Church Girl.

By aquassb

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"Church girl, don't hurt nobody.." Pastor's wife trapped in an arranged marriage with repressed feelings abou... More



551 38 39
By aquassb

Friday - 7:03 am

"So last night was a night to remember! The ladies of Destiny's Child were spotted at a night club after rumors had seemingly spread about there being some unresolved tension amid their abrupt split as a group, but that's not even the most exciting part.." One of them reported.

"There are several videos and pictures going viral as we speak of Beyoncé being very cozy with a woman! Let's take a look.."

The screen changed into a video of me holding Michelle as we leaned over the railing. The next clip was of me holding her while my hands were very clearly on her ass.

I groaned, placing my head down as the videos continued to play. Not only was I hung over but my publicist came over at the crack of dawn to make sure I knew the gravity of our current situation.

"So as you can see that doesn't look like a friendly interaction and for some years now people have speculated that the rising star could be a lesbian.." They commented.

"And as if it couldn't get any worse for Beyonce at the moment we now have another artist Ashanti who has come forward to shed light on the situation.."

I immediately sat back up at the mention of her name. I prayed she wasn't about to do what I thought she was. The clip changed into an interview with Ashanti outside of her car as paparazzi asked her questions.

"I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they were romantically involved considering we had a secret sexual relationship for years that we recently ended and I guess now I know why she was so eager to end things with me. But it hurts you know—"

"Yvette, turn it off!" I yelled and she excited out of the tab on her computer. "I'm so sorry Bey.."

"Why would she do that? What have I ever done to her?!" I asked as I tried to keep my tears at bay.

"I don't know sweetie but don't worry about the drama, that's my job. I'll take care of this okay. Just keep focusing on your music.." She wrapped me into a hug and I nodded.

"I know you already stay off of social media but make sure you do especially the next few days. Also, try not to talk to anyone who isn't in your immediate circle.." She said and I nodded again.

"And don't approach Ashanti about this. Especially through text or anything she can record and expose. We don't know where her mindset is and the last thing we need is for her to drag this out, okay?" She said as she pulled away from the hug and I nodded.

I couldn't believe I was just outed to the world. I've never been ashamed of my sexuality but it's just not something I wanted everyone to know. It's hard enough having things to yourself as a celebrity and that was the one thing I had despite all of the rumors.

I wasn't sure how long I sat on the couch after Yvette left. I felt stuck. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. It seems like lately if it wasn't one thing it was another.

I wasn't sure why I would get through one obstacle only to be faced with another immediately after. It was becoming exhausting. I started to wonder if I was reason. But deep down I knew I wasn't.

As much as I hated to admit it. My dad was right. This was the price of fame. The life I so desperately wanted came with this herd of obstacles no matter how much good energy I put out.

Now wasn't the time for me to get discouraged or have a pity party I've been through much worse. So what, people have confirmation on something that's been rumored for years? It didn't change how I felt about myself or the people who loved me felt so, why should I care?

My phone began to ring and I grained looking don't to see it was my mom. This could go one to two ways. I could get cursed out or comforted, but considering I hasten talked to her in a few days I'll suspect the latter.

"Hey mama.." I said as I answered anyway. I knew if I didn't answer she would just show up.

"Baby?! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah I'm fine mama . What did you hear?" I sighed. "Angie told me something about some scandal going on but didn't go into detail. I just wanted to make sure my baby was okay.."

"I'm fine mama, I promise. Just a little annoyed, but Yvette is handling it. It'll blow over soon.."

"Alright that's all I wanted. I needed to hear your voice. I really needed to lay my eyes on you but I didn't think you'd want company right now." She replied.

"Yeah I just want to counter as if it's any other day.." I sighed. She started to tell me words of encouragement before letting me know she would bring me my favorite food later in the week.

I ended our call and then sat back on the couch. I decided to watch something to distract my mind.

"I was looking for you.." I heard Michelle's voice and I looked up to see her wearing one of my t-shirts and wrapped in a blanket.

I smiled at the sight of her as I nodded and patted the spot next to me on the couch. We sat in watching the t.v, until I glanced over at her and noticed her holding her head while looking like she was about to throw up.

"Are you hungover?" I asked. "Is that what this is?" She asked and I nodded before getting up.

We walked into the kitchen and I handed her a Gatorade, along with a few advil for the pain.
"The best cure for hangover is greasy foods but I can't cook so.."

"It's okay..what even happened last night?" She groaned. I started explaining the chain of events and her face went from shock to mortifying.

"It's not as bad as it seems. It was your first time getting drunk." I shrugged. "I'm so sorry that's so embarrassing.." She rested her hand on her hands. I walked around the island and rubbed her back.

"Trust me everyone has an embarrassing drunk moment once in there life. It's fine, baby girl." I smiled before leaning forward to peck her lips.

"What was that for?" She blushed.

"Last night you wanted a kiss but you just finished throwing up so you were kind of sad."

Her eyes lit up for a split second until she ducked her head to hide her growing blush. She took a sip of her Gatorade and I slowly backed away as I grabbed one for myself.

I kept my back to her as I sipped the Gatorade. I hated when our affectionate moments turned awkward. There were times when we'd be practically in each other's skin or openly flirting using obvious innuendos and never question it.

But then there were times like these where'd we were both left feeling embarrassed. Almost like we crossed a boundary. When in reality, it wasn't a logical feeling considering we share a bed every night since she's lived here.

Maybe I misread our relationship, if you could even call it that. There were moments where our connection felt so real and intimate but neither of us ever said a word about it.

So in moments like these when our tension turned awkward I had no way of knowing what to do. I wasn't use to being the one who was trying to make the other comfortable. I've always played the role of the learner.

So now as a teacher, I didn't know what any of this meant or led too. I liked spending time with Michelle, I liked kissing her, I liked holding her, I liked when she slept in my bed, but did she?

Was this all a way for her to make sense of the trauma she'd faced? With everything going on you'd think this would be the least of my worries but yet it's all I could think of.

"Um—if you want I can cook." I heard from behind me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"That's up to you. I'm not sure what groceries we have—" I cut myself off as I swung the door open  and stared at the empty contents of the fridge.

"—You know what I'll see if Julio can bring us something! Any suggestions.."

Julius came over shortly after we bags of food for us to eat. We sat in the living watching tv as we pigged out on the variety of foods. It's times like these when I consider giving him raise but nah.

"Can you pass the hot sauce?" I asked and Michelle nodded before picking it up off the coffee table.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring uncontrollably. I thought it was mine until Michelle held hers up with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "For some reason my Instagram is blowing up right now.."

My eyes widened as I dropped the wing I was eating back into the container. "Let me see!"

"Aw shit! They found you.." I scrolled through her notifications at all of the bee emoji's spamming her likes, follows, and dms.

"Who found me?" She asked and I looked at her with a sympathetic look realizing I didn't divulge the entire story this morning.

"So I may have forgot a teeny-tiny piece of what happened last night and this morning.." I began to explain and watch as her face went from confused to horrified.

"So they think I'm your girlfriend or something?!"

"Yes, but don't worry it'll blow over. You're not the first girl they tried to link me too." I shrugged as I went back to eating.

"I mean that's easy for you to weren't a First Lady a couple days ago and I don't even know if I like women.."

I chuckled a little before turning my head to fully face her. "I think that's pretty clear you like women plus people thinking you gay isn't the end of the world.."

I watched as emotions flashed across her face as she dropped her food and walked away towards her room. The door slamming caused me to jump in surprise.

Okay, maybe that wasn't the best thing to say. I guess I didn't take into account how confusing this must all be to her. Sure I was hurting because I was basically outted but so was she.

Just as much as I didn't ask for this to happen she definitely didn't ask for any of this either. Julius cleared her throat beeping me out of my current thoughts. I turned my head watching as his eyebrows raised at me.

"I know.." I rolled my eyes. "Then go apologize, stupid.."

"You like being employed?" I tilted my head at him. "You like not getting mobbed by crowds of your little bee people?" He snapped back.

"Beyhive! Thank you very much!" I replied as I got up from the couch.

Walking towards Michelle's room, the guilt eating me alive. I should've encouraged her but instead I did the complete opposite. I walked over to her room knocking softly and like I thought I received no reply.

"Chelle I'm sorry...I was only thinking about my own feelings. You were right, this affects you just as much as it affects me.." I paused to see if she'd say anything but I was met with silence.

"Look can you at least like yell at me something? At least then I could hear your voice. I really am sorry.." Being separated by the door reminded me of when I went to her house.

Except this time I knew I was the one who forced her to lock herself into this room. It wasn't her husband or her parents. It was me and my lack of empathy in that moment. I never wanted to hurt anyone especially Michelle. I wished at the very least she would scream or yell anything other than the painful silence that surrounded us.

After a few seconds of the continued deafening silence, I tried her doorknob to find it unlocked. I opened the door to find Michelle laid across her bed facing the window.

I stood by the edge of the bed waiting to see if she'd say anything but I was still met with silence. I sighed as I turned to leave out. I apologized, visibly saw her so now I just needed to give her space.

As I made it to the door she finally addressed me causing me to stop in tracks. "I forgive you..I'm not mad at you just embarrassed.."

"Embarrassed? Why?!" I turned around walking cautiously towards her bed as she turned onto her side giving me a clear view of her tear stained face.

"B-Because I'm twenty something years old and I have no idea who I am. I want to be happy but have no idea how to be or if I even deserve it." She explained as she sat up in bed, holding her knees against her chest.

"Of course you deserve it! Is this because of what I said? Please don't listen to me I'm stupid.." I started to ramble as I moved towards the bed.

I sat on the edge, continuing to keep some distance between us. She gave me a sympathetic look before offering a small smile in my direction.

"You're not that stupid... you had a point people thinking I'm you know shouldn't be the end of the world but the fact that it is for me just shows I'm not as healed as I'd like to be. I mean I can't even say the word."

"I was being insensitive and selfish. If anyone should understand what you feel it's me. So no I didn't have a point at all. These things take time they don't happen over night. Your journey should be on your time and you didn't deserve to get wrapped into my drama. And for that I'm sorry." I leaned in a little closer as her body language relaxed and seemed more receptive.

"It's okay. Even if I was mad at you I don't think I'd be able to stay mad so you're lucky but don't let happen again.." Her finger pointed at me and couldn't contain the laugh that I let out.

"You're not as intimidating as you think.." My hands clasped around her wrist, pulling her forwards so her legs fell open on either sides of my body.

"You just wanted to touch me.." She smirked before moving her wrist out of my grasp. I watched as she climbed off of the bed and smirked as I pulled her back towards me.

My hands at her side waist while hers pushed at my shoulders causing me to fall back against the bed. My hands on her waist pulled her with me so she was laying on top of me.

"See you just wanna touch—" I cut her off leaning up and pecking her lips quickly.

"We should sleep in here tonight." I suggested after feeling the softness of the bed. I hadn't paid much attention to this room until Michelle moved in. Kelly decorated it and I just to agreed with all of the decorations she sent me for approval.

"What if I wanna sleep alone?" She laced our fingers together.

"What if you sleep alone on the bed and I sleep on the floor?! That way we're still not far from each other." I turned our palms, kissing the back of her hand.

"You're not sleeping on a floor in your own home.."

"So...does that mean I can sleep on the bed?!" I smiled widely as she rolled her eyes, while shaking her head.

"Give me another kiss.." She leaned down locking our lips as our finger untangled from each other.

I deepened the kiss, prompting her hands to roll over my shoulders as mine inched up her waist. My hands moved over the bare skin of her midriff as my thumbs rubbed into her skin.

One day I knew we'd have to discuss this, but for my sanity I was relieved today wasn't likely to be that day. I knew now more than ever that I liked Michelle but after hearing her inner monologue on not just her sexuality but her life I knew this consent be a rushed process.

I'd have to take my time and be patient with her. Something I knew I was more than capable of doing. Sure moments like these made it hard to have restraint but it wasn't impossible. Especially when it came to Michelle, she was worth it.

"Ahem!" We heard causing us to break apart instantly. She fell to the side of me and I sat with my hands folded onto my lap. We both looked towards the doorway to find Kelly staring at us with a wide smile.

"I'm starting to think this is the only way I'll find you two from now on." Kelley smirked.

"What do want Kelly?"

"I didn't come to talk to you. I came to tell my very beautiful and talented friend that she's already sold over thirty-thousand copies in just a couple hours!"

"Oh my God that's incredible!" I pulled Michelle into a hug and pulled back to see a very confused expression spread across her face.

"I don't know what that means but okay.."

"It means people love your album and it's likely that it'll go number one within its first week of being released! That's huge!" I pulled her into another hug and soon felt another pair of arms around us.

"We have to celebrate!" Kelly smiled and I immediately shook my head in response.

"Absolutely not! The last time you insisted we celebrate something we ended up being on every media outlet known to man!"

"Well we can celebrate at home! Just give me a few hours and I'll make it a night to remember.." She walked out skipping and I shook before turning back to Michelle.

"Are you okay with that?"

"As long as I don't get another one of those hangovers I'm fine!" She laughed.

A/N: Finally finished my last final of the semester so I'll have more time to dedicate to updating 🫶🏾

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