Chapter 2

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____________CHAPTER 2 _________


She was so noisy, Shouting like it was the last day of her life and she was gonna die, For god's sake, It was just a small spider, what was there to be so scared about? But Ethan wouldn't lie that he wanted to laugh at the maid.

Scaring off them has become Ethan's habit that he found so funny and entertaining, you have to see the faces they're making when they get scared and terrified, it was something you would definitely enjoy to see.

There was no way you wouldn't laugh at their reactions, Ethan didn't even feel bad about the passed out maid on the floor, He looked down at the passed out maid with his blue jewelry eyes.

Ethan waved a black spider he was holding in his hand, This worked good, He could ecsoae without a problem now.

"Eh, No fun. You passed out so easily." Ethan murmured under his breath with disappointment, he Tossed the spider away without a care as he then just walked past the maid that was on the ground, he didn't care if he would say the truth that the maid had passed out.

Why would he care about the maids that didn't even care enough to care for him properly in the first palace? Ethan wasn't the type of person to feel bad about someone like that, He would give the same treatment he would get from the person. Ethan wasn't the kind main character, after all.

And he himself knew that he would never bring himself to forgive these people who were no different than the people in his past life, these people made him want to choke himself until he would be on the ground throwing up. It was utterly disgusting.

Ethan wiped the dirt off his cheeks with his sleeve, his cheeks were kind of dirty from the dust, The maids didn't even trouble themselves to properly clean Ethan's room, or bathe him and keep him Clean so Ethan got used to it.

Ethan sighed as he looked around, he was planning to sneak out so he wanted to make sure that no one would see him, So that he wouldn't get in trouble since it was...Annoying. He quickly sneaked in the kitchen to grab some food, if he was planning to sneak out then he would need to have food in the way so he wouldn't get hungry.

Ethan's eyes immediately scanned a new made Sandwich there. A smirk plastered on his lips and in a blink of an eye the sandwich was in his tiny hands. He glanced around before running out from the kitchen with a sly grin curled up all over his lips.

Ethan made sure that there was no one, he looked down at the sandwich in his hand and then put the sandwich in the bag.

Ethan looked out from the window, He was on the first floor so jumping out from the window would be easier, Ethan opened the window and slowly sneaked out. When he was out from the shabby palace, he quickly turned around and ran off without looking back.

'Hm...I'm already Six years old, I'm pretty Sure uh, Athanasia was five years old when she met Claude.' Ethan thought to himself as he managed to sneak out from the palace without getting noticed, Though He thinks it wouldn't take long for them to notice that Ethan sneaked out but Ethan would come back till they noticed.

Ethan would often and frequently sneak out whenever he wants and wander around to have some fun whenever he gets bored, not like he had any guard that would scan every move of his so it was easy to sneak out whenever he wanted.

Ethan was deep in thoughts as he took out his sandwich, He took a bite of the sandwich and chewed it while thinking about some stuff, mainly about Athanasia and Claude.

'If Athanasia meets Claude at the age of five, I heard from the maids that the abandoned Princess in the ruby palace was five years old, that means she'll meet Claude soon.' Ethan munched on the Sandwich as he was counting something on his fingers.

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