AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kai

By cobracade

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๐’„๐’๐’ƒ๐’“๐’‚ ๐’Œ๐’‚๐’Š ๐’”๐’†๐’‚๐’”๐’๐’๐’” ๐Ÿ-๐Ÿ” โ”โ” โthrough chaos as it swirls, it's us against the world.โž miguel dia... More

โ”โ” act one.
01 โ€• let the chaos begin.
02 โ€• definitely (not) a crush.
03 โ€• the devil listens to ac/dc.
04 โ€• marty mcfly's got moxie.
05 โ€• the defender of nerds.
06 โ€• fights and fouettรฉs.
07 โ€• this little piggy is jealous.
08 โ€• the rabbit on the moon.
09 โ€• got a secret, can you keep it?
10 โ€• parties and drinking and fights, oh my!
11 โ€• we've got a tournament to win.
12 โ€• point, thirasawat!
โ”โ” act two.
13 โ€• of rejection and refection.
14 โ€• new kids on the block.
15 โ€• love, decha.
16 โ€• a series of complicated events.
17 โ€• just being friendly.
18 โ€• take a chance on me.
19 โ€• tough decisions, tougher envisions.
20 โ€• we're just getting started.
21 โ€• are we gonna have a problem?
22 โ€• unhappy birthday.
23 โ€• love is torture.
24 โ€• the tragedy of revenge.
โ”โ” act three.
25 โ€• guilt becomes her.
26 โ€• the warrior you're meant to be.
27 โ€• new person, same mistakes.
28 โ€• don't poke the hawk.
29 โ€• every last moment.
30 โ€• the worst betrayal of all.
31 โ€• divisions, collisions, decisions.
32 โ€• rivalry, wherefore art thou?
33 โ€• it's just too little too late.
34 โ€• germanium nickel uranium sulfur.
35 โ€• friendship and feelings.
36 โ€• heaven knows i'm miserable now.
37 โ€• carol of cobras.
38 โ€• rage becomes her.
โ”โ” act four.
39 โ€• a new era of chaos.
40 โ€• who is achara thirasawat?
41 โ€• second chances.
43 โ€• it all comes back to the 80s.
44 โ€• foes to friends and back again.
45 โ€• don't let cobra kai win.
46 โ€• everything comes back to you.
47 โ€• the twins in the spider's web.
48 โ€• nervously in love.
49 โ€• i will always love you.
50 โ€• a fight to remember.
51 โ€• keep your enemies closer.
52 โ€• it's karate time.
53 โ€• true potential.
54 โ€• the winner takes it all.
โ”โ” act five.
55 โ€• humans make mistakes.
56 โ€• shattered and scattered.
57 โ€• the other achara.
58 โ€• drama, drama at the splasharama.
59 โ€• a time and a place.

42 โ€• love has flown all alone.

127 12 5
By cobracade

you'll just have to beat him at his own game.


They were being guided through their tour of the high school. It seemed like everywhere Decha looked, there was another group walking around the hallways. Decha was making his way to the bathroom with Hawk by his side. All they wanted to do was use the bathroom before lunch ended and it was time to go back to class.

Neither of them expected to walk in on Nathaniel and Bert about to get into a fight with one of the very middle schoolers that Decha had seen in the hallway just a few moments before.

Hawk reached forward and grabbed the boy by his shoulder, pulling him back before pushing him against one of the stalls. Decha glanced down at the boy's shirt. He hadn't seen it before since the boy had his jacket zipped up and he had only looked at him for a split second.

"Thinking about striking first, huh?" Hawk asked him.


The boy looked petrified. Decha shoved his hand into his pocket as he continued to look at the boy. He thought back to the night Achara told him that Cobra Kai had gotten a new student. She had described him as small, innocent looking. "His name's Kenny," she had told him

"Yeah. Word of advice, kid," Hawk interrupted him. "Get out of Cobra Kai while you still can. 'Cause they're about to go down. And it's not gonna be pretty."

Hawk let go of him and walked out of the bathroom. Nathaniel and Bert followed him out. Decha glanced at Kenny once again. He needed to figure out a way to approach this that wouldn't expose Achara.

"Look, kid, those other guys, they're intense," Decha told him. "But he was right. Cobra Kai isn't something you want to be associated with. Trust me, it'll turn you into someone you don't want to be."

Kenny just stared at him blankly. Decha gave him a pat on the shoulder before he walked into an empty stall. He still had to go to the bathroom, so instead of using that one, he walked to another.

Decha couldn't stop thinking about Kenny for the rest of the day. Another sweet, innocent kid sucked into the corruption of Cobra Kai. He wished that there was something that he could do.

The only thing he could think of was that if he ever saw Kenny again, he'd just have to remind him that Cobra Kai was no good.


Achara sat on the mat in Cobra Kai, stretching her arms and legs. Tory was standing to her right. Robby was to her left. She stood up when Kyler approached them and continued to stretch her arms.

"Yo, guys. My boy Rory, he's got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. Think they're going old school with something called Bloodsport?"

"I know that movie," Robby responded. "My dad left an old VHS at our place. For a while it was the only evidence I had that he existed."

"Well, I heard it's pretty dope," Kyler told them. "So, if you guys are in, let's do this."

"It depends on how late I have to work tonight," Tory replied. "My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep."

"You got a new job? Where're you working?" Robby asked.

"It's none of your business," Tory answered snarkily.

"Okay..." Robby said, confused by her attitude.

"What about you, Chara?" Kyler asked. "You coming?"

Achara wanted to cringe at the sound of him calling her Chara. That nickname was reserved for people that she liked and cared about only. The only people she let call her that were her parents, Decha, Robby, Aisha, Tory, and Miguel...

"Uh, yeah, sure," Achara responded, putting a fake smile on her face.

"Cool," Kyler nodded before turning to the door and watching Kenny make his way towards them.

"Look who made it," Robby said as Kenny stood on the other side of him.

There was something odd about him. He almost looked as if he was upset. Achara furrowed his eyebrows at him. The high school tour was yesterday and he had seemed so excited when he had been talking about it at the last practice. Even when she saw him in the hallway and waved at him, he seemed like he was enjoying himself.

"What's up?" Robby asked, beating Achara to the punch.

Kenny rolled his eyes. "I was at the high school yesterday and these older kids started messing with me. These two guys told me I should quit Cobra Kai."

"Who were they?" Robby questioned.

"I don't know. He had this spiky red hair," Kenny told him and then turned to Achara. "The other guy looked a lot like you."

Achara felt her heart sink in her chest. Achara didn't know what the whole story was, and she had a feeling that Kenny wasn't going to tell them. But she didn't think that Decha would mess with him. If he told him to quit Cobra Kai, then he did it with the best intentions.

"We still owe that Judas some payback," Tory said, talking about Hawk.

"Hell yeah," Kyler nodded as he cracked his knuckles and looked at Achara. "That brother of yours too."

Before Achara could get a word in, Kreese was asking them to fall in. She did as she was told, claiming a spot at the front between Tory and Robby.

"As you know, our enemies are working together," Kreese began the class. "They are combining their styles to beat us, but they are destined to fail. Because there is only one way. And what is that way?"

"The Way of the Fist, sir!" Achara shouted with her fellow classmates.

"Exactly," Kreese continued. "However, that doesn't mean that we can't double down."

Achara turned to look at Robby. When she realized that he was just as confused as she was, she looked to the other side at Tory. She shook her head, telling her that she had no idea what he was talking about.

Achara faced the front as Kreese began to talk again. "Class, meet Sensei Terry Silver."

A man wearing a black gi that matched Kreese's stepped out from the back room of the dojo. He had silver hair that was tied back into a low ponytail. Avhara gulped as she followed him with her eyes until he stood directly in front of her.

"Co-founder of Cobra Kai and one of the most ferocious fighters in the history of the sport," Kreese continued to introduce him. "Together, we built Cobra Kai from the ground up, and now he is here to help you prepare for the All Valley."

Kreese and Silver turned to face each other, bowing in unison before facing their students once more.

"Thank you, Sensei Kreese," Silver spoke. "It's an honor to be here."

"With two senseis, you will receive twice the instruction," Kreese explained. "That means twice the work and if you are not prepared to put in 200%, the you can leave right now."

"But if you dig in and follow our lead," Silver spoke instantaneously without missing a beat, "we're gonna take you to the next level."

Achara inhaled a sharp breath. She felt her stomach churn, an uneasy feeling starting to grow the longer she looked at Terry Silver.

Kreese was right. With two senseis, she was going to have twice the work. If she wanted to continue to put on the act that she was still loyal to Cobra Kai, then she was going to have to work twice as hard.


After practice had ended, Achara stood off to the side in the back room, watching as Robby trained with Kenny. He was hitting the punching mitts attached to Robby's hands. Achara chewed on the inside of her cheek, in the same spot where a blister was starting to swell from her biting her cheek so much.

"So, are you guys gonna beat up this Hawk dude?" Kenny asked, then turned to Achara. "And your brother?"

Robby glanced at Achara from the corner of his eye before turning back to Kenny. "Don't worry about it, all right? Focus on your combos. Really use that speed. Let's go. Come on."

Kenny continued to punch and kick as Robby encouraged him.

"Man, I told you I've been practicing," Kenny told him. "I've got all the moves down."

"Oh really?" Robby asked, detaching the punching mitts from his hands and tossing them to the side.

He crouched down, swinging his leg around and knocking Kenny's feet out from under him. Kenny fell to the floor with a thud. Robby reached out his hand and pulled Kenny back on his feet.

"Over at Miyagi-Do, I was taught you can learn all the moves, but none of that matters unless you have balance," Robby told him. "Understood?"

Kenny nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Achara, show him how it's done," Robby said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Achara nodded her head as Kenny stepped to the side. Achara got into her fighting position, waiting for Robby to the same. He mirrored her stance, but before they had the chance to begin, they heard a chuckle. Achara turned her head to see Silver walking into the room.

She felt her heart pound against her chest. She dropped her fighting stance, freezing in place.

"It's...It's a Cobra Kai lesson," Robby stammered. "I was just using a Miyagi-Do—"

"It's okay," Silver approached them slowly. "Balance is crucial. A man can't stand, he can't fight."

Achara gulped as he circled around them, looking directly at Kenny. "Give Mr. Keene, and Miss Thirasawat and me a moment alone."

Achara's breath hitched. The sound of her last name was like venom coming out of his mouth. She didn't like the sound of it at all.

Kenny nodded. "Yes, Sensei."

Silver waited until Kenny left the room to start talking again. "Sensei Kreese told me all about you both. Mr. Keene, you trained at Miyagi-Do, now Cobra Kai. You'll have enough skills to kick all our asses."

"I'll do whatever it takes to win," Robby responded.

"Good," Silver turned his attention toward Achara. "Miss Thirasawat, Sensei Kreese tells me you've been loyal since the beginning and the one who's been faithful to Cobra Kai the longest."

Achara nodded her head. "Yes, Sensei."

She didn't like the way her voice sounded when she called him sensei.

"What would you do to win?" Silver asked her.

Achara gulped. "Anything."

"If you're both so determined to win," Silver looked back and forth between them. "Show me."

Achara and Robby shared a glance of uncertainty.

"What's the matter?" Silver chuckled. "You afraid to hit an old man? Come on. Show me. Mr. Keene, you first."

Achara stepped to the side, out of the way. She chewed on her fingernails nervously as Robby thrust his fist forward, getting blocked by Silver's hand.

"Did I say take it easy?" Silver asked him, pushing him back. "Come on. No mercy."

Achara continued to bite her nails as she watched the two fight. Robby kicked and punched in Silver's direction but he was dodged every move quickly as if he were anticipating them. Achara's breath hitched when Silver grabbed Robby's arm and yanked him to the ground.

"Good, good," Silver said as Robby stood up, panting. "Now, it's my turn."

He sent his fists flying through the air, trying to land a hit on Robby. At first, it looked like Robby was unsure of what to do, but he was agile and ducked under Silver's arm. Robby tried every attempt he could to land a blow, but it seemed impossible. Silver just somehow knew exactly what he was going to do.

Achara jumped when Silver punched Robby in the stomach and then kicked him to the floor forcefully. She stared, wide eyed, as Robby sat on the floor coughing and wheezing.

Silver held his hand out and helped him up. "You've learned to channel your anger, but you're afraid."

"I'm not afraid of anything," Robby breathed out.

"You lying to me or yourself?" Silver asked him before stepping closer to him. "If you wanna be a champion, you need to dig out that fear and face it, whatever it is. Because if you don't, it's gonna hold you back forever. Understood?"

Robby nodded. "Yes, Sensei."

"Good," Silver pat his shoulder before setting his eyes on Achara. "Miss Thirasawat. Step on up."

Achara's breathed hitched. Her heart raced as she switched places with Robby. As she looked Silver in the eyes for the first time, she felt like she couldn't breathe. There was an evil to him, one that she didn't know how to describe.

Achara got into fighting position, trying to regulate her breathing. Silver didn't hesitate to send a punch soaring toward as her. Achara quickly dodged out of the way, leaning back and trying inhaling a sharp breath through her nose as she watched his fist swing over her head.

She stood up straight, sending punch after punch at him, but it was impossible to land a single hit. When she saw him raise his leg, Achara stood on the balls of her feet and spun around until she stood behind him. He turned around, a smirk on his face. Achara took the opportunity to lift her soles off the floor and onto the balls of her feet once more. She twirled to the side and lifted her leg to kick him as she spun.

He grabbed her by the ankle and pulled before Achara lost her balance and fell to the ground. She stared up at him, unable to catch her breath. He peered down at her, a satisfied look in his eyes.

Achara stood up into her feet.

"Sensei Kreese was right," Silver said to her. "You're certainly light on your feet, but you're holding back."

Achara shook her head. "I'm not holding back."

"Who are you trying to convince?" Silver asked. "Me? Mr. Keene? Yourself?" He stepped closer to her, causing her to take a few steps back. "There's something that's keeping you from reaching your full potential. Find out what it is and face it. Then, and only then, will you be able to rise up to the challenge."

Achara knew exactly what was holding her back. It was a number of things. Her false loyalty to Cobra Kai being the main one. Her strained relationship with her parents being the other. Even though she was trying to fix it, there was still a lot of work to be done. There was also her relationship with Tory. She liked being with her and dating her, but there still seemed to be something that was missing. Achara couldn't figure out what it was.

Silver let the room, leaving Achara and Robby by themselves. They exchanged a look with each other.

"There's something off about him," Achara vocalized her concern. "I just don't know what it is."

Robby nodded as he sighed. "Yeah."

Together, they walked out of the back room and into the main dojo. Silver and Kreese watched them closely from the office as they walked past. Achara picked up her bag and put her shoes on.

"Hey, you want to go skateboarding?" Robby asked her.

"I would love to, but I'm meeting up with Tory where she's working," Achara told him. "Maybe another time?"

Robby nodded. "Yeah. Sure."


Achara walked into the party room. She smiled when she saw Tory wearing a purple wig and a mermaid tail. Her smile quickly faded when she saw Sam stand up and walk away from where Tory sat, surrounded by children.

Achara's eyes widened when she saw the group of children throw glitter all over Sam. She looked back at Tory. Achara sighed before she walked past Sam, giving her an apologetic look with her eyes. Achara put on a smile as she waved at Tory.

"Hey, mermaid," Achara teased her.

Tory chuckled. "Hey."

Achara nodded in Sam's direction. "What happened there?"

Tory rolled her eyes. "She was being a total snob, messing with me at my place of work. Who does that? She thinks she can get away with anything."

"What'd she say?" Achara asked.

"Just poking jabs at me about the school fight and the one at her house, but I don't care about that," Tory told her, taking a deep breath in and letting it out. "She said something about you. About how I don't deserve you. She said that..."

Tory trailed off, causing Achara to give her a confused look. "What did she say?"

Tory stared straight ahead, not paying attention to her. Achara followed her line of sight, seeing Miguel walking in with Mr. LaRusso. He gave Sam a questioning look.

Miguel looked away from Sam, his eyes landing on Achara. He gave her a small smile. Achara's heart pounded in her chest. Achara wanted to smile back, but she didn't. She couldn't with Tory standing right next to her. She just continued to look at him from across the room. He looked at her too as if he had no intention of stopping.

Decha told her all the time about how Miguel didn't stop talking about her. She didn't want to admit it, but it made her happy to know that Miguel still thought about her and stilltalked about her. But then she felt guilty. She felt guilty that even though she had moved on and was with Tory, that she still felt happiness over the fact that Miguel hadn't given up on her.

Achara heard a huff from beside her. She looked away from Miguel, no longer seeing Tory standing beside her. She looked over her shoulder as Tory walked away, her fist balled up against her side. Achara sighed as she looked down at the ground.

"Hey, Chara."

Achara looked up, seeing Miguel standing in front of her. "H-hey..."

"I, uh, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you're doing," Miguel told her.

Achara was confused at first, but then she realized that he was talking about the plan.

She shook her head. "It's nothing. I just wanna do what's right. I hated who I was becoming..."

"It's good that you're coming to your senses," Miguel said with a smile. "Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do are ready to accept you whenever the tournament is over."

Achara smiled. "They're not worried about me going crazy on them? Screaming into the night like a banshee?"

Miguel laughed, but then stopped suddenly as if he were unsure if he should have laughed or not.

"It's okay to laugh," Achara told him. "That was a joke."

Miguel chuckled. "Right. Yeah. That was pretty crazy."

"Yeah, it was," Achara folded her arms against her chest. "I'm sorry about that. I just...went a little crazy I guess."

Miguel shrugged. "I kind of like crazy girls. So, I mean..."

Achara felt a pang in her chest. She gave him a small smile and nervously stared at the ground.

"Sorry, I—I shouldn't have said that," Miguel apologized quickly. "I know you're with Tory now and as much as I don't think it's a good idea, I should respect it."

Achara chewed on her cheek. "It's okay."

Miguel was silent for a few seconds before he stuffed his hands in his pockets and spoke again. "I, um, I actually really wanted to talk to you about something."

"What?" Achara asked.

Miguel started rocking back and forth on his heels. "Well, about us, I guess. I just wanted to say that you were right. I didn't listen to you. I didn't take your feelings or your trauma into consideration. I'm sorry. For everything."

Achara's heart started to pound even more. "I—Miguel..."

"From now on, even if it's just as a friend, I'll listen to you. I'll check up on you every day," Miguel continued. "I'll be by your side and I'll stand up for you, but let you be the one in control because I know you can handle yourself."

Achara was speechless. All she could do was stand there and stare at him.

Miguel just continued to talk, taking Achara's silence as the opportunity to ramble. "I think our entire relationship moved way too fast. We threw the word love out there far too soon and that was my fault. I was just so afraid of losing you. I don't think I really understood what love meant then, but I do now. I guess I had to lose you to realize just how much I love you."

Achara felt tears starting to form in her eyes. Miguel looked up from the floor. His eyes widened when he saw a tear stream down her cheek.

"I—sorry. I didn't mean..." Miguel apologized. "I really do want to be friends. If that's still possible?"

Achara nodded her head. "Yeah."

"Yeah?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah," Achara repeated. "We can be friends."

A huge grin appeared on Miguel's face. "Great...awesome...I mean that's, uh, yeah..."

Achara chuckled. She hasn't realized how much she had missed his awkwardness.

"Hey, don't forget we still have to act like we hate each other," Achara reminded him.

Miguel nodded. "Right. Yeah."

Daniel called out Miguel's name. He looked over his shoulder to see him waving him over. Miguel turned his head around to look at Achara.

"I was going to have an early dinner with the LaRussos," Miguel told her. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you wanted to—"

"I probably shouldn't," Achara interrupted him. "I wouldn't want to risk having someone see us. You never know who we could run into."

Miguel nodded. "Right. I didn't think about that."

"You should get going," Achara said, moving her head towards the LaRussos. "I should go and figure out where Tory went."

Miguel gave her a tight lipped smile as he nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you around."

"See you around," Achara said back.

Miguel turned around and started to walk away. Achara watched as he stopped and looked over his shoulder, giving her one last smile.


Achara sat in the driver's seat of her car that was parked in front of the large drive-in movie screen. Next to her in the passenger seat was Tory. As Tory stared out of the window, Achara glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Achara wasn't able to find her after she had run off at the birthday party.

She even ignored all of Achara's texts. Achara knew she had read them, but she received no reply. It wasn't until later in the evening that Tory texted her asking Achara if she would be able to pick her up. Achara wanted to ask Tory what was wrong, but she feared bringing it up.

"Tory?" Achara broke the silence of the car. Tory turned her head to look at her. "Is everything okay? You didn't respond to my texts and I tried to find you after you left the party but I couldn't. I know something's wrong, so please tell me. Don't shut me out."

"I'm not shutting you out," Tory responded with a sigh. "It's just...I saw the way Miguel looked at you and the way you looked at him. There's still something there. Almost like some sort of spark that still lingers between you."

Achara shook her head and reached for Tory's hand. "There's nothing between me and Miguel. We're over."

"That might be true," Tory spoke, a sadness in her voice. "But that doesn't mean he doesn't still have feelings for you or that you don't have feelings for him."

"I don't," Achara responded quickly. "All I care about is you."

Tory pulled her hand away and stared down at her feet. "I don't doubt you care about me. I just don't think you'll care for me as much as you care for him."

"Tory, that's not true," Achara tried to tell her. "I care about you so much. What do I need to do to prove that to you?"

Tory sighed. "I don't know."

Achara jumped at the sound of someone knocking on the car window. She turned her head to see Kenny standing next to her car.

"Hey, I'm doing another snack run," Kenny told her. "You want anything?"

Tory shook her head. "No, I'm good."

"Achara?" Kenny asked.

Achara turned her head to look at Tory before turning back to Kenny. "I was actually thinking about going myself. I'll help you out."

After Kenny stepped out of the way, Achara opened the car door and stepped out. Tory didn't seem to care. She just turned her head towards the screen and watched the movie. Achara pushed the door shut and followed Kenny to the concession stand.

"Is everything okay with you and Tory?" Kenny asked as they waited in line.

Achara started to bite her bottom lip.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was—I just...I just noticed there was some tension and I..." Kenny backtracked.

Achara shook her head. "No, no. It's fine. I'm not upset. We're just dealing with some things. It'll be okay."

"Okay," Kenny responded. "You know, my hrother says I'm a real good listener. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to listen."

Achara smiled at him. "Thanks, Kenny. That means a lot."

They stepped up to the concession stand as Kenny started listing off the snack orders. "Can I get two buckets of popcorn with butter, four large Cokes, two hot dogs with mustard, no ketchup, a pretzel and uh...some nachos with extra cheese snd jalapeño poppers? Oh, and a Butterfinger."

The guy working the stand turned around and began to prepare the food. Achara looked at Kenny, her eyebrows furrowed together.

"That's a lot," Achara remarked. "Good thing I came to help, huh?"

Kenny nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. Can you believe Kyler ordered all that? Except the Butterfinger. That's for Robby."

"Kyler ordered all of that?" Achara asked in disbelief. "Is he feeding an entire family?"

Kenny laughed. The man started placing their snacks on the counter. Kenny pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket and handed it to the man. Achara started to grab some of the snacks off the counter.

Kenny insisted on carrying most of the food. Achara figured it was because he wanted to prove himself. She carried a one of the nachos and the pretzel. Although he seems to be struggling as they made their way back to the cars, Kenny was determined.

Kenny stopped by walking suddenly. "Not these guys again."

Achara looked straight ahead, seeing Bert and Nate standing in front of them. She was confused at first, but then she remembered that they were the ones who had been messing with him in the bathroom at the high school.

"Come on, Kenny," Achara told him. "Let's just turn around, okay?"

Kenny nodded his head. They turned around, not knowing that Hawk was behind them. When Kenny turned, he bumped into Hawk, dropping all of the food he carried to the ground.

"Damn," Hawk said, looking down at the spilled snacks. "That sucks."

"I'm sorry," Kenny apologized. "I—I didn't mean to."

"You should watch where you're going, kid," Hawk said to Kenny as he stepped closer to him.

As Bert and Nathaniel approached them, Achara rolled her eyes. She dropped the food that she carried to the ground and clenched her fist. Keep up with the facade, Achara, she thought.

"Yeah, same goes for you," Robby walked up to them.

Kenny cowered behind Robby. As Achara made her way towards them, popcorn crunched underneath her feet. She claimed a spot next to Robby, glaring at the three boys who stood in front of them.

"Look who it is," Hawk stepped in front of Tobby.

"You betrayed Miyagi-Do," Nathaniel chimed in. "Traitor."

"Oh, there's a traitor here for sure," Tory's voice called out as she approached with the other Cobras trailing behind her. "He's gonna get what he deserves."

"I don't think so," Sam showed up, standing by in front of Tory with a smirk on her face. "Not if I have anything to say about it, Princess."

Miguel stood next to her, his eyes immediately falling on Achara. She turned away from him, her gaze stopping on Tory as she glared at Sam. Achara clenched her fist even tighter as she chewed on her cheek.

"Hey, guys. Can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb snd Dr. Pepper?" Demetri walked up to them, Decha behind him.

Decha looked back and forth between the two sides as they turned to look at them. Decha hit Demetri's arm when he realized what was going on.

"Read the room, love," Decha told him.

"Oh, shit," Demetri sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Not another rumble."

"Careful, LaRusso," Tory said to Sam. "Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked.

"Guys, stop, okay?" Miguel spoke up. "We can't do this. We'll beat 'em on the mat."

"Oh really?" Robby asked, challenging him. "You do remember what happened last time we fought, right?"

Miguel clenched his jaw. "Okay. Meet us at the baseball diamond in thirty minutes. And no weapons."

"Yeah, we won't need 'em," Tory replied, a cocky tone in her voice.

They began to part ways. Achara took one last glance at Decha before she turned around, following the Cobra Kais. She let out a sigh. Keeping up the facade was a lot harder than she thought it would be.


Decha sat squished in the between Demetri and Sam in the backseat Hawk's car. They waited near the baseball diamond for the Vibra Mais to show up.

"Are you sure this'll work?" Decha asked.

Miguel nodded. "It'll work. Trust me."

Decha leaned back in the seat as much as he could without getting even more squished. He perked up when he saw the Cobra Kais walking onto the field, stopping directly on the baseball diamond. His eyes landed on Achara.

The stadium lights turned off and a few seconds later, the sprinklers came on like clockwork just like Migeul said they would. The Cobra Kais were drenched with water. Decha wanted to laugh, but he didn't. He couldn't. All he could do was feel bad for Achara. She got caught in the crossfire.

Hawk backed out of the spot he had parked in and started to drive in the direction of the Thirasawat house to drop Decha off.

When he stepped into the house, Decha bypassed his parents on the couch and immediately went up the stairs towards Achara's room. She hasn't gotten home yet, so he took a seat at her desk chair and waited.

He didn't have to wait very long before she stepped into her room, hair wet and clothes still dripping with water. Decha spun around in the chair.

"Bet you weren't expecting that, huh?" Decha asked her.

Achara shook her head. "None of us were. Whose idea was it?"

"Miguel's," Decha answered.

Achara nodded her head. "You mind leaving for a second so I can get changed? My clothes are sticking to my skin."

Decha stood up from the chair and stood outside of the room. Achara closed the door behind him. A few minutes later, the door opened and Achara stood on the other side wearing dry clothes. Decha walked in, taking a seat in the chair again.

"So, any updates?" Decha asked, turning side to side in the chair.

Achara nodded her head as she let out a long sigh. "We have another sensei. His name is Terry Silver. Apparently him and Kreese go way back and built Cobra Kai together."

"Shit..." Decha muttered under his breath.

"He's real tough," Achara told him. "He can read people like a book. I'm worried he'll be able to see right through me and somehow know that I'm playing both sides."

"Well, then I guess you'll just have to beat him at his own game," Decha said. "Convince him that there's nothing more important to you than Cobra Kai."

Achara nodded her head. Decha was right. If Silver wanted to play games and get into her head, then she would just have to play even harder.


another long chapter?? what is going on?

i'm kinda unsure about how i wrote the whole drive-in confrontation scene. i couldn't seem to get it quite right.

anyways, thoughts on miguel and achara talking things through and becoming friends? what about achara and tory's conversation in the car?

let me know what you think! i love reading your comments!!

also i totally did not listen the song "sandy" from grease while writing this chapter. the chapter title is actually a lyric from the song. :)

alternative chapter title: achara thirasawat being suspicious of terry silver for 10 minutes straight.

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