O'may Navier

Oleh Fumieryy

655 32 25

Fumy, an anthro cat, whose world was turned upside down after a catastrophic earthquake. Fumy was suddenly tr... Lebih Banyak

1. Beautiful Star
2. Farewell, For Now
3. Wonderless I
4. Wonderless II
5. Half-Sliced
6. Embracing Opportunities
7. Trace of Passion
8. Through Thick and Thin
9. Etched in Wood
10. The Unforeseen
11. Spark of The Sea
12. Old Friend
13. Draught Distillery
15. Paints, Swords, and Oaths
16. Ambushed

14. Puddhing

10 1 0
Oleh Fumieryy

In the quietude, a peculiar hush enveloped Fumy's thoughts. The stillness within her mind resonated with a resounding silence that echoed, creating a cacophony that compelled her to withdraw. As she began to discern the oddities of the island, particularly the enigmatic Agent Pig, questions lingered in her mind. The sun cast a gentle glow, filtering through the window panes of Fumy's new house. Despite the early morning hour, the persistent chirping of crickets persisted, with the sky presenting a stark contrast between pitch-black darkness in the west and the gradual ascent of the sun from the east.

In the tranquility of the dawn, Agent Pig remained confined to his cabin, eliminating any reason for Fumy to chase him. However, time pressed on, and Fumy was aware that the sun would not pause for her. Armed with torches and provisions, including beef from earlier hunts, she sensed an air of curiosity about the peculiar events surrounding Agent Pig. His recent behavior deviated from their initial encounter, adding an extra layer of intrigue to her journey. Determined to forge her own iron sword, Fumy contemplated the potential challenges she might encounter on her path.

Crafting the weapon proved more manageable than anticipated, and she carefully packed her essentials. With her bag slung over her shoulder, Fumy stepped outside, mentally preparing herself for whatever obstacles lay ahead. The journey promised encounters with various mobs, but armed with her newly crafted iron sword, Fumy embraced the adventure that awaited her. The sole crafting table in her home compelled her to return if her tools faltered, adding an element of strategy to her expedition. As she ventured forth, Fumy faced the unknown with a mix of curiosity and determination.

The exterior world lay shrouded in an impenetrable darkness, a sightless canvas akin to the depths of night. Fumy, while not particularly fearful of the obscurity, grappled with the inherent disadvantage of navigating through it. Her vision betrayed her, rendering her reliant on her senses of hearing and smell. To counteract the inky blackness, she strategically placed torches along her trail, each flame casting a beautiful glow upon the path she ventured.

As Fumy pressed onward, the enchanting illumination drew the attention of various mobs. A spider, drawn by the flickering light, stealthily approached her with a menacing hiss, signaling imminent danger. The spider took a venomous bite on her leg. Whirling around, Fumy confronted a colossal arachnid, its size accentuating the gravity of the impending threat. Reacting swiftly, she unsheathed her new iron sword, delivering calculated slashes that swiftly dispatched the creature.

However, her triumph was short-lived, as more spiders emerged from the shadows, accompanied by skeletons and zombies in a relentless pursuit. Realizing the overwhelming odds, Fumy knew she couldn't handle them one by one. Instinctively, she made a split-second decision, fleeing at breakneck speed to evade the encroaching horde, the rhythmic thud of her footsteps echoing in the darkness.

After a considerable sprint, Fumy found herself standing in front of Agent Pig's cabin. Glancing around anxiously, she assured herself that no lingering mobs had successfully tracked her down. The relief was palpable; her swift escape from the menacing crowd of creatures proved successful. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she bent over, hands on her knees, steadying herself from the exertion.

Approaching the cabin door with caution, Fumy mustered the energy to knock gently. The exhaustion weighed on her, prompting her to reach into her bag and retrieve a steak, a quick and replenishing bite before seeking assistance. The door swung open, and as expected, Agent Pig greeted her from behind the entrance. Recognizing her distressed state, he swiftly invited her inside, noting her evident weariness.

Agent Pig, displaying a compassionate concern, pulled out a sofa from the nearby table and gestured for Fumy to take a seat by the comforting warmth of the chimney fire. Sensing her need for sustenance and care, he hurried to the kitchen, preparing a soothing cup of tea. The ritual commenced with the retrieval of a green vintage teapot, complemented by a splash of cold water from his beige dispenser. Placing it on the stove, he patiently awaited the water's boil, seizing the opportunity to gather tea bags and bandages.

The teapot whistled, signaling readiness, and with a careful hand, Agent Pig poured the boiling water into two elegant green cups, allowing the tea bags to steep. As he arranged the cups on a tray with the precision of a caretaker, he added a thoughtful touch – a collection of bandages, anticipating Fumy's potential injuries. Returning to the comforting ambiance of the fire, Agent Pig presented the tray to Fumy, ensuring she felt not only the warmth of the tea but also the genuine concern embedded in his hospitable actions.

"Why didn't you wait for daytime to visit me? It's dangerous to venture on your own," Agent Pig softly remarked, his gentle voice carrying concern as he carefully wrapped a bandage around Fumy's injured leg.

Fumy, caught in a moment of gratitude for the unexpected kindness, hesitated to reveal the true reason behind her visit. She watched him tending to her leg, a warmth of appreciation mixed with an underlying worry for Agent Pig's well-being. She sensed that perhaps her concern for him outweighed her own needs.

"Well, no..." Fumy started after a brief pause, causing Agent Pig to halt in his actions. Concern etched on her face, she sincerely asked, "Are you alright?"

The distress in Agent Pig's response was palpable. "What did you come here for?" he exclaimed, his tone betraying a mixture of distress and frustration. The realization that he had raised his voice on Fumy hit him, prompting him to turn away and cover his mouth.

Fumy, undeterred, responded with a heartfelt admission, "I came because I wanted to see if you're okay." She stared at him with a genuine expression of concern.

"You don't need to know..." Agent Pig retorted, attempting to deflect the conversation.

"I need to!" Fumy insisted.

Agent Pig turned back to face Fumy, squinting his eyes and wearing a displeased expression. Fumy met his gaze with a raised eyebrow, asserting, "It's because I'm your friend."

His reaction shifted, his gaze lingering on Fumy. For a moment, he seemed shocked and mesmerized, as if the notion of someone caring for him was unfamiliar. Shaking his head to return to reality, he stood up and walked to the kitchen. Retrieving a cookie jar, he returned to Fumy, placing cookies on the table. Pouring tea into a cup, he prepared it for her and pushed it towards her. Opening the lid of the cookie jar, he urged, "Please eat and drink it up."

Agent Pig, eager to divert the conversation, would go to great lengths to avoid exposing the fractures in his friendships. Despite appearances of camaraderie, uncertainties lingered, creating an unspoken barrier that limited their interactions. Regardless of the situation, a divide persisted, preventing them from connecting more deeply.

Savoring the delightful combination of tea and cookies, Fumy reveled in the deliciousness of the moment. However, her attention shifted towards a set of bags placed beside the sofa, sparking curiosity and prompting her to inquire, "What are those?" She pointed at the bags, momentarily setting aside her teacup.

Agent Pig, relieved at the shift in conversation, welcomed the opportunity to share, saying, "Me and the boys are going on an adventure."

The prospect of an adventure ignited excitement within Fumy, and she couldn't help but ask, "Can I join?"

A momentary silence followed as Agent Pig contemplated her request. "Nope, sorry. You still have a lot to learn, and you will get injured again," he responded with a gentle shake of his head.

The anticipation that had built up in Fumy swiftly transformed into disappointment. Yet, she restrained herself from expressing her dismay overtly. All she could muster was a subdued, "Oh," refraining from further questions or pleas.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to carry the weight of unspoken emotions as Fumy wrestled with her unfulfilled desire to join the adventure. Agent Pig, while safeguarding her well-being, unintentionally introduced a tinge of sadness into the conversation. The camaraderie they shared remained intact, but the understanding that adventures might not be fully inclusive lingered, leaving Fumy to navigate a complex blend of disappointment and acceptance.

A sudden knock on the door disrupted the tranquility of the room, diverting both Fumy and Agent Pig's attention towards the entrance. Rising from his seat, Agent Pig approached the door and swung it open. To their surprise, Darren and Remi stood on the other side, ready and eager for their impending adventure.

"We're ready to go now!" Remi exclaimed, fists at the ready and sporting a wide grin. Meanwhile, Darren, adopting a teasing demeanor, strolled forward, allowing his hand to rest casually on his chin. His smug expression indicated mischief, not deep contemplation. Passing by Fumy, he maintained eye contact, his grin widening with every step. Inaudible words escaped his lips, likely a playful humming. Agent Pig, sensing the teasing intensity, swiftly intervened, positioning himself between Darren and Fumy.

"I knew it!" Darren snapped his fingers with a triumphant expression. "You don't need to hide anything from us anymore," he continued, punctuating his statement with a loud "hehehe" that resonated with playful mockery. Agent Pig, taking a deep breath, closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. Finally, he responded, "Alright."

Amidst the unfolding dynamics, Fumy's gaze shifted to Remi, who noticed her and offered a friendly wave. However, unlike others, Remi's expression lacked its usual warmth. Fumy couldn't help but wonder why. She yearned to ask him directly but hesitated, given the noticeable change in the island's atmosphere and the people residing there. The once-familiar faces seemed to have morphed into something different, leaving Fumy to ponder whether the prolonged stay had altered both the landscape and the relationships between its inhabitants. The looming question of whether Borine departed due to these changes weighed heavily on Fumy's mind, adding an air of uncertainty to her observations.

"Awwww, what's wrong with you? Got a booboo?" Darren teased, playfully booping Fumy's nose while speaking with a mockingly hushed tone. Fumy, taken aback by Darren's sudden antics, didn't find his jesting amusing at all.

After shooting a glance at Darren, Fumy turned her attention toward Agent Pig, who had distanced himself and retrieved a bag she had inquired about earlier. He slung it over his shoulder and approached the boys. "Take care of yourself now. Bye, Fumy," he bid farewell.

The trio, composed of Agent Pig, Darren, and Remi, exited the cabin, leaving Fumy alone in the gradually brightening room. As the sun's rays began to pierce through the cabin's window, casting golden glows that transitioned to warm yellows, Fumy couldn't shake off the frown etched on her face. She cast a solemn gaze at her bitten leg, contemplating the circumstances that unfolded.

A sense of isolation crept in as Fumy pondered Agent Pig's actions. It dawned on her that he had plans with his other friends, yet she felt overlooked and excluded. The nagging questions persisted: Was she not considered a friend? Why the selectivity? She, too, was human, with feelings that resonated deeply. The emotional weight of these thoughts weighed heavily on her, and for the first time in her life, Fumy felt a profound sense of loneliness. The camaraderie that once seemed unbreakable now left her questioning the nature of her connection with Agent Pig and the bonds she thought were steadfast.

Fumy found herself immersed in a sea of sadness, the weight of her emotions pressing heavily on her. However, a sudden shift in her focus occurred as she observed the window moving on its own, devoid of any wind. It wasn't an ethereal force but rather Miko, the little mouse, making an entrance. The furry companion skillfully pushed the window open and gracefully hopped from one surface to another within Agent Pig's cabin, eventually landing on the sofa beside Fumy.

Adjusting her position on the sofa, crossing her legs and facing Miko, Fumy greeted the tiny visitor, "Hey Miko! What's up?" Yet, Miko, in its own way, sidestepped the greeting, delving into a different topic. "Puddhing needs you. Meet at your house."

Fumy, slightly taken aback, protested, "What? Can't you just make a portal so that he could come to meet me instead? I fought my way here," a hint of pouting evident in her expression.

"Puddhing has been searching for you, and unexpectedly you're here," Miko explained. Before Fumy could respond, Miko continued, "The place is important; that's why it should be there."

Feeling a twinge of embarrassment for objecting to something apparently urgent, Fumy rubbed the back of her head, acknowledging her oversight. Miko, sensing her realization, scampered up to her shoulder. "Then, what are you doing here?" it inquired.

Fumy, with a memory flash revealing her initial intention to inquire about Agent Pig's condition, responded, "Nothing..." A moment of reflection crossed her face as she considered her previous concerns.

In response, Miko leaped down to the floor, conjuring a remarkable purple galaxious portal, a secret ability known only to Fumy. Exclaiming, "Come on!" it urged her before jumping through the portal. Fumy, standing up and trailing behind, entered the portal, following Miko into her own house.


As the trio embarked on their journey, Agent Pig walked alongside Darren and Remi, a peculiar sight considering Remi's unique ability to effortlessly float beside them. Remi possessed the remarkable power to teleport, a skill that could streamline their hunting or adventuring plans. However, they all awaited an unspoken command from Agent Pig, who took the lead in their expedition.

Their mission for the day involved procuring materials for pre-order potions from the Square Haven Market. Aware of the extensive list of missing components, Darren clutched it securely within his hoodie pocket. The magnitude of their task hinted that completing it within a single day would be a time-consuming challenge.

Agent Pig, relieved that he didn't have to face Fumy, found himself caught in the playful crossfire of Darren's teasing. The banter revolved around the amusing incident of discovering Fumy on his sofa with her leg bandaged. Darren, with a whimsical flair, couldn't resist imagining the parallel scenario of himself and his late ex-girlfriend, Sasa, in Fumy and Agent Pig's shoes.

"You two were so cute... Me and Sasa weren't like that, y'know," Darren remarked, indulging in the fanciful comparison and playfully insinuating a romantic connection between Agent Pig and Fumy. The implicit acknowledgment that Agent Pig had tended to Fumy's injury was evident, and Darren couldn't resist a teasing, "Don't tell me you guys aren't a thing."

Desiring to divert the conversation, Agent Pig steered it toward a different topic, probing Darren about Subszy, a character shrouded in mystery. The shift in focus prompted Darren's resistance, insisting it was none of Agent Pig's business. However, the persistent Agent Pig continued to tease, asserting, "You telling some information won't hurt anyone."

Unmoved, Darren maintained his defiance, insisting, "Don't fool me." Agent Pig, undeterred, pressed on, expressing the seriousness of his need to know the details surrounding Subszy's demise.

"I'm serious. I need to know," Agent Pig said, his curiosity undiminished. Remi, a silent observer, watched the exchange unfold, recognizing the sensitivity of the subject.

"Fine," Darren sighed, taking a deep breath as if plunging into the depths of his past. He began to recount the tragic tale in vivid detail.

"I saw him in flames when the public lab building collapsed from the experiment for a brewing competition that me, him, and Grassor did. Me and Grassor were in a fight.. Me and Grassor escaped, but he didn't. Subszy was only a human. No abilities. Nothing. Only sword fighting skills and intelligence. I tried to save him, but he had turned into ashes. The only property I got was his tie, cut in two. I brought them home and kept them till now."

Darren's head hung low as he pulled out the tie for a final, solemn glimpse before tucking it back into his hoodie pocket. The weight of the narrative evoked sympathy from both Agent Pig and Remi, who could sense the deep emotional resonance in Darren's story.

Agent Pig's hand came to rest on Darren's shoulder, a gesture laden with unspoken understanding. In response, Darren turned to meet Agent Pig's gaze, a subtle smile gracing his lips as he heard the reassuring words, "I'm here, Darren. Let's keep on walking."

Resuming their journey along the road, the trio strolled forward with purpose, their destination uncertain but their camaraderie unwavering. Conversations ebbed and flowed, encompassing a myriad of topics. Amidst the banter and shared musings, Remi, not merely a silent observer, contributed his dreams and passions to the dialogue. His vision encompassed the construction of something monumental—a Great Wall—a structure that could ensure the safety of all.

Agent Pig, while intrigued by the idea, couldn't help but inquire about the previously laid plans. "Don't worry about it. It's not as important as this," Remi reassured with a light-hearted tone.

Mixed emotions washed over Agent Pig; concern for the unresolved plans mingled with genuine happiness for Remi's aspirations. If only there were more time, Agent Pig pondered, envisioning a shared effort to bring Remi's grand dream to life. Remi, however, had forged ahead without him, leaving a trail of impressive creations, especially statues, adorning the corners of O'may Navier Island.

Expressing his support, Agent Pig gently patted Remi's back, mindful of the levitating Remi's slightly unreachable shoulders. The trio engaged in conversation, and this time, Darren found himself as the listener. A longing flickered in his eyes, a wish to contribute to the building endeavors he admired. Yet, he was acutely aware that he wasn't born to build, and in that moment, he chose not to interrupt the meaningful exchange between Agent Pig and Remi. A soft smile adorned Darren's face, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection shared among the trio.

While they were walking, they slowly realized their atmosphere changing from living and lovely environment to green dead smelly environment. They stopped chatting and fixed their gaze to their front. They suddenly arrived at Puddhing's Swamp. They reached the far-end of O'may Navier, as they knew the swamp wasn't part of O'may Navier. They walked further and further and spotted Puddhing's old hut. The hut was now abandoned, since he had moved in with Darren.

Darren suddenly came up with an idea. "Do you guys wanna take a look at his hut?"

"That's not a very ethical thing to do." opposed Remi.

"It's okay guys, all blame goes to me if anything happens" said Darren again with his fist on his chest, his proud pose.

As the trio continued their journey, Darren took the lead, quickening his pace to replace Agent Pig as their guide. Their destination was Puddhing's hut, and navigating through the terrain, they playfully hopped over lilypads. However, Remi, with the ability to teleport, effortlessly materialized at the front of the hut, bypassing the rhythmic jumps of his companions.

As they approached, Darren took the initiative to reach the door, his hand confidently turning the knob before pushing it open without hesitation. They entered the hut in succession—Darren leading the way, followed closely by Remi and Agent Pig. Upon crossing the threshold, darkness enveloped them, accompanied by a cloud of dust that stirred with Darren's cough. Spider cobwebs, like ethereal tapestries, clung to corners, and a previously slumbering black cat darted away through the door as the trio intruded on its peaceful repose.

Despite the cozy dimensions of the hut, barely accommodating them all, Agent Pig, finding the interior devoid of visibility, chose to step back outside. Stretching his back, he suggested, "C'mon, guys, we can come back later," and walked away into the fading light.

In the meantime, Remi gracefully descended to the ground from his levitating stance. A gentle pat on Darren's shoulder signaled a subtle encouragement. Darren, responsive to the gesture, turned around to meet Remi's gaze.

"We should get back on track," Remi suggested, aware of the urgency of their mission.

Darren, however, shook his head, a request for a moment of pause. Activating his night vision, he scanned the dim interior as though on a quest, a guise to occupy his time. In truth, he wasn't on a specific search but rather seizing the opportunity to delay. Puddhing, his younger brother, had a penchant for leaving valuables strewn about, items off-limits to Darren. This time, he sought to exploit the chance to explore, even against his better judgment.

Remi, rolling his eyes in a display of exasperation, had already urged Darren to rejoin Agent Pig on the trail. Unperturbed by Darren's diversion, he sighed, wearing a wearied expression, and exited Puddhing's abandoned hut, leaving Darren to his clandestine exploration.

Alone in the dimly lit hut, Darren sifted through the clutter, uncovering an array of discarded items: scraps of metal, tangled cables, and remnants of redstone resembling splatters of blood on the floor. Despite the seemingly worthless findings, Darren pressed on, though a nagging thought echoed Remi's earlier admonition that he was wasting his time. Surely, Agent Pig and Remi were engaged in productive endeavors, he mused, contemplating whether he should join them.

As Darren rose from his kneeling position, his gaze fell upon a peculiar sight illuminated by his night vision—a piece of paper, not inscribed with words but adorned with a captivating drawing. Intrigued, he reached out and retrieved the drawing, marveling at its intricacy. The sketch depicted a couple, rendered with remarkable skill that reminded him of Addie, the talented artist from the island.

Examining the figures closely, Darren found himself drawn into the details. The boy depicted in the drawing wore glasses, nearly broken, atop his head of pale brown hair. His slender frame bore numerous bruises and scared, some concealed beneath makeshift band-aids. Across from him stood a girl with long, curly dark hair, partially tied to the side. Her complexion was deep and rich, contrasting with the boy's fairer skin. They wore similar clothing, distinguished only by subtle variations in attire—the boy in black pants and the girl in a pink skirt with yellow accents, both adorned in white shirts and pink outerwear.

Perplexed by the enigmatic illustration, Darren couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity it evoked. Who were these figures.. and what significance did they hold? With a sense of urgency tempered by curiosity, Darren carefully tucked the drawing into his pocket, intent on sharing his discovery with Puddhing once he had concluded his exploration. Perhaps his younger brother could shed some light on the mysterious couple depicted in the drawing.

"Darren? Are you asleep in there?"

Darren was startled by Agent Pig's voice, snapping him out of his reverie. He realized he had spent quite some time inside the hut. Hastily rising to his feet, he exited through the open door, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. Clutching the paper in his pocket, he caught up with Agent Pig and Remi, who were waiting for him.

As they resumed their journey, Darren fell into step behind them, keeping the discovery of the drawing to himself. He couldn't shake the feeling that it was a private matter, likely connected to his brother Puddhing. Despite his curiosity, Darren respected his brother's privacy and chose to keep the revelation to himself for the time being.


Fumy had already returned to her house through Miko's portal, the little mouse accompanying her as they materialized at her front door. With a mixture of nervousness and determination, Fumy turned the doorknob and stepped inside, only to find Puddhing already waiting for her, a formidable presence looming behind her and Miko.

"Hey, Puddhing...?" Fumy greeted tentatively, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as she slowly approached him.

Puddhing turned slowly to face her, his sharp gaze meeting hers as they drew closer. The tension between them was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog.

"We could just sit on the wooden plank floor..." Fumy suggested in an attempt to break the ice, her words carrying a mixture of friendliness and nervousness.

With a silent nod, Puddhing agreed, and together they settled down on the floor, Fumy positioning herself close in front of him. As they sat in silence, Miko scurried up to perch on Puddhing's shoulder, a silent observer in the tense exchange.

As they sat together, Fumy couldn't help but marvel at Puddhing's composure. Despite Miko's presence so close to his neck, he remained unfazed, his demeanor stoic and inscrutable. It was a small detail, but one that added to the mystery surrounding him.

Without further ado, Puddhing reached into his bag and began rummaging around, his actions piquing Fumy's curiosity. What could he be searching for? Her gaze remained fixed on him as he pulled out a God Apple, its glossy surface shimmering with a lavender hue. It bore a striking resemblance to her own, but there was a crucial difference that left her feeling envious—Puddhing's God Apple was whole, unlike her own, which was sliced in half. Did the power held within these apples vary depending on their form?

"Do you have one of these, too?" Puddhing asked, raising the God Apple slightly to catch the sunlight streaming in from the window.

Fumy nodded silently, prompting Puddhing to request a demonstration. With a sense of apprehension, she rose from her seat, aware of Puddhing and Miko's watchful eyes. Grateful that she was already in her house, she had kept her God Apple hidden within, rather than carrying it in her inventory as she had in the past. But how did Miko know where it was hidden?

Navigating through the room, Fumy located her unlabeled storage space and began sifting through the miscellaneous items until her fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the God Apple. Retrieving it, she returned to her seat beside Puddhing, holding it gingerly in her paws, the slice clearly visible.

Puddhing extended his hand, silently requesting her God Apple. Fumy hesitated, her gaze shifting between the two apples, a flicker of doubt crossing her mind. Despite her reservations, she reluctantly surrendered her half-sliced God Apple to Puddhing, her expression betraying her lack of complete trust in him.

In exchange, Puddhing handed her his fully intact God Apple and stowed her sliced one in his bag. "Don't worry. It's the same God Apple, just a different shape," he reassured her.

Though Fumy felt a mix of happiness and regret at parting with her apple, she chose to focus on Puddhing's words, nodding in acknowledgment. Compared to others she had encountered, Puddhing exuded an aura of stern seriousness, unlike Remi or anybody else. Despite her initial reservations, she couldn't deny the sincerity in Puddhing's words.

"So, where did you find the Gapple?" asked Puddhing, his tone curious yet probing.

"Gapple?" Fumy echoed, momentarily confused.

"God Apple," Puddhing clarified.

"I found it myself!" Fumy responded defensively.

"I asked where, not how," Puddhing replied, his eyebrows drawing together in a slight frown.

"The... The Deserted Temple on Sandy Marketplace," Fumy answered tentatively.

"No wonder. The Temple is now collapsed. Someone had already broken in," Puddhing remarked grimly.

"Well, what do you want then?" Fumy asked, her voice edged with curiosity and guardedness, a hint of fear creeping in as if Puddhing posed a threat. She felt on edge, her senses heightened.

"I wanted to ask you a few more questions... or perhaps give you a warning... If that's alright?" Puddhing smirked behind his black mask, his smile barely visible yet unnerving.

Fumy gulped nervously, feeling a sense of unease settle in her stomach. Puddhing continued, his tone serious as he posed another question, "Where are you from?"

Fumy paused, momentarily taken aback, before attempting to lighten the mood with a joke, "Eye-land."

"I'm serious," Puddhing insisted, his gaze piercing and intense.

Feeling intimidated, Fumy stumbled over her words, "What do you mean...?"

Puddhing let out an exasperated sigh and facepalmed, the tension evident in the pinch of his eyebrows. "Do you not remember anything when you got here?"

Fumy shook her head, feeling a sense of confusion and disorientation wash over her. She struggled to recall anything beyond stumbling upon the snowy biome and encountering Agent Pig and his cabin.

"Why aren't you a human?" Puddhing questioned, leaning in closer to her face.

Taken aback by his proximity, Fumy recoiled slightly, her eyes widening in surprise. "Do you know that you're a cat?"

"Yes! Of course!" Fumy replied emphatically, her eyebrow arching in assurance.

"You sure? You don't seem like one," Puddhing remarked skeptically, his tone probing.

Fumy found herself speechless, her mind swirling with confusion. She struggled to find the right words to respond to Puddhing's questioning of her very existence.

"You really could walk on all fours, climb, jump, see through the night like a cat. And probably lick yourself," Puddhing continued, his words causing Fumy's eyes to widen in surprise. There was no smile on her face, only a mixture of terror and fascination at the implications of his observations.

Puddhing and Fumy locked eyes in a tense silence, as if engaged in an unspoken staring contest. Then, abruptly, Puddhing rose from his seat.

"Come outside. I'll show you," he declared, reaching out to grab Fumy's right arm and pulling her towards the door.

Caught off guard by his sudden movement, Fumy rose to her feet and followed Puddhing obediently, her mind racing with questions and apprehension about what lay ahead.

As they stepped outside, Puddhing pointed towards his and Darren's house and issued a command, "Climb my house, trust me."

Fumy stood there, engulfed in confusion. How was she supposed to do that? She attempted to scale the flawless and plain concrete walls, but her efforts were in vain – she remained firmly rooted to the ground. Then, a spark of realization ignited within her, and she glanced down at her paws. Could she summon her claws? With a mixture of hope and uncertainty, she tried, and to her astonishment, her claws emerged. She instinctively extended and retracted them, almost like clicking a pen. Excitedly, she attempted to climb again, utilizing her newfound claws and even leaping to cover more ground. Initially frightened by the prospect of climbing and her fear of heights, she found courage in her newfound abilities and conquered Puddhing's house. Atop the roof, she felt invincible, as if nothing could impede her progress.

"I told you," remarked Puddhing, a smile playing at his lips as he crossed his arms, satisfied that his task was accomplished.

"I did it!" exclaimed Fumy, raising her arms triumphantly.

"You are a cat. There are more things for you to discover on your own later. You might even land on your feet," Puddhing replied, his words filled with wisdom and encouragement.

Trusting in Puddhing's words and her own abilities, Fumy decided to put his advice to the test. She jumped from the roof of Puddhing's house, and to her amazement, she landed gracefully on her feet. Did this mean she had nine lives?

"Thank you for telling me," Fumy expressed her gratitude, a wide smile adorning her face. Now, she realized she wasn't as useless or weak as she had believed. "But what's all this for?" she inquired further.

Puddhing, pleased that she had asked, revealed his intentions. "Subszy is returning to O'may Navier, and he aims to replace and defeat Agent Pig."

"But isn't he dead?" Fumy interjected, voicing her uncertainty.

"No, he's still out there, seeking revenge and reclaiming what he once had," Puddhing asserted.

"I don't think so," Fumy challenged, taking a step back. "People like Darren, Agent Pig, and Len said that he was dead." With each word, her trust in Puddhing wavered.

Fumy attempted to distance herself from Puddhing, but suddenly, he swiftly retrieved a crossbow from his bag. Fumy found herself backed against a tree, with Puddhing looming over her, brandishing the weapon at her face in a fit of anger.

"Listen here. Subszy is out there, and YOU are the only one who can defeat him," Puddhing declared sternly.

Speechless and paralyzed with fear, Fumy stood there, grappling with a surge of conflicting emotions. She worried for her safety, afraid of the arrow that could be unleashed at any moment. Her injured leg throbbed with pain, a stark reminder of her vulnerability. Unsure of what to do, she felt trapped – torn between the instinct to flee or fight, yet unable to move, frozen in place by fear and uncertainty.

Fumy, her senses heightened with fear and caution, tentatively challenged Puddhing, her voice trembling with apprehension, "Y-You must be targeting the wrong person."

"SILENCE!" Puddhing's retort was sharp and forceful as he thrust the crossbow dangerously close to Fumy's nose, backing her into the tree with a threatening demeanor, demanding that she grasp the gravity of his words.

Fumy shut her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the worst, as she instinctively shielded her body with her arms. In the tense silence that followed, she heard the distinct sound of metal striking against something, followed by a dull thud. Cautiously, she peeked through her fingers, half-expecting to see the arrow embedded in her flesh. To her astonishment, however, she discovered that the arrow had missed its mark, embedding itself in the tree trunk beside her. With a mix of relief and bewilderment, she surveyed the scene before her.

Standing before her, holding her iron axe high in a protective stance, was Len. Her unexpected appearance served as a shield, intercepting the arrow meant for Fumy and sparing her from harm.

Puddhing, taken aback by Len's sudden intervention, recoiled in disbelief, his guard momentarily lowered as he processed the turn of events. Slowly, he lowered his crossbow, a look of uncertainty crossing his features.

"Please heed my warning," Puddhing cautioned, his voice carrying a note of urgency, before abruptly turning away and disappearing through Miko's purple portal, leaving Fumy and Len to digest the events that had just unfolded.


Under the bright sun, the trio consisting of Agent Pig, Darren, and Remi scoured the area for essential items, such as rabbit's feet, spider eyes, pufferfish, and sugarcanes. Despite their efforts, their collection was still lacking, prompting them to continue their search.

Darren took to the warm ocean in search of more pufferfish, his half-cetus form allowing him to swim effortlessly with his merman-like features. Meanwhile, Remi ventured into the nearby meadow plains and flower forest, captivated by the beauty of the untouched landscape. Despite the allure of his surroundings, Remi remained focused on his task of gathering rabbits.

Agent Pig trailed behind Remi, observing his diligent efforts to secure their needed supplies. He noted that Remi's task seemed to take him far and wide in search of elusive rabbits. Seizing the opportunity presented by their separation, Agent Pig formulated a plan.

His intention, beyond merely fulfilling their delayed orders from the Square Haven Market, was to make an injury to either Darren or Remi. With one of them incapacitated, their plans to leave O'may Navier island and immigrate to The Nether would be thwarted. As Agent Pig discreetly recorded their activities, he slipped away from both Darren and Remi, heading toward a darker part of the forest under the guise of gathering sugarcanes.

Agent Pig purposely distanced himself from the others, preferring not to attract attention to his nefarious intentions. As he ventured deeper into the forest, he encountered a zombie lurking in the shadows. Seizing the opportunity, Agent Pig ingested an invisibility potion from his inventory, rendering himself unseen by the zombie. Quietly, he approached the undead creature and affixed a helmet to its head, shielding it from the sun's rays.

Having prepared numerous helmets beforehand, Agent Pig repeated the process with other zombies in the vicinity. With his army of protected zombies now dispersed throughout the forest, he awaited the opportune moment to set his plan in motion. As the undead creatures spotted Remi and Darren, they descended upon the unsuspecting duo, setting the stage for Agent Pig's scheme to unfold.

As Remi basked in the satisfaction of his small triumph, having successfully captured three rabbits with his hologram bow, his sense of accomplishment was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a horde of zombies adorned with protective helmets. Confusion swept over Remi as he watched the undead creatures advance towards him, their ominous presence emanating from the depths of the dark forest.

With his bow in hand, Remi valiantly attempted to fend off the encroaching horde, but the protective helmets proved to be formidable obstacles, rendering the zombies resistant to his attacks. Undeterred by the challenge, Remi persisted in his efforts, unleashing a volley of arrows in a desperate bid to vanquish his undead adversaries.

Despite the relentless onslaught, Remi refused to yield, his determination unwavering as he continued to engage the zombies in combat. Gradually, through sheer perseverance and skillful marksmanship, Remi succeeded in dispatching each member of the undead horde, his brow furrowed in concentration as he fought to protect himself and secure his surroundings.

As the last zombie fell to the ground, Remi breathed a sigh of relief, his heart still pounding with adrenaline from the intense encounter. With a weary yet triumphant smile, he wiped the sweat from his brow and refocused his attention on the task at hand, his determination renewed as he resumed his search for rabbits amidst the tranquil beauty of the surrounding landscape.

As Darren stood on the warm sands of the beach, his half-cetus form shimmering in the sunlight, he meticulously counted the pufferfish he had gathered. Lost in concentration, he was taken by surprise when he felt a sudden poke at his side. Startled, he whirled around to confront the source of the disturbance, expecting to find one of his companions. However, to his astonishment, he found himself face to face with a group of zombies emerging from the nearby dark forest.

The incongruity of the situation struck Darren, as the undead creatures lurched towards him under the blazing sun. Reacting swiftly, he instinctively drew forth his long cetus claws, their gleaming edges poised for action. With each calculated strike, he dispatched the approaching zombies, their helmets clattering to the ground in a metallic symphony.

Pausing to examine his unexpected loot, Darren retrieved one of the helmets and turned it over in his hands, admiring its craftsmanship despite its grisly origins. Intrigued by the novelty of his find, he carefully inspected each helmet, weighing their attributes in search of the finest among them. After a thorough evaluation, he selected the most pristine helmet, deeming it worthy of a place in his inventory alongside the precious pufferfish he had collected.

"Hey AP, I'm done!" Darren's voice rang out across the meadow as he approached.

Having completed his own task, Darren shifted back into his human form and surveyed the area, noticing Remi gathering rabbits nearby.

"Remi? Where's AP?" Darren inquired, scanning the surroundings.

"I thought he was with you," Remi replied, focusing on stowing the rabbits in his hologram inventory.

Shrugging, Darren joined Remi in searching for their missing companion. Unbeknownst to them, Agent Pig remained invisible nearby, concealed by the effects of a potion.

As they ventured towards the dark forest, Remi floated ahead while Darren trailed behind, discussing their encounter with the zombies.

"Did you encounter those hordes of zombies earlier?" Remi queried, his gaze fixed on the shadows.

"Yeah, with helmets too, right?" Darren responded eagerly, recalling the encounter. "I managed to nab one of those helmets – pretty sweet loot!"

Remi listened intently, attuned to the rustling of bushes nearby. Observing particles in the air, he recognized the telltale signs of an invisible potion.

Meanwhile, Agent Pig maneuvered stealthily through the forest, making a deliberate ruckus to cover his movements. Racing against time, he emerged on the other side of the forest, where a beach adorned with towering sugar canes awaited. Swiftly, he harvested the cane, filling his bag with precision and haste, leaving no trace of his presence behind. As his invisibility began to fade, his heart raced with the urgency of remaining undetected.

"AP! Over here!" Darren's voice echoed through the dark forest as he approached Agent Pig. Spotting Agent Pig carrying two heavy bags of sugarcanes, Darren noted the beads of sweat glistening on his brow, evidence of the effort required to gather them all without being detected.

As Agent Pig drew closer, Darren and Remi nodded in acknowledgment, and Remi lent a hand by levitating the bags with his alien staff from his hologram inventory. With a cautious touch, he guided them to join Darren's collection of pufferfish.

However, Remi's attention was drawn to something amiss as he observed Agent Pig walking alongside Darren. A small bottle had slipped from Agent Pig's pocket, catching Remi's eye. Picking it up, he examined the purple liquid inside, feeling a growing sense of unease. Recalling the rustling bushes and invisible potion particles he had detected earlier, Remi couldn't shake the suspicion that Agent Pig might pose a threat to them and the island.

Despite his concerns, Remi hesitated to voice his suspicions aloud. Could Agent Pig truly be plotting against them? Or was there a reasonable explanation for his actions? Wrestling with his doubts, Remi eventually banished them from his mind, determined to maintain trust in their leader – at least for now.

With a solemn expression, Remi teleported back to Darren and Agent Pig, the bottle of potion lingering in his thoughts as a troubling reminder of the shadows lurking beneath the surface.

As they made their way home on foot, their arms laden with the bounty of their labor, Darren, Agent Pig, and Remi trekked through the tranquil landscape. They traversed the familiar paths, the weight of their work stored safely within Remi's hologram inventory, allowing them to travel unencumbered.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm orange glow that painted the surroundings in hues of gold and amber. The crisp evening air filled their lungs, invigorating them as they moved forward. Despite the physical exertion, there was a sense of contentment in the air, a shared satisfaction in a day's work well done.

Amidst the peaceful ambiance, their conversation flowed freely, drifting from plans for Remi's future projects to potential adventures awaiting them. Darren, ever the optimist, suggested that he could handle the task of crafting the pre-order potions single-handedly, confident in his ability to complete the task within a day. However, he acknowledged the importance of distribution, proposing that Agent Pig or Swiyrls could lend a hand depending on their availability.

Their journey home was punctuated by laughter, the air alive with the sound of their camaraderie. Jokes and banter filled the space between them, weaving a tapestry of shared memories and bonds that strengthened with each step they took. As they continued on their way, the fading light of the setting sun served as a backdrop to their journey, painting the sky with vibrant hues of pink and purple as they drew closer to their destination.


Beneath the comforting shade of a towering tree in the heart of a vibrant flower forest, Len and Fumy found themselves engrossed in conversation. The air was alive with the fluttering of colorful butterflies, and the gentle presence of foxes and wild horses added to the serene atmosphere.

"What did he do to you?" Len inquired, her voice soft amidst the tranquil surroundings.

Fumy's response was casual, her tone reflecting a sense of lightness. "He just told me that I'm a cat, or something like that."

Len raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Nothing more?"

Fumy shook her head. "Well, he helped me realize I'm more than just a person," she paused, a flicker of concern crossing her features. "And he mentioned something about Subszy making a comeback..."

Len's fingers gently brushed through Fumy's fur as she spoke, her touch comforting. "Come back to what? To life? He's dead, sis."

Fumy's mind whirled with uncertainty. "I know, but... I don't know..."

"I saw his dead body though, after Darren showed me," Len interjected, her voice tinged with certainty.

Fumy pondered Len's words, finding solace in her unwavering conviction. She trusted Len more than Puddhing, yet she couldn't shake the lingering questions about the significance of possessing a full God Apple. Was she truly powerful enough with it?

Len's laughter broke through the tension, a bittersweet sound amidst the tranquility of the forest. "Y'know, I used to be in your situation," she admitted, her tone tinged with rueful amusement. "Nobody stopped me from being abused, manipulated, taken advantage of."

Fumy's eyes widened in shock. "He was going to manipulate me?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Len shook her head gently. "No, darling. But he might try. He lacks evidence that Subszy is alive. So, y'know... Puddhing could use you to achieve his goals."

Understanding dawned on Fumy, her gaze drifting towards the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. She knew now that she needed to be cautious and heed Len's advice. Her friend had been through similar trials and emerged stronger, and Fumy vowed to follow in her footsteps.

As the silence stretched between them, Len's expression turned somber, her thoughts drifting to darker memories. "Did I ever tell you why I became a mad scientist?" she asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Fumy watched her friend intently, sensing the weight of the memories that haunted her. "Subszy drove me mad," Len confessed, her words heavy with emotion. "He destroyed everything I cared about most just because I didn't meet his expectations..."

"And that included your robot assistant..." Fumy prompted gently, her voice filled with empathy as she recalled the details of Len's past.

Len nodded, her gaze falling to the ground as she relived the painful memories. "Yeah," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "Among other things... That prick leader left"

Fumy offered a reassuring smile as Len confided in her, her words carrying the weight of past struggles. "It's the past, sis," she reassured Len, her voice filled with understanding.

Len straightened up, her eyes meeting Fumy's with a mixture of gratitude and affection. "Thank god I saved you, or else I don't know how I will live," she admitted, her tone reflecting the depth of her emotions.

Concern flickered in Fumy's eyes at Len's heartfelt words, but then she remembered that they had a few days of freedom ahead. "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" she asked, hoping to lift Len's spirits.

Len's face lit up with excitement at the prospect. "Totally!" she exclaimed, leaning in closer to Fumy. "What will we be doing, then?"

Fumy paused, her mind racing with possibilities, before she shrugged playfully. "Who knows! Maybe we could try baking a pie and get chased by bees?" she suggested with a laugh, the sound echoing through the peaceful forest. Their laughter mingled in the air, filling the space around them with warmth and joy, until exhaustion finally claimed them and they drifted off to sleep under the protective canopy of the shady tree.


As Fumy stirred from her slumber, she found Len standing over her, a gentle smile gracing her features. She returned the smile, grateful for the wake-up call. As she sat up, she noticed the others nearby – Agent Pig, Darren, and Remi. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent, casting a tranquil glow over the scene.

Stretching out her limbs, Fumy yawned, feeling refreshed yet slightly disoriented from her deep sleep. "Did I miss something?" she inquired, her voice still tinged with sleepiness.

Agent Pig nodded, his expression eager. "We're going to announce that there will be a 1v1 competition tomorrow!"

Curiosity piqued, Fumy leaned forward. "What's that?" she asked, intrigued by the prospect.

Darren chimed in to explain, "It's basically a mini tournament where one person faces off against another in a fight."

Understanding dawned on Fumy's face, but she couldn't help but voice her concern. "Can't it be, like, three days later?" she suggested, hoping for a bit more time to prepare.

Agent Pig paused, considering her request. "Sure, that works for everyone, right?"

The group responded with nods, thumbs-ups, and casual shrugs, signaling their agreement with the delay.

"Alright then. That settles it. You guys should head back home now, it's getting dark," Agent Pig announced, his tone authoritative yet friendly. "And don't forget about the 1v1 competition in three days!" he added with a smile.

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