The Ghost and Molly and Night...

By EixheirZamora

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Teens optimists Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf who lives to make the world a better place, fix what... More

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: First Day Frights
Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet
Chapter 4: The (Un)natural
Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together
Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever
Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle
Chapter 9: Not So Honest Abe
Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions
Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist
Chapter 14: All Systems No
Chapter 15: Monumental Disaster

Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!

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By EixheirZamora

We open the scene with the McGee's at the living room. They are about to watch a movie. Pete is the focus point at the start

Pete: You know what I love most about McGee's Family Movie Night? Recreating the theater experience!

His phone rings, the phone then falls a bowl of popcorn while trying to silence it

They stands behind the couch holding a flashlight like a guards

Molly: Uh, sir, We're gonna have to ask you to turn that off.

Pete: See? Movie magic.

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: And just like the movies...

She struggles to open a bag of chip

Grandma Nin: I snuck in my own snacks!

His movie in hand

Darryl: Good news! Scratch and I found the scariest movie ever!

He appears in between Pete and Sharon

Scratch: It has a ghost! And there's nothing scarier than ghosts!

He uses his ghost powers to steal the popcorn from Pete, he then takes out Pete's from from his mouth as he eats the popcorn

Sharon: Especially when they chew with their mouths open...

Nightwolf: We're gonna have nightmares for weeks...We can't wait! Hit play!

The movie then starts, a ghost and a woman's screaming is heard. The scene then changes to the end of the movie showing the McGee's completely bored from it

Darryl: That wasn't even scary! Too many talking head, not enough severed heads!

Scratch: Yeah, and those ghost stereotypes? Answer me this Molly and Nightwolf, do I talk like this all the time?

[Scary voice]


Molly: Sometimes you do.

Scratch: Eh, that's just for effect, but...

Darryl: We could probably make a better movie ourselves!

They gasps

Nightwolf: That's a great idea! We can make a horror movie! I mean, we've got a real ghost.

Scratch: I'll do it! And it'll be the performance of an after-lifetime!

Molly: We'll direct, obviously. Libby can write the script, and Darryl, you can film it on your phone!

Darryl: I didn't get the phone with six cameras for no reason!

Nightwolf: Let's make some movie magic!

The scene changes to the softball field where Molly, Nightwolf, Scratch, and Libby are getting ready to start filming. Libby is setting up the background while Molly and Scratch go over the script

Scratch: Are we sure Libby's not a ghost? Because her script is SPOOKY accurate!

Molly: Uh-huh. Put this on!

They puts a ghost costume on Scratch

Nightwolf: Great work, Libby!

Libby: Ahh!

Molly: The script's great, the set's even better! Now try on your costume!

Libby: But that's for Angela.

Nightwolf: Yes, and who better to bring Angela to life than you, the writer who created her! Right? Also, you're the only person available.

Libby: Oh, no, no, no, Molly and Nightwolf...the very thought of people watching me... on screen... in HD... makes me... 

She gags

She goes behind the set and vomits

Molly: Ah, you'll be fine!

He walks in with buckets of red paint

Darryl: Molly and Nightwolf, where do you want the blood?

Nightwolf: Okay, um, do, do we really need blood in a ghost movie?

Darryl: You know what? I'll surprise you both.

He walks in 

He sighs

Scratch: Boo.

Libby: Who's playing the ghost?

Molly: Oh! him? That's... our Canadian cousin Carl.

Scratch: Yeah, I'm the ghost.

Scratch: Eh?

Darryl: He's visiting.

[Awkward silence]

Nightwolf: OKAY. Gather around crew, gather around!

They clears throat

Nightwolf: We are here for one reason and one reason only: to make the scariest ghost movie ever! Sure, we're just kids with a camera phone and cardboard props, but we've got something Hollywood doesn't! We've got... to be home for dinner! So let's get shooting!

Orchestra intro music plays. A board saying "Spooks Gratia Spookitis" is shown with Scratch in the middle 

Scratch: Boo.

Vocal: ♪ The camera's rolling ♪

Vocal: ♪ And the lights are lit ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ That's as close to in focus as they're gonna get ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ They're a non-union crew ♪

Vocal: ♪ They don't know what they're doing ♪

Vocal: ♪ But they're gonna make movie magic ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ They perform their own stunts ♪

Libby: Whoa!

Libby: Oof!

Nightwolf: ♪ Unintended scene with a skunk ♪

Vocal: ♪ His acting stunk ♪

Vocal: ♪ And emotions explored ♪

She screams

Nightwolf: ♪ With just two shots to go ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ When they realize till now they've been on selfie-mode ♪

He cringes

Darryl: My bad.

Vocal: ♪ If someone's fielding a grounder ♪

Vocal: ♪ They'll just shoot around her ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ There's no time to waste ♪

Molly: Action!

Nightwolf: ♪ Take after take ♪

Scratch: Line?

Vocal and Nightwolf: ♪ They're gonna make movie mag--♪

She gets hit in the head with a ball and falls

Umpire: You're out! No, seriously, we're trying to play a game here. Get out.

After their failed attempt to make a movie, Molly, Nightwolf, Darryl, Scratch, and Libby head back home

Molly: Making movies is hard.

Darryl: I barely got to use my fake blood.

As their are walking. A door opens right in front of Molly and Nightwolf

She walks out

Andrea: Listen up, Fan-dreas! Warm winds are blowing this spring, that's why I stay cool with...

She noticing Molly and Nightwolf and how much of a mess they're looking

Andrea: Whoa! Someone call the police! There's a fashion crime in progress.

Nightwolf: We're making a ghost movie, "Anh"-drea.

Andrea: Shut up! I love horror movies! Totally unrelated, did you know I'm a professional actress? See?

She pulls out a table out of her jacket's pocket and hand it to Molly and Nightwolf

Scratch: Um, uh, we know where this is going right?

An ad plays

Andrea: ♪ For the best in clothing, beauty and sports ♪

Andrea: ♪ Spend your money at Davenport's! ♪

Scratch: She wants to star in our movie!

Andrea: I just had a crazy thought...

Molly: Andrea Davenport in our movie?

She gasps

Andrea: Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf, you both read my mind!

Scratch: Oof.

Andrea: Meet at the store warehouse tomorrow morning. It's where we shoot our commercials so we've got all the sets and equipment we need.

Molly: What...

Andrea: We're gonna make the best movie ever! Ok, love you, bye!

He imitating Andrea

Scratch: I told you!

It's the next day and the kids, and Scratch, are outside the warehouse as scheduled

Scratch: I don't know what to say, but, you know...I was kind of expecting a little more... WHOA!

The door opens and a whole movie set is shown

Scratch: Now this is the star treatment I deserve! I call this my floor-gasbord.

He eats all the food he finds

They walking around

Nightwolf: Okay, everybody, We... It's all very impressive but don't be distracted by the razzle-dazzle. Okay? We just gotta focus on our goal and...

They gasps, Molly and Nightwolf finds a two director's chairs with their names on it

Nightwolf: Oh, Great Spirit, that chairs has our names on it! This is the most beautiful thing We've ever seen. Second is the Grand Canyon. Third is a baby deer learning to stand.

They checking out set

Nightwolf: Are these tombstones real?

They kicks one and hurts their foot

Nightwolf: AH! They don't even fall down. Can you believe this, Libby? Our vision is coming to life!

She walking in with script in hand

Libby: Yeah, so about that? Andrea had a few notes on my script.

Molly: Okay.

Libby: "Lead character should be more relatable..."

Molly: Why not?

Libby: "aspirational.."

Molly: Sounds good.

Libby: "Beautiful, but not know how beautiful she is..."

Molly: Is that a thing?

Libby: Oh. "And also her name should be Andrea"

Nightwolf: Okay...But who cares what the main character is called, as long as the movie's great! Plus, now you don't have to be on camera!

Libby: Eh, that's true.

Molly: See? It all works out for the best!

They are getting ready to start shooting

They sits for the first time in their chairs

Nightwolf: Like a gloves. Alright: Light, Camera, Action!

She talking to her fans

Andrea: About to shoot my very first feature! Thanks to all my followers for believing in me! This is for you, Fan-dreas!

Molly: Uh, Andrea, We said "Action', you know...

She looks at Molly and Nightwolf unpleased. The shooting starts

Andrea: Maybe I shouldn't have taken this shortcut through the scary woods!

Nightwolf: Cue the ghost!

He inhales

Scratch: Line?

They off-screen

Molly: "Boo"!

Scratch: Right. BOO!

Andrea: Oh, no! The hitchhiker's ghost is coming to eat my soul! Thank goodness I'm wearing Swedish memory foam running shoes! Available now at Davenport's Department store!

Nightwolf: Ok, that's a cut!

Scratch: Oh, come one, that was my best stuff!

Molly: That was great Andrea, um, but how about we stick to the script?

Andrea: Sorry, I just knew it was the natural spot for product placement.

Nightwolf: Okay, We hear you, but, um...

He clicks tongue

Nightwolf: Maybe we, we don't do product placement?

Andrea: I mean, you're the directors, but it is how we're paying for everything.

She signals Molly and Nightwolf's director chairs

They looks at it

Molly: Oh...

Andrea: Like this portable waffle-iron for that on the go breakfast lover hard-pressed for time!

He passing by

Scratch: I got one of those.

He struggling to work with the cameras

Darryl: How do you work this things?

Andrea: I got this. GERARD! Gerard does all our commercials. He can work the camera and he knows my good side.'s both.

Darryl: You're replacing me? She can't do that!

Molly: Well, you can still do the behind-the-scenes footage.

Darryl: Can't wait to capture how this all falls apart.

Andrea: Oh I know how it hurts to fire family, but like my daddy says "it gets easier every time"!

Nightwolf: What?

Andrea: What's important is that we do whatever it takes to realize my vision!

Molly: You mean, our vision.

Andrea: Yeah, that's what I said, my vision. All right, Gerard, I'm ready for my close-up!

Nightwolf: Look, Andrea, we need to talk about...

Andrea: One second. Libbs!

Libby: Yeah, coming! Um, did you read my latest script? I addressed all your notes!

Andrea: And I super appreciate you staying up all night, but we decided to go in a bold, new direction...

She takes Libby's script and throws it in the trash

Andrea: Ghost. Romance. Gho-mance.

Libby: But that's not even scary?

Andrea: I mean, do ghost "have to be scary"? Why can't they be cute and cuddly?

Scratch: Because ghosts aren't cuddly! They're sick and twisted and sometimes a little gassy! Especially after eating all of craft services.

His farts making Libby faint

Scratch: Molly and Nightwolf, do something!

Molly: Okay...

Scratch: She's ruining our movie!

Nightwolf: Andrea, the whole point were to make a horror movie.

Andrea: Yes! The horror comes from the ghost spending an eternity having never found true love!

Scratch: That's it! Let's see how fast she can run in those Swedish shoes!

Molly: Look, We know this isn't the movie we set out to make, but just think about how much better it is with all this fancy equipment!

She getting up

Andrea: You both have sold us out to corporate sponsors for what? A chairs with your names on it?

They rushing toward the chairs

Nightwolf: Leave the chairs out of this! Things may have gotten a little out of control, but as long as We're the director, it's still our movie.

She walking towards Molly and Nightwolf

Andrea: Molly and Nightwolf, I'd like you both to meet a family friends, visionary director and visionary film director, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach!

Greta: Hi, I'm Greta Gerwig.

Noah: And I'm Noah Baumbach.

Andrea: With Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach attached, we'll have no problem getting international distribution!

She picks up Molly and Nightwolf's chairs and throws it in the trash

They mentally hurt

Molly: Our chairs...our beautiful chairs...

The shooting for the movie is about to start, again

Greta: Ah, like a gloves...Picture's up! Camera's rolling! Ghosts are cuddly! Ready, Noah!

Noah: Alright: Light, Camera, Action!

The scene shows the original movie crew now left out of their own movie

Scratch: So, is this still our movie?

Nightwolf: No, Scratch. No it isn't...In fact, We think it's time to show Andrea just how scary ghosts can be.

Scratch: Yes! It's the role I've been dying to play!

[Light flicker]

Andrea: Gerard! We're not doing scary anymore!

Scratch: BOO!

Singer: ♪ No one makes my heart dance like you do ♪

Singer: ♪ Nothing less than a "death do us part" ♪

Andrea: Ahh!

Nightwolf: ♪ Never have I ever felt such boo-whoo! ♪

He roars

Andrea: Ahh!

Vocal: ♪ Boom ba da boom ba da boom ♪

Vocal: ♪ Oh! ♪

They screams

Nightwolf: ♪ There goes my heart ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Whenever you're around ♪

Singer: ♪ It's like I leave the ground ♪

Singer: ♪ We'll look into your eyes ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ I'm paralyzed ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ So don't you go ♪

He dumps the fake blood onto Andrea

Singer: ♪ I need you, don't you know ♪

She running away

Andrea: Outta my way, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach! 

They grunts

Andrea: My life's more important than yours!

Vocal: ♪ Boom-ba-da boom-ba-da boom ♪

Singer and Nightwolf: ♪ There goes my heart ♪

After Scratch was done messing around with Andrea and her warehouse, the kids head back home tired from the day's work

They sighs

Molly: We're sorry. guys. Now we've got nothing to show for movie night.

He chuckles

Darryl: We've got this...

He shows the recordings in his phone

She screams

Libby: I might have an idea...

The kids are home and they are ready to show their movie

[Video, shows title with cardboard]

Molly: The Haunting of...The Haunting of Brighton!


Andrea: Gerard! We're not doing scary anymore!

He roars

Andrea: Ahh!

He dumps the fake blood onto Andrea

Andrea: Ahh!

[Video ends]

Everyone applauds

Libby: Wow! Carl really committed to his performance! You can't even see the wires! Uh, wait, there aren't any wires...Carl how did you--

They cutting Libby off

Nightwolf: Oh, look, your name! It's in the credits!

They chuckles

She squeals and take a picture

Libby: I'm a real writer now!

All sighs

His farts again

 ♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee! ♪

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