Love Bites!

By Nerdy__Turtle

30.2K 2.8K 752

Mixed platter of short romance stories that will hopefully bring a smile on your face! More

Introduction & Table of Contents
*Ineffable Bonds!*
Ineffable Bonds (1)
Ineffable Bonds (2)
Ineffable Bonds (3)
Ineffable Bonds (4)
*Perfect Peace!*
Perfect Peace (1)
Perfect Peace (2)
Perfect Peace (3)
Perfect Peace (4)
Perfect Peace (5)
*Sweet Heaven!*
Sweet Heaven (1)
Sweet Heaven (2)
Sweet Heaven (3)
Sweet Heaven (4)
*Confession Letters!*
Confession Letters (1)
Confession Letters (2)
Confession Letters (3)
Confession Letters (4)
Confession Letters (5)
*When Life Happens!*
When Life Happens (1)
When Life Happens (2)
When Life Happens (3)
When Life Happens (5)
When Life Happens (6)
*Unexpected Serendipity!*
Unexpected Serendipity (1)
Unexpected Serendipity (2)
Unexpected Serendipity (3)
Unexpected Serendipity (4)
Unexpected Serendipity (5)
Unexpected Serendipity (6)
*To Be With You!*
To Be With You (1)
To Be With You (2)
To Be With You (3)
To Be With You (4)
To Be With You (5)
To Be With You (6)
To Be With You (7)
To Be With You (8)
To Be With You (9)
To Be With You (10)
To Be With You (11)
To Be With You (12)
To Be With You (13)
To Be With You (14)
To Be With You (15)
To Be With You (Epilogue)

When Life Happens (4)

385 44 6
By Nerdy__Turtle

A/N : Chapter contains mildly mature content. Please skip the part if you're not comfortable. 


Both Neil & Avni avoided each other for the rest of the day as they took some time to sort their own emotions out. Neil left the study & came to his room later than his usual time. Avni knew that he was avoiding her just as she was avoiding him, so she pretended to be in deep slumber when he came back & slept on the window sofa. 

Neil had already left for the University by the time Avni woke up the next morning & she too left for the office at her usual time knowing fully well that she was going to have a long day at work today. She had informed Shweta beforehand. 

It was around nine in the night when Avni could feel knots in her back. She was exhausted & sleepy but there was still half an hour of work left. Preparing herself a coffee, she massaged her neck & forehead a little, and then resumed work. 

It was already ten when she left office & was about to book a cab for herself when she saw Neil's car in front of her office. With confusion & a frown itched on her face, she walked up to his car & knocked at the window. Through the window glass, she could see that he was leaning against the driving seat & had his eyes closed. She knocked again & finally succeeded in gaining his attention. 

She backed away from the car as he opened the gate & got off the car. 

A - What are you doing here? - she asked.

N - It was quite late, so I thought I'll pick you up! - he answered as he fidgeted with his watch.

Avni wasn't expecting this. Growing up with a single mother, she had always acted tough & never really allowed someone to help because she was too afraid that she would get used to it. But it felt nice when Neil showed up. Shweta Mom must have asked him to come! - she reasoned as a sigh left her mouth. 

A - Let's go! - she said as she averted eyes from his face. 

Neil just nodded & sat back in the driver seat while she settled in the passenger seat. Avni had leaned against the seat as she felt exhaustion rushing in from the tiring day at work. Neil glanced at her once & then passed her a small packet. 

 A - What is it? - she asked as she looked at the packet confusedly. 

N - I figured you'd be starving. So, picked up a burger & some fries on my way here! Eat. - he spoke as he put the packet in her lap & started the car engine. 

Avni did not say anything. She didn't know what to say & how to say. His simple gesture meant a lot to her, she had never been taken care of apart from her mother. And, to have someone doing all these small yet thoughtful things for her was just overwhelming. 

It was beyond Neil's mind how edgy he had been when he didn't find Avni home after he woke up from his nap. He had become habitual of waking up from his evening nap to find her reading while sitting on the sofa. He had looked for her around the house, even at the terrace thinking that she was there watering the plants. But ended up grumpily in his study when he did not find her anywhere. He had got chirped up when he caught a whiff of coffee from outside the study, but to his disappointment, it was his Mom who had brought him coffee today. Sighing, he ended up asking Shweta about Avni's whereabouts & that's when he got to know that she'd be late from work today. Without any second thoughts, he had headed towards her office to pick her up. 

Now that the anger & frustration had subsided, Neil could think clearly. He could clearly envision her face while she was so close to him, she was probably unaware but her eyes spoke a lot. And, Neil had seen helplessness & despair in them, & he didn't like it a bit. He wanted her to be happy, with him! And, he was determined to give it try, he was determined to try till the time she finally caved in. 

Avni ate in silence while Neil drove them to home. Reaching home, Neil made his way to their bedroom while Shweta fed Avni some more home-cooked food even after she told her that she had eaten on their way back. She also figured that Shweta hadn't asked Neil to pick her up, because Shweta herself was surprised when they came back together. 

What was he even thinking? Why would he do that? 

Neil was sprawled up on the sofa when Avni entered the room & sat on the bed. She was tired & wanted to sleep like a baby without any worry in the world. 

N - Mehta? - he called out slowly as he turned to look at her. 

A - Hm? - she asked back as she looked back at him. 

N - Um, I wanted to apologise. - he said while looking at her intently in the dimly lit room, however, Avni could feel her heart picking up speed. What I said in the library yesterday about you being afraid of love, I should not have said that. I just wanted to rile you up & uttered nonsense which I had no business to speak about. Mehta, I know for a fact that it has been tough for you after your father & I just, ended up scratching that wound. I..I don't know what was I thinking & there is no explanation I can give that will undo the fact that I was a jerk to you. So, I am sorry! I should have been more thoughtful. And, I don't say it because I sympathize you or pity you, but I say this because you're one strong woman & you deserve to be treated like that! - he finished looking at her all the while. 

Avni could feel her lungs giving up on her as all of sudden, her breathing became erratic as emotions clogged up in her throat. She wanted to cry out loud! She wanted to tell him that she was not that strong afterall! She wanted him to hold her tight! 

She also wondered that how could he just apologize to her so easily. If she wanted to apologize to someone, she'd have had to write a long speech about it & rehearse it for days before eventually doing it. 

How was he so free? It felt like he wore his heart on his sleeves! She was afraid if she could ever do that! She had rehearsed an apology even before going to his university that day!

She wanted to apologize to him too. For saying things that she didn't even mean but said just to get back at him when he was just trying to talk. But, she couldn't. It was tough for her. So, she just nodded her head at him hoping that he'd understand what she wanted to say & she covered herself with the blanket as she pretend to be fast asleep. She could hear Neil sigh as he lied on the sofa. 


Two days had passed & worked kept them busy. They still only saw each other on the dining table & in their bedroom at night, but things had started to change a little. They weren't co-existing anymore. They smiled at each other when their eyes met & asked each other about their day. It was Neil who started the conversations but Avni too used to participate with all her being. 

It was evening now & Avni was watering the plants when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to find Neil approaching her with a small smile on his face. In her defense, she did try to smile back but it came out more like a grimace!

N - What's going on in there? - he playfully asked as he raised his eye brows to point towards her head. 

A - It's about Maa! - she sighed. Doctors are suggesting chemotherapy but her body is very weak. I am scared. - she spoke lowly while looking at the setting sun. 

N - How about we take a second opinion? I have some friends back in London who are doctors. Do you think you'd like it if I forward Aunty's reports to them? - he asked with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

Avni turned her head to look at him as they were standing sideways & nodded her head in an affirmative answer. 

N - Okay, share the reports with me. I'll forward it to my friends. May be they could suggest something better, hm! - he tried to assure her while she just nodded. Do you think you'd like to visit Neela Aunty tomorrow? I could accompany you too? - he said as he looked at her. 

A - Its okay, Khanna. You don't have to! Thanks for asking - she gave him a small but genuine smile.

N - I want to, Avni! - he sighed as he looked at her. Come now, eat something! You had eaten hours ago. C'mon! - he literally dragged her to the bench that they had on the terrace before she could protest. 

Avni saw that a variety of food was placed on the bench - Ice cream, Brownie, Aloo Chaat, Pyaaz Pakoras & Samosas!

A - What is all this? Mom is cooking dinner, we're supposed to eat that! - she looked at him with a frown making him roll his eyes in a response. 

N - I didn't know what do you like to eat when you're stressed so I just brought all the common things that people crave for when they're stressed. - he spoke, half embarrassedly & half defensively as he scratched the back of his neck!

Avni couldn't control her laugh at that. The guy was just too much to handle! 

Too infuriating! Too overwhelming!

Without thinking, Avni wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned against his chest still laughing in his embrace. Not being able to stop himself, he too laughed with her as he hugged her back. 

She pulled back when her laughter died down & placed her chin at his chest as she looked up at his face. She could feel the tingle of every nerve ending in her body exclaiming at her to kiss him. Shutting her eyes slowly, she parted her lips a little as she raised herself on her toes to inch closer to him, but before she could reach him, she felt a sharp pain on her forehead. 

He flicked his finger on her forehead! 

A - What the hell, Khanna! - she grimaced as she rubbed her forehead with her fingers while he just laughed infuriating her even more!

Sobering up, Neil removed her fingers from her forehead & replaced them with his own. He slowly rubbed her forehead as he placed a gentle kiss there. 

N - I know you need a distraction. And, I am not denying you, but Mehta, you really are low on energy. So, eat first & then we can help you find a release. Is that okay? - he spoke slowly as if talking to an impatient child while Avni couldn't stop the little flutter that her heart experienced. 


Avni had just come out of a long relaxing shower & was about to lie down on the bed when she felt a tug on her wrist. Neil almost yanked her towards himself as he captured her lips in a steamy kiss. She inhaled his scent as his lips did wonders to her. Matching up with his pace, she wrapped her palm around his throat as she tried to choke him a little. 

N - Feisty, huh Mehta? - he laughed in her mouth making her insides tingle with desire.  

Still in the kiss, Neil fiddled with the strings of her top as he walked them towards the bed & stopped only when Avni's legs hit the edge of the bed. She fell on the bed with a soft thud as he pushed her back gently & hovered over her with one of his knees on her either sides. Biting the corner of her lips, Avni took his T-shirt off in a swift motion as she placed her lips on his again while her hands finally got to touch his skin. She felt his muscles twitch under her touch as she moved her hand down from his shoulders to his chest & then further descending to his abdomen. She placed long & languid kisses on his broad shoulders to his chest & then moved down to his abdomen. 

The woman was a tease! 

Neil pulled her back up & pushed aside the thin straps of her top as he kissed her shoulder blades. His light stubble was tingling her soft skin as his lips set her on fire everywhere they touched. But, Avni needed more! She gripped his hair in her fists & guided his mouth towards her cleavage. 

Neil placed open mouth kisses on her chest & then sucked the soft skin while her breathing came out in small puffs. One of his hands palmed her breast from over her clothes as he massaged it in circular motions while the other hand gripped the back of her hair. Neil feasted on her neck while feeling the sting of her scratching her nails on his back as she carelessly roamed her hands there. 

He could feel her dampness on his thigh through the clothing of his track pants. She was soaking wet as she tried to rub herself against his thigh. Neil looked at her face & it was the same ethereal sight again! She had closed her eyes tight & her lips were parted a little as she tried to chase her orgasm. 

N - You want help down there? - his voice came out in a hoarse whisper as he asked her while looking at her.  

Avni slowly opened her eyes & nodded at him while biting her lips. Neil looked her in the eye as he dragged his hand down her abdomen & slipped it inside her undies. Avni pulled him in for a kiss as he moved his thumb on her down there in long circular motions. The sensations were too much too take. Not breaking the kiss, he slowly dug his finger inside her when he was sure that she was ready. 

Avni moaned at the sensation in between their kiss as he sucked on her lips. She could feel his cold pendant dangling around his neck as it hit her chin in equal intervals when Neil plunged his fingers in & out of her, hitting at all the right spots. She held his shoulders tightly as she moved her hips to match his rhythm. 

Soon enough, Avni could feel her vision blur as a current of pleasure rippled through her body. She had to kiss Neil in order to prevent herself from crying out loud. 

Neil lied besides her as she rode the waves of her orgasm & looked at her intently as if it was the most beautiful phenomenon that he had ever seen. His own breathing had become deep at that point.

When the bliss washed off & Avni eventually gained her composure back, she felt his intense gaze on him & turned to look at him with the same intensity. 

She just couldn't get enough! Could she?

Her gaze travelled to his crotch & she could figure that he was in pain because of how hard he was at that moment. Getting up slowly, she moved her hands to the waistband of his pants when he held her hands & pulled her back to him. 

N - Today was about you, Mehta! I'll take care of it later. Now, tell me do you want some snuggles? - he asked while already taking her in his embrace. 

However, Avni couldn't stop herself from feeling the hurt & disappointment that flushed through her.  

He just did that to distract her! How could she even allow herself to think that there was something more to it?

Neil massaged her hair for a while before he drifted off to sleep while holding her in his arms. But, she couldn't get even a blink of sleep. 

All of this was just too much to handle! He was too much to handle! She could no longer keep her heart in check whenever he was around!

She only got some sleep when it was around three in the night & her body & mind had completely given up working. 

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