chapter 4

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____________CHAPTER 4 _________

Ethan frowned even further as he looked at Claude who was tapping on the sofa he was sitting on.

Tap, Tap, Tap...

The sound was making Ethan go insane, it was so annoying.

"F...Father?" Athanasia stuttered...What did she just say..?


it would have been better if she kissed his feet!

Athanasia was having a mental breakdown on the inside but when she looked at Claude who tilted his head on the side, Athanasia's eyes widened as she looked at Claude.

'Damn it, when Can I leave?' Ethan lowered his head down as he wanted to just go, he didn't want to stay here any longer, it was making his head hurt.

"...Papa." Athanasia suddenly said as Ethan looked away in embarrassment, this was the first time he had second hand embarrassment when he started reading the story.

Athanasia gulped down and started trembling when Claude raised up but suddenly Athanasia beamed.

"Papa!" and called out again...Ethan looked at Athanasia then Claude who stopped at his spot, Claude after ten seconds later looked at Ethan.

"And you? Do you know who I am?" Claude rested his cheek again on his palm, damn this guy loved to rest his cheek in his palm so much.

"I'd be stupid to not know." Ethan suddenly said as he put the fork down, his gaze then fixed on Claude who raised his eyebrows.

"It's rather obvious that you're our father." Ethan looked at Athanasia who was sweating bullets as she thought that Ethan was insane to say something like that.

Claude stayed silent as he looked at the two kids in front of shivering in fear and the second just being wary of Claude but not scared.

Claude suddenly got up and walked towards the door, he had enough spending time with these two and wasting his time like that, He opened the door and the first thing he saw was Felix standing by the door.

"Felix, escort them back." Claude suddenly said that Athanasia's body was finally starting to relax...she can now leave!!

Ethan on the other hand slightly fidgeted and let out a sigh... Another beating, he's sure that maids noticed him not being there and now the head maid would beat him up as a punishment.

Felix nodded his head as he went in the room while Claude on the other hand left the room and went god knows where.

Felix lifted Athanasia up and was about to lift Ethan up too when Ethan pulled away.

"Don't do that, I can walk on my own." Ethan Mumbled as Felix looked at Ethan with a worried look, this kid for some reason hated Physical touch to the point he didn't like to be lifted up, touched or anything else, and Felix didn't't know why.


Felix bought Athanasia back to the ruby palace as Lily quickly snatched Athanasia away from Felix who raised his hands up with a nervous smile.

'I won't help you because you left me alone with Claude!...Well not technically alone but still.' Athanasia thought as she hugged lily tightly, But suddenly The maids attention went to the boy standing next to Felix with his hands folded behind his back.

"Is that..." Lily hesitated to ask. Ethan narrowed his eyebrows as he looked away, he hated attention so much...this kind of attention made him suffocate and want to crawl out from his skin.

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