It's Always Been You

By SanjJeon

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Jungkook and Taehyung. And their almost broken Marriage One is Forest military officer and other one is a doc... More

Main Protagonists
New Place
The Beginning of Journey
Begin Again
The Truth Untold
Mother & Hatred
Reverse Karma
New Book


378 24 18
By SanjJeon

Jimin comes back to see what their new member is doing and sees Taehyung staring at the window and crying and hiding his tears

"What's wrong? Does your leg hurt somewhere? Do you need a painkiller?", Jimin asked while panicking.

"This place is beautiful but scary", Taehyung exclaimed while looking at him.

"Yes, this place gave me a lot but I lost a lot to this place too", jimin said and taehyung looked at him.

"I understand what you're saying, i too lost my dearest person in my life", taehyung said back.

Both of them turned silent for a while,

Jimin brought some soup with him and placed it in front of taehyung.

"Eat this, I made it, you just woke up so I made it less spicy, I tasted and the salt is okay, actually jin hyung is hunting today so I cooked after a while or he handled the whole kitchen", jimin replied with a smile.

Taehyung picked up the bowl and took a small sip.

"It's very good", taehyung smiled.

And hearing it jimin also smiled.

"So tell me your story?", Taehyung asked while drinking the light soup.

"It's nothing much, me and my husband both took leave from our work, we didn't go out for a long time, didn't spend a holiday for a very long time, he stayed far from me for his work and we met for one or two days. So that day when we came here i was supposed to meet my husband's step brother for the first time, but before that night we spent a good time with each other and slept in our bedroom, and when we woke up in the morning and looked around we moved to this place with some houses and people too. All of us are six now, seven with you", jimin said in a huff.

"Then?", taehyung asked curiously.

"When we first came here, several others also came, you could say one part of our colony came here, there were twelve people in total when we first came here, 2 children and their parents, both children died of malnutrition and their parents died within a couple of months by a tiger attack and in an accident while building a house, two others died due to lack of medicine", jimin said.

Taehyung was a little sad to hear because he also had seen a lot of death in hospital.

"Sorry I...", Taehyung couldn't finish the sentence.

"Among those who died, one was my sister and her husband and their daughter, and another couple were the Lee family lived in our next door", jimin said sadly.

"Sorry jimin, I didn't know you lost so much here", taehyung said again.

"Why are you saying sorry", Jimin gave a small smile and said,

"Whatever happened was fate, we are still alive and surviving, that's all that matters but i missed them", he said looking at the window.

"You've been here for so long, your sister's death, your family must be worried, how long have you been here?", asked taehyung.

"It has been almost two years", Jimin replied.

"It's a very long time", Taehyung replied.

"Of course it is. And the only family left for me is my husband and my neighbor's. My parents don't keep in touch for a long time because I'm gay and they also didn't care about her because she supported me and left home with me", Jimin replied with a sad smile.

"Oh", Taehyung replied with a sad smile, cause his family is also the same.

His parents didn't support him because he's gay and they also hated jungkook.

"Let's not think about it, tell me your story", jimin asked curiously.

"Before that can you tell me why i came here? I mean i know this is a stupid question but I'm just.... You know", taehyung asked and jimin understand his feelings.

"I also don't know about this, but it's namjoon hyung's theory that only those who are connected can come to this place, me and our neighbours came here because we're connected and also hid something from each other", jimin replied.

"What do you mean?", Taehyung asked in surprise.

"You'll know, it's happened to us and you are here for a reason. But for now eat first and tell me your story, what do you do? How you come here?", jimin counters with excitement.

Taehyung took some soup with a spoon and put it in his mouth and started talking.

He is actually starving.

"I am a doctor, Me and my husband were going towards court, we were going to get divorced, but we came here together, all our quarrels were settled but we got separated while crossing the river", said taehyung with a sad voice.

"I don't know if he's okay or not?", Taehyung says and jimin looked at him.

"Oh, don't worry he is fine. My gut is saying that he'll definitely find you", seeing jimin so confident taehyung realised that this man must have seen lots of death but he is optimistic.

"Yes, but you know he tried to catch me, I fell in the water, the strap of the bag broke and he didn't have time to catch me", Taehyung said sadly.

"He'll be fine and come back to you, I'm telling you" jimin replied with a little cheer this time.

"How can you be so confident?", Taehyung Said.

"Because there is a virtue in this place, which is lost, it returns, it has happened to me many times that my husband has gone away from me for months but came back alive, we have survived from the face of death many times", jimin simply replied.

"Sorry you are also trapped here", Taehyung said and he got up,

"But i wanna go home and start a new life with him, i wanna apologize for my bad behaviour, i wanna start again with him because whatever happened was a misunderstanding and i can't loose him, he's my only family", taehyung said.

"Me too, we all want to return home and we will", jimin said hopefully.

"Yes... but h...... ", before taehyung completed his sentence he saw a girl enter the room with rice, fish and soup on a huge tray.

"You both were so lost in talking that you didn't hear me, I was calling you for a while jim", said the beautiful girl.

"Oh Sasha, come on in", Jimin said and the girl put the tray on the nearby table.

"Taehyung let me introduce, this is Jung sasha, she is one of our family", Jimin introduced.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung nice to meet you and thank you for having me", Taehyung greeted politely.

"Hello, nice to meet you to. But you know eat first, I brought us all ties", she said handing a bowl of rice to jimin.

"Did hobi eat?", jimin asked.

Taehyung saw that Sasha's face darkened a little but she replied with a smile,

"He has eaten rice, but it was very tough , his situation is getting worse. Penicillin is not working. We need a proper treatment", she said with sadness.

"Don't worry taehyung has medicines and he is a doctor luckily, he'll be fine", jimin comforted her.

And she looked at taehyung with grateful eyes.

"If you don't mind can i know what happened to whom?", Taehyung exclaimed

"Actuall....", jimin stopped while saying,

"My husband, A tiger scratched his leg last time on hunt, and due to lack of medicines, it has ripened and now he is suffering from high fever", sasha said almost crying.

Taehyung fell bad for her.

"Look I am a doctor, specifically a surgeon, I can treat your husband if you want", Taehyung said and saw a hope she got up and hugged taehyung tightly and thanked him again and again.

"Thank you, my hobi can smile again right", Sasha started crying.

"Yes he will, I've volunteered in worsen conditions in places like Africa where there was no medicine and my bag was full of surgery kits and tons of medicine", Taehyung exclaimed in hope.

She finally smiled and her ivory showed.

"I love her smile because of this", jimin compliments and sasha rolled her eyes and wiped her tears.

"I hate you too shorty, and that will happen later, but first you better heal yourself, because if you can't move you can't treat others?", sasha said and taehyung nods.

"Start eating now, or Jin hyung will come and yell at everyone", said jimin and je started eating himself.

With taehyung Jamin and Taehyung Sasha also eat the food and shares lot's of things.


Three weeks later:

Three other weeks have already passed since taehyung woke up from his coma, he is fully recovered, his leg injury is healed, taehyung can walk in the house now.

Not only jimin and sasha, everyone came to meet taehyung, they talked, he is now a member of this group.

Only hobi couldn't come because of his injury,

But like taehyung said, he treated hobi, most likely he instructed jimin and he did his job.

The treatment has already made Hobi much better.

In three weeks taehyung found out that there are Kim couple, namjoon and jin, Min couple, jimin and yoongi, Jung couple, hoseok and sasha, and him in this group.

But yeah misses his jungkook so much, prays to god for his safety, thinks of jungkook.

Taehyung always thinks how he is? What are he doing? What is he eating? Taehyung thought about it all,

In that time Jin stayed with him most of the time,

Taehyung likes Jin very much, he cares about him like his own hyung, taehyung understands that they are all educated and from good families but somehow they ended up here.

"Taehyung come on it's time to cut your bandages", jimin came with jin with a bandage cutter.

"Yes please, I'm dying to get out, I have to find him", he said with tears in his eyes.

"He's fine, we searched this area, no one came or we didn't get any sign of another human activities, he'll be fine, don't worry", jimin came forward and cut taehyung's leg rope, and immediately the medicated bandage falls off which was made with medicated herbs with some medicine.

"Let's slowly put our feet on the ground", jin said to him.

Taehyung did so, putting his ankles on the ground and standing on two legs, until now he used a wooden scratcher, for his bath jin or jimin always helped.

Taehyung again started walking and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally he is fine enough to find his gukie.


"Ugh it's so fucking hot", jungkook said cutting a branch of a tree deep in the forest to make a path.

It's been more than a month since jungkook separated from taehyung.

He spent these days just looking for taehyung, lost his way in the depths of the forest and lost the river path,

One night he went to the forest to hunt deer and as night fell he didn't recognise the river path, the torch battery ran out and the problem occurred.

But jungkook didn't give up, only one face came in front of his eyes and gave him strength, courage to move forward and that was Taehyung's.

Jungkook started again and like this day after day, night after night looking for taehyung, but never once thought that maybe something happened to taehyung, because till today taehyung has not broken any of his promises.

Jungkook eats very little canned food, changes clothes twice a week, but yes, there is no shortage of fish for food cause he always follows the river path.

Jungkook is sure that someone rescued Taehyung because he knows Jungkook will come, and if no one had taken him, he would have waited for him by the water side like jungkook told him before.

Because taehyung learnt the besic skills of survival like always walk around the river and leave a mark the way you went.

And if Taehyung had walked this road himself, he would have left some signs for him, but there is nothing.

There is no sign of a human being, no sign of a fire burning on the entire waterside road.

But jungkook's heart says taehyung is safe.

He will find his taehyung.

Will bring him back.

Jungkook's another hit continued to make a road through the soft undergrowth.


"I can walk so I'm going out to find my husband, i didn't wanna waste another second", Taehyung said as he got up, Namjoon, Jin's husband came running.

"Jimin, hurry up, hobi's fever has risen and he's become senseless", hearing this, Sasha ran away, the sound of the wooden stairs is heard.

"I'll go too", said taehyung as everyone started to leave.

"Can you move taehyung?", namjoon asked and taehyung shook his head.

"Then let's go", they all started walking and out the door to Taehyung's surprise,

Because the house is living on a tree house about 10 feet high, with wooden stairs for climbing, and 4 trees on the sides are similar houses with stairs, and each house is connected by a natural bridge.

And the bridges are made of leaves and thick vines.

Taehyung watched everyone climb the stairs to the third tree, taehyung followed them slowly into the house, not pressuring his feet, and saw sasha crying holding her husband's hand, and jimin changing the water cloth from his forehead.

Taehyung went to see him, everyone knows taehyung is a doctor so he checked the leg wound first,

It is swollen with white pus, and fever is coming because of it for sure.

"This wound has healed. Jimin please bring my bag", Taehyung exclaimed.

"I'm getting it", yoongi says and runs off.

"When did you clean the last wound", Taehyung asked sasha.

"5 days ago, on a stormy night, when he accidentally hurt himself and blood came out after hitting the wall again, I went to get the kit from you", sasha replied.

"The wound was open wasn't it", Taehyung asked again and she nodded yes.

"Well, nothing will happen to hyung, the fever is because of this dirt on his wound", Taehyung said and looked at Hobi's pulse, the color of the tongue, the color of the nails,

It's not poisonous, sometimes poisonous insect bites also cause this.

Everything will be fine, and immediately yoongi comes with the kit bag,

As he gave it to Taehyung, he took one of his needles, which was inside the air sterilizer, but after heating it a little with the candle light he poke the wound and the white and red pus came out and fell on the floor. He cleaned the wound well by applying antiseptic, and then applied ointment and bandaged it well.

Finally, a high dose of penicillin and another injection of antiseptic was given to him.

"Everything will be fine now, just make sure it doesn't get dusty again", Taehyung said making everyone happy.

"Thank you", Sasha hugged him and started crying.

After three hours, hobi's fever actually went down.


Another week later:

Jungkook is running, running away from something, repeatedly looking back and running.

His yellow shirt is soaked with sweat and blood, yet he runs to save his life.

There was a loud growl behind him and the tiger caught his back again,

Jungkook didn't know how long he ran,

He killed a wild boar in the forest without realizing that the tiger was sleeping behind the bush.

Jungkook's xiphor viking sword hit the tiger, but jungkook didn't know, it was an accident.

Since then the tiger is chasing him, jungkook is running but he can't throw the bags so it's hard to run, but he's still running,

He has to survive, for taehyung, and for the one who is waiting for him,

Jungkook made a plan to survive, and luckily nature helped him, he saw two willow trees growing with a hole in the middle that a man could fit through but not this giant tiger.

He ran towards it, the tiger almost caught him, threw the bag to the side and jumped into the tree.

The tiger got stuck in the hole trying to catch him and growled in anger, paws lashing out at Jungkook again and again.

Jungkook is stll panting, breathing heavily, he unsheathed his sword and stood up again.

He went to the tiger without wasting a moment and put the sword straight into the tiger's head.

And with one last growl, a drop of water fell from the tiger's eye, and he closed his eyes forever.

After a while his chest breathing stopped, jungkook realised that the tiger would never rise again.

(Telling everyone, no real animals were killed here, just written for entertainment, no one will report it, only written for story)

He picked up his bags and kept them with the sword.

After a bit of a tantrum, he went to see the tiger,

He may have killed the king of the jungle but he doesn't want to have a pack of jackals and wild dogs devoured indiscriminately,

So he started digging a grave for it, he must have had a small shovel in his bag, after three hours of tireless work he got it.

Jungkook first drank water from the bag, then took out a tin of food and then took off his shirt to reveal the tiger's carcass.

On closer inspection he could see that one of it's paw was severely injured by his sword, almost half of its paw was missing.

Jungkook let out a sigh.

"Sorry mate, you got caught in the middle", cutting into one of the tiger's canines to keep to himself as evidence,

Jungkook also took tiger bark, because this thick tiger bark is very useful during winter.

Then he dragged the tiger's body into the hole, and buried the soil over it.

Hunters have a rule that if you hit an animal you must find and kill it, or it will find and kill you.

Jungkook hunted the tiger while killing the boar and won,

He shouldered the bags again with tired legs and took out the sword.

He threw the bloody shirt on the grave of the dead tiger, but didn't forget about wild flowers.

When he reached the river site, it was afternoon, after a while it would be night, he lit a fire and left his bag, went to the river to catch fish, and took a long bath.

After washing the blood stains and soil from the body, he bathed in the soft water and took rest.

He caught two fishes and grilled them and he was hungry.

After that, holding the sword in his hand, he fell asleep with his head in the bag.


Hobi is fine now, a few days later he's sitting up, everyone thanks taehyung over and over again for saving their friend's life.

Taehyung was telling everyone about himself one day, he was talking about his parents, family, jungkook, and everyone was a little surprised to hear jungkook's name, without taehyung noticing.

It's surprising how Taehyung didn't notice that, yet Yoongi seems to have stopped talking to him since then.

If taehyung came in front, yoongi liability speaks to him.

Taehyung noticed this, understands but can't say anything.

It's not his place to say or ask, maybe he is dealing with something personal.

However, he tells everyone that his purpose of staying here is to find Jungkook, and ask the corporation from all and they happily agreed but yoongi.

Day after day he wanders the forest with one of the members, looking for a single sign of Jungkook.

But they don't get any sign and taehyung comes down in tears, crying for his jungkook.

For Jungkook, taehyung comes back disappointed every time, it's been a long time since he's been looking for him,

Taehyung once asked Namjoon.

Are there any waterfalls around?

Namjoon answered no, not around, the only thing is the source of this river, it's about 100km

They also told Taehyung that when they pulled him out of the water, his arms and legs were swollen from water, and they took four days to carry taehyung back to their place.

Taehyung gets more frustrated thinking about it.


With such a forlorn hope in taehyung's mind, he went to the forest again the next day in search of jungkook, accompanied by jin.

It's been a while jin came to accompany him, taehyung liked jin's presence than anyone.

Jin is like his older brother. He can told him his worries and pain.

Jin always listens and gives him wise advice.

Jin suddenly stopped a short distance away and that surprised taehyung and points in front.

And seeing the scene ahead, Taehyung cried out in fear


Hey lovies , hope you'll are doing well.....

Tell me about your summer experience.. summer is already started and I hate this season...

Hope you'll liked the chapter.....

Ignore the mistakes.....

Love, Alina.....

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