Don't touch me... I'm alright." Ethan mumbled as he looked at Felix who had a worried expression....Why was he worried? Ethan got up immediately but he wobbled slightly when he felt pain in his leg.

"Ugh what..." Ethan looked down at his leg, his small wounds were opened up and was bleeding, he was in a much worse state than Athanasia.

"Your highness..." Felix looked at Ethan who had his hands clenched, Athanasia on the other hand was so worried over Ethan it was making her heart hurt, she didn't even care about herself right now.

"Felix teach them how to swim, it will be a shame if An Emperor's Daughter and Son drowned in a mere Lake." Claude spoke as Ethan looked down, he bit his lower lip, giving Claude a cold look as he suddenly started to walk away, he didn't want to be here any longer.

"And bring him along, take care of the injury." The word Claude said left Ethan shocked, Stopping at his palace he Turned around with wide eyes, Was he seriously...Like not alright in his head?!


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