Secret identities

By Tatiana_frog_08

51.1K 1.2K 318

Welcome to Lucia Gomez's life. A young special CIA agent. She is one of the youngest and best agents who was... More

0.1 intro
0.2 Intro
1. Illegal adoption?
2. She's alive?
3. Enzo Moretti
4. Our Lucia
5. Childhood bestfriend
6. Throw a party
7. Friday night
8. Italian mafia princess
9. 真倜中
10. Boring day
11. Lil bro
12. Bloodhounds
Family intro
Family intro 2
13. Family and drama
14. Bonding
15. Petty gang
16. Your mind the worst enemy
17. Girls day out
18. Childhood album
19. Nonno
20. Best film of your life
21. The Maldives
Villa tour
22. No parents
23. Bitchy brothers
24. Fallen cheerleader
25. Rivals
27. Pathological liar
28. Mafia
29. Sneaking out
30. Aunt Azzurra
0.3 Intro
31. Halloween party
32. The voices

26. Night out

776 32 13
By Tatiana_frog_08


Roaming around the school because I was bored of sitting in class and listening to the geography teacher babble bout some sustainability and changes of the world.

I asked him if I could use the toilet to which he thankfully let me. And when my two bodyguards tried to follow after me, the teacher told them to sit back. And while they were arguing, I took that time to run away.

Here I was now giving myself a tour of the academy. Silver Ring Academy.

I was walking around staring at my feet as I counted how many steps I took. When all of a sudden I bumped into something, I stumbled a bit before catching myself.

I looked up frowning. And that's when I instantly regretted coming out of that hella boring class.

I curse myself as I looked up at the boy my brothers told me to stay away from. Phoenix. He was really tall as expected. Bout my triplets height.

We were so class our chests almost touching. Barely an inch of space between us.

I took a step back and had to crane my head back just to look at his face. Why do they get to be so tall while I'm still my short self?

"Wow, be careful there, beautiful." He said before bending down before me. I gave him a blank stare.

"Stop bending down, it's offensive to short people!" I hissed annoyed.

"Sorry, gorgeous. Just wanted to get a better view of your face." He said straightening up, tilting his head down to look at me.

"May I help you?" I asked when he didn't move as I stared at his smirking face.

"You can help me by giving me your number." He flirted. I stared at him bored.

"I'm good thanks." I replied bored in, stepping away and I'm about to walk away only to be grabbed by the waist and pulled to him.

I look up at him with narrowed as but he just smiled. "Alright. At least let me have your name gorgeous."

I thought for a minute. It wouldn't hurt to give him my name. "Lucia." I said before wiggling myself off his hands.

I started walking away, yet he was following me.

"So where are you going?" He asked casually, as if we've known each other forever. My brothers would've kill him if they see him with me.

"What do you want?" I sighed, not looking at him as I continued to walk around.

"Just cos I wanna talk to you does mean I want something from you?"he asked.

"Most people are only with you because they want something from you." I could see him staring at me from the corner of my eye. His gaze digging a hole into the side of my head.

I turned the corner and put some speed into my legs trying to get away from him. He caught up easily with his already long strides.

"I'm not like most people." He said. I stopped abruptly making him stop and I turned to him to see him already looking down at me.

"What makes you so different from others?" I raised a brow. He grinned as a sudden sparkle was seen in his eyes.

"Well if you'd let me I'll show you just how different I am." He said as he looked at me with his boyish grin.

My eyes betrayed me as they fell to his lips for a second. Damn it. Why does this motherfucker have to be hot?

"I didn't know the Moretti's had a sister." He blurted. "Only one that died."

"Well now you do." I said annoyed. I turned and was about to away, this time planning to run. When a voice I was too familiar with spoke.

"What the fuck." Dom's voice growled startling me. I snapped my head behind me with wide eyes as I came face to face with an angry and I mean angry grumpy brother.

It had to be my most control freaked and over protective brother. The one who has anger issues, no fuck that, he has IED like me but can't control it. Not a good sign, huh?

"I-." I was about to make up a lie but he cut me off before I could.

"Russel. You better stay the fuck away from my sister." Domenico warned Phoenix as he took threatening steps towards him.

"Or what?" Phoenix pushed taking a few more steps so now they were on each other's face.

I would love to watch them fight but we're in school and I'd rather them fight outside of school. My brother could get expelled.

Stop acting like you care

Shut up, I'm just trying to seem like a sweet sister

We all already know you're not dead

Look at you two getting along and now hanging up on me

Who said we're getting along


Fight later yea? Let me be for now

What's the point when we can do it now?

Shut up Eli. Sorry Lucy and get back to class

Hell no I'm not going back to that boring class

I was moving my eyes between the two boys who were almost the same size and height. Dom had more muscles and was taller yet that didn't stop Phoenix to act tough.

"It will be the last thing you do for a while.. or ever, depends." Dom threatened. I could see it was getting harder for him to control himself.

He was going to lose it at anytime and I was just watching, intrigued by what this will lead to.

"What's going on here?" A voice suddenly said from behind me. I turned only to be met by a teacher. Let me say that again. The second worst teacher in school right after Delphina. Well now the worst as the hag quit the same day I joined the school.

How I feel very welcomed by the Academy

No one said anything as Dom and Phoenix were still glaring at each other.

"Nothing mister Fisher." I said with a smile.

"It's Mr. Fischer, Miss Moretti." He scowled at me, deepening his wrinkles. He practically spat out my surname. I cringed.

I think the guy has a personal beef with me, or he generally doesn't like me. Ever since I said I was a Moretti his been making me come up front and answer the questions on the bored, saying that 'since you already know everything, you should be able to answer to to this without a problem.'

"Do you have a problem with my sister?" Dom's voice came out cold and emotionless. But you can hear the anger it held underline.

"N-no Mr. Moretti." He stuttered out. Mr. Fisher was trembling under the hard glare my brother was sending him.

"Then why don't you fuck off and mind ya own business." He snarled at the teacher who was shaking, terrified.

"S-sorry s-sir." He said before he quickly scurried off without a word.

"Little fucker. If that was all it took to shut him up, I'd do that along time ago." I said staring at his retreating form without disbelief. He was harder to get rid off and always had something to say to my snarky comments.

Dom chuckled forgetting that his enemy was still here. Phoenix eyes widened as he stared at him shocked.

Dom clenched his jaw as he glared at him. "Stay away from her if you know what's best for you, Russel." Dom warned before grabbing my arm in a firm grip and dragged me away.

"Whatever you say, Moretti." I heard Phoenix call, and this time he didn't follow.

I didn't turn around as I just followed Dom as I didn't have any choice. When we were far away, his grip softened and we continued walking in silence.

We soon went out the school and went between the two buildings of the high school side and college side, which was like a small alleyway teens usually come to smoke as I've seen.

As we went further in, Zac and Dami came into view. They were both smoking while talking and laughing.

"Is the princess bunking class now?" Zac asked smirking as soon as he saw us, amused.

"More like hanging out with the enemy." Dom grunted, taking the cigarette his twin and friend were passing to each other and took a big drag.

Zac and Dami's heads snapped to me as they stared at me with a weird expression.

"I wasn't hanging out with him-."

"Then what were you doing if not talking with the bastard. Cause it sure look like you were having fun." Dom scowled as he exhaled.

Haha. I rolled my ass so hard, I checked out my own ass.

"Maybe if you had glasses then you would've seen clearer." I scowled back. I wasn't going to stay quiet as he thought.

"You're really testing my patience, Lucia." He said taking another drag and puffed it out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push your buttons. I was just looking for mute." I smiled sweetly at him. I internally smirked as I got the reaction I wanted.

He stepped forward with a murderous look ready to most likely threaten me. But Dami stopped him before he could.

"Okay. Chill out, yea?" He said as he tried to calm his twin, putting his hand on Dom's shoulder.

"Yeah, let's not act like we got a stick up our ass, yeah?" Zac said with an amused smirk.

Dom rolled his eyes pushed Dami's hand off him and leaned back on the brick wall continuing to smoke.

Dami rolled his eyes and took the smoke to take a puff. I stared at the cigarette as they passed it around.

"Can I get a puff?" I asked pointing to the cigarette. Dami and Zac stared at me like I've lost my head but Dom rolled his eyes.

"No. Don't you have your own?" He asked. I guess he still remember that one time he caught me smoking on my balcony. Wasn't my fault he walked in without knocking.

"Don't even know why dad lets you do that shit." He grumbled under his breath, loud enough for me to hear.

"And why does he let me?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Don't get any ideas. He only let you because he doesn't wanna be a hypocrite." He groaned. True. Nonno told me that I was just sad. Always getting in trouble, smoking, drinking and our attitude.

"You should learn from him then." I shrugged. I heard him mumble 'you little shit', under his breath. Though he didn't do anything as the two others stared between us seeming entertained.

"Glad you're enjoying yourselves but I've got a class to attend." Just as I said that, the bell rang indicating that school just ended.

"Now you don't." Dami muttered.

"Where's Angelo and Vinezio anyway?" Zac asked with furrowed brows.

"I asked the teacher to use the bathroom and they got held back by the teacher for trying to follow me out." I nonchalantly told.

"Of course." Dom sighed as he brought his hand up to the bright of his nose.

"Come on, we got detention." He said pushing himself off the wall.

"See ya later." I cheerfully said as I followed my big sweet brother.


"Who taught you how to fight?" I asked Tom. The kid was quite skilled and fought like his being trained since he learned to walk.

'Dom did.' He signed proudly with a grin showing off his tooth that he lost last night. I chuckled and roughed his hair. I love that he has a big pride talking bout his brothers.

They always spend time for him and take care of him which makes me happy that he's growing up in a good household.

"That's good, buddy." I smiled at him softly. "You wanna go get a drink?" I asked. He nodded eagerly to which I chuckled at.

He loves my smoothies and always asks for some when I make it for myself. We went to the kitchen and started a conversation while I cut the fruits and started blending them.

"Wanna wear face mask with me?" I asked looking at my fratelli. He thought for a moment before nodding with a wide smile.

I poured two glasses of smoothie for us and we talked while finishing it before I grabbed his hand and we went upstairs greeting the guards on the way.

I let him sit on my bed while I made the face masks for us. I got out only to see my little brother staring at the painting I made yesterday, using hours just to finish it.

I smiled and walked over to him.

'It's pretty.' He signed when he saw me standing beside me. I smiled at him adoringly.

"Thank you, handsome. Do you want me to make one for you?" I asked. Making him immediately nod, eagerly. I laughed.

"Let's put on the face mask first." I said and he quickly nodded. I put on the face mask for the both of us and as I finished, two annoying fuckers barged into my room with Blaze walking beside them and Ellie on top of him.

Blaze and Ellie are always clinging to each other and I have to say that Blaze is really protective of him. Once, Lio tried to pet my baby and Blaze growled at him.

The two are stuck to the hip and Blaze lets my cat sit on his head whenever. There's not a second of them two being apart and I don't think I'm Ellie's favourite no more.

Anyways. Luc and Ami barged in with Blaze and Ellie. As soon as the guys saw our faces they made a grimace.

"What the hell did you do to my little brother?" Luc exclaimed as he placed his hands on his head with a fake horrified look.

"His my little brother too." I glared, rolling my eyes. "What do you want anyway?" I asked as I took out my painting utensils and a canvas.

"You paint?" Ami asked surprised.

"Yeah, I do actually." I said shrugging as I took out my paintings and set them up. "So why are you two here?" I asked still too busy with what I'm going to paint.

"We were going to tell you that we were going out for dinner today." Ami replied.

"Your families coming too?" I asked with a smile as I stared at him for a second before going back.

"Yeah they are." He said, he dropped down on my bed making Tom giggle.

I put on my headphones and put on a song before I started painting. Hours went by and soon I was done.

"Do you like it?" I asked Tom as I showed him the painting. It was a painting of him imitating Dom.

His eyes widened instantly lightning up before a smile made its way on his face. He gave me a big toothy grin and a thumbs up. With a chuckle I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Okay. Now get the hell outta my room, kids." I said sternly, crossing my arms.

"Sure baby, if we're the children you must be the baby." Luc laughed as he got off my bed with Ami both of them laughing.

"Haha. Guess the baby's smarter than ya dumb assess." I smiled at them as they snapped their heads towards me. I pushed them out giving a kiss to my baby before slamming the door on their faces.

Time to get ready. I only have forty five minutes to get ready. I left to the shower and took a quick five minute bath before getting out and moisturising my body.

I let my hair down that had gone back to its natural colour. I didn't want it to be permanent and asked the hair dresses to make it temporary.

Putting on some light make up, mascara, eyeliner, lipliner, lipstick and lipgloss. Putting on my earrings and rings and nose piercing, I quickly changed into my white dress and nude heels.

Grabbing my nude handbag with my things in. I already had a handgun and two daggers strapped on my thighs. Better safe than sorry.

I didn't wear my contacts. I only wear them on school and only take them off when I'm with the fam.

Looking at myself in the mirror one last time, I blew a kiss and smiled before leaving.

As soon as I left my room, my two guards came to my side, guarding me like always.

"You look beautiful as always, Lucy." Angelo complemented me with his usual grin.

He doesn't really show this side of him to many but I'm one of the lucky ones to see this free and playful side of him.

When we're alone, Angelo shows his true self and his cold and emotionless exterior is broken. His like my brothers.

His more relaxed and laid back than Vinezio, though that doesn't mean I like him less.

"Thank you Elo. And you're looking as handsome as always." I smiled at him. "So do you too Zio."

"Thanks bellissima." Vinezio muttered lowly with his deep voice.

"You ready to go?" Angelo asked looking down at me. I nod. The three of us started heading down while making small talks.

I greeted my guard besties as we got to the foyer and they greeted back complementing me. I look towards my family and Ami's you were all staring at me stunned.

"Is that your natural hair?" Aly asked surprised.

"Yeah?" I let out confused.

"It's so pretty. Why do you always straighten or curl your hair or put it up in a ponytail?" She asked as she walked over to me and gave me a tight hug, rocking us to the sides slightly. She pulled away with a big grin.

That's when I remembered that since I came I haven't let my hair down in its natural form and always styled it. It's just the way I like it.

My hair was cut in the butterfly cut and its wavy form made it look prettier. I like my hair don't get me wrong, but I wished I had curly or straight hair.

I shrugged. "I like it better when it's styled."

She gave me a disbelief look like I've lost my head. "Well, now that I've seen it. I'm not gonna let you do anything to it." She said with finality.

I laugh at her to which she rolled her eyes at.

"The hell are you wearing?" Lio all of a sudden said, more like shrieked or whatever. He stared at me with wide eyes and mouth agape like he couldn't believe I was wearing something like this.

I sigh exasperated. "I thought we were done with this?" I said raising my brows. "Plus it's a night out. I need to look good."

"Let the girl love, boys." Mira cut in before any of my other brothers could say something.

I smiled at her and hugged her as he hugged me back. I greeted the others too before we started dispersing into three cars.

3211 words

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