My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff)

By epitomixoxo

1.4K 82 13

"I thought I healed myself, until you came, treating the wounds I didn't know I had" When an unfortunate acc... More

1. Appointment
2. You Are...!!
3. Boiling Noodles
4. Cut
5. The Eyes
6. Interest
7. Ringing
8. A Date?
9. Closer View
10. Tteokbokki
11. Unwanted Message
12. Watching You
13. I.C.U
14. Feelings
15. Hometown
16. part i: Blush
16. part ii. Seaside
17. Waves
18. Behind Your Eyes
19. Official?
20. A Trip
21. Lost
22. Imposter
Author's Note
24. The Last Fight
25. Healing him
New Story!
26. 'Stay Alive'
27. Warmth
28. A Year with You
29. Luke Warm
30. Gift!
31. Confronted
32. Demeaned
33. The Preparation
34. Under The Stars

23. Into His Den

16 1 0
By epitomixoxo

Yoongi: How do you know his name?

Yn: I, umm..

Taehyung: SPEAK!!!

I pan my eyes throughout the room. Everyone, literally everyone is at edge and whole heartedly suspecting me. I mean, if I was in their shoes, I would have done that too. Right?

Jongkook: Yn Speak! We're gonna trust you. You know that.

I don't look up at them once I had my gaze stuck on the floor earlier. The embarrassment and guilt is starting to eat me alive. I don't blame them. But it would've been a little easier if Yoongi had believed in me.

Yn: I.. investi.. gated... Behind everyone's eyes on... That guy.

A stupid tear drop on the floor. Luckily no one noticed that. As my hair is half covering my face already.

Jin: What? You alone?!

Yn: *nodding*

Hoseok: *not looking away from her*

Yoongi: And what did you find out?

There was an unfamiliar coldness in his voice. A voice and a tone he never used to talk with me before. And it's terrifying me for some reason to my core. I know it's stupid. But...

Yn: H-He has an old, very old father. And he has a history of being prisoner for some years. I got to know about his social media too. A-and..

Jin: And?

Yn: A-and, it seems like he used to be related to the music industry or maybe was a composer of some kind. Maybe related to Yoongi, somehow.

Hoseok: Composer?... How did you got his SNS?

Yn: My friend helped me. Her boyfriend is a tech genius.

Hoseok: So, what made you think he's related to Yoongi?

Yn: Because of his obsession with him. He tried to kill him.

Hoseok: He can be a Saesang you know? A saesang doesn't always need to be related to the person being stalked.

Yn: I.. I know, but... *gulp* the p-possibility is still there. Since he just got out of the prison. Why would he take so much interest and go to the level to mess with such a big name, if H doesn't hold any personal grudge?

Hoseok: Woah! You know alot I see.

Taehyung: And you didn't utter a word all this time. May I know the reason??

I look at them from the corner of my eyes. It's scary. I feel alone and it's scary. It's harder than I thought it would be. Ugh!!

Another drop of tear falls down, as I feel Jimin retracing his hand back to him, lacking me the support he was giving me. I try to control my voice not to crack as I talk further. The last thing I would want is to let them think I want attention from them and playing victim card.

Yoongi: That's it? Anything else?

Yn: *nod* that's what I think is I got.

Jin: And what about the Snake tattoo? You pointed that out very significantly to be something not really important.

He comes forward towards me crossing his arms. I don't know, and I hate to say this, but I feel So much uncomfortable right now. I used to feel the safest around them. But it's totally opposite now. But again, it's about Namjoon. It's him before me as it should be.

I glance at Yoongi helplessly. He is equally looking at you expecting an answer. I just sigh and turn my stare back on the floor and continue, "it's something I recognised from his social media pictures. His house has the same figure on a frame. So..."

Yoongi stands up from the chair. Everyone's eye fall on him. He declares, "Very fine. Now let's go."

"Where too?" The manager asks.

Yoongi: The park, remember?

Yn: *eyes wide*

Yoongi: You need to go. You promised him.

He looks at me. Making sure I completely realize what he's trying to say. Kwan asked me to go there alone. The way he's looking at me, he's trying to remind me, I'm gonna get there alone?

Manager: But Yoongi, it's dangerous. It's literally 2 in the morning. At least let the police get here..

Yoongi: Nope. We don't have the time. Yn, let's go.

He grabs my hand and walks out of the room, dragging me behind. I just let myself move with it. I can't seem to comprehend what's happening. Yoongi? Yoongi is letting me go there? Alone?

He opens the car door and gets me inside. Getting on himself on the other side. I sit there. Silent. Not courageous enough to ask anything.

Yoongi: Don't talk.

Yn: I wasn't going to anyway.

My voice comes out in a quiver. I hate it. I hate being this week. But my body is gradually getting numb. But why? I'm tok dizzy to even think about that.

Yoongi: Good. I'll drop you in front of the park. You'll go there immediately after that. Got it?

Yn: *nod*

He starts the engine and we drive off.


He knows where the children park is. How? This is a foreign place and it's just been hours we came here. How can he efficiently drive to this place nearly 10 minutes away from our stay? I don't ask him cause he wants me to stay quite. And I do. But the puzzle pieces... They are not fitting !

He stops in front of the entrance as he said he would. I look at the open ground. We're on mountain top. And the darkness here, is really dark. And scary. And when there is just one light post, flickering it's power away. It makes me gulo hard.

I was preparing my mind to go there when suddenly Yoongi holds my hand. I look at him with terrified eyes. What is he gonna do? I don't know but everything is starting to frighten me. I'm away from my family here, alone. And now going to the den of the most wanted criminal and once a prisoner, who wants me. For god knows what! My hands start to shiver under his touch.

Yoongi: *tap tap tap*

He looks at me caressing my handtop where he just tapped me thrice. His eyes, are back to having the soft gaze. I don't.. know what he's trying to tell me, or if that's some type of code I'm supposed to understand, but my heart's racing with all the worst possibilities that can take place moments later.

He turns off the light. My heart drops. The whole ground is now dark, including us inside the car. I look at the park. I don't know what I was expecting, but I don't see anyone. Pure panick spreading over my whole body.

"Calm down and listen to me." Yoongi whispers coming forward near my ear. His sudden location change had my breath hinged. I nod silently, not caring if he sees that or not.

"I'll be near. Go inside, and search the ground. Kwan won't be inside. Most probably he's keeping an eye from far. So you'll be safe inside. Find any clue that he's gonna leave. Okay?" He asks.

Yn: B-but, how are you sure? He said he's gonna exchange me with Namjoon.

Yoongi: He's a coward. He plays from the shadows. Don't worry. I'll be protecting you from the back. Go ahead. And please save Namjoon.

Yoongi! The Min Yoongi, begging me to save Namjoon?

Yn: Yoongi.. I'm scared...

Yoongi: ......I know! *sigh* ....look at me.

I look, even though I can hardly see just his orbs glistening. But it feels warm finally talking to him. His presence around me, and the way he talks to me, the soft gaze he holds while looking at me.. always helps me calm down.

Yoongi: You can do it.

He smiles gently, his corners of the eye curve up. And his back of the palm caresses my face ever so gently. Why was he acting distant if he was actually not mad at me? Or is he still suspecting me and this is just a way to calm me down, so I can save...


Yn: I'm ready!

Yoongi: Thanks Yn.

I get out of the car. Carefully scanning through the darkness as much as I can. And once I enter the park, Yoongi's car leaves the spot. He told me he'll be near. He'll not let me get hurt, right?

As he asked me to do, I start searching the ground. It's really dark and I can't see anything clearly. And moreover I don't know what exactly I'm searching for.

Suddenly something catches my eyes. A tiny red light, glowing. Kept inside the little space of the seesaw, on which it balances. I very cautiously move towards that. There can be a trap, who knows. I don't believe that creep even a tiny bit.

But there was nothing to get trapped in, I reach the light that's blinking, and pick it up. What can be it's purpose? A red light? Is is supposed to mean danger? I flip it, taking a look at the inside of the holder. And sure enough, a paper.

I stand up getting it out, and in the red light's glow only I read out loud,

"Yoongs, Hi!"

What the actual Hell??? I run my fingers through my hair in pure frustration. Is that guy even Sane??? Is he literally playing with us right now? I get out my phone, ready to make a call and shout ny heart out at his inhumanely insane psychopathic attitude.

But I guess, I didn't have to work hard. Cause the no. from which he called, glows up again on my phone. He calls me before I do.


Even though I want to curse at him, but Namjoon is still there, in danger. I control myself hard. But can't guarantee when I'm gonna lash out.

Kwan: Good Girl~~ now go home and give the paper to your boyfriend.

Yn: WHAT!?!... *deep breath* What? And what about Namjoon?

Kwan: Mhhm! Babyyy~~~ my liwil cutie pieee~~ Isn't Yoongi your boyfriend?!? Mhhm?

Yn: What's that supposed to mean!? Yes he is!!

Kwan: Then why are you overprotective of this muscle bean bag?


Kwan: uh-huh! Not me. Show the present you got to your boify.. He'll get it. Hopefully. *scoff*

And with that he hangs up the phone. I was going to say something again, but I'm too pissed off to even talk. I stomp out of the park and look for Yoongi, calling his name out.

Yn: Yoongi!!!

Yoongi comes out from the dark. With a puzzled expression on. I show him the paper. Hoping he gets the clue. But...

His facial features gradually start to stiffen and his jaws clasp together hard. He's trying to control whatever he's feeling. And I'm certainly sure it's anger. He asks, "WHERE DID YOU FIND IT Yn?!!" He literally grows in his talk. I point at the Seesaw. And his face immediately reveals a horrified yet hurt emotion, that I'm not sure about. It's complex. And I don't get it.

He suddenly runs off, leaving me with the car key shouting to go back to the stay. "What? YOONGI NOOO WAIT!!"

I run after him immediately in the dark. His footsteps echoing on the dry leaves making it easier to trace him. I continue to call, him from behind. But he's not stopping.

What am I gonna do Now?!?!

Then and there my phone rings. It's Jongkook. I pick up..

Jongkook: YN!! WHERE ARE YOU TWO???


My eyes go wider than it was already, if it is even possible. I stop my running and talk over properly.


Yn: Well Yoongi just ran off somewhere. I was... running after him, but now I'm kinda lost!

Jongkook: WHat?!? Shit! Now what!?

Yn: I don't kn—

Suddenly a heavy rustling sound is heard. Coming towards my direction. I stay still at my position, not sure what I should do.

Jongkook: Yn, why did you stop?

Yn: Jongkook I think there is someo— AHHHHHGH!

Jongkook: YN!!!

To be continued....

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