Twisted Wonderland's Magizool...

By Multiverselover

51.4K 1.7K 246

Twisted Wonderland boys x female reader (Y/N) Scamander is daughter of the famous magizoologist Newt Scamande... More

Love interests
Creatures Reptilian/Bug
Pt 2 Creatures: Bug/Amphibian/Fairy/Dark
Pt 3 Creatures: Oceanic/Bird
Pt 4 Creatures: Bird/Cattle
Pt 5 Creatures: Dragon
Pt 6 Creatures: Land
Pt 7 Creatures:Land/Extras
Creature names
Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Prologue 4
Prologue 5
Prologue 6
Prologue 7
🎃A/N 🎃
🌹Book 1 The Rose-Red Tyrant🌹
🌹Chapter 1 Visitor🌹
🌹Chapter 2 Heartslabyul 🌹
🌹Chapter 3 Encounters🌹
🌹Chapter 4 Chestnut Picking 🌹
🌹Chapter 5 Tart Making🌹
🌹Chapter 6 Sleepover🌹
🌹Chapter 7 Unbirthday Party 🌹
🌹Chapter 8 Past🌹
🌹Chapter 9 Duel🌹
🌹Chapter 10 Overblot🌹
🌹Chapter 11 Forgotten Memories 🌹
🌹Chapter 13: Revenge Unbirthday Party🌹
🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 1🌹
🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 2🌹
🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 3🌹
🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 4🌹
🎨Profile Drawings🎨
🦁Book 2 The Usurper from the Wilds🦁
🦁Chapter 1 Sandwich Thief🦁
🦁Chapter 2 Overblot Explanation🦁
🦁Chapter 3 Magic Shift🦁
🦁Chapter 4 Housewarden Meeting🦁

🌹Chapter 12: The Start of Anew🌹

810 30 5
By Multiverselover

(Y/N) opened her eyes to see that she was back in the ruined garden, looking at an unconscious Riddle

She lowers her wand before looking at the 2 juniors who were looking concerned

"Well? Is he alright?" Trey asked worriedly

(Y/N) gave a smile at her old friend and nodded "Indeed he is, Trey. He's alright now"

"Whew! For a minute I thought he was a goner" Cater said in relief

"So what are you waiting for? Wake him up!" Grim stated

"Alright, alright Grim, relax" (Y/N) chuckles as she pointed her wand at Riddle

"Rennervate!" She chanted as a bright light shined upon the tip of her wand over Ride before it extinguished

The moment (Y/N) moved her wand away, Riddle scrunched a little as his eyelids opened a bit, blinking to regain his vision

"Riddle!" Trey called out to him causing him to quickly open his eyes and sit up in shock


"He's awake" Ace says

"We were so worried, at first we thought you wouldn't wake up if it weren't for (Y/N)-chan" Cater says

Riddle took deep breaths as he looked around to see the damage done to the rose maze

"What...what have I done?" He asked shaking

"Ah, Mr. Rosehearts came back to his senses thanks to Ms. Scamander." Crowley says approaching with Cirrus and Gaster following close behind him

When they took notice of (Y/N), they quickly trotted past Crowley to her.

(Y/N) smiled as she patted her 2 winged creatures.

"Ugh, of course he goes berserk after getting a little mad if you're coddling him all the time...Now the garden is torn up from floor up, not to mention that we could've died!" Ace exclaimed

"He's right. It was looking pretty bad for a while there." Deuce agreed

"For crying out loud. When you let that stress build up, the result's aren't pretty" Grim says

(Y/N) glared at the trio as she waved her wand causing their hair to be yanked a bit causing them to hiss in pain

"That's quite enough of you three, can't you just take it easy on him" (Y/N) sighs

"The truth is I...I really wanted to eat that chestnut tart." Riddle started weakly

"Huh?" Ace said confused as (Y/N) raised a brow

Riddle started to tremble "And I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink. I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyhow.

And after a meal, I wanted to be the one sitting around talking with everyone"

"Riddle..." Trey says as his face softened in guilt

"And I really wanted to play with you, Che'Nya and (Y/N), Trey!" Riddle says before all of a sudden he bursts out crying


This sudden outburst caused everyone to become shocked to see Riddle bursting tears

Cater blinked his wide, surprised eyes. "I don't believe it...Riddle is actually crying"

Ace suddenly growled "do you really think a few crocodile tears is gonna make me forgive you?!"

Deuce elbows him "Come on Ace, give the guy a break"

(Y/N) looks at Ace "It's true Ace, he hasn't been like for a long time" she said sadly while petting her 2 dragons

Suddenly Trey kneels near Riddle looking at him with a guilty expression

"I'm...I'm sorry Riddle. All along I knew how much you were suffering, and all I did was pretend not to know"

Riddle kept on crying as he looked at Trey

"So I'm going to say what I should've said long ago. Your way of doing things was wrong, you owe everyone an apology"

Riddle sniffles in tears "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

(Y/N) walked over to the two and kneeled down as well to face Riddle as he looked at her with more tears falling

"(Y/N), what I said to you earlier and what I did to you is unforgivable. I...I understand if you can't forgive me."

She was silent until she gave a soft smile and hugged Riddle which surprised him

"It's alright now Riddle. I already forgive you. You just weren't in the right mind" she said before breaking the hug but placed her hands on his shoulders

"Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I don't forgive you"

That made Trey's eyes widened "Wait. Does that mean?"

(Y/N) turned her head and smiled at Trey

"Yes Trey, I remember everything about you, Riddle, and Che'Nya"

True was silent before he suddenly hugged his two friends

It surprised (Y/N) but she smiled and hugged the both of her old friends

It was quite a good moment but that was until Ace decided to ruin it

"I hate to interrupt your get together but I know that I've been saying that I wanted an apology from Riddle, but now that I've got one, you know what?

One stupid 'I'm sorry' doesn't even come close to making up what he did!" He shouts causing everyone to be in shock

"Dude? Are you really gonna say that now?!" Cater shouted at Ace

"Ace!" (Y/N) glared at Ace while Bubba, Falcon and Amnemis growled at him warningly

"Don't you dare growl at me you 3. I'm proud of it! Have you all forgotten that he's made a total fool outta me?!

Have you all forgotten blow he just threw away that chestnut tart we worked so hard on?! That isn't something that you could make it go away with a few tears and a flimsy 'I'm sorry'!" Ace said still angered

"Ace really? You're still mad because of that? Just let it go already" (Y/N) deadpanned

Riddle sniffled as he looked at Ace "Then...what do you want me to do?" He asked

Ace thought before he spoke " birthday isn't for a while" He trailed off

"Huh? What are you saying?" Deuce asked

"So I demand we have a Revenge Unbirthday Party! But this time, you're the one who'll bring the tart! And no getting Trey to help you make it for you! If you do this, then I'll call it equal"

"Just admit you want a tart Ace" (Y/N) demanded

"Quiet peanut gallery!" Ace shouted earning glares from her creatures

Ace turned his attention back to Riddle. "Are we clear?"

Riddle lowered his head as (Y/N) comforted him "Yes, we're clear"

"Ah, the beauty of compromise. I believe this concludes the issue" Crowley said happily Cater chuckles "Well, it seems we have some cleaning to do. All that work in making the garden Magicam-worthy and now it's totally fire. Lame."

"I'll help out" Trey volunteers as he got up

But Cater denied "Trey, you should get Riddle to the infirmary. That was quite a full-blown case of overbite, and some powerful magic has been performed. We have to make sure he's alright."

"I believe Mr. Diamond is correct. I shall come along to escort you" Crowley gestures

"Understood thank you sir" Trey says as he helps Riddle up

"Allow me to aid you on that" (Y/N) stated as she turns to her griffin

"Cirrus can you give these two a lift?"

Cirrus gave a low-pitched whistle as he trotted over to Trey and Riddle

He lowered his back so they could on.

After they were aboard they started to make their way through the rose maze to the infirmary

(Y/N) watched as they left and sighed in relief that her childhood friend was going to be alright

Then she turned back to her other friends

"Well that has been settled how about I clean this mess up for you guys" she says as she took out her wand and casted her mending charm


The damage started to undo as everything was back to what it looked like before the overblot.

Ace whistled "Man (Y/N), you sure know how to amaze me" he smirks

"I agree on that" Deuce agreed in awe

"Wowza (Y/N)-chan~! You really are incredible!" Cater praises as he got the whole scene recorded and his eyes went star-shaped.

"Man, I'm starved after using so much magic" Grim groans before his flaming ears perked up as he sniffed around until a familiar black stone was in view

"Hey! Check it out!" He called out gaining everyone's attention to see Grim pointing at a black stone.

Grim suddenly grabs it and gets all excited "It's another magestone, just like the one we found at the Dwarf's Mine."

"Huh, you're right." Deuce said surprised

"Huh? Where'd that come from? It wasn't there before" (Y/N) wondered as she suddenly eyed another black stone

She looked back at the boys before she quickly grabbed it and hid it without and of the boys noticing.

"Well whatever, just don't put it in your mouth this time Grim." Ace says

Grim pouts and quickly denies "No way. After how great the last one tasted, I still can't get that thing out of my mouth fast enough!"

"Grim, I really don't think you should—!" (Y/N) started but Grim went along and ate it anyway

"Aaaand there it goes" Ace groaned

Cater struggled to hold his grin to his his grossed out face "Oh Grimmy...have some self-respect, dude! That was literally trash."

After Grim finished eating the stone his eyes went all stary as imaginary floating flowers appeared all around him as he hums in satisfaction

"Aaah~! The richness and sweetness, but with complex hint of bitterness in the after taste.

Equally delicious, but with a different mouth feel from the previous one I ate."

"I just only hope you won't get stomach pain from eating that" (Y/N) sighed putting a hand on her hip and the other on her forehead

"I'm guessing this his thing now huh?" She asked earning a few shrugs from her creatures

"As a monster, maybe he has a stomach that works differently than ours?" Ace guessed

"But still, eating trash can't be good for anyone" Deuce points out.

"Oooh! I'll just try the grass, the flavor was surprisingly pleasant! Crispy even!" Grim says as he began to eat the garden grass

"That's our lawn! Don't eat that!" Deuce demanded as Amnemis used her jaws to grab the scuff on the back of Grim's neck, lifting him so he couldn't eat anymore grass

Cater looked like he was going to be sick "Ugh, A-F-K while I throw up..."he said looking away a little pale

"But...seriously guys. Thanks" he said under his breath  so no one would hear but (Y/N) did and she smiled

"Huh? Did you say something?" Ace asked S he didn't hear what Cater said

"Hm~? Oh nothing~" Cater said sounding innocent

(Y/N) chuckled at his childness before she shook her head

She turned to her creatures

"Basil, Gaster, Bubba, Amnemis, Falcon, thank you, you all deserve a well earned, deserved rest" she said earning purrs, grumbles and a hiss from them as one by one they re-entered the case.

As (Y/N) grabbed the handle of the case she sighed in relief before her thoughts were on Riddle

She was worried for him and thought of a way to cheer him up until an idea popped into her head

She smiled "I guess it's time for another reunion"
In the infirmary

Riddle was laying down in a medical bed sleeping while recovering his strength from the incident

Suddenly (Y/N) entered with her hands were behind her back still smiling

As she approached with caution not wanting to wake up the poor boy she quietly came to his bed side to watch him sleep

That was until Riddle began to wake up

He gave a few blinks before he raised his head to see (Y/N) standing on the side of him looking down at him with a smile

"Hi Riddle, how are you doing? Are you feeling any better?" She asked calmly

"Well the nurse told me that no damage was done and I'm fine thanks to you" he said

(Y/N) smiled "I'm glad to hear that"

Riddle suddenly frowned as he turned his head away from her

(Y/N) took notice " something wrong?"

"I...I'm just thinking of what I've done"

(Y/N) blinks a few times before she sighs and gives Riddle a determined look

"Riddle listen to me...I know that you must think that all of this is your fault but the fact is that it isn't. Everything that has happened isn't your fault."

Her words caused Riddle to move his head to look at (Y/N).

"You've been through so many things that's caused you to do those things. So please...please stop blaming yourself alright?"

Riddle looked at her concerned look before he gave a chuckle " haven't changed since we were young (Y/N). You still know exactly what to say whenever I wasn't myself"

"Well...what can I say, after so long and regaining my memories of you, Trey and Che'Nya, it seems that I can't change much"

"Anyway, I didn't just come here to have a chat with you. I thought that you would like to see someone who's been dying to see you"

Riddle raised a brow "Really, who?"

(Y/N) grins as she moved her hands in front of her showing what was in her hands

As soon as Riddle looked at what in her hands his eyes widened

In her hands was her Knarl, Archie.

"A-Archie?" Riddle stuttered in shock as Archie chirped in delight as he jumped from (Y/N)'s hands onto Riddle's before crawling up to his shoulder and rubbed his face against Riddle's cheek

Riddle managed to sit up on the medical bed to cup the Knarl before bringing him to his face

They both looked at each other before tears began to form in Riddle's eyes

"Archie..." He muttered as a small smile appeared as he suddenly hugged the Knarl but was cautious of his quills.

"I've missed you"

Archie chirps as he snuggles up upon his chest

(Y/N) watched the two interact before she smiles

Riddle looked back at her with a grateful smile

"Thank you (Y/N)"

Right before she could say anything Riddle sprang up from the bed and hugged her against her waist

This surprised (Y/N) but she smiled and hugged him back before she gave a quick peck on his head

This caused Riddle to flinch and to break out of the hug

"(Y-Y/N)!! What was that for?!" He exclaimed

(Y/N) gave a mischievous smirk "I figured you'd still be easily teasable just like when we were kids and you're still teasable." She chuckled

Riddle blushed redder than a tomato

Suddenly an idea came to mind

"Hmm, it seems like you've missed"

"Huh? What do you mean I mi—!" (Y/N) was cut off when Riddle grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her in a kiss

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise before she gave in and kissed him back

It somewhat lasted for less than a minute before they broke the kiss to catch their breath

(Y/N) looked away while covering her mouth in embarrassment from the unexpected kiss

That was until a hand was felt on her cheek causing her to look back at Riddle

His face looked so calm

"I've waited a long time to do that" he said

(Y/N) blinked a few times before she placed her hand on the hand that was on her cheek and smiled calmly at him

"Heh, it took you long enough" she said before the two embraced

"Now you get some rest now. You have a lot of recovering to do so you can make that tart that Ace desperately wants" (Y/N) sighed rubbing her eyes before looking back at Riddle

"And to brighten up the mood I'll allow you to sleep with Archie

Riddle looked at her with widen eyes


(Y/N) smiled as she nodded

"Figured you could use a sleep buddy so of course Archie can stay with you for the time being"

Riddle was silent before he spoke "Thank you"

"Of course now get some rest and Archie, you be good now" she says as Archie chirps in agreement as he snuggles up against Riddles chest

Riddle watched as (Y/N) left before he looked back down at Archie who was now smiling at him

Riddle smiled back as he hugged the Knarl

"I've missed you Archie"

Archie chirps as he rubs himself against check and gave a lick to the cheek

Riddle chuckled before he lays back down on the bed with Archie curled up on his chest as Riddle gently pets him avoiding the sharp quills as he drifts off to sleep

Late at night

At the Magishackle Dorm everyone and every creature was fast asleep except for one person.

(Y/N) was in a secret alchemist lab that she newly added recently

Right now she was examining the black mage stones that she's managed to retrieve from the Dwarf's Mine and the Rose Maze

"First we have a stone from the Dwarf's Mine that monster dropped and now we have one from the Rose Maze after stopping Riddle from his overblot form and that shadow behind him...I wonder"she wonders

As pulls out a hand chisel and a hammer and managed to get a bit of the stones dust and put it in a vial on a single rack

She decided to experiment with it so she mixed a few chemicals and liquids to see if any reaction would occur so she could get a better understanding of the stones but so far...nothing reacted to the dust

"Sigh...nothing so far. Every substance I tried using doesn't seem to have a reaction to the rock dust."

She placed the stones down

"I just don't understand...there must be a way to get a better understanding of these stones, I just gotta—ugh" (Y/N) suddenly yelps as she held her hand

She looked at her hand to see that somehow she managed to cut her palm

"Great, first I can't find out more about these black stones, now I've cut my hand." She sighed in stress but unknowingly a drop of her blood dripped into the vial with the black stone dust

All of sudden the watery liquid with the dust now mixed with the drop of blood caused the liquid to turn completely black

(Y/N) suddenly took notice

"Did...did a drop of my blood just..." She trailed off before she quickly used her magic to heal her cut hand before gently grabbing the vial, examining it very closely

"How is this even possible? Hmm...could it be that these stones are somewhat connected to those with magic in their blood?" She asked gently shaking the vial

"That can explain how it was possible for Riddle to go through that form of over—!" She saw cut off when a black mist shot out of the vial onto her face

(Y/N) gasped as she closed her eyes and coughed out the mist but she inhaled some of it

(Y/N) coughs before her eyes widened as she felt a huge amount of pain fill throughout her chest causing her to drop the vial breaking on the ground and her falling down on her knees gripping her chest trying to breath

The pain was swelling within her chest causing her to have a difficult time to breathe before a familiar dark magical force was seen, beginning of form around on her

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in fear to see the thing that she's been fighting since she was a young child

It was too soon and she couldn't let it out now.

Luckily for her the pain from within her chest suddenly disappeared causing (Y/N) to gain back control of her breathing as the force disappeared within her

(Y/N) sighed in relief

"That was close. A close call to comfort. I couldn't even imagine what would have happened if I turned into 'that'"

She went silent until she looked at her healed hand as she noticed black tips were on the tips of her fingers

She clenched her hand "I've survived this long with that 'thing' inside me and I won't let it get the better of me"

"...I can't let it"

"I won't"



(Y/N) in alarm quickly turned around to see Scout and Lily looking at her in worry

She sighed before walking up to them and crouched down to their level petting them

"Oh you two, I'm sorry if I'd worried you both but I'm fine now. I survived for this long and will continue to do so, so please don't worry about it okay?"

Lily and Scout looked at each other before they looked back at (Y/N) as they rubbed themselves against her for comfort

(Y/N) chuckled "Ah, you two. Affectionate as always. Heh. I'm glad Dad gave you two to me when you were just a Cruppy and a kitten" she said hugging them as she slightly remembers the time when she got them.

She was smiling for a bit before her smile suddenly shifted to a frown

"I'll get through this" she thought

"For them and for him"

She suddenly took notice that both her Crup and Kneazle were starting to fall asleep

Her smile returned as she gently picked both of them up before exiting her secret alchemist lab to head straight for bed

"Tomorrows gonna be a big day. I wonder if there is anything that I can do for Riddle." She thoughts

She had time to think before and idea suddenly popped into her head causing her to smile

"That's it!"

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