The Ghost and Molly and Night...

By EixheirZamora

930 23 5

Teens optimists Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf who lives to make the world a better place, fix what... More

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: First Day Frights
Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet
Chapter 4: The (Un)natural
Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together
Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever
Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!
Chapter 9: Not So Honest Abe
Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions
Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist
Chapter 14: All Systems No
Chapter 15: Monumental Disaster
Chapter 16: Talent Show
Chapter 17: Scratch the Surface
Chapter 18: Friend-Off

Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle

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By EixheirZamora

We open the scene with the McGee's in the car, they are singing their cleaning song as they had just bought cleaning supplies

Molly: ♪ Oh, it's the McGee's cleaning song ♪

Darryl: ♪ Everybody sing along ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ The house is really dirty ♪

Sharon and Pete: ♪ So today we're intervening ♪

All: ♪ By cleaning♪ The basement!

Scratch: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. You've already ruined the rest of my house, now you want to ruin my precious basement, too?

She putting on gloves

Molly: Scratch, if you love the basement so much, why don't you live down there?

Scratch: Uh, ew, no. Moldy. I'm upset by the principle of the thing. How would you like it if I messed with your things?

A bang is heard, then the car's engine stops working

Scratch: I understand why you both think I did that, but I didn't.

The McGee's are pushing the car through the streets while Scratch stays inside doing nothing. The cars behind them are honking

Sharon: I really hope we can afford these repairs.

She grunts

Sharon: Our finances are... tight.

Darryl: Don't worry, Mom. I have a no-risk business investment! Full disclosure, it requires access to cryptocurrency, frequent travel to Sweden, and, uh, a stomach for danger.

Pete: Not falling for that. Again.

Nightwolf: Since our whole family uses the van, we should all pitch in. We will forgo my allowance. Darryl, will, too.

Darryl: What? You both can't forgo me!

Pete: No forgoing! Kids, keep your allowances. It's probably just a small teeny-tiny problem that won't cost much money to fix.

Mechanic: It's a huge problem. It's gonna cost a lot of money to fix.

[Bell chimes]

Pete: I don't suppose you take an old Sub Shack punch card? It's got a free BLT!

Mechanic: Eh-eh.

He anxiously

Pete: Uh, spit balling here, are we sure we even need a van? We could all just stay at home, going absolutely nowhere with our lives. Forever! Doesn't that sound fun, kids? Help.

Sharon: With all the moving costs, utility bills, credit card debt, and now we have another mouth to feed.

All look at Scratch

Scratch: I'm a growing ghoul!

He goes inside car and eat a BLT and close the car glass

Sharon: It's been a tough year for the McGee's family savings account.

Pete: May it rest in peace.

They concerned

Molly: Uh, are we gonna be okay?

Sharon: Don't worry. McGee's always make it work. And now that we're settled down in our forever home, it makes sense to have a second income. That's right... Mama's gettin' a job!

The car's broke engine and tire and door breaks

Scratch: That was also not me.

He sitting on top of Pete's head

Scratch: Why do we live so faraway?

She gasps

Sharon: I should be a meter maid. Then I get paid to tell people they're bad parkers. You know I'd love that.

Nightwolf: Yeah, I mean, personally, We see you as a brain surgeon. Although that's not really a "starting today" thing.

Darryl: I'm telling you, Mom, reconsider nuisance lawsuits. I know a lawyer named Ramón who is not encumbered with so-called "ethics".

He whistles

He spots a Sam's Diner "help wanted" sign in the window

Scratch: Diner. Help wanted sign. Bang. Solved it. Like always, Scratch is the hero. Go cook.

The McGee's turn to Scratch in terror as Sharon approaches him in rage

Nightwolf: Oh, Great Spirit Here We Go Again.

Sharon: I worked in my parents' restaurant growing up,

[Demonic voice]

Sharon: and that was enough kitchen work for a lifetime. NEVER SAY "GO COOK" AGAIN!

He shrieks

He hides behind Molly and Nightwolf

She whispering

Molly: This morning Nightwolf and I caught her glaring at the stove.

The McGee's are in the kitchen

She growls at the stove

Scratch: Whoa. You were not kidding.

He groans

Sharon: Well, it's still cleaning day. Pete, you and the boys go ahead and start in on the basement.

Darryl: Aw...

Scratch: What do you mean "boys"?

They hands Scratch the cleaning supplies

He grunts

They head to the basement unenthusiastically

Pete: ♪ It's the McGee's cleaning song ♪

Darryl: ♪ Hope it doesn't take too long ♪

Sharon: Don't worry. I'll take care of the van situation.

Molly and Nightwolf and Sharon POV

The scene then switches from Sharon being positive to completely desperate

She is in the kitchen with Molly and Nightwolf

Sharon: I have no idea how to take care of the van situation!

Nightwolf: Okay...

Sharon: Where do you even find jobs anymore?

Molly: Well, we could look at--

Sharon: Or the newspaper? Do they even make newspapers anymore?

Nightwolf: Oh, Sharon. Sharon! Sharon! 

Nightwolf: We don't know, okay? But they make apps. They make apps.

He takes Molly's phone and shows Sharon an app called Gig Pig

Sharon: Huh. Gig Pig.

Molly: It's for odd jobs. Someone needs a job done, you do it, you get paid, Mama.

Sharon: Quick cash. Just what we need! Good thinking!

[App oinks]

They get a notification for a job

Sharon: Ooh! That was fast! Looks like I've got my first job.

Molly: We're coming with! This is a family problem and if you're doing your part, then We'll do mine, too! What's the gig?

Sharon: "Handing out free food."

Footsteps are heard and a door shuts loudly

He shows up

Scratch: Ok, fine, I'll come!

Darryl and Pete POV

While Molly, Nightwolf, Sharon, and Scratch are off to their first job, Pete and Darryl get ready to start cleaning the basement

Pete: Where do we start?

He spots a centipede on the other side of the room

Darryl: Whoa! That's the biggest centipede I've ever seen. They say if you see one centipede, there's a thousand more you can't see.

He goes on to lift a box

Pete: I think those are cockroaches...

The box Darryl lifted has multiple centipedes under that are now moving around the room

Darryl: Nope. Centipedes, too!

All the centipedes crawl on top of Pete

He screams


Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

They are giving out free snacks

Sharon: Free protein bars! I scream, you scream, we all scream for protein!

He shows up and takes a protein

Scratch: Mmm.

He gags

He spits and throws it away

Scratch: Gah! You know, I eat food right out of the garbage. But this... this is garbage!

She offering tot he people walking by

Sharon: Protein bar? Protein bar?

A man with Scratch's protein bar walks by annoyed

Sharon: Oh, I see you already have one. Please, tell me, did we make enough money yet?

Nightwolf: Uh...

He show Molly's phone and checks the app

[chimes and oinks]

A money meter increases a little showing the amount of money they currently have gained

Nightwolf: Not yet, but we have a new job!

Sharon: Thank heavens!

He stepping out of a garbage can

Scratch: I gotta cleanse my palate.

He starts eating the garbage

He slurps

Darryl and Pete POV

He tries to get rid of the centipedes while Darryl sits back

Pete: You don't belong here!

He screams

Pete: Begone, you foul beasts!

He holding a centipede

Darryl: Goochie-goo.

As Pete tries to hit the centipedes, he ends up hitting boxes around. A few of the boxes, once removed, reveal a small metal door.

He gasps

Darryl: Dad, I think I found something!

Pete: Hopefully not more centipedes.

Darryl: Even better! A tiny mysterious old-timey door! Can we open it?

Pete: Darryl, I'm not exaggerating when I say I've been waiting my entire life for a moment like this.100 P, we are opening it!

A centipede then crawls on top of Pete's hand making him jump in fear

He screams

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

They are trying to walk some dogs in order to get payed but the dogs refuse to cooperate

Sharon: Come on, dogs! You walk, you poop, you pay us. I though we had a deal!

He shows up, eating the treats Molly and Nightwolf are offering to the dogs

Even though he is using his invisibility powers

Molly: Huh?

The dogs see him

They growling at Scratch

Scratch: Wait, can dogs see me? 

They barking at Scratch

Scratch: I don't like it, make it stop!

He tries to run from the dogs but they chase him

They are forced to follow them because of the leash

She screaming

Molly: Mom!

Darryl and Pete POV

They intrigue to know what's inside, try to open the mysterious tiny door. Multiple centipedes come out of the lock and scare Pete

Pete: Aah!

Before they stop trying, Pete launches himself towards the door, hitting his head

They grunts

Multiple centipedes landed on top of Pete's body

Pete: Ahh!

They hitting the door

They shouting

He wearing a helmet lying on skateboard towards the door, hitting his head

Pete: Ahh!

Darryl: Come on, door! Please open! And please have something cool inside!

He sitting up

Pete: I bet it's a secret vault where an old gangster stored his loot!

He starts to imagine as he speaks

Pete: Forget fixing the van, we'll be able to buy a new one! Maybe one that's electric, and drives itself, and has a cupholder...No, two cupholders!

Darryl: No, there're only one explanation to where all these centipedes came from. That door obviously leads to another world. A Centipede World!

The scene switches, showing Darryl's idea of the Centipede World

Darryl: There's a centipede mayor and a centipede school. A centipede shoe store, a centipede florist. Maybe a centipede jail filled with super-buff centipede convicts!

Centipede Convict: Everyday is leg day!

Darryl: We'll charge admission and make millions!

Pete: Love it. Counterpoint. I don't think Centipede World is real.

Darryl: Remember when you didn't think ghosts were real?

Pete: Mm, um...Okay, you raise a good point. Either way, we need to know!

Darryl: We need to know.

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

They are in a barn. Molly and Nightwolf are petting a buffalo while Scratch struggles to avoid the buffalo that can see him

Scratch: Buffalo can also see me!?

Scratch: Ahh!

Sharon: Ok, next task..."Shovel buffalo patties".

Nightwolf: What are buffalo patties--? Ugh.

They gags

He yells

Nightwolf: Do we have enough money to pay for the van repairs yet?

Her app gets notification of money received

Sharon: Not nearly enough.

Molly: Mom, it's not enough...yet. Let's get gigging, piggins!

She takes the phone and takes another job

[Oinking dance beats]

Singer: ♪ She's gonna make that cash ♪

She fixing a sink piping leak

Singer: ♪ She's got a family to feed ♪

She broke a faucet handler

Nightwolf: ♪ Doing everything she can ♪

They are doing a clowns juggler

Nightwolf: ♪ To make ends meet ♪

Singer: ♪ She's giggin' ♪

Chorus: ♪ giggin' giggin' ♪

They clapping for short

Singer: ♪ Giggin' for a livin' ♪

He eating a cake and clapping

Nightwolf: ♪ She'll give your poodle a bath ♪

They taking a two dog bath 

Nightwolf: ♪ Give your schnauzer a shower ♪

They barking and chase at Scratch

Singer: ♪ She can steam clean your jeans ♪

She use hair dryer to clean a jeans

Singer: ♪ If you pay by the hour ♪

He doing a sauna to relaxation

Nightwolf: ♪ She's plugged in ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Giggin' for a livin' ♪

Darryl and Pete POV

Pete: Let's do this.

Singer: ♪ She'll cater your luncheon and skim your pool ♪

He use the hammer but this too heavy

Singer: ♪ A centipede world would be so cool ♪

He hearing a centipede world with a door

Darryl: Whoa.

Chorus: ♪ So many handcuffs ♪

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

Singer: ♪ Every gig, something new ♪

They getting a honey with beekeeper and cleaning a chimney

Singer: ♪ Ride or die for a five-star review ♪

They catching a squid but he going a water

Nightwolf: ♪ She's workin' hard, workin' hard ♪

They doing a milk production 

Nightwolf: ♪ She's on a roll, roll ♪

They doing a sheep shearing but the sheep chase at Scratch

Singer: ♪ Up to her elbows in toxic mold! ♪

They clean a floor and wall

Sharon: Wait, what?

Singer: ♪ She's giggin' ♪

Sharon: Did she say "toxic mold"?

Singer: ♪ She's giggin' ♪

The 3 dog chasing at Scratch 

Scratch: Leave me alone!

Singer: ♪ She's giggin' giggin' giggin' ♪

She doing a shoe shiner

Nightwolf: ♪ She's giggin' for a livin' ♪

She doing a gardening hose and wrecking abandoned barn

Sharon: Do we need to go see a doctor?

Singer and Nightwolf: ♪ You'll be fine! ♪


He winks

Darryl and Pete POV

The scene cuts from Sharon to Pete and Darryl who have built a machine to open the tiny door

Darryl: Dad, no matter what's behind this door, I will remember this moment forever.

Pete: Me, too. This is the moment where you and I, father and son, worked together to unravel a mystery beyond all imagination and save this family from financial ruin!

He starts the machine engine, both then start pushing it forward

Darryl: Come on, Centipede World!

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

The scene switches to Sharon who is exhausted from all the gigs

She sits on a bench in the park and sets a box filled with working materials down

She sighs

Molly: Every...thing...hurts...

Scratch: At least you weren't viciously attacked by wild hounds! And look at my little cutie bit

He signals to his hair which is munched

Scratch: Now it looks like old gum!

[Dog barking]

Scratch: Ahh!

Nightwolf: How are we doing, Sharon? We gotta be close to our goal by now.

She takes her phone to check the money meter which is now filled to the top

Sharon: We did it! We actually did it!

Molly: We did it?

They both stand and cheers

They laughter

Nightwolf: See? When we come together as a family, there's nothing we can't accomplish!

Sharon: Yeah, Mom and the McGee's are unstoppable!

Her phone rings, she picks up

Sharon: Pete, honey! Great news, we just--

She sitting down

Sharon: Wait!

[Toilet flushing down]

Sharon: What?

Darryl and Pete POV

Scene switches to show Pete on the other end of the phone. The basement is filled with water

Pete: Yeah, craziest thing. We were just down here cleaning, and only cleaning, and suddenly BOOM! So...

He chuckles

Pete: We're gonna need a new hot water heater... Hello? H-Honey? Honey? And she hung up.

Darryl: Though Mom can never know the truth, and though it'll cost us hundreds of dollars to fix...can you really put a price on the bond between a father and his son?

Pete: No, son. No you can!--

A centipede on top of a floating box approaches Darryl and Pete, scaring Pete once again and making him try to row himself away

He screams

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch and Sharon POV

Back to Sharon and Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch

She sighs

Sharon: We fix one problem, another one crops up.

Molly: We're sorry Mom, being a grown up must be hard, but We're proud of you! Sure there was hard work and silly costumes, and multiple types of poop, but you gave it your all to make us some money! And that's awesome!

Sharon: Aw, look at you two. always finding the silver lining. You know, I liked getting out there, too! I should keep being a Gig-Pig! Our family clearly need the cash.

[Oinking chimes]

The new job notification goes off

Sharon: Perfect timing! Let's see the job... "Help me".

They took up to find Scratch typing on Molly's phone

[Dog barking]

Scratch: Ahh!

He tries to run as the animals get closer but he gets caught and the animals hurt him

Scratch: Stop!

Nightwolf: We should help him.

She taking the job offer

Sharon: Yeah.

 ♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee! ♪

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