Infected Kingdom

By MMA1999

912 33 16

With the Zombie virus occurrence over a year earlier, Skylar's main goal is to keep her and her two friends a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

19 1 2
By MMA1999

Sliding the eggs onto a plate, I cracked a few more eggs before going to the window. My brother and sister were playing on the playground that belonged to the apartments. I could easily see my brother's blue raincoat. It's not raining, but it's the only coat he has.

"Honestly, I don't see why you just call Child Protective Services." Turning to Rose who was laying on the couch, I chuckled when Cassie pushed on her stomach and made Rose wince.

"There are too many kids in the system already." I explained, with a frown, "The system is so full that even kids who are getting truly abused can't go in. I learned that in my child welfare class." 

Seeing her roll her eyes, I went to check on the eggs before going back, which is when Cassie called out, "Then what about family?"

"No one else knows that mom's leaving them for days on end. Heck, she even threatened me when I still lived with her. If we told anyone, she would spank us with her belt." I explained, finishing cooking the last of the eggs, "This is the best we can do for now."

Setting the plate of eggs on the coffee table, I looked up when I heard screams from outside. Sprinting out the open door, I immediately saw the adult who was attacking a child. I practically leapt down the steps to get to them faster. Tucking in, I rammed my shoulder into the woman.

"Get off." I yelled, falling with the woman. 

I recovered first though and pinned her to the ground. Looking towards the child, I felt my stomach turn when I saw that most of the child's stomach was torn to shreds. I tried to keep my breakfast down as I turned to the woman.

"What is wrong with you?" I froze when I saw that she was covered in blood. 

Her eyes were black and gold. Blood covered her face, and she had wounds covering her. Disgusted, I backed away from it. Feeling something grab my ankle, I screamed when I saw that the child was still alive and using my ankle to pull itself closer to me.  Kicking it off, I ran back to the stairs.

"Cleo, Blake!" I yelled, looking around at the running and limping people.

I couldn't see my brother's blue coat. My sister wouldn't leave my brother's side so I wouldn't see her either. A chill ran down my neck as I realized that more of those things were limping towards me, reaching for me.

"Skylar." They hissed, making me stumble on the step as I moved back, "Skylar, Skylar."

Their voices got louder until I was covering my ears. One of the male creatures grabbed me, making me scream as I looked up at it.

"Wake up." It ordered while shaking me, "Wake up. Wake up Sky."

Sitting up, I closed my mouth when I realized I was screaming. The knife I kept under my pillow was in my hands like I was ready to fight. My heart was still racing. Looking around, I didn't see any monsters. Just a bedroom with books, pictures, and Gavin. I'm safe. 

Wincing at the pain in my ankle, I moved the blanket to see that my ankle was wrapped up. Now that I think about it, I don't even know how I got here. Looking back to Gavin, I saw that he was concerned, but he finally let me go. I'm still terrified, but I'll be okay after a little while. Flinching back when I saw him reach for me out of the corner of my eyes, I glared at him.

"You're crying." He explained, which is when I saw the tissue in his hands.

Accepting it from him, I wiped my eyes, before looking at my memory board. I have my pictures hung up there. I don't want to talk to him about anything. If he had went out there when I called for him, instead of letting me get traumatized by Insane, I wouldn't have had a nightmare.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" He asked, sitting on the bed right by me, "Well, you scream, and you can hold conversation in your sleep. It's a little weird."

"Like you don't do weird stuff in your sleep too." I muttered, hating that my curiosity was forcing me to talk to him, "What did I say?"

"You screamed for Cleo and Blake." He answered, making me hum, "Your siblings?"

Letting out a breath, I nodded, "They're long gone. I lost them the first day the world ended."

He was quiet, but I felt him put an arm around my shoulder to pull me against him. I'm honestly too tired to object.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, "I've seen their pictures on the board. They look like they were good kids."

"They were." I nodded, sucking in a breath to keep from crying, "My mom never knew that though. She was always gone, and she had been gone for three days before the world ended. I doubt she even looked for us."

He didn't say anything, yet he rubbed my shoulders like he was trying to comfort me. It's weird, but thoughtful, I guess. Feeling tears threaten to fall, I tried wiping them away. That was when I realized that the house was empty.

"Where is everyone?"

"They decided to go out after I brought you back. They thought you would want the quiet when you woke up. It's just me and Mary." He paused before letting out a breath, "I'm glad you opened up to me just a little. It lets me know you don't completely hate me."

"Yeah, don't take it as trust, because I don't trust you at all." I muttered, sending him a small glare, "I called for you twice, but you were too busy to come the first time. The only time I willingly asked for your help."

"I wasn't busy." He sighed, "Angelina wouldn't let me go. I had to physically push her off just so I could get up. Believe me, if I could have, I would have helped you sooner."

Humming at his response, I turned to the door as it creaked open. Mary poked her little head in while looking around curiously. When she seemed more confident, she waddled up to us. A small stuffed bunny in her arms.

"Are you okay, Sky?" She asked, which I had to admit was cute.

"I'm better." I assured her, "I just had a bad dream that made me sad."

She looked between me and her bunny before holding him out to me, "Peter will make you feel better."

Chuckling at her explanation, I accepted the bunny from her. That didn't seem good enough for her though, before she climbed onto my lap and hugged me tightly. I haven't had a hug in a long time. It reminds me of when my little brother would hug me. I miss it. Hugging her back, I made sure to include her bunny into the hug. It seemed Gavin took that as an invitation to join, because he wrapped his arms around both of us.

"Do you feel better?" Mary muttered clearly tired, but it made me chuckle with a nod, "Good. We'll make sure no monsters get you again."

"Thank you very much." I laughed, seeing her yawn, before her eyes closed.

Shimmering out of Gavin's arms, I laid down and laid Mary with me. Her arms wrapped around the bunny as I gave it back to her. Gavin laid down on the other side of her, though his arm draped around both me and her. Remembering that he carried me back, I sighed. The least I can do is thank him.

"Thank you for carrying me back and fixing my leg, Gavin."

"Did...did I hear you say thank you." He gasped, making me roll my eyes and smirk in amusement at his reaction, "Oh and now you smile at me. Such a joyous day."

"Don't get used to it, because I still don't like how manipulative you are." I muttered, hearing his chuckle.

"Then if you actually give this place a chance, I won't force you to do anything again." He bargained, making me roll my eyes.

It couldn't hurt I suppose. It's not like I'll be going anywhere in the next couple of months.

"Fine." I agreed.

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