Love and High School are Just...

By nickie_thg

52.3K 869 860

Follow Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Annie, Glimmer, Marvel, Johanna, Gale, Cato, and Clove through their final ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 21

1.2K 24 35
By nickie_thg

Marvel POV:

     I pull into Finnick's driveway and see that Peeta is already here. All of the guys decided to meet at Finnick's house. Ian and Loki should be here soon. I get out of my car and go up to the door. I ring the doorbell and Peeta answers. "Hey, c'mon in," Peeta says.

     "Hey, are Loki and Ian still coming?" I ask walking into Finnick's house.

     "No. Ian is going to pick up Clove at Annie's. Loki is just going to hang out at home with Thresh 'cause his date got the stomach bug.

      "Oh ok," I say.

      "Aloha, Marvel!" Finnick yells from his couch.

      "So what are we doing for the next hour and a half?" Peeta asks.

      "Well, I ordered a pizza, so that we can eat. We are going to have to get ready eventually. We can just hang out and do guy stuff," Finnick says.

      "Ok," Peeta says taking a seat next to Finnick. I take a seat on a chair in the corner.

      "I've never been to a dance before. What do you do there?" I ask. No girl ever talked to me, so I've never been to a dance. I wouldn't even be going to this is Glimmer wasn't so into this stuff. Or if I didn't have a girlfriend--which I originally expected.

      "Well, you dance, hang out, make out, eat, make out, dance, and dance some more," Finnick says.  

      "Oh cool. Are they fun?" I ask.

      "They can be. At our school it's almost a guarantee that some drama is going to happen. It almost is always with the popular kids. It's usually big too. It'll sometimes happen at prom, too. I hope Cato gets his karma," Peeta says. I don't like that last comment. Cato is my best friend. Did they forget that? I wonder where he slept last night?

      "Don't you think that he already did? I mean he is dating Delly," I say. That got a laugh out of Peeta and Finnick. We just hang out until it's time to go pick up the girls.

Glimmer POV:

     I walk over to Katniss who is sitting at Annie's vanity. "Okay, Katniss," I say. "What do you want me to do with your hair?"

     "Something with braids," she says. Wow, didn't see that one coming. I nod. I braid her hair into different sections and pin them to her head.

     "You like?" I ask.

     "I love," she says. Great. Katniss gets up and Annie comes over and sits. I'm on official hair and makeup duty for them. I already did all of their makeup, so now it's just hair.

     "How 'bout you?" I ask Annie.

     "I dunno. You choose," she says. That's why I love Annie. She's so go-with-the-flow. I put her hair in a loose ponytail and flip it through. "I like that, thanks," Annie says smiling. She get's up and Clove comes over. She has a solemn expression.

    "You ok?" I ask.

    "Yeah, I just forgot how much I hate dances," she says.

    "Well, you are going to have fun and lots of it. Ian's a great guy. Plus you are going to look amazing," I say.

    "Yeah, yeah. Just do my hair and we can get this over with. Can you just do a high-" she says before I cut her off.

    "You don't get to pick," I say. She sighs. I put her hair into a bun, but leave on section out. I fishtail it and wrap it around the bun. She flashes me a quick smile and gets up. We all change and wait for the guys.

    "I hear a car," Katniss states. Annie goes to the window.

    "It's Ian," she says.

    Clove leans over to me and whispers, "Do you think that he thinks this is a date?"

    "I don't know. Is it a date?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Then don't worry about it." She nods. Ian rings the doorbell. Clove answers it.

    "Hey, Ian. Let's go." Clove and Ian go into his car. Just as soon as they pull out Finnick and Marvel pull up. Peeta steps out of Finnick's car as well.

    "Hello, ladies," Finnick say.

     Marvel comes up to me and says, "You look great."

     "I know," I say. It might sound bitchy or snobby, but if you really knew me then it wouldn't. Marvel snickers and rolls his eyes.

     "You ready to go?" he asks. I nod. We get in his car.

     "Did the guys tell you about the drama that always happens at the dances?" I ask.

     "Yeah," he says.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to halfway through the dance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cato POV:

     I sit down at one of the tables because Delly and Madge keep arguing and Madge hasn't left me alone with Delly; which is a blessing in disguise. Someone pulls out the seat next to mine. I turn my head and it's Marvel. "How was last night at Clove's?" he asks me.

     "Fine. We didn't argue once. Her dad still thinks we're dating. Plus she still thinks I'm hot," I say. Last night couldn't have been better given the circumstances.

     "Well that's great," Marvel says.

      "Where's Glim?" I ask.

      "Bathroom with Clove. Or something like that. I really hate school dances. This is why I never went to them at my old school. Well one reason why," he says. Marvel and I keep talking until our conversation gets interrupted by Delly.

      She says, "Cato, I have something really important to tell you. Can we talk in the hallway?" I nod. I get out of my chair and go into the hallway with her. There are a few people in there. "Scram!" Delly yells.

      "Wasn't that a little harsh?" I say annoyed. She is just so annoying. I really regret ever talking to her.

      "This needs to be private. Ok, this is really hard to say. I've been lying to you for a long time," she says. I just stare blankly at her. What the hell could she have been lying about? "After the night we hooked up, I knew you would never want to talk to me again. I couldn't have that because I'm hot and you're hot, which makes us perfect together. I only could think of one way that you would be forced to be with me. I came up with the lie that I'm pregnant. So I'm not pregnant, and you're not going to be a father.

      "What?" I say with my teeth clenched. I can feel that I'm about to lose my temper. "You made me think that I screwed up my life so I would date you? You got me kicked out of my house for nothing?!" I yell.

       "You got kicked out?" Delly asks with tears in her eyes. "Cato, if I knew something like that was going to happen then I would never had come up with this idea."

       "Shut the hell up, you bitch! All of my friends hate me. My own family hates me. And it's all your damn fault!" I yell. I just completely lose it. I slam her against the lockers--which is now my, like, signature thing--and punch the lockers.

       "Cato, what's going on?" Principal Snow asks.

       "I'll handle him," I hear Marvel say. I turn to face them. There is a huge crowd of people in the hallway. Delly is crying in Madge's arms.

       "Delly," I whisper just barely enough for her to hear. She looks at me. "You're dead to me." I run out of the hallway. I kick over one of the benches.

       "What the hell happened in there?" Marvel asks.

Clove POV:

     Snow made us all leave the hallway and go back to the dance. Ian and I are sitting at one of the tables because I don't like to dance and he is just listening to me. That was a good thing about Cato. He would take charge when he really wanted to do something, but when he knew what I absolutely wanted he would do it. Wait, what? No, Cato is not a good guy. But I'm letting him stay at my house. Only out of pity though. Ugh, why is romance so complicated. "Clove?" Ian asks.

      "Yeah," I say.

      "Did you hear my question?" he asks, No I was too busy thinking about how I feel about Cato.

      "Sorry, the music's a little loud."

      "I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asks. Like on a date? Duh, on a date.

      "Oh, Ian. Did you think I had, like, a crush on you?" He nods. "Oh, wow. I'm so sorry, but I thought we were just going as friends. I really like you; just not in that way. Sorry." I get up from the table and go over to the group, minus Marvel. I tell them what just happened with Ian.

      "OOOOOOO! Friend zoned much?" Finnick says.

       "Finnick, don't be mean. This kid actually like Clove. Someone liked Clove. It's Clove," Peeta says in an obvious joking way. I roll my eyes. I just hang out with my friends until we have to leave. I get a ride back with Glimmer and Marvel. I see Cato's car parked down at my old neighbor's house.

      "Is that Cato?" Glimmer asks. I shrug my shoulders pretending. I get out Marvel's car and go down to Cato's car. I tap on his window.

 "What?" he growls rolling down the window.

  "Do you wanna come inside?" I ask. He gets out of his car. When he opens his door it hits me in the hip. "Ow!"

   "Sorry," he mumbles. We walk up to my house in silence. When we get inside, I see Kay and my dad on asleep on the couch. We walk up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door.

   "Do you wanna talk about what happened back there?" I ask.

   He sighs and says, "She's just a bitch. Now I see why everyone hated her in the first place."

   "I know," I say. I sit down on my bed. He does the same. He puts his head in his hands. His shoulders start to shake and I hear a sob. Cato's crying? The last time I ever saw Cato cry was in seventh grade because he was up for expulsion for threatening another student. Which I think might have been Ian. "Come here," I say opening my arms. He willingly takes my offer. He cries for about two minutes before he stops. I guess he's got about six years bottled up inside he just couldn't handle anymore. "Are you ok now?" I ask. He breaks the hug and shrugs. "I know how you feel."

   He looks at me and says, "No you don't. You didn't think you got someone pregnant, lose all of your friends and your girlfriend of three years, have to date the biggest slutbag in the whole school, and get kicked out by the only people who really cared for you!"

   "Ok maybe I don't completely no how you feel, but I know what it's like to be completely lied to and find out in the school hallway," I say. I think back to the day Cato and I broke up. It was definitely a bad day for me.

   "True," he says. We sit there in silence. "Hey, thanks for letting me stay here and dealing with my rage right now." Well, that was random.

   "Umm, you're welcome."

   "Clove, no matter what I've said to you in the past month or so about hating you or wanting to hurt you or whatever, I still love you. You were--are--the best thing in my life." I roll my eyes and smile.

   "Stop being cliché. I still love you too. You know there is an open seat at our lunch table because Ian and Loki are more than likely going to sit with us never again."

   "What? Why?" Cato asks confused.

   "I guess you could say I kinda friend zoned him," I say laughing. Cato snickers and does his signature smirk. He moves closer to me. We just stare at each other until both of us cave. We kiss each other.

Hey, guys! So this is my second update of the day! This probably won't be a regular thing, so don't expect it. In this chapter there is a plot twist! There is also really...interesting coming up in the next few chapters. So watch out for that! I'm leave y'all with that.


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