Silver Lining


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Secret Organization. White Star. Sealed God. They are all gone now. Peace has come again to the Western and E... More

Team Leader
Our Past
Our Past II
Our Past III
Raisa II
Raisa III
Jung Yeon Hwa
How Peaceful
God of Death
Cherished One
You Are Not Alone
Silver and Black
Little One
How Did You Know?
QnA Part 1
QnA Part 2
QnA Part 3
Deja Vu
The Present
Festival II
Festival III
The Butler and The Chef
The Lady
The Rose, The Lights & The Darkness
Special AU Part 1
Special AU Part 2
Special AU Part 3
Special AU Part 4
Side Story
New Moonlight
Zero Failure
Losing Her
The Diary
Puzzle City
The Heart and Soul
The Dukedom
His Guest

Kim Soo Yeon

1.3K 114 17

The hospital's garden sprawled around them, a haven of serenity amidst the sterile corridors of the medical facility.

Blooms of various hues lent their colors to the scene, and the soothing rustle of leaves overhead seemed to echo the murmur of wellness.

The pleasant ambiance was interrupted by the persistent calls of a child.

"Yeon Hwa Unnie! Yeon Hwa Unnie!"

A young girl, no older than ten, with innocent eyes and an energetic spirit, repeatedly called out to the lady standing before her.

However, the lady in front of her seemed lost in her own thoughts, her gaze fixed on something distant.

The lady, with captivating silver eyes, appeared absentminded, absorbed in whatever occupied her mind.

The child's attempts to gain her attention went unnoticed until she called louder, breaking through the lady's reverie.


Finally, the lady was drawn back from her reverie, her moonlight eyes refocusing on the little girl who had been trying to get her attention.

A loving smile graced her features as she knelt down to the child's eye level.

"Soo Yeon? Are you already here?"

She asked the child, her voice a soft melody carrying an undertone of genuine affection.

"Yeon Hwa Unnie, I kept calling you!"

A hint of sulky reproach colored Soo Yeon's words.

The 10-year-old, Kim Soo Yeon, had fine black, shoulder-length curls that framed her face, with a playful set of bangs dancing above her expressive eyes.

With every movement, her curls danced in the gentle breeze, adding an air of innocence to her appearance.

Jung Yeon Hwa, amused by the adorable display, couldn't resist pinching the little girl's fleshy cheek affectionately.

Her touch was tender, a testament to the bond they shared. With warmth in her voice, she remarked,

"Our dear Soo Yeon came early today. What's behind your back?"

Caught off guard, Soo Yeon froze for a moment, her small hands unconsciously clutching something tightly behind her back.

She glanced up at Yeon Hwa, her expression betraying her inability to hide the truth.

With a shy demeanor, she reluctantly revealed what she held—a soft drink can, adorned with Jung Yeon Hwa's favorite brand.

Soo Yeon's cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as she looked away in shy sweetness, presenting the drink to her Unnie.

Kim Soo Yeon's words were laced with innocence and concern.

"Unnie has always seemed lost since that accident. Yeon Hwa Unnie likes this, right? I will give this to you, just don't tell Uncle about this."

The last sentence was whispered conspiratorially, and the little girl extended the soft drink can toward Jung Yeon Hwa.

Before Jung Yeon Hwa could accept the gift, a scarred hand intercepted it, whisking it away with a firmness that brooked no argument.

The deep voice that followed, uttered the young girl's name in a stern tone.

"Kim. Soo. Yeon."

The young girl, upon hearing her name called with a certain weight, immediately dived into Jung Yeon Hwa's arms, seeking refuge from the lady.

The man who now held the soft drink can was none other than Kim Rok Soo, a figure in his late 30s with intense reddish-brown eyes.

As well as Kim Soo Yeon's legal guardian, her beloved Uncle (Samcheon).

"Kim Soo Yeon, you have grown up already, huh? You even skipped the last class and came here all alone. If I don't receive a phone call from your homeroom teacher, I will be fooled till the end."

His gaze, filled with a blend of love and exasperation, lingered on the disobedient 10-year-old child who had sought sanctuary in Jung Yeon Hwa's arms.

Jung Yeon Hwa, a bit surprised by the man's words, lifted the child in her arms to take a closer look at her.

"Soo Yeon, what your Uncle said is true? You came here alone?"

The probing silver eyes of the lady sought an honest answer. Kim Soo Yeon, guiltily silent, avoided making eye contact with her.

Meanwhile, Kim Rok Soo interjected again, tapping the can in his hand for emphasis.

"And how could you give a carbonated drink to the patient?"

His tone was firm but not harsh, highlighting his concern for Jung Yeon Hwa's well-being.

Kim Soo Yeon, her innocent reddish-brown eyes mirroring her uncle's, widened, and she innocently asked.

"...This drink is bad for Unnie?"

She looked so pitiful that the man couldn't help but pat her head.

"Jung Yeon Hwa is still recovering; she needs to control her sugar intake. How about buying something else? There is a convenience store down there."

Kim Rok Soo picked her up effortlessly, allowing her to stand as he tidied up the wrinkles of her dress and handed his card to her.

As she obediently received it, he added.

"By the way, didn't I tell you to call Jung Yeon Hwa 'Aunt' instead of Unnie?"

Kim Soo Yeon walked away playfully responding.

"The beautiful lady is always Unnie! I will go now, Uncle, Unnie!"

Her innocent laughter echoed through the hospital garden as she made her way to the convenience store, leaving Jung Yeon Hwa and Kim Rok Soo behind.

The two adults observed the lively departure of the little girl with fondness.

Left alone, an awkward silence settled between them.

Kim Rok Soo, the man with reddish-brown eyes and a bit of a scarred appearance, rubbed the back of his neck.

His gaze briefly met the lady beside him, her long, flowy black hair cascading down her shoulders in contrast to her patient's white outfit.

The lady noticed his movement and greeted him politely.

"How have you been, Young Master Cale-nim?"

If their respective team members were to see them, they would be shocked, as the relationship between 'Kim Rok Soo' and 'Jung Yeon Hwa' they knew was not this stiff.

However, the current souls inhabiting their bodies were not their true owners.

The soul inhabiting 'Kim Rok Soo's' body spoke up awkwardly.

"...At ease. You don't need to treat me like this. I am not the eldest son of the noble house, Cale Henituse, anymore."

Jung Yeon Hwa's current occupier, the soul within Kim Rok Soo's body, replied with a touch less formality.

"You are always Young Master to me, 'Rok Soo-ssi.' Anyway, I will try my best to adapt well here."

Kim Rok Soo looked at the young lady who seemed to be lost in thought after expressing herself. He called her attention with a simple.


Her moonlight eyes turned towards him, the familiar gaze holding untold stories.

Kim Rok Soo, sensing a shared experience, asked with silent understanding,

"It's been a week since you've been in this world. How is it?"

The question held a weight, reflecting the complexities of their unique situation.

Jung Yeon Hwa shifted her attention, her moonlight eyes observing the hospital garden and its surroundings.

"...It's different than where we are from. The peacefulness of this world is a bit unreal to me, to be honest."

Kim Rok Soo silently absorbed her words, gazing up at the sky as he smoothly changed the subject.

"It's only been a week; the doctor already gave you permission to walk around the garden."

Nodding, Jung Yeon Hwa confirmed.

"As I am the ability user, I am recovering well better than the average person. He said I just need to rest for at most 2 months before discharging and returning to my work."

Sitting down beside her, Kim Rok Soo offered reassurance.

"Take your time to recover. Your team is currently under my care."

His gaze met hers, conveying a sense of understanding and support.

"There's no need to rush anymore, Raisa."

Jung Yeon Hwa absorbed the reassurance in his words and moved on, asking.

"How have the other members been doing?"

"You don't need to worry too much. The healer members are doing well. They have been asking about your condition almost every day, as you couldn't accept many visitors."

The lady stared at him, her silver eyes searching his face for any signs of hesitation.

Kim Rok Soo continued.

"Your Assistant Leader, Kang Ha Joon, is the same as always, although a bit anxious in the beginning."

Jung Yeon Hwa's features softened with relief upon hearing his words.

However, a thought crossed her mind, and she couldn't help but chuckle in amusement.

"I think your Assistant Leader, Kim Min Ah, is more anxious about my situation."

The memory brought a fleeting smile to her lips.

Kim Rok Soo thought back to the first time this lady had awoken after that accident and sighed in helplessness.

He still remembered how it was unfolded.

In the office where everyone takes a lunch break, the atmosphere hummed with the chatter of colleagues enjoying their midday respite.

Amidst the bustle, a man of striking height, standing at 182 cm, adorned in a sleek black jacket, prepared to depart.

A woman with a neat ponytail approached him, her tone carrying a note of curiosity.

"Team Leader Kim, are you going to visit Team Leader Jung again today?"

Kim Rok Soo responded without diverting his gaze, his voice firm.

"That's right. Kim Min Ah, you take care of everything in my place for the time being. Just call me if anything happens."

Kim Min Ah, the Assistant Leader, caught up with her superior, determination etched into her expression as she declared.

"I will let Agent Jung handle it. I will go with you this time."

Kim Rok Soo glanced at his steadfast assistant, a hint of exasperation flickering in his eyes at her unwavering dedication.

Together, they navigated the office corridors until they encountered a familiar face.

With a polite nod, the individual greeted them both.

"Team Leader Kim, Assistant Leader Kim."

Kim Rok Soo acknowledged the greeting with a nod of his own, while Kim Min Ah reciprocated.

"Assistant Leader Kang, are you on your way to go somewhere?"

The bespectacled man, Kang Ha Joon, adjusted his glasses before responding.

"I am going to the hospital."

Kim Min Ah inquired further.

"To visit your Team Leader?"

Kang Ha Joon nodded and noticed the Team Leader and Assistant Leader of the Attacking Team's attire.

"...Are both of you also going?"

Kim Min Ah smiled broadly while nodding strongly.

Then, Kang Ha Joon politely invited them for a ride with him,

"How about going with me? I have a car with me."

Before Kim Rok Soo could respond, Kim Min Ah eagerly agreed for them.

"That's a good idea! Carpooling is the best!

Then, three of them together journeying in the same direction.

In the backseat of the car, Kim Min Ah asked Kang Ha Joon.

"Did you receive any news from the hospital today?"

Kang Ha Joon, focused on the road, replied.

"No, I just visited to check on Team Leader Jung's condition."

Kim Min Ah sighed, expressing the collective concern.

"It's been a month already, and Yeon Hwa Unnie is still in a coma..."

After the accident in Incheon, where Jung Yeon Hwa saved a young child from being hit by the fallen debris of a building, she fell into a coma.

Despite extensive medical examinations, there seemed to be no clear reason for her current state.

Kang Ha Joon, hearing her words, glanced fleetingly at Kim Rok Soo, who sat in the passenger seat.

Kim Rok Soo stared out of the window in silence, his thoughts a mystery to those around him.

Arriving at the hospital, Kim Min Ah dragged Kang Ha Joon to the convenience store before going up to the room where Jung Yeon Hwa was recuperating.

Left alone, Kim Rok Soo made his way to the room.

Exiting the elevator, he noticed a doctor and two nurses leaving the room where Jung Yeon Hwa rested.

The man didn't pay much attention; it was the time when doctors did their rounds.

Approaching the room, he noticed that the door wasn't completely closed.

Before sliding it open, he overheard a voice from inside.

He flinched, not because the woman who should have been in a coma had finally woken up, but due to the context of her words and the language she was using.

It was a language that he, as an outsider to that world, could only recognize.

It was the Western Continent language.

"This body's name is Jung Yeon Hwa? Where is this? This is not the Roan Kingdom..."

The words, spoken in a tone of confusion, reached his ears.

Kim Rok Soo's heart skipped a beat.

The man hesitated for a moment before gathering his resolve and pushing the door open.

Stepping into the room, he revealed his presence, speaking in the same language.

"This is Earth. The nation you are in is called South Korea. Where is Jung Yeon Hwa? Who are you?"

The lady's attention shifted to him, and they locked eyes in a silent exchange of scrutiny.

Kim Rok Soo observed the woman before him sitting up on the hospital bed.

Physically, she appeared to be Jung Yeon Hwa—nothing seemed out of place.

Yet, he knew from experience that the soul within had changed.

The depth in her silver eyes hinted at a journey of profound experiences.

The lady broke the silence, uttering a single word.



The man lifted an eyebrow in question, prompting her to explain.

"You just asked who am I. My name is Raisa."

The man couldn't hide his dumbfounded expression at her matter-of-fact reply.

Her expression remained unchanged, and she continued in a tone that betrayed little emotion

"That body is Kim Rok Soo's. I guess you are the soul God of Beginnings introduced to me. I don't know who you are, but nice to meet you. You don't need to worry; I am just a harmless soul."

With these words, 'Raisa' extended her hand toward Kim Rok Soo, signifying a gesture of friendliness.

Kim Rok Soo scrutinized the hand extended towards him, his curiosity mingled with suspicions like an intricate dance of light and shadow.

The air around them crackled with tension, an unspoken question lingering in the room.

His probing words hung in the air, demanding answers that only the mysterious lady could provide.

"Where's Jung Yeon Hwa? What's this talk about the God of Beginnings? Did you strike some deal to end up here?"

The lady retracted her hanging hand without much emotion as she explained the situation.

"It's just an exchange body. 'Jung Yeon Hwa', she's currently in my body. I am pretty sure she will meet the true owner of that body, 'Kim Rok Soo' soon. "

"Don't misunderstand, it's not a deal. It's more like... favoritism?"

She added, devoid of emotion.

Kim Rok Soo gazed at her in bewilderment, his mind grappling with the surreal nature of their exchange.

"Are you being serious?"

For the first time, a wisp of a smile graced the woman's lips, though it bore the weight of self-deprecation.

"My words hold no deceit. Well, it's a good exchange. Both of us were fated to die in the first place."

The revelation struck Kim Rok Soo like a bolt from the blue, his senses reeling in response.

"Jung Yeon Hwa was supposed to die? You mean in that Incheon accident?"

With a solemn nod, the woman confirmed his suspicions, her gaze drifting to her hands as if lost in thought.

Kim Rok Soo covered half the lower part of his face with his hand and looked at the absentminded woman who sat on the white bed looks like she didn't belong to this world.

Breaking the silence, he inquired once more.

"Your name is Raisa? Do you have any knowledge of me?"

She met his gaze with an impassive expression.

"No. The God of Beginnings only said that in this foreign realm, only you could help me, guide me."

As the conversation unfolded, Kim Rok Soo picked up on a reference to the Roan Kingdom, curiosity tinged his words.

"You mentioned the Roan Kingdom. Is that your place of origin?"

"Yes, I am a citizen of the Roan Kingdom. My homeland was engulfed in war, and I met my demise amidst the chaos. I found myself regressed to the past, two years before the conflict. Then, at the moment of 'Jung Yeon Hwa's' death, the God of Beginnings, also known as the Goddess of Life, exchanged our bodies."

A moment of contemplative silence lingered before Kim Rok Soo formally introduced himself.

"I am Cale Henituse, merely the eldest son of a noble house—"

His words halted as he noticed a change in the lady's demeanor.

Abruptly, he noticed tears silently streaming down the lady's moonlit eyes.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Where does it pain?"

Without waiting for a response, he hurriedly approached the woman, whose expression remained stoic even as tears betrayed an underlying emotion.

As Kim Rok Soo drew nearer, the lady clasped his sleeves tightly, her voice trembling.

"Y-young Master Cale-nim?"

Tears continued to stream down her face as she spoke in a trembling voice.

"Young Master-nim might not remember me. I-I was a resident of Henituse Territory, a humble baker in a small bakery."

"I survived the Northern Alliance attack and sought refuge in the capital, where I worked as a herbalist. Even though Henituse Territory fell, I was relieved to hear you had survived.

"I caught a glimpse of you when Roan urgently needed more soldiers, but after that, I lost track of your whereabouts. Y-you being here now means..."

Her voice faltered as she choked on her tears.

Kim Rok Soo initially flustered, composed himself upon comprehending her narrative.

He responded truthfully.

"That's right. I was killed by that bastard White Star."

Hearing the man cursing without holding back, the lady ceased crying, though tear streaks were evident on her face.

A small, genuine smile broke through her emotional facade.

"Young Master Cale-nim hasn't changed at all."

She uttered before succumbing to exhaustion, fainting in his arms.

Swiftly catching her, Kim Rok Soo pressed the emergency button in the room, summoning the assistance of a doctor.

As a doctor and nurse team entered to attend to the patient, Kim Min Ah and Kang Ha Joon arrived coincidentally at the same time, each carrying plastic bags filled with lunch boxes and drinks.

Kang Ha Joon, the Assistant Leader of the patient, appeared visibly agitated as he scanned the room, his concern evident.

Approaching Kim Rok Soo, he urgently inquired about the situation while observing the doctor's serious examination of his Team Leader.

Kim Rok Soo, caught in the awkward position of relaying the news, hesitated before responding.

"...Team Leader Jung woke up but then fainted."

Kim Min Ah interjected with a mix of worry and curiosity.

"What? What happened?"

Before Kim Rok Soo could offer an explanation, the doctor took charge, delivering a detailed account.

"After a thorough examination, it's evident that the patient experienced a syncopal episode induced by a rapid surge in blood pressure following a sudden agitation."

"The abrupt increase in blood pressure led to a transient decrease in cerebral perfusion, resulting in the temporary loss of consciousness."

The doctor directed his gaze at Kim Rok Soo, the only individual possibly 'responsible' for the situation, and advised.

"It's best to allow Miss Jung to rest for a while. She should naturally regain consciousness."

As the doctor and nurse exited the room, leaving the atmosphere tense with concern, Kim Min Ah approached the bed, her gaze fixated on her unconscious Team Leader.

Observing the tear marks on Jung Yeon Hwa's face, she couldn't contain her surprise.

"Team Leader Kim! Did you make Yeon Hwa Unnie cry?"

She made an effort to keep her voice low, not wanting to disturb the slumbering patient.

Kim Rok Soo, feeling the weight of the moment, scratched his cheek awkwardly and vaguely responded.

"...Well, we talked about the past."

Technically, it's not entirely deceptive since their conversation indeed delved into the past.

Kang Ha Joon, the Assistant Leader, adjusted his glasses with a serious demeanor and inquired

"Why did you suddenly bring up the past?"

Kim Rok Soo glanced at Kang Ha Joon, who had been alongside 'Jung Yeon Hwa' since her promotion to Team Leader of the Healer Team.

With good intentions to aid the soul inhabiting Jung Yeon Hwa's body, Kim Rok Soo advised.

"Kang Ha Joon, regardless of what happened, you need to continue supporting your Team Leader."

Kang Ha Joon, wearing a perplexed expression, remained silent for a moment before dutifully responding.

"Of course. I am her Assistant Leader, after all."

Satisfied with Kang Ha Joon's response, Kim Rok Soo continued, concealing certain details.

"Team Leader Jung's memories are fragmented. It will take time for her to fully adapt. So, don't be alarmed if she behaves differently or struggles to recall certain details."

Kang Ha Joon and Kim Min Ah flinched at the revelation, absorbing the weight of the situation.

As Kang Ha Joon contemplated delving further into the situation, his phone suddenly rang, diverting his attention.

Glancing at the caller's name, he realized he couldn't afford to ignore the call.

Apologizing, he excused himself to step outside, mindful not to disturb the resting Team Leader.

Left alone with Kim Rok Soo, Kim Min Ah's restlessness surfaced in her expression, prompting her to voice her concerns.

"Team Leader Kim, about the incomplete memories... is it similar to what happened to you? The doctor never mentioned any head injuries."

She hesitated for a moment before voicing her thoughts.

Kim Rok Soo, his attention still on the resting patient, replied reassuringly.

"That's correct. It's the same as what I went through. No need to worry too much. 'Jung Yeon Hwa' is doing well."

Despite not knowing the current state of the real Jung Yeon Hwa, he felt an inexplicable trust in the words of the person inhabiting her body.

Sharing a common origin, he felt a responsibility to guide and assist this person who now shared a connection with him.

Kim Min Ah absorbed the explanation from her Team Leader, her gaze lingering on Jung Yeon Hwa, whom she considered a close Unnie.

Tenderly, she held the patient's slender hand, a silent gesture of support after a month-long coma.

The peaceful moment was disrupted as the door slid open, revealing Kang Ha Joon entering with an unusual expression of annoyance.

He removed his glasses, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Kim Rok Soo addressed him.

"What's going on, Kang Ha Joon?"

In a somber tone, Kang Ha Joon responded.

"Director Park called me and said something absurd."

"What did that crazy bastard say?"

As the Team Leader of the strongest Attacking Team, a pivotal force within the company, Kim Rok Soo held a unique position, allowing him a level of disrespect towards the director that others might not dare to entertain.

Kang Ha Joon's gaze shifted from the resting Jung Yeon Hwa to Kim Rok Soo, his expression fraught with tension as he disclosed.

"He told me to take over Team Leader Jung's position and align myself with him."

The grit in Kang Ha Joon's teeth conveyed the depth of his displeasure.

In response to Director Park's audacious request, Kim Min Ah couldn't contain her frustration and cursed aloud.

"That motherfu—."

Her exclamation, however, was abruptly halted by an unexpected reaction from Kim Rok Soo.

He burst into laughter, leaving both Kim Min Ah and Kang Ha Joon startled.

With a sardonic smile, he remarked.

"That bastard speaks as if Jung Yeon Hwa has already died. And what's next? Don't tell me you're considering it, Kang Ha Joon."

There was a hint of mockery in his tone.

Kang Ha Joon, eyes widening, retorted.

"Are you kidding me, Team Leader Kim? I've always been Team Leader Jung's person!"

He continued, frustration evident.

"The director mentioned something about helping me handle higher-ups and passing the team folders to him if I agree."

Kim Rok Soo's countenance darkened with suppressed anger, the director's words having unmistakably crossed a line.

Before he could articulate a response, an authoritative feminine voice emerged from behind him.

Surprisingly, the patient who should have been resting had risen, propping herself up against the bedpost as she asserted.

"Notify Chairman Song that Jung Yeon Hwa, Healer Team Leader, has regained consciousness and will resume her duties promptly."

She declared with an air of command.

The attention of the three others pivoted to Jung Yeon Hwa, who wore an expressionless face, her silver eyes fixed on her Assistant Leader.

"Kang Ha Joon."

It dawned on Kang Ha Joon that Jung Yeon Hwa had indeed awakened from her comatose state, prompting a swift acknowledgment of her command.

He swiftly acknowledged.

"Order received, Team Leader Jung. I will inform Chairman-nim immediately."

Jung Yeon Hwa, in her composed manner, continued.

"For the time being, I will handle paperwork in the hospital. When Director Park called, did you record the conversation?"

"Yes, Team Leader Jung. Should I present it to Chairman Song?"

Kang Ha Joon, an experienced Assistant Leader, answered promptly.

Jung Yeon Hwa, with sharp moonlit eyes, nodded and instructed him.

"It's not advisable to be away from the team for too long. It's time for you to return to the company as my deputy."

Kang Ha Joon received the order calmly, but his serious expression gradually transformed into a mixture of hesitation and concern as the weight of the situation settled in.

Kang Ha Joon hesitated for a moment, torn between his duty and concern for his Team Leader's well-being.

Finally, he mustered the courage to ask.

"Team Leader Jung, how's your condition?"

Jung Yeon Hwa, her expression softening after issuing her orders, smiled reassuringly at the man who would undoubtedly be working closely by her side from now on.

"Well, I won't be able to return right away, but generally, I'm alright"

She replied, her tone calm and composed.

As Jung Yeon Hwa spoke, Kim Rok Soo poured a glass of water for her, which she graciously accepted with a soft thank-you.

The familiar and calm interaction between Kim Rok Soo and Jung Yeon Hwa seemed to bring a subtle sense of relief to Kang Ha Joon and Kim Min Ah.

With a polite bow, Kang Ha Joon excused himself to return to the company, leaving Kim Rok Soo and Jung Yeon Hwa alone momentarily.

Before Kang Ha Joon could depart, Kim Rok Soo called out to him.

"Kang Ha Joon, let's have a chat outside for a moment. And Kim Min Ah, you should return to the company and lead the team in my absence."

Kim Min Ah, raising her hand, sought permission.

"Team Leader Kim, can I stay with Yeon Hwa Unnie for a bit while you talk with Assistant Leader Kang?"

Kim Rok Soo, glancing at Jung Yeon Hwa, reluctantly agreed.

"...Just don't burden her. Let's go, Kang Ha Joon."

The two men left the room, leaving Kim Min Ah to approach her favorite Unnie with care and concern.

Outside the room, Kim Rok Soo leaned against the wall, his gaze fixed on the view beyond the hospital window.

Kang Ha Joon, maintaining his usual seriousness, awaited the words that the man before him would impart.

Without glancing at Kang Ha Joon, Kim Rok Soo initiated the conversation.

"Chairman Song isn't a just person. He might reprimand Director Park on the surface, but that bastard won't face any real consequences."

Assistant Leader Kang, who rarely interacted directly with the Chairman, always deferring to Team Leader Jung in matters involving higher-ups, listened intently.

He then posed a question to the Attacking Team Leader, Kim Rok Soo.

"...So, what should I do? Please advise me, Kim Rok Soo-sunbaenim. I will do my best."

Determined not to burden his Team Leader, Kang Ha Joon sought counsel from Kim Rok Soo, understanding the importance of preserving Jung Yeon Hwa's focus on her recovery.

Kim Rok Soo met his gaze and offered a decisive suggestion.

"The moment Chairman Song appears unbothered after you present the evidence of Director Park's outrageous actions, mention my name."

In the Disaster Prevention and Civilization Protection Company, Kim Rok Soo stood as a formidable and revered symbol.

Virtually every team and member within the organization, excluding the higher-ups, held a deep respect for him and willingly followed his lead.

His influence was such that he could easily establish and lead his own company if he chose to do so.

But the previous 'Kim Rok Soo' just wanted to live a slacker life, so it's better to stay in his position.

Even the current Kim Rok Soo wants to stay in this position rather than the troublesome position of CEO of the company.

However, the key distinction lies in the current Kim Rok Soo's understanding of the value he holds within the company.

This understanding extended to Kang Ha Joon, who recognized the power and influence that Kim Rok Soo wielded within the company.

Without hesitation, Kang Ha Joon followed his advice, understanding the strategic advantage of aligning with someone of Kim Rok Soo's stature and capability.

As Kang Ha Joon prepared to use Kim Rok Soo's influential name to ensure proper punishment for Director Park, the understanding was clear—going against the No. 1 Attacking Team's Team Leader would be a foolish move for Chairman Song.

The two men concluded their discussion just as the room door slid open, revealing Kim Min Ah with a sullen expression.

Kim Rok Soo, lifting an eyebrow, inquired.

"What happened, Kim Min Ah?"

Kim Min Ah closed the door before responding.

"...Unnie doesn't remember me."

The revelation surprised both men, but Kim Min Ah hastened to clarify.

"Ah, it's not that bad. She recognized me. She just doesn't recall the conversations we had before..."

Kang Ha Joon let out a sigh, relieved that the situation wasn't as dire as initially perceived.

Kim Rok Soo reassured Kim Min Ah,

"She just woke up. Her memories will return one by one soon. No need to worry too much."

However, Kim Min Ah, casting a pitying look towards Kim Rok Soo, couldn't help but think,

'But, Team Leader Kim, this is serious and connects to your future.'

Kim Min Ah ceased further discussion and, accompanied by Kang Ha Joon, left to return to the company.

Kim Rok Soo, sensing her concern, remained puzzled but opted not to press for more information, allowing them to depart without delving into the depths of Kim Min Ah's thoughts.

After the departure of Kim Min Ah and Kang Ha Joon, Kim Rok Soo entered the room, the sliding door's noise echoing in the now silent space.

Jung Yeon Hwa, however, remained unperturbed, sitting up on the bed with closed eyes, a slight frown etching her face.

Kim Rok Soo approached her slowly and, in an attempt to capture her attention, snapped his fingers in front of her face.

Jung Yeon Hwa opened her eyes, and Kim Rok Soo, a fellow transmigrator, inquired.

"Are you arranging the memories you received?"

"Yeah. It's hard."

"No worries, and take your time adjusting to that body, Raisa. People wouldn't notice anything amiss about you just waking up from a coma. They will assume it's the confusion from the shock of the previous accident."

Jung Yeon Hwa nodded once more, expressing her gratitude.

She then mentioned his Assistant Leader.

"I feel sorry for Kim Min Ah-ssi. It looks like she is close to 'Jung Yeon Hwa'."

Kim Rok Soo, glancing at her, commented.

Jung Yeon Hwa responded quietly.

"Well, it's not just about that."


Kim Rok Soo settled into the nearest chair, his curiosity piqued as he asked.

A complex expression adorned Jung Yeon Hwa's face, a blend of confusion and hesitation evident in her features.

Despite this, she proceeded to speak

"Listening to Kim Min Ah, it seems that 'Jung Yeon Hwa' harbors feelings for 'Kim Rok Soo'."

"What? How could I never notice that after working with her for nearly two years?"

The revelation jolted him, prompting him to look up at the lady in disbelief.

Jung Yeon Hwa calmly sipped from the glass of warm water before responding.

"At first, I was perplexed by your Assistant Leader's words, as my memories while conversing with her were centered on recent events. However, after arranging my memories, it began to make sense why you didn't notice."

Pausing to soothe her throat with another sip of water, Jung Yeon Hwa continued.

"The person she has feelings for is 'Kim Rok Soo,' not you, Young Master Cale-nim."

A pair of lightless silver eyes stared intently at the man with russet eyes, leaving the room steeped in a moment of revelation and contemplation.

Her revelation hinted at the underlying meaning – 'Jung Yeon Hwa' had naturally lost those feelings the moment the present Kim Rok Soo emerged, even though 'she' remained unaware of the truth.

As their conversation reached its conclusion, the narrative shifted back to the current situation.

Both found themselves in the hospital garden, patiently waiting for the return of the little girl, Kim Soo Yeon.

He was expressing his unexpected realization.

"I didn't expect it was like that between them... They were separated without them knowing the truth."

Jung Yeon Hwa, her gaze fixed on the green leaves swaying in the wind, replied.

"Well, now they are reunited. Whatever happens, it looks like they are fated to meet in the end."

The present Jung Yeon Hwa and Kim Rok Soo fell into a moment of silence, casting their eyes over the surroundings that gradually warmed as summer approached.

In the tranquil hospital garden, a little girl's voice rang out from afar.

"Uncle! Unnie! I am here!"

The child, with shoulder-length curls and bangs, donned a light green dress, her hands gripped around heavy-looking plastic bags filled with drinks and snacks.

Jung Yeon Hwa and Kim Rok Soo turned their attention toward the approaching figure, greeted by the sight of a bright smile.

Jung Yeon Hwa observed the child and remarked.

"... It's still hard to believe that young girl is the former Countess Drew, your mother."

Kim Rok Soo chuckled briefly.

"Well, we did transmigrate into this world. Reincarnation seems plausible then."

Jung Yeon Hwa nodded in agreement, adding.

"Make sense. Anyway, she's grown up very well. Soo Yeon is finally acting like a proper 10-year-old these days."

Before Kim Rok Soo could express his agreement, Kim Soo Yeon interrupted.

"Uncle! Help me! It's too heavy."

Kim Rok Soo sighed and walked towards the little girl, playfully ruffling his black hair.

He took the plastic bag from her small hands, checking its contents.

Inside were several varieties of juice drinks.

Playfully, Kim Rok Soo nagged her a little bit, expressing surprise at the weight.

However, he soon understood that these gestures were a manifestation of Kim Soo Yeon's care for Jung Yeon Hwa.

Jung Yeon Hwa rested her chin on the back of her hand, her gaze fixed on the broad back of the black-haired man who was playfully scolding his little niece.

'Raisa' couldn't help but see a mirage—a red-haired man with a feeble back.

The image of the weak young master clad in armor, his face dirtied but determined, lingered in her mind.

Yet, as she observed the current him, a smile softened his stern features as he interacted affectionately with Kim Soo Yeon.

It was the same smile he had worn when they first met at the Sunshine Bakery, a distant memory from their youth.

Though he might not remember, it held a special significance for 'Raisa'.

Staring at the man before her, 'Raisa' whispered to herself in a voice only she could hear.

"...Maybe, it's also destiny for us to meet again like this, Young Master Cale."

With those words spoken into the breeze, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to bask in the warmth of the moment, contemplating the mysterious workings of fate that had brought them together once more.

A gentle breeze wafted through the open window, carrying a green leaf into the room, where it settled delicately atop the grand black piano.

In any other circumstance, this scene would have exuded peace and serenity, but the tranquility was shattered by the voices of the guests within.

Among them, a deep voice, usually calm and composed, rose in shock, declaring.

"That child is not my daughter! She is the mother of 'Cale Henituse'."

"Huh? Soo Yeon is 'his' mother?"

A feminine voice, filled with confusion, responded.

Above 'Jung Yeon Hwa', residing in Raisa's body, hovered several question marks, her expression reflecting her perplexity.

Meanwhile, 'Kim Rok Soo', inhabiting the red-haired young master, massaged his throbbing forehead as he patiently unraveled the truth.

"Countess Drew Thames, Cale Henituse's mother, was an Ancient Power holder. I am currently in possession of that ancient power. Publicly, she died in a carriage accident, but in truth, her death was a result of her attempt to forcefully extract her ancient power from her body."

His gaze shifted from the bewildered young lady to the largest portrait in the room, depicting Drew Thames in all her beauty.

Raisa also turned her attention to the portrait as the man continued his explanation.

"Kim Soo Yeon, the child that the current Kim Rok Soo took in, is the incarnation of his mother who passed away."

Raisa listened in silence, absorbing the truth as she stared at the captivating woman with red hair immortalized in the portrait.

Raisa turned her gaze back to the man before her, his resemblance to the woman in the portrait strikingly uncanny, like a carbon copy.

"Oh, that makes sense. The rumor about Kim Soo Yeon being your daughter probably started from your Attacking Team, honestly. She looks so much like you, I mean, Kim Rok Soo, especially those reddish-brown eyes."

Cale wrinkled his forehead in incredulity and scoffed.

"Ha! Unbelievable."

"There's something even more unbelievable."

Raisa smiled, a hint of laughter twinkling in her moonlit eyes.

Cale lifted one of his eyebrows in curiosity, prompting her to continue.

"What is it?"

Raisa didn't turn to face him as she scribbled something on the paper left behind by the children.

"Well, there have been rumors circulating that Kim Soo Yeon is our child. They claim that her personality is similar to mine, the type that nags you to take care of yourself."

"Our child?"

"Yeah. Funny, right?"

As Cale mulled over this unexpected revelation, silence settled in the room.

Before he could respond, the door suddenly swung open with a loud bang, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

A two-meter black dragon, utilizing its magic, burst into the room, accompanied by a silver cat and a dark red cat, all three entering the music room with palpable excitement.

Raon, the young dragon, called out eagerly.

"Human! Sweet Raisa! Let's go outside!"

Hong, the dark-red cat, added with excitement.

"There are candy floss in the sky, Nya!"

At the same time, the silver cat, On, leaped into Raisa's arms, exclaiming.

"Raisa Unnie! Let's go outside! The sky has turned pink!"

Raisa affectionately petted the fluffy silver fur of the young cat as she considered their proposal.

"Hmm, shall we?"

She mused, glancing at the guardian of the three children.

Without hesitation, Cale nodded in agreement at her signal.

Raisa extended her other arm, and Hong eagerly leaped into her embrace, sensing her readiness to depart.

Meanwhile, Raon gracefully flew towards his human settling comfortably on his shoulder as he always did.

Together, they made their way out of the music room, accompanied by the silent guardian knight, Choi Han, who trailed behind them.

However, before departing, Choi Han paused for a moment, casting a glance at the paper Raisa had used moments earlier.

Upon the paper, though the image was faint, he could discern a sketch of a little girl and a string of Hangul characters spelling out a name: 김수연, pronounced Kim Soo Yeon.

A realization dawned on Choi Han as he quietly muttered to himself.

"Soo (수) from Rok Soo (록수) and Yeon (연) from Yeon Hwa (연화). No wonder..."

With a subtle nod, he followed his liege closely, his black cape billowing behind him as he left the room, his thoughts swirling with newfound understanding.

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