Jupiter Rising

由 SPenBooks

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*Being Written over 2024* The Sequel to Rowans Choice. Did it feel over?! No, of course it didn't, because it... 更多

Jupiter Rising
Chapter One - A new Dawn
Chapter Two- And so it begins
Chapter Three- The Summit
Chapter Four- Changeling
Chapter Five- Infuriated (again)
Chapter Six - A message
Chapter Seven - Duty
Chapter Nine- Nearly upon us
Chapter Ten- Forgivness (for a price)
Chapter Eleven - A treaty
Chapter Twelve- Cuffed
Chapter Thirteen- Our Princess
Chapter Fourteen- The Ball (part one)
Chapter Fifteen - The Ball (part two)
Chapter Sixteen- Wings
Chapter Seventeen - Domino effect

Chapter Eight - The Rowan age

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由 SPenBooks

When I arrived at the nursery I could hear Willow and Jupiter having the most wonderful time. Jupiter had missed her guardian like crazy, and what Willow had promised would be a couple of days, ended up being weeks.

"The Queen" "my guard Jay announced, stamping down his staff.

I stopped in my tracks and regarded him beside me with a confused expression on my face "what was that" I asked.

Jay regarded me with the same look "Announcing your arrival My Queen... as is proper"

"Well... don't" I ask "This isn't a state visit or someone from beyond the Veil. This is my Aunty... and she was born here"

"My apologies my Queen" and he offered a curtesy.

"Rowan" Willow greeted, as I entered the Nursery. She walked over with open arms and the most glorious and heart warming smile upon her lips. "My niece" she greeted, placing a kiss on my cheek "how the day is brighter for seeing you"

"And you Aunty" I return, bending down as Jupiter ran at me with gusto. She sent me falling backward as she hit so hard, and had us in a ball of gowns, and giggling upon the nursery floor in seconds.

"Mama" she greeted, eyes closed with a smile. "Willow is here to stay"

I looked up, trying to breathe from laughing too hard "You will stay"

Willow nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Jupiter needs me... and I dare say, my Neice does too"

I felt tears forming so quickly that I found myself embarrassed. "I do" I confessed "I really do"

To have her here, finally, back within the Veil, and in Olamoore... it was a childhood dream come true. Willow had been the only adult Fae I knew loved me, as a child, and her loss for me, was the moment my walls went up. She was as close to my own Mother as I could ever get.

Sycamore took years to love, for he didn't show me love in that same way. He didn't know how to be the guardian to a Fae child, and he had never loved anything or anyone. After some years we grew together like a trees limb around an immovable object, winding around it until it became a part of us, whether we liked it or not. Princess Jupiter I had noticed, was already weaving her magic on Sycamore. There was no way in hell he would have ever let me dress him up the way Jupiter had. Whether it was the fear of death Andy offered him, or the fact he now knew how to show his emotions, I wasn't sure, but seeing him with Jupiter it was clear, that he cared about her.

"Where is Sycamore" I asked, noting his absence.

"I told him to take a break, since I am here now" Willow told me.

Jupiter stood back up, and I did the same. "He disappeared in such a flash Mama"

I smiled, a little laugh escaping "I bet"

This was Sycamores first break since Jupiter had arrived, and I highly suspected he was in a bubble bath right now with a jug of wine.

The thought made me think to Andy, and how I wouldn't get to take a bath with her tonight, or perhaps ever again. Had I really pushed her to the point that she declared me once again, a captor?! I never thought this would happen again, and I'm not sure she did either. We had been so happy, but our bubble of wedded bliss had been short lived with the revelations of our daughter's existence and then the creation of Leda. In creating Leda, we had without knowing, started a fire storm that neither of us knew how to control, and so it was consuming us. I wouldn't let it end us, and I couldn't ever have her be beside me as duty only. It would destroy me to have my heart ache for her now for an eternity, knowing and feeling now how her magic is inside of me, and I her. To yearn for her, when she is but a finger tip away from me.


"Jupiter" Willow asked "why don't you go and draw me a picture of your favourite thing about Olamoore so far" and she tapped her on the shoulder.

Jupiter wrinkled up her nose, her endearing frown forming between her fair eyebrows made her look cross. "Why can't I hear what you want to say" she asked, much older sounding than she was.

"Because I want to talk to your Mother about adult things" Willow explained reassuringly "it's not for little ears... but it's nothing you will miss"

Jupiter considered that for a moment "like when Demelza visits" she asked.

Oh this was news. "Demelza" I asked curiously, with a slight smirk lifting my lips.

Willow looked pink cheeked all of a sudden. "She's been a good friend to me" she explained.

Jupiter smiled, and winked at me before skipping away, calling back to us "enjoy your adult chat... I'll hear it all anyway"

She was probably right, I suspected that my dear daughter's ears could pick up conversation from a Branch away.

Willow and I turned, our gowns swishing against the hard wood floors as we walked to the furthest corner of the Nursery, taking seats opposite one another at the table.

"So" I began teasingly "Demelza makes private visits to the Spruce does she?"

Willows bright blue eyes creased up with her nose "Can we pretend Jupiter didn't say that?"

"No can do" I taunt. "What business does Queen Demelza of Windlere have at the Spruce?! And if she already knows about Jupiter she didn't let on at the Summit".

Willow reached over and took a small triangle sandwich into her hand, her bite of its corner was delicate as she thought about her answer carefully. Far too carefully if you asked me. I was eager to poke further.

"She knows her not by name, only that I was her guardian. I avoided she and Jupiter ever being together much. Demelza visited mostly after dark when Jupiter was asleep"

I bit my lip down to stifle the little squeak that was to escape me. This was getting juicy. "Let me rephrase my earlier question. What kinda business does Queen Demelza have at the Spruce after dark?!"

Willow hit me playfully "stop it Rowan"

I dodged her playful swat, and remained focused on the questions "Are you not a little old for her?"

Willow gasped in horror "I am not old! I was a teenager when you were born to my sister. When I got banished I was only twenty one"

"My age" I realised.

Willow nodded "indeed. I raised you when I myself was only sixteen when you were born"

"I had no idea" I replied in complete surprise.

"I just turned thirty seven" she reveals with a smile "not quite the centenarian yet"

"And Demelza is?!" I question.

"I believe she just turned thirty at the beginning of the summer" Willow told me, sounding more like she was trying to act like she didn't truly know for sure.

"You believe?!" I poke with a grin "or you know"

Willow swatted me again and filled her mouth with the small triangle sandwich so that she could no longer answer me. She blew her cheeks up like a chipmunk and poked me right back.

"It's not polite to talk with your mouth full" Jupiter declared, as she walked over with a completed drawing "that's what Willow is trying to say"

"Oh I know what she's trying not to say" I declared, looking back to Willow and raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"What did you draw" I asked Jupiter, taking the picture from her hand to admire it.

The picture was of Me, Andromeda, Eris, Sycamore, and Aspen. Aspen?!

"My favourite part of Olamoore so far, is my family. My uncles too, I just didn't want to draw everybody, it takes too long"she explained. "Can I go play now" she asked.

I nodded, and she ran off to her toys. Willow took the picture, swallowing her last bit of sandwich "she loves you all" she said softly "that makes me so happy. Even Sycamore it seems"

"Mostly Sycamore" I correct with a smile.

"I didn't realise she was close with Aspen" Willow noted, gesturing to him stood beside her with their hands entwined.

We both looked to it closely, and I admit, I was unnerved by that detail. How did Jupiter know Aspen that well?! Sycamore had not mentioned he had been at the nursery. I wanted to ask Jupiter but I didn't want to concern her.

"I didn't either" I confessed. "But I'm glad she is happy. I knew she would miss you as I did all those years ago, and I only hoped she would bond with us here"

"And she has" Willow says with a smile "and it's wonderful to see"

"I'm glad you came" I tell her, reaching for her arm and placing my hand affectionately "I think I need you now more than ever"

Willow looks concerned "what is it" she asked "are you well?. Is Andromeda?!"

"I don't know where to start" I reveal with a heavy heart "I fear I am a useless Queen, and a more useless mate. Andromeda hates me, and is distancing herself from me, and I fear I make rash decisions with the crown. I don't want to make mistakes Willow" I worry.

She placed her hand on mine and squeezes it softly "you won't" she assures me. "And Andromeda does not hate you my darling. She loves you"

"No, she does. I've had to cuff her, because her magic has been so wildly out of control with this pregnancy. Despite me explaining why and how it is not that I don't trust her, but her magic right now... she thinks I am against her"

Willow looked upon me lovingly and her energy radiated through her hands, her touch was comforting and gentle. "She is in a month long pregnancy that went from zero to almost complete. Andromeda is uncomfortable, and in pain, and she knows she cannot control herself. Trust me, she knows. She is full of magic, hers, her child's, and partly, yours. She is dealing with hormones, magic, and being the size of a plump round Robin at winter solstice. She doesn't hate you. She is merely dealing with the trial and tribulations of pregnancy, and a quick one at that. Your poor mate has had her body stretched to its limits in mere weeks. She's miserable. It will pass once the Princess is here, I promise"

"Well, when you put it like that" I return, thinking of how much she was going through.

Willow patted my hand before removing hers "When a female is pregnant, you cannot take anything they say in anger personally. She's furious, mad, and probably emotionally all over the place. Do not forget the trauma that Andromeda endured, and finding out that Jupiter lived, my goodness Rowan, we must give her some grace. Yes, she must be cuffed, it's completely understandable at Royal events, and for the people's safety. She will understand that when her mind is her own again, and not fraught with hormones and pain. And as for the Crown, you must always remember to lean on your support systems. Your Father put his duty above all, but he forgot, as the Leaders of Kingdoms often do, that their palaces, their castles and their inner circles, they are filled with support. Don't isolate yourself Niece. It is a mistake to wear the Crown, and let it crush you. You have a Queen at your side who would gladly share the load, and a council at your fingertips tips who will assist in all decisions to help and guide you. Let us not forget the army at your back, who would race into battle to defend you. You are Twenty One dear Neice. You have only just taken the throne. Do not expect to know everything and have it all in order within weeks. You have centuries to find your way. Lead with your loyalty and devotion to your kingdom, and listen with your heart"

"Thankyou" I whisper, feeling some of the heaviness dissipate.

Willows cheeks rose to a smile "I'm here now" she reassured me "You are not alone anymore Rowan. You are not the isolated little girl with the weight of the world upon her back. You are grown, with a family who adore you, and a mate who loves you. Let us look after you too"

"Is there room for Love on the throne" I ask genuinely. "My Father didn't seem to be able to have both"

Willow shook her head gently, and reached out to cup my cheek. I flinched momentarily, before letting myself sink into her loving gesture willingly. "My darling there is always room for Love" she began, speaking softly "and your Father did have both, when your Mother, when Hazel, was Queen. This Oak was full of love, and she never shied away from it with her people nor her family. I feared this would happen, when you were little, that Asters coping mechanism of holding you at arms length would teach you the opposite of what your Mother was, and wanted for you. Rowan you cannot rule in the shadow of your Father, nor your Mother or those that came before her. This rule is yours. It starts now. Make it yours, for this is the Rowan age, not the time of Aster nor the age of Hazel"

I nodded, sighing with a sense of relief, and I sat up, attempted to fix my crown out of habit, and looked out of the window to the green canopy of the forest, and Olamoore below. It was being fixed up pretty for the Ball. Willow was right, this was my time. Despite putting my Kingdom at the forefront, and putting it first... It didn't mean I couldn't do that with Andy at my side. She and our children, we were one... and so they could never be second. It was us against the world, and us for, and all about, the Kingdom. We could do this. I just had to prove it to her, so that she would believe me.

"I have to show you something" I told Willow, handing her the note that I pulled from Doodle Dove that morning.

Willow unfolded the note, and her face lost its colour, her bright blue eyes an even more startling contrast against her dark hair than Normal.

"It cannot be" she whispered.

"Do you know who sent this" I asked, curiously.

She shook her head then, and took a sip of water from the glass on the table, wiping her mouth and retreating from her chair "I don't" she told me. "But I do think you should be on high alert. Is this ball a good idea?! Is the army mobilised?! The gate keepers aware?!"

She seemed fretful, more so than ever. "Willow, you are not telling me something"

I stood and walked to her side "if it is anything that can assist me in finding this threat... I need you to tell me"

Jupiter appeared beside us and handed me another picture. It was once again a picture of a darkness descending on Olamoore, and a dark figure with a golden crown on their head. "It's Him" Jupiter answered for her "King of Gloam"

Willow looked at the picture as if willing the dark figure to step out of the shadows and reveal themselves. "I wish I knew something more Rowan... but I don't. I know only what Jupiter has had nightmares of... and he is most definitely a threat... if he is believed to be real"

"He is" Jupiter told her confidently "I've seen him. Leda and I, we go there"

The horror that that thought brought to me, it sent my mind spinning. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know Mama... but I know we will one day" Jupiter revealed.

"When you are small... or older" I asked with urgency.

"I've seen both" Jupiter told us "it changes"

Willow looked as alarmed as me, as she brushed her hand over Jupiters fair hair and tried to remain calm.

"I will make it impossible for it to come to pass" I promise, dropping down onto one knee so I could look directly into Jupiters Green eyes.

Jupiter smiled and placed her hand against my temple, her touch brought immediate calm, but unlike Willow, Jupiters calm was magic induced "Don't worry Mama. I will look after Leda"

I would have to be dead before my children would ever step foot into that darkness. Over my dead body will someone take my children.

"I have to go and see your Mummy" I told her "we must make a plan, so that you never have to my love"

Jupiter pats my cheek softly with her hand "don't make Mummy scared, Mama, she will burn down the Oak, and I love it here. Tell her another day, when Leda is here, and she is calm"

"You know too much" I whisper, leaning forward and kissing her nose. "I love you"

"I love you too" Jupiter whispered back, flinging her arms around my neck tightly as I stood back up with her.

"I love you both more" Willow added, holding us both, Jupiter caught between us. "Now let us pick you out a dress" Willow suggested to Jupiter "for the Ball"

"Can Sycamore come back to help" Jupiter asked excitedly.

I smiled as I placed her back down "I'm sure he would love to"


The moment I left the nursery, the smile left me, and my duty and responsibility weighed down on me once again.

King Of Gloam... prepare to be met with obliterating LIGHT.


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