The Book Of Me & You

By ForeverRamyFangirl

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And baby makes 4! Ricky and Amy have just brought their newest little addition, Emma, home. Now, they must de... More

"Here We Are, Spinning In Circles Again"
"Cause An Empty Room Can Be So Loud"
"Forget the things that we've done. Don't think about what becomes."
"May I Love You, May I Be Your Shield"
"It's One Door Swinging Open, And One Door Swinging Closed"
"Turn Right, Into My Arms"
"And I Will Hide You When It Gets Too Much"
"Thoughts That Come At You Like Monsters At Night"
"Leaving Impressions Like Our Feet On The Carpet"

"I Ain't Lookin' Over Fences, Tryin' Find A Better View"

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By ForeverRamyFangirl

Taking the luffa to her frame, she hummed softly, letting the hot water wash away 3 days' worth of restless baby, no sleep, and endless tears, as the steam filled the tiny bathroom.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the blue curtain move slightly before he came into full view; smirking as he made his way into the shower. "What are you doing?" She gasped, pulling the luffa to her chest.

He leaned into her, pressing his lips to hers. Dropping the luffa, she brought her hands to his bare biceps, molding her mouth against his as his left hand gripped the back of her head, and his right hand moved slowly from her abdomen to her back.

Moving to her jaw, "the kids fell back asleep, figured we could have some time..." Ricky smirked again, "to ourselves…" trailing to the side of her neck, "before they need attention."

She moaned into his touch, thrusting her hands into his hair and arching her back as his lips nipped at her earlobe before sucking on the skin of her collarbone.

"Mmm," Amy moaned again, backing up slowly against the wall of the shower, before putting her hand to his chest, "We need to stop - before they wake up."

Taking her hand into his, he nodded, "Mhmm… or we could do this…" pressing himself further against her - letting her feel how badly he wanted her in that moment as he grew hard. Running his hands up and down her back - allowing the soap from her skin to slide between his fingers - as his lips pressed into hers again, prodding her tongue with his while his fingers dug lightly into the curve of her hips. He moaned against her mouth as her nails clamped the back of his neck, pulling at the loose strands of wavy curls plastered to his skin.

She knew he was getting eager as his hands feverishly started roaming all over her back; the pads of his fingertips digging into the softer part of her hips, making her self conscious as they brushed against the healed raised skin of her scars. Instinctively, she started pulling away, shielding her exposed abdomen with her hands.

His gaze went to her covering herself, both confused and sympathetic, "Amy, you don't -" Ricky tried to reassure her, putting out his right hand to take hers, knowing that she wasn't very comfortable with her body since having the baby.

Amy flinched, shaking her head so quickly it was almost unnoticeable, "I - I think I hear Emma."

He took a step towards her, "I don't hear anything," not yet ready to end the most physical contact he'd had with his wife since before their daughter was born.

Taking another small step backward, she brought the luffa back to her chest, "Could you check? I really think I heard her -"

The water was turning cold in the silence as they locked eyes. Getting ready to counter her statement, Ricky ran his fingers through his wet hair, taking in a long, deep inhale as a loud, beckoning wail sounded in the distance. Sighing in both frustration and disappointment, he pushed the curtain back, stepping out and yanking the blue towel from the rack.

"And that'll do it, folks - that ball is gone! Another perfect run by number 26!" He ran around the mound, a smile plastered to his face as he looked up into the crowd; their cheers like thunderous applause throughout the stadium for him as his feet flew across the dirt.

Taking the last step, the crowd changed, transforming from whoops and hollers to a series of high-pitched whines followed by a loud crash -

His head shot up quickly from its position on top of his clasped arms, eyes staring directly into the green ones of his 3-month-old, lying on her stomach, and whining loudly as she attempted to push her head up with her tiny arms to reach a toy a few millimeters away. He pushed the toy closer, smiling slightly as she successfully lifted her head up off the blanket, and grabbed the toy, squeezing it before hiccupping a mess of breastmilk out of her mouth and down her chin.

"John!" Amy shouted from inside the bathroom, trying to maneuver around her son - who had accidently dropped the toy car he was playing with, into the toilet, and was trying to retrieve it. "No! Don't touch it - just… leave it alone. I'll get it later."

"What's going on in - " His voice trailed from the living room, picking up their daughter from the blanket, "-here", and walking into the frame of the doorway to see his wife flustered, and his son - to no surprise - pouting. "Everything okay?"

"I want my cars!" John whined, pointing down at the toilet with his left hand, while his right picked at the towel hanging above his head on the shower rod. "Daddy, get it!"

Amy shot him a look that told him she wasn't in the mood, and shrugged, "Yeah, it's fine" before turning to her son and sternly wagging her forefinger at him, "Go get your backpack ready, we're already running late."

"But -" John tried to counter, but his dad stepped in instead.

"Listen to mommy - your shoes are by the bed." Scooting his feet a few centimeters to the left, Ricky gestured with his head for his son to go, clearing the pathway for him.

Reluctantly, the boy stomped out, huffing as he passed by. He tiredly chuckled at his son's antics before placing his eyes back on Amy; her robotic movements and her silence concerning. "You sure you're okay?"

She didn't respond, just shrugged, and continued brushing her hair. Emma squirmed as he readjusted her body against him, maintaining his right hand to cup gently against her neck - knowing what his wife was so agitated about without her actually having to tell him, "...Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be? It's not like I've been there the last few months anyway." She retorted, taking her hair into her hands to brush its entirety before laying the brush down on the counter and sighing, "The packets are piling up on the end table… I'm barely functioning at 3 hours of sleep, and -" her voice cracked, letting a tear roll down her cheek.

"Daddy!" Came a shout from the room adjacent

Ignoring it, he reached for her hand, "And if you're crying about that, then maybe we need to re-evaluate you going back…" brushing his thumb across her knuckles

The shout got louder, "Daddy, I need you!"

He rolled his eyes, turning his head slightly, away from his daughter's sensitive ear, "Just a second, John!" Emma jerked at the shout, releasing a mumbled, fussy cry. Closing his eyes, Ricky dropped his head, "You might need to feed her again. She spit up on the blanket."

"I just fed her less than an hour ago!" Expelling a long, frustrated, and annoyed breath, Amy gathered her hair in her hands again: moving it around until it was securely placed inside the hair-tie at the base of her head.

Sliding his left shoe a fraction into the space, he made the handoff, sliding Emma into her mother's arms, "maybe she's not eating enough the first time?" Averting his eyes when she closed hers and groaned loudly at the dark, wet circle gathering around the right nipple against her light gray top. He tore a paper towel from the roll by the sink, "maybe that's why you've been... leaking..." dabbing the spot gently, flinching when she pushed his hand away

"Not funny," Amy deadpanned, taking the paper towel from his hands roughly before shoving him with her shoulder and shutting the door in his face.

Turning around, he was met by a barefoot and shirtless John. "Why don't you have your shoes and shirt on? We're leaving in a few minutes - Mommy has to go back to school."

John's shoulders slouched as his back arched. "My so-ock wet!" holding up the inside out piece of clothing to show his father, who in turn only blew air from his cheeks and closed his eyes as a response.

Pulling the red SUV into the all-too familiar lot, she stopped, put the car into park, grabbed her purse from the passenger seat, and tugged on the door. Looking up at the building - the large letters glaring against the early morning March sunlight - she took in a deep breath, straightening out her shirt and running her left hand through her ponytail, before starting the descent to the torture chamber she so desperately wanted out of.

Students snickered and sneered as she walked up the pathway, eyes low to the ground both in determination to not start crying and to show them that they didn't bother her. Or at least make it seem that way for her own benefit.

Her hand was shaky when it touched the long silver handle of the front door, weighing the option to just bolt and go home or bite the bullet and walk through. Closing her eyes and taking in a deep inhale, she reluctantly pushed it open, grimacing in disgust as the smell of stale BO and cheese wafted through the crowded hallway. Continuing to keep her eyes low to the dirty floor beneath her feet, she walked silently, avoiding the glances and pointing fingers of her peers.

Coming to the corner, her brow furrowed at the black boot sticking out from the edge of the wall of lockers.

"What's wrong?" Amy's voice was concerned as she saw him leaning against it, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

His head snapped up when she spoke, startled by her sudden appearance even though he was waiting for her. Shrugging, he took his hands out of his pockets and leaned on his side against the orange metal, "Nothing's wrong."

"Then what are you doing here? Did everything go okay at the nursery?" She stepped past him, allowing him to open her locker,

"Everything went fine. They're both settled and eager to see mommy when she gets there." Ricky's shy smile and the way he twisted the tip of his boot into the floor told her he had another motive for being there. She cocked a brow at him, nodding slowly as she shoved a heavy textbook into the space. He watched her movements, fiddling with the edges of the photos she had taped to the inside, tipping his lip at the one of him and John that she loved so much.

"Shouldn't you be heading to class?" Gathering a book and a binder into her hands, she shut her locker, causing him to flinch.

"I..." Ricky trailed off, peering into her eyes as he took her hand into his, "I came here to do what I should have done after you had John..." He was nervous, she could tell by the way he scratched the back of his neck, and his voice shifted in pitch, "Will you - can I -" He blew out a breath, "can I walk you to class?"

Amy giggled, biting her lower lip affectionately, shifting her books further into her chest to rub her palm against his leather jacket, "you sure you're okay? You're not usually this sweet in the morning..."

He scoffed at her statement, running his thumb across her knuckles, "speak for yourself, you nearly clipped my nose with that door this morning!" They both giggled as she playfully slapped at his arm while he took her books into his hand, motioning to walk with him.

Lacing their fingers together, Amy leaned against Ricky as they took a slow stride down the narrow hallway - ignoring the group of girls snickering against a row of lockers. Breathing out a deep, tired breath, she put her head on his shoulder. "You okay? You seem little... off this morning?" He gave her hand a light squeeze when she gripped his arm tighter against her side, a clear indicator to him that she was trying to push something from her mind.

"I'm just tired." She sighed, closing her eyes and tucking her head further against his shoulder, "I just want out of this place, but that's not possible so..."

Stopping in front of the open door, he craned his neck slightly to look in her eyes, his voice soft, "So... Do we need to talk about this again? Because like I said before, you don't have to come here. We can do the homeschool thing if this place is going to cause you more stress."

She was about to respond when a shrill, perky voice shouted down the hallway, "Amy!" The steps got closer, "Welcome back, Amy!" She stopped in front of them, the smile on her face too big for that early in the morning. "Hi, Ricky!"

Giving her a silent wave and a nod, Ricky turned his attention back to his wife, kissing her hair. O'Malley smiled at the sight, making Amy bite her top lip with her bottom teeth awkwardly. He pursed his lips, giving her hand another squeeze, "I should probably get to work," before sliding it out of hers and returning her books to her hands, "Bunny doesn't like being late." Ricky kissed her hair again, "love you, bye. See you at home." Giving her lips a light peck, he turned around and walked down the hallway. Amy's eyes followed his movements, sighing sadly when the leather of his jacket was no longer in view.

"Amy? Can we talk for a sec?" O'Malley unclasped her palms, taking a step towards her open office door.

egrudgingly, Amy followed, groaning tiredly.

They both took a seat, and O'Malley straightened out her back before rejoining her hands together on top of a stack of file folders, "It's so good to see you! How are you? How's -" She paused, her brow raised in curiosity

"Emma." Amy finished, biting her lip again

"Aw, that's such a cute name! How is Emma, then?"

"She's good,"

"And John? How is he liking being a big brother?"

Unknowing what exactly to tell the perky blonde in front of her as she asked too many personal questions that she really just didn't feel like answering, Amy nodded, pushing the flap on her purse down further, "Can we get to what you wanted? You said you needed to see me - I don't want to be late for class..."

O'Malley's smile faded slightly, her eyes widening, "Oh right! Sorry! It's just been a while since I've seen you! You look great, by the way!" Her smile got bigger, shuffling through the mass of folders and papers littered around her desk, "Anyway, I have some really exciting news to share with you!" Pulling out a white envelope, she handed it over to her.

"What is this?" She asked, confused, accepting it from the counselor, its emblem brushing against her fingertips

"Open it!" Obeying, Amy started tearing the delicately sealed envelope slowly, until it was exposed, and she could see the words Congratulations, Ms. Juergens! written in black on the very top. "You got in!" O'Malley's voice lifted, twisting a pen through her fingers excitedly, "congratulations!"

Her mouth went dry, glaring at the piece of mail with so much confusion, hatred, and sadness, "Is this some kind of cruel joke?" Her voice was small, fighting back the break that was coming as she swallowed the large lump in her throat,

O'Malley's face fell, "What - no! No - I -"

"Why would you show me this?" She threw the envelope on the table. pushing it away as the tears started gathering in her eyes, "You know this can never happen, right? I JUST had a baby!"

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to -"

Amy lifted her head from her hands, wiping the tears away with the tips of her ring fingers, "Destroy it." She pushed it further into the table, "I don't care what you have to do to get rid of it. Just do it." She shook her head as more tears made their way down her cheeks, "Ricky can NEVER find out about it."

O'Malley watched as the young mother sobbed, shaking her head as if she wished that piece of paper would just disappear right there off the table. Her voice was soft as she took it from her and shoved it back into her desk, "You need to talk to him. Talk to Ricky because they probably already sent one to your apartment."

Her head shot up again, a mixture of anger and fear making its way into her features. "I have to go!" Amy tugged on her purse forcibly, making a sprint for the door, trying to keep composure as she struggled to breathe.

"I know… How is she?" He asked, pressing the phone tighter against his ear in an attempt to hear the person on the other end more clearly. Bunny rounded the corner, crossing her arms. "I gotta go…" he hung up quickly, stuffing the device back into his pocket, embarrassed. "Sorry, I know you don't like phone calls at work - it's just it's her first day - and the way Amy bolted out this morning without even saying goodbye to her - I just wanted to make sure she's okay."

Bunny nodded, putting her right hand up, "I understand, but your baby is fine, so put it away." The phone on the wall rang twice before she answered it, her mood instantly lifting as a huge smile broke across her face. Hanging up the phone, she whipped off her apron, "Ok, gotta go, got an emergency - the good kind!"

Ricky put the box he was carrying on the table, "I have class, I can't stay here."

"I'll be gone for about an hour. Hand it over to smiley when you clock out and then put a sign on the door." Looking to her left, she handed him a stack of mail piled up on the edge of the counter, "Your mail came through the shop box again -'' Nodding he took the stack from her, waiting until she walked away and he heard the bell from the door chime, before sorting through it.

Six envelopes in total: three bills, two unnecessary credit card applications that would just go into the trash when he got upstairs, and then the last one... a white envelope addressed to Amy with their address in the middle: it's texture thick; the solid red emblem holding it together, pricking his fingertips. Wrinkling his brow, he stared at it for a beat before using his right index finger to rip it open. Unfolding it - its black letters bolded to show its significance - his eyes scanned the page carefully, reading, and then re-reading it to be absolutely certain it said what he thought it said: Congratulations, Ms. Juergens, on your early acceptance to Hudson University. Fingers slightly trembling, Ricky let out a long, aggravated breath, crumpling the paper into a ball and launching it against the wall, angrily grabbing at the roots of his dark curls.

Rounding the corner, "I guess congratulations are in store for both of us?" Ben stopped in front of her, "For the acceptance - I mean"

"What are you talking about?" She mumbled, stuffing the heavy history book back into her locker, avoiding looking in his direction

"I couldn't help but hear the good news!" Holding up the same white envelope with the same red emblem on it, Ben tapped it with his fingers, "This is my early acceptance letter to Hudson University."

Rearranging the textbooks, she glared at him, "Well, that's great for you now, isn't it?"

"It's great for both of us, actually. Not many people get early acceptance. This is a big deal."

"Can you stop saying that? I know it's a big deal, alright?" Amy snapped at him, adjusting the bra strap that had slipped from her left shoulder, "But you can save your congratulations - because it's never going to happen" Sighing, she brought another brightly colored binder to her chest, slamming her locker shut, "not for me."

Ben reached out to touch her arm, "It could. You know it can, Amy."

Jerking away from his attempt, "You and everyone else just think this is one big joke, don't you?" Her eyes were angry, holding back the hot tears threatening to release themselves into her line of vision "Well it's not!" There was a crack in her voice as she shook her head and mumbled under her breath, "It's cruel."

His repeated action was met by a harder push away, making his fingertips hit the locker next to it, "Ow!"

Knocking into his right shoulder, to get past him, "I've got to get to work."


"Hey, stranger!" She greeted, standing in front of the table, and taking the cup to pour more liquid into it, "You look like you could use another cup - or 5"

"Thanks." He deadpanned, not even bothering to look up from the textbook his head was buried in, jotting down a few more sloppy sentences in black ink

Clementine took a seat next to him, putting the piping hot pitcher on the table next to them, "I haven't seen you in a few weeks, everything okay?"

Stopping his writing, Ricky looked up at her, "You mean other than extreme sleep deprivation, a crying three-year-old, and a screaming three-month-old - who I'm pretty sure must be physically allergic to sleep-" sighing before taking in a large gulp of coffee, "things are peachy."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her tone held a twinge of concern, absentmindedly reaching for his arm

"No, I'm fine." Closing the book, he moved to stand, "I've gotta get going. I still need to hit the library for this paper for class tomorrow, and then stop by somewhere to pick up some dinner."

Ricky's movements were quick as he collected all the supplies and threw them into the gray backpack on the floor, "Amy went back to school and work today and probably won't feel like cooking anything - not that she can anyway, but still." The last part of his statement made them both chuckle.

"Alright, well, I'll see you around?" He gave Clementine a slow nod and turned on his heels to walk away.


"But mommy - he did it!" John sulked, dragging his feet up the steps until he was next to his mother

"I don't care, you know not to take other kids' toys!" She scolded him, wrestling with the heavy car seat looped in the crook of her left arm, while trying to fight the keys with the sticky lock of the door.

Finally prying it open, she guided them inside, gently shoving John by the collar into the apartment and throwing the keys across the bookshelf by the door.

The apartment was dark, which was very unusual for that time of the night. "Ricky -" She called out, flipping the light on the wall and putting the car seat carrying the screeching baby down on the floor.

"Where's daddy?" John tugged on her pant leg, scanning around the small space in search of his father.

"I don't know..." Frowning, Amy started walking around the tiny apartment, "Ricky?" Coming up empty.

"Enahh! Enaahhh!" Emma screeched loudly from the carrier on the floor, jerking her small arms and legs violently against the buckles of confinement.

"Ok, ok! Geez, I'm right here!" Amy huffed, grabbing the handle roughly and carrying it over to the sofa

"Where daddy?" John asked again, removing his jacket halfway off of his body without any help and walking into the kitchen, "mommy, where daddy?"

Unbuckling her daughter, "I told you, buddy, I don't know - daddy must still be at school or something," she brought her to her chest, trying to calm her down. With her left hand holding firm to Emma's neck, while her right hand rifled through the diaper bag by her feet, grunting as the thing she needed wasn't in there. "Hey John!" Amy called out to him, "Can you go into your bedroom real quick and get me the diapers by the bed?"

John looked over at her, rearranging the magnet letters scattered around the fridge door, "Tan, I have some fwuit snaks, mommy?"

"Not yet, you need to eat dinner first, okay?" She responded, holding firm to her daughter's body as she squirmed on the sofa cushion, "Can you do what I asked, please?" John shook his head at her, spinning the letter S around and around with his fingertip. Emma's cries only increased in volume the longer she was made to lay there.

Letting out a deep exhale, Amy got up, sprinting quickly into the hallway and ushering a very stern, "watch her" to her son, who was still moving the magnetized alphabet letters around. "No! I no want to!"

Hiking up the heavy bag against his right shoulder, he rounded the corner into the bookstore, his footsteps slowing upon seeing the caramel blonde and the brunette sitting together at the table closest to the exit. "Hey, I am too late?" He asked, walking up to them, "What are you doing here, Adrian?"

Adrian flicked her dark bangs away from her face, raking over him with her eyes, "A better question would be... what are you doing here, Ricky?" Her lips pursed, "Shouldn't you be at home with Amy?"

Ricky gave her a smug smirk, rolling his eyes, "Amy is fine. Thanks for your concern, and I've been in the library working on my English paper."

"Is she though?" Adrian raised a brow, giving his smugness right back to him, "because after what happened today..."

"Did something happen to Amy? Is she okay?" Clementine held a twinge of concern, swiping some excess crumbs that someone had left from the table

Ricky shook his head at her question, "No, Amy is fine. Nothing happened." His eyes went back to the brunette sipping her water through a pink straw, "and even if something did happen, it's not any of your business anyway, Adrian."

"Alright," Adrian surrendered, hiking her purse higher into her lap, "I just thought with Ben also getting in, that you'd -" She stopped upon seeing his face go slack and his eyes rage, "Oh. Oh, you didn't know that, did you?" She clicked her tongue against her teeth, "Wow."

"Goodnight, Adrian!" He seethed through clenched teeth, the muscles in his neck starting to bulge out as he tried to control his temper.

A man with a police uniform entered the room, holding a large black flashlight in his right hand, "You ready, Ms. Adrian?" The man asked, putting his left hand out to help her off the stool of the table. She nodded, gathering up her books and her drink. The man's attention turned to the other two, "is this guy bothering you?" His tone was harsh as he stared Ricky up and down.

"No, he's not bothering me," Clementine looked at Ricky's confused face, "But come back in 5 minutes, alright?" The man nodded and walked away, letting Adrian hold firm to his arm as they exited the building.

He adjusted the strap on his shoulder again, looking around the place skeptically, "what the heck is going on?"

Clementine sighed, spraying a table with a spray bottle and wiping it up, "Some creep hassled Adrian."

"What kind of creep?" His tone held concern

"Just some pimp on a recruiting mission"

Ricky's forehead creased, an uneasy expression playing on his face, "What?"

She nodded, shrugging, "it's a college campus - they know who their market is: they know young girls are vulnerable being away from home for the first time,... and a lot of college girls need money, so... they prey on them.

"Did they arrest the guy?"

She shook her head again, gathering her bag into her hands, "They didn't really do anything. They just chased him away, and they'll keep an eye out for him."

His brow furrowed, taking a step closer, "Well, you're not walking back to your dorm alone."

She waved him off, "Bubba will walk me."

"I can walk you!"

Securing her bag against her left shoulder, Clementine shook her head again, reaching behind the counter, "No, it's fine, I don't want you to have to tell Amy that you walked me to my dorm. I like Amy, and I want Amy to like me. Bubba will take me over. He does that a lot of nights anyway. I don't want to walk around campus late by myself."

"Then I'll walk you, with Bubba." Ricky offered, biting the inside of his cheek, knowing that his offer was not only stupid, but a very bad idea.

"Not necessary." She handed him a fresh coffee, the exchange causing her skin to brush his for a split second, her cheeks puffed out slightly, "Go home, and please try to get some sleep."


Jiggling the doorknob softly, he peeked his head in, expecting to see Amy's angry eyes pierce through him as he stepped into the room late. Blowing out a breath upon seeing her and their daughter asleep on the sofa bed, he took very light, soft footsteps towards his son's room; smiling tiredly as the three-year-old slept crookedly on the small mattress.

Tiptoeing back into the living room, picking up a few discarded baby toys from the floor and putting them on the bookshelf, he went over to them. Chuckling softly as he gently cupped his daughter's sleeping body, removing her from her mother's exposed chest, causing her to fuss at the startle. "Shhh'' He soothed, running his thumb gently over her tiny fist until her eyes fully closed again.

"What time is it?" Her groggy voice whispered into the dark apartment

Taking a second of silence as he put the dozing baby into the bassinet, he turned around, "9:05"

The blanket moved roughly as she struggled against her tired body to get up, "Where the hell have you been?"

He put a finger to his lips sternly, "Keep your voice down. You'll wake her up!"

"Don't you dare tell me what to do with my daughter after you stroll in here late. HOURS late!" Amy snapped at him, tying her robe, stomping into the kitchen, and turning the light on, "Answer the question - where were you, Ricky?"

Ricky followed on her heels, stopping abruptly when she flung the refrigerator door out, barely missing him, "Firstly, she's our daughter" waiting until she shut the door, "Secondly, I was where I always was - school."

She spun on her heels, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "Your class ended at 3. That's 6 hours from then to now," Her brow rose slightly, lips pursed and her arms braced tightly across her chest, "What were you doing there for that long? Getting coffee?"

He shook his head at her accusatory glares, "I was in the library. I have a paper due tomorrow - I texted you."

"Well, I was a little too busy to check my phone - in case you forgot WE kinda just had a baby that demands my full attention, and OUR son isn't being very cooperative these days."

"I didn't forget, Amy." He rolled his eyes at her dramatics, pointing to the McDonalds sack on the bookshelf, "I brought food - it was the only place open. "

"I already ate." Amy mumbled, knocking into his shoulder on purpose as she walked back into the living room, swiping a rattle and a rubber lion from the crumpled bed sheets, "Of course, you would know that had you bothered to actually come home!"

Ricky's head hung down slightly, rolling his eyes again and biting the tip of his bottom lip in annoyance, "You're really going to be like this? Fine." He stepped in front of her, removing a white envelope from his back pocket roughly, holding it up for her to see, "care to explain?"

Her eyes went wide in a panic upon seeing the red emblem, "Where - where did you get that?"

"Some of our mail came in the shop box again -"

"And you just opened it?" Amy's tone was angry, "Ricky, it is a federal offense to open someone else's mail!"

"Then have me arrested - what was an early acceptance letter from Hudson University doing in our mail?"

It was silent for a brief second, her eyes shifting to the floor, "It's not a big deal."

"Like hell it isn't! Why didn't you tell me about this?" Ricky spat, roughly tossing the letter onto the red comforter of their bed, eyes glazed in anger

"Because I didn't think I needed to!" She shot back, raking her fingers through her hair to put into a ponytail

"You get an acceptance letter to a college 3,000 miles away, and you don't think that's worth a mention?" His nostrils flared as he tried to keep his composure, gripping that envelope so tightly in his fingers, they started to ache.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd react just like this! It doesn't matter because I'm not going!" A quiet muffled cry sounded from the other side of the room, catching her attention. Padding over to the bassinet, Amy reached her hand in, very lightly scratching her fingertips against their daughter's covered stomach, making small shushing noises and putting the purple pacifier back into Emma's small mouth, holding it there until her eyes closed again.

"I applied last summer - before we got engaged, before I had Emma -'' Her voice was soft, closing her eyes and letting out a drawn out exhale, "I don't even know why I applied. I just did, and now -"

He crossed his arms against his chest, clenching his jaw, "Now what? When are you leaving?"

Her brow furrowed, shaking her head quickly at him, "You're ridiculous, you know that! You know I wouldn't do that to you - to us!"

It became silent again between them as she shut the light in the kitchen off. "It's always been your dream to go there…" Ricky whispered in the darkness, sniffling twice, swallowing the lump forming in his throat. "Is - is there something you're not telling me? Because if there is, I need to know now -"

"There isn't, alright?" Amy stopped him, taking the envelope from his grasp, starting to rip it up until the pieces became more difficult to tear, and it just became a mangled pile on the nightstand, "it's just a stupid letter."

Throwing back their comforter, she climbed inside, patting the spot next to her for him to join her. Removing his shoes and putting them next to the end of the bed, Ricky slid over. She put a hand to his cheek, stroking it gently with her thumb, "It doesn't change anything between us."

He put his hand on hers, pulling it away from his face and into his lap, "What about your dream?"

"Dreams change," she whispered, scooting in closer to him, "This is reality. And the reality is that I love you, and I love our kids and our life together," Amy leaned in to peck his lips with hers. He smiled, moving his hands to her cheeks, deepening their kiss.

Ricky could feel her body relax as she let out a deep breath and moved closer, letting her fingers grip the hair on the back of his neck as she prodded her tongue against his.

A small moan escaped Ricky's throat, pushing the left shoulder of her robe down, before moving on to the right, letting it fall behind her onto the bed as she fisted his dark blue t-shirt Pushing further back, he lowered them both down on the sheets, continuing their make-out while his elbows held the majority of his weight, biting her swollen bottom lip before moving his kisses from her lips down her jaw and neck, causing Amy to moan his name in a hushed whisper.

Small footsteps coupled with little hiccupping cries floated into the room. They sighed in union; her hands breaking away from his biceps, as he shifted his weight and rolled onto his back. "And that would be our reality calling." Getting up, Amy trudged over and gathered the boy into her arms, letting his hiccupping sobs hit her shirt as they started making their way back into the bedroom. Ricky blew out a breath, bracing on his elbows to watch his wife and son, as a loud, dry, cry filled room.


Letting the hot water cascade down his jaw, Ricky took in a few deep breaths, fighting his drooping eyes and trying to keep his balance as the stream of shampoo covering his head, started to drip steadily into his line of vision. Cursing under his breath, he pulled his eyelids down, letting the pellets of water cleanse the stinging.

Raking her right hand through her dry shampoo covered hair, Amy brought the piping hot mug to her lips, pulling it back quickly when it burned her tongue. Coughing, and craning her neck to check the clock on the stove, she brought her attention back to the kitchen table: where her 3-year old was busy playing with a handful of army men, while her three-month-old snoozed quietly in the small bouncy seat she was placed in. She closed her eyes, taking another hot sip; thankful for the peace that lasted all of 2 minutes before the phone by her hand chimed, and her mug dropped in a loud crash that sent the ceramic all over the floor.

Before she could even say his name, Ricky bolted out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his boxers, "What happened?" Trying to be heard over the screeching coming from their now fully awake daughter.

"Uh oh, you bwoke it, mommy!" John pointed out loudly, taking a step towards her

Amy put a hand out to stop him, "Stay away, buddy, I got it," starting to carefully pick up the 12 shards one at a time.

He rushed over to her, carting John away quickly before getting on a knee to help her. "Get away from me!" She hissed sternly, letting a curse word fall from her lips as a piece of ceramic nicked her finger.

Ricky's forehead creased in confusion at her words, turning to look at his son who held a similar expression, "Hey buddy, why don't you go play in your room for a minute while I talk to mommy?" Obeying, John took off in a sprint, dropping a few army men that fell to the carpet. Waiting until he heard the door shut, Ricky looked at her again, "What's up with you?"

Tossing the broken pieces in the trash by the table, "Where were you last night?" She turned the faucet on, running it over her bleeding finger, and spun on her heels, furious, "the truth - Ricky, I want the truth!"

He held his confused stare, not understanding what she was getting at, "I already told you - I was at the library" Going over to take the whimpering baby out of the bouncy seat, he brought her into his arms, "did she sleep more this morning?"

"Don't change the subject!" Amy snapped at him, brow rising, "Is that all you were doing last night - going to the library? Or were you with Jack?"

"No, I wasn't with Jack - why would I be with Jack?"

"I know why you would be with Jack," Her voice cracked, rubbing her collarbone with her right hand

Jostling their daughter in his arms, Ricky pecked Emma's cheek, smiling when she cooed and batted at his bare chest, "Well, I wasn't. I was in the library - where is this coming from? Did we not already have this conversation last nigh -" Amy shoved her phone in his face aggressively; the image of a shell shocked Jack handing a young girl money, with the headline - Christian saves teen from life of prostitution - bolded in black across the screen. His mouth went dry, eyes wide in total bewilderment, "Wh- what is that?

"Oh, don't act like you don't know." Pulling the phone back from his view, and tucking it inside her back pocket, "and don't act like you didn't just lie to my face!" She yelled, throwing a discarded dish towel at him - which he dodged. She walked silently to the fridge, leaning against the cool metal as she buried her head in her hands, "Why didn't you tell me there are hookers on your campus?"

Ricky sighed guiltily, running his fingers over their daughter's small dark curls on the back of her head, "It's not what you think, Amy."

Amy's head shot up, shaking it quickly as more tears escaped her lashes, "What is it then? And choose your words carefully before you lie again. " Struggling to catch a breath, she swiped at her cheeks, "Is that what you were doing, entertaining hookers?"

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound?" He chuckled, "No! I was not entertaining hookers!" Swapping the fussy baby from his left arm to his right, his head bowed to the floor slightly, "But I did run into Clementine last night…"

"Ah, ha, so it wasn't a prostitute - you were with her!" She shoved her index finger into his chest, glaring at him with so much hatred.

"No, I wasn't with her! I stopped by for a coffee on my way out - I saw a cop there and Clementine told me some creep hassled Adrian; apparently he's a pimp or something, so campus police walked Adrian to her car, and Clementine to her dorm."

"Did you also walk her to her dorm?"

"Yes, but - " Amy scoffed at him, blinking back tears and biting her bottom lip to keep composure. "Nothing happened! The security guy was with us the whole time." Ricky's tone was defensive, as she yanked their daughter from his grasp and walked towards the coat rack by the door. He took a few steps towards her, sighing and reaching out to touch her shoulder

"Don't touch me!" Amy seethed, recoiling away from his reach, "I was taking care of OUR kids…and you were with her!" Her voice cracked again as the angry tears spilled from her lashes, fighting the urge to throw one of John's toys squarely at his head, "You jerk!" It was silent as she stroked the back of Emma's head with her thumb. He stepped closer but stopped upon seeing her lip quiver, "Did you kiss her?"

Her question made his chest ache in both hurt and guilt, "No, I didn't. And I'm not going to." Ricky's tone softened, "I love you." She didn't respond, just kept her gaze on their daughter nestled in her arms. He bit the corner of his cheek, taking another step towards her, this time brushing her shoulder with his fingertips, "Amy there is nothing wrong with our relationship, other than you're just a little nuts" She shook him off, eyes widening again. "Ok, nuts was the wrong word, I'm sorry."

"I can't help it. You shouldn't keep things from me!" Her lip quivered again, roughly shoving his hand away from her, and walking towards their sofa-bed, "You made me feel like shit last night for that acceptance letter, all the while you walked that skank home!"

"Amy, you're being overly paranoid. I walked her to her front door - that's it, then I got in my car and drove to get something to eat, and then I came home - to you." He pointed at her, running a hand through his wet hair, "I'm getting the feeling here that you don't trust me. "

"I do trust you!" Amy cried, adjusting the infant against her shoulder, "I don't trust her, Ricky!" Emma whined, pushing her head up slightly against her chest. Amy didn't look at him, just ran her hand over the baby's small neck, "She has feelings for you… and we haven't exactly been intimate lately…" the last part of her sentence coming out as a mumbled whisper.

He clicked his tongue against his teeth, "Why do we always come back to this? How many times do I have to say it? I'm not going to allow her to do anything, Amy!" He scanned his eyes over her as she patted their daughter's back, "And so what? You just housed a baby for 7 and a half months. If you're not ready to have sex, you're not ready. But I'm not going to just go out and sleep with whoever just because we're not having sex. I wouldn't do that to you!" She sniffled, shifting Emma from her right shoulder to her left, swiping her cheeks, "Why you crying?"

"Because I want to be with you, Ricky, I just -" Her voice cracked again, shifting her gaze to the floor, starting to sob harder, "I'm disgusted with myself, okay? I look and feel like a human cow!"

"Hey, hey, come here." Ricky comforted, moving to sit beside her on the end of the bed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, "I know I'm an idiot. I should have told you about walking Clementine to her dorm. " He kissed her hair, letting Emma grip his index finger, "I'm sorry. "

"Yes, you should have... I know I can trust you, but I can't help it - I didn't want you to be gone half the night. "

"So you were worried about me?"

She bumped into his side, "Of course I was, you dummy! I love you!" Moving off the sofa, Amy handed him their daughter, adjusting the brown and white striped shirt sliding off her right shoulder. "I have to get to school. The counselor wants to see me again. Can you handle getting them to daycare?"

He couldn't tell if she was serious or just being sarcastic, "Of course I can," adjusting Emma to sit on his legs, which he could tell made Amy nervous. "... Are you still upset with me?"

"Yes." She deadpanned, wiping something from her jeans, "I appreciate the apology, but you're not off the hook - you lied to me, Ricky. So yes, I'm still mad, and I'm going to continue to be mad until I get home." Grabbing her purse, she walked back over to them, flashing Emma a smile and kissing the fist that wasn't in her mouth before moving on to peck his lips."Bye,"

"Bye." Waiting until the door closed, Ricky craned his neck down, chuckling at the baby thrusting her fingers into her mouth, "something's going on with momma, huh?



I can't thank you guys enough for the positive reaction to this story! Seeing other Ramy fans still reading FanFictions about our favorite TV couple makes my heart happy.

I hope you guys are enjoying this new ride so far. I have plenty left, so please share your thoughts on what you would like to see/read! Also, I hope you guys like long chapters because most of my chapters span between 8,000-30,000 words. As we progress through the story, you'll be treated to lots of angst, drama, fluff, and even some spicy scenes - along with flashbacks! I am currently in the process of writing Chapter 37, and I hope to wrap this thing up by the end of the year!

Happy Reading! 😁

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