The Ghost and Molly and Night...

By EixheirZamora

930 23 5

Teens optimists Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf who lives to make the world a better place, fix what... More

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: First Day Frights
Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet
Chapter 4: The (Un)natural
Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together
Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle
Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!
Chapter 9: Not So Honest Abe
Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions
Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist
Chapter 14: All Systems No
Chapter 15: Monumental Disaster
Chapter 16: Talent Show
Chapter 17: Scratch the Surface
Chapter 18: Friend-Off

Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever

26 2 0
By EixheirZamora

We start the scene close to where the last episode left off. Patty, Scratch, Molly and Nightwolf, and the rest of the family are reviewing some of the town's people music talents for the concert, to which Patty constantly rejects

Group of men: ♪ My dear Doreen my dear Doreen ♪

Group of men: ♪ She stole my spleen ♪

Patty: Nope!

She ringing the musical triangle

Patty: Pass!

She tells the 4 dogs to bark rhythmically

Patty: Hard pass!

[4 dogs whine]

He plays bassoon out of tune

Patty: Get off the stage!

They stepping in

Molly: Okay, thank you! That were...that were really something. We'll be in touch!

Scratch: Well, I'm glad I don't have eardrums, 'cause they would be bleeding!

Pete: I don't think they were all bad, and Darryl clearly liked it. Right, Darryl?

He dancing with this hood up

Darryl: Huh? Sorry, I was listening to Atomic Pink. Didn't hear any of that.

Nightwolf: Look, those acts were fine, but is fine really good enough for the first concert in Brighton's new and improved bandshell?

Patty: No! We need something that'll rock this town! 

She dances

Molly: Exactly! Like Kenny Star.

Sharon: Who's Kenny Star?

They jumps in the screen and pulls down a projector screen, transitioning from the bandshell to her room

Nightwolf: Kenny Star is Brighton's biggest celebrity. Well, technically he was born in Tuscaloosa, but his great-great grandmother's second cousin once removed did summer school here, which means Kenny's basically a Brightonian! Check him out!

He staring at the ceiling

Scratch: When did you both get a projector?

They pulls him out of the way

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just a red-blooded ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Hard-working regular guy ♪ 

Kenny Star: ♪ Don't need no caviar ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Just give me ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Burgers and fries ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I ain't ever shopped

Kenny Star: ♪ On Rodeo Drive ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just an ordinary guy ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just a sports-lovin' ♪

They crowd cheering

Kenny Star: ♪ Truck-drivin' average dude ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just an ordinary guy ♪

[Eagle screeches]

Kenny Star: ♪ Work in a cubicle

Kenny Star: ♪ Ordinary guy ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I drive a soccer carpool ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Ordinary guy ♪

[Eagle screeches]

Pete: Just like me!

She angered

Sharon: No! Nothing like you! Never trust a musician! They'll listen to your self-produced demo tapes, promise to make you a star, and leave you standing in the rain with an acoustic guitar and a suitcase full of broken dreams!

Pete: Uh...what?

Scratch: People! This guy is a huge celebrity! He's never stepping foot in Brighton!

Molly: Oh, really? Wait 'til you see what We have planned!

They pulls another screen down showing full research on Kenny Star

Scratch: Ah! We're going to murder him!

They pushing Scratch

Nightwolf: What? No! Right now, Kenny's tour bus is on its way to Cleveland, and we are going to intercept him! Assuming Kenny is, as his song states, an "ordinary man", who weighs approximately 180 pounds, and his tour bus, which leaves from here at noon, traveling 65 miles an hour, 

Nightwolf: add in his insatiable need...

He sighs

Nightwolf: for a fresh cup of Colombian dark roast every 3.2 hours, 

He drink the cup of Colombian dark roast

He gulps

Nightwolf: factoring in a stiff easterly wind from this high-pressure system, and his need to stretch his perfect porcelain legs to avoid varicose veins, he'll be arriving at this highway rest stop near Brighton in exactly...

He shows Molly's tablet with timer

Nightwolf: thirty minutes!

Sharon: Molly and Nightwolf...that were...

Pete: Brilliant!

Scratch: Absolutely insane!

He goes next to Molly and Nightwolf

Scratch: Did you both stay up all night half-baking that plan?

Their eyes drift away from each for a second

Molly: Huh? Sorry, Nightwolf and I fell asleep with our eyes open for a second. What'd you say? Oh, yes, right. We stayed up all night working on this. Because Brighton deserves the greatest concert ever! And when it comes to people we care about, McGee's go the extra mile!

Scratch: Well, I'm not a McGee, and I hate extra miles! Count me out!

They smiling

Molly: Okay!

The McGee's go outside, ready to go intercept the music star

They walking to the car, sing-song

Molly: Oh, Scratch!

He being pulled by the curse, he tries to hold on to the floor but fails

Scratch: Nope. No-no-no-no-nope! 

He groaning

Scratch: This is kidnapping! I'm under duress! 

He shudders

Scratch: I hate this curse.

They grunts

[Garbage cans clatter]

He lands on Molly and Nightwolf's head

Molly: Now let's go get Kenny Star!

She stop mowing grass

Unnamed Brighton Female Resident: Kenny Star!

The McGee's neighbor, after hearing the news, goes on to pass the word, until everyone in Brighton learn about Kenny's concert

Patty: Kenny Star!

Patty: Here!

Unnamed Brighton Female Resident: It's gonna be huge!

Kenny Star Female Fan #1: There's going to be pyrotechnics, and...

Kenny Star Female Fan #2: Acrobatics, and...

She eating a donut

Councilwoman: A real live eagle!

She live the phone

Andrea: It's gonna be the greatest concert ever! See you there, BBs!

Back to the McGee's homes. The McGee's are ready to leave when their other neighbor jumps on top of the car

He screams

Kenny Star Female Fan #3: Have you heard the news!? Kenny Star's playing at the bandshell tonight! It's happening! It's finally happening! My hopes are as high as my dreams right now!

She wearing a cowboy and dances

Sharon: Uh, actually--

Molly: That's right! He will definitely be here, and you can count on it!

They chuckles

Everyone looks at Molly and Nightwolf

Nightwolf: What? Cat's out of the bag, might as well feed it some mice!

The family reach the as station but noticed that Kenny Star isn't there

Scratch: Well, well, well, would you look at that? 

[Wind blows]

Scratch: He's not here. Humph.

He mockingly gestures as if he were sad just to get run over by a Kenny's tour bus

[Eagle screeches]

He shudders

Scratch: Whoa.

Molly: I'm sorry, you were saying?

He stepping off bus

(???): Somebody get me a Colombian dark roast.

They kneeling

Nightwolf: Mister Kenny Star, you may not know this, but there's a whole town full of extraordinarily ordinary people, just like you, who are counting on you to make their wildest dreams come true. 

They look a photo of bandshell concert

Nightwolf: I'm talking about Brighton, home of the bravest Wilder Scouts, awesome-st junior softball team, and the most efficient elderly construction crew you've ever seen! Please, Mister Kenny Star, embrace your Brightonian roots and come play our newly rebuilt bandshell tonight! Make your great-great grandma's second cousin once removed proud!

(???): I don't know who you both are, little ladies, but that was the most beautiful speech I've ever heard. Just one problem. I'm not Kenny Star. 

He reveal a bald stunt double

Kenny Star Stunt Double: I'm his stunt double.

Molly: Oh...

They rushes inside the bus looking for Kenny

Molly: Hello? Kenny? 

[Chicken squawking]

Molly: Mm, Kenny?

[Objects clattering]

They comes out of the bus

Molly: Um...

They chuckles

Molly: Where's Kenny?

Kenny Star Stunt Double: Thirty thousand feet in the air on his private jet.

He pointing up

The camera rushes upwards to show Kenny's jet and Kenny having an interview

Kenny Star: Oh, I'm an ordinary man. I put my rhinestone britches on one leg at a time, just like everybody else.

Back to the Gas station

Kenny Star Stunt Double: I'm sorry, miss, but there's nothing I can do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom.

The stunt double hops into a cannon and shoots himself inside the gas station

He crash

[Toilet flushing]

Molly: How could this happen? We planned for everything... except for this. Now we don't have any band for tonight.

He cackles

Scratch: That's music to my ears. 'Cause I told you both this was a ridiculous idea! Listen, let's go grab some ice cream sandwiches and beef jerky while we're here. I mean, we made the drive and all.

He wear the soda guzzler helmet and slurps the soda

Nightwolf: Let's go...

Sharon: Another rock star, another broken dream. Best you both learn this lesson early, kids.

Scratch: Wait, what? I mean, that... that's it? You're giving up? Aren't you both gonna, you know, be all positive and optimistic and annoying?

Molly: No, Scratch. We tried our best. And it didn't work. We let everyone down.

The McGee's heading home while Scratch stays

He then starts to hear Molly and Nightwolf's voice in his head to his annoyance

Molly's voice: And when it comes to people we care about, McGee's go the extra mile!

Scratch: Nope! No, no, no! Get out of my head! That's not what's happening here!

Molly's voice: people we care about,

Scratch: I don't care about anyone! And also, I can't hear you! La la la la la!

Molly's voice: McGee's go

Scratch: I'm not a McGee!

Molly's voice: the extra mile!

Scratch: No, no, no! 

He straining

Scratch: Okay, fine! You both win! I'll fix this! But it doesn't mean anything!

Scratch POV

He goes on to try and catch Kenny's jet

Scratch: Yow! 

He groans and straining

Scratch: I tell you what, 

He fails since the jet is too fast for him

He exhales

Scratch: plane's too fast. Nobody likes a show off, sir!

He panting

Scratch: Okay! All right! Plan B.

He uses his eyes as binoculars and spots a tour bus in the distance

Scratch: Ooh, a tour bus! I mean, bands all sound the same these days, right?

[High-pitched voice]

Scratch: Yeah, they sure do, Scratch! You're great at this!

[Normal voice]

Scratch: Thanks, Plan B!

[High-pitched voice]

Scratch: Yeah, bud, no problem. Here when you need me.

He rushes towards the bus and possesses the driver, heading to Brighton

Molly and Nightwolf POV

The scene switches to Molly and Nightwolf, who's still in the car also heading to Brighton

Nightwolf: All that work Brighton put into rebuilding the bandshell, and now We've ruined the big debut.

Sharon: Look, Molly and Nightwolf, it's not that bad.

Sharon: I'm sure everyone will understand.

In the bandshell, everyone is waiting for Kenny

They crowd cheering

They chanting

Crowd: Kenny! Kenny! Kenny!

They chanting continues

Crowd: Kenny!

Patty: Good thing I got my new hip,

She smack her butt

She cackles

Patty: 'cause Patty is gonna shake it tonight!

McGee's: Oh, boy...

Nightwolf: Oh, Great Spirit...

They crowd cheering

Sharon: You both don't have to go up there by yourself. We'll go as a family.

Molly: Thanks, Mom, but We must face the non-music...alone.

Scratch POV

Next scene shows Scratch trying to drive the tour bus to the bandshell

Band Manger: Uh, are you sure this is the way to Cleveland?

Scratch as Bus Driver: Uh, yep, Cleveland. The... land of Cleve, that's where we're going!

He hitting a farmer and donkey

They screaming

Molly and Nightwolf POV

They crowd cheering

They chanting

Crowd: Kenny! Kenny! Kenny!

They chanting continuous

Crowd: Kenny!

They laughs awkardly

Nightwolf: Hi....everyone. So, good news and bad news. The good news is we're all here, you know, together, and We are so happy...

They fell the microphone

[Microphone feedback]

Nightwolf: to see all your many, many smiling faces.

Patty: Less talking, more rocking!

Molly: Yes. So, the bad news...

Scratch POV

The scene quickly cuts to shows Scratch still trying to drive, he cuts the road and goes right through a meadow of corn patches 

He hitting a scarecrow, tractor and U.F.O aliens

They screaming

Molly and Nightwolf POV

Scene goes back to Molly at the bandshell

Molly: The truth is, We promised you a big star, but We made a terrible mistake--

He arrives and crashes through the back of the bandshell, almost hitting Molly and Nightwolf

They crowd gasps

Man with Dentures: Well, time to get back to work.

Scratch as Bus Driver: Everybody out, go, go, go! Get on stage now!

Scratch as Bus Driver: Wait, I got a star! Maybe even more than one!

Nightwolf: What? Who?

Scratch: How should I know? Just go with it!

Molly: You see, We made the mistake of telling them that Brighton doesn't like to rock!

Crowd: No! We love to rock!

They crowd cheering

Nightwolf: Okay, well, now that we got that cleared up, enjoy the show! 

They leaves the stage

They crowd cheering

As Molly and Nightwolf gets off stage, the band that Scratch had brought is revealed to be Atomic Pink

She proceeds to give her concert despite the stage being partly wreaked

Atomic Pink: Hello, Cleveland! Your city is smaller than we thought it would be!

He listening music on his phone when he realizes what is going on

He gasps

Darryl: It's Atomic Pink!

(Singing in Korean)

(Chorus chanting)

(Singing in Korean)

Atomic Pink: ♪ Something good's gonna come, yeah ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ When you least expect it ♪

Backup Singers: ♪ Boom boom boom boom when you least expect it ♪

Backup Singers: ♪ Boom boom boom boom ♪

Atomic Pink and Backup Singers: ♪ Here it comes boom boom boom boom ♪

Unnamed Brighton Female Resident: Well, that's not Kenny Star!

Patty: Who cares? Ah! Listen to that beat!

Atomic Pink: ♪ When you least expect it ♪

He gets in stage and dances with the band 

Atomic Pink: ♪ When I dropped that boom ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ I knew you were surprised ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ First you're watching and don't believe your eyes ♪

She clap her hands and dances

Atomic Pink: ♪ Don't give up even if you feel sad ♪

Now everyone feel enthusiastic crowd cheering

Atomic Pink: ♪ Get your costume on so you're gonna get lucky ♪

Crowd: Lucky!

Atomic Pink: ♪ Everybody needs a hand ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ But you can't understand ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ if you see the plan ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ Any trouble you have will be effectively corrected ♪

Atomic Pink: ♪ When you least expect it ♪

They backstage along with Scratch

Molly: Scratch! You saved the day! You went the extra mile because you're a real McGee now!

They hugs him

Scratch: What? No, no, there's a perfectly reasonable, uh, explanation why I had to--

Nightwolf: Just embrace it, buddy.

Scratch: All right. Well, maybe I'm, like, uh, you know, McGee-adjacent.

He hugs Molly and Nightwolf back

Atomic Pink: ♪ When you least expect it ♪

They crowd cheering

♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee! ♪

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