naughty neighbour

By jess_romanoff

63.7K 2.4K 806

Y/n Y/l/n moves into a new apartment complex and meets her mysterious redheaded neighbour. What will Y/n disc... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter fifteen

1.7K 70 20
By jess_romanoff

happy monday! how is everyone? i'm fucking tired but it feels like forever since i posted so i'm excited to finally give you guys another chapter!! enjoy


~ monday night ~

I was currently on my way home from work. The day went by pretty fast once Felicity and i got stuck into this new clients book.

We tend to both get consumed by what we are reading. Something i think is important in an editor, if you can't completely submerge yourself in your writers work then what are you doing.

Anyways, when i pulled into the apartment carpark i noticed Natasha's car was gone. I wonder where she was, it was none of my business but i felt a little upset that there wasn't a chance i would run into her.

Once i entered my apartment i let out a long sigh, home at last. I almost forgot how long my work days were, they're the normal 9-5, 8 hour days. However since i just had a week off it seemed even longer.

I am super grateful for my short drive now, i used to have to drive an hour back where my parents lived. It is literally only 5:20pm and i am already home, it was a crazy concept.

I always have a shower first, washing off the days smells and germs and anything else i encounter.

After my nice warm shower i popped on some fresh pjs. I rarely wear anything but pjs around the house. Unless it's a cleaning day or people are coming over.

Tonight for dinner i had chicken, i was just going to coat it in seasoning before cooking it up and serving it with a salad. A very basic meal, i know but it was really good and super easy to make.

~ thursday morning ~

The week progressed as normal, i would wake up, get ready for work, leave for work, spend 8 hours there before coming home.

Nothing exciting happened in the last two days everything ran as scheduled. That was until thursday morning.

I was just about to leave before i remember i had brought the chapter of the Phillip's book i was up to home. I had to quickly run back into my bedroom to grab that.

"nice one Y/n, almost left the fucking thing at home" I chastised myself as i stuffed the stack of papers into my bag.

Finally i could leave, as i opened the front door a red blur took over my vision. "oh sweetheart, fancy meeting you here" Natasha cooed as she stepped aside letting me close my door.

I quickly locked my front door taking a deep breath before turning to face Natasha. The redhead had chosen something a little more sensible today, well compared to some of the outfits i have seen her in.

Natasha had a pair of light blue denim jeans on, they went up to her waist this time. They fit her well around the waist and upper thighs before they became slightly looser around the ankles. She had paired it with a loose fitting crop top. It looked to be some kind of vintage shirt that had been purposely cut to give it the cropped style.

It never ceases to amaze me how amazing this woman's style is. How can she go from an outfit like this to her outfit last friday night. I swear she could pull anything off.

"now where are you going all dressed up, gorgeous" I blushed at the compliment as i readjusted the strap on my shoulder.

"work, where are you off to?" I answered as confidently as i could with her gaze on me.

"hmm, well i am glad i got to see you like this. oh im just going out, ill probably do some shopping" Natasha spoke titling her head slightly as her eyes racked over my body.

Today's outfit consisted of a pair of tailored dark grey pants. They fit nicely around my waist before flowing down in a straight leg fashion. I had picked out a cream knitted vest as my top. Opting to tuck it in just at the front and let the back hang out. Again i had my white sneakers on giving the outfit more of a streetwear feel.

"i get all my inspo from pinterest" I commented gesturing down to my outfit.

"there is absolutely nothing wrong with that" Natasha hummed before she was turning to make her way towards the elevator.

When she turned around i was able to see the back of her outfit. An aspect i clearly couldn't see from the front. The jeans she was wearing had two big rips in them. They were conveniently positioned right below her butt cheeks.

"shit" I gasped under my breath as i moved to follow the redhead. It took everything in me not to keep my eyes glued to the exposed skin, but i managed.

"you right hun? you look a tad flushed" Natasha commented once we had entered the elevator. Of course i'm flushed i just saw your ass woman.

"yeah i'm good, the week is just starting to catch up with me. who knew one week off would affect me so much" I lied making up a pretty good reason for my behaviour, well done Y/n.

We rode the elevator down is silence after that, i wasn't really sure what to say. Just as the elevator reached the car park Natasha spoke again.

"so do you leave at this time everyday?" We began walking towards our cars.

"yes, same time every day" I answered honestly, i had some kind of feeling this wasn't going to be the last i saw of Natasha on the short trip to my car.

"perfect, well i better let you go. have a good day at work cutie" Natasha gave me a wink before she was skipping off in the direction of her car.

"bye, have fun shopping" I called back watching as she gave me a small wave before entering her car. I stood at my car as Natasha turned hers on, it was loud.

I could just see her through the tinted windscreen. That signature smirk plastered on her face as she softly started to rev her engine. This only lasted a second before she was taking off. Due to her reverse parking she was able to drive straight out. I watched as she sped off towards the garage door.

The car sounded incredible, i am not a car person by any means but even i can appreciate a nice sounding car. Just as i was about to get into my car i suddenly heard Natasha take off onto the street.

"damn" I muttered to myself as i shook my head. Time for work i guess.

I ended up getting to work a couple minutes late due to my run in with Natasha. I know Felicity won't care but she'll still wonder why.

"i'm so sorry i was late" I immediately apologised as i entered Felicity's office with her coffee in hand.

"it's no trouble darling, however why were you late? thanks" Felicity took the coffee from me giving me a wide smile.

"uh i ran into my neighbour in the hall way" I spoke vaguely, Felicity didn't need to say anything to get me to keep talking. All she did was raise an eyebrow as she took a sip from her coffee.

"um well honestly, i think i like her. she makes me really nervous and feel kinda weird" I admitted, Felicity immediately gestured for me to sit down.

"oooo please tell me more" I proceeded to tell Felicity some of the events that have happened since moving into my new apartment. I obviously didn't tell her everything, i left out my obsessive staring at Natasha's chest, oh and pretty much the whole party.

"oh Y/n, seems you do have quite the crush" I took a moment to process what Felicity had said. I do have a massive crush on Natasha, it's so clear now. I can't be around her without feeling butterflies in my stomach. I am always nervous to be alone and talk to her, she makes me feel things i have never felt before.

"i-" Just as i started to speak Felicity's office phone began to ring. Felicity groaned before picking up her phone.

"yes, i understand. yes, please send them in" I sat in silence as Felicity spoke to who ever was on the other line. "we have Phillip's here"

"oh, right. uh let me grab the chapter i'm up to" Felicity chuckled at my state watching as i quickly stood up to leave her office.

The rest of thursday went by really fast, we had a really good meeting with Phillip's first up. We were able to finalise a bunch of their chapters before they gave us a whole bunch more to read.

I did end up thinking about Natasha, a lot throughout the day. The redhead took up a lot of space in my head, especially since i had just seen her this morning. I have a suspicion she's going to try and catch me more often in the morning.

When i arrived home i noticed Natasha's car wasn't in her spot. It seemed every night when i got home she was out. It makes me feel a little odd to think she was out doing something, was she alone, or with someone, what were they doing?

No, Y/n stop. I shook my head making my way over to the elevator. That was until the garage door opened, normally i wouldn't bait an eye, that was until i heard the unmistakable rumble of Natasha's car.

I would have made it to the elevator and up to my apartment without interacting with her. However, my body stood still as i watched her drive in before perfectly parking in her spot.

"good evening peach" Natasha immediately purred as she exited her car. All she had on her was her phone and that same Mimco wallet i see her with all the time.

"evening" I greeted back as i watched Natasha make her way over to me, well the elevators. I was mesmerised by the way her hips swayed with every step.

"what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Natasha tilted her head once she was stood in front of me. I'm assuming i was staring at her and this was her way of getting my attention.

"uhh just work" I cleared my throat lying to Natasha's face as i turned to click the up button for the elevator.

"hmm was it a good day? or stressful?" Natasha hummed making conversation as we waited for the elevator to arrive.

"it's always good, i don't seem to get very stressed. well i haven't yet, that's probably because my boss is so amazing though" I started to explain as the elevator doors opened and we both stepped in. "she doesn't load me up with too much work, enough that i'm not waiting around for more but not too much that i'm overwhelmed" I could feel Natasha's eyes on me and when i turned to meet her gaze she gave me a sweet smile.

"that's good, some bosses can be super demanding. i remember my old job my boss expected so much from me, it was one of the reasons i left" Natasha explained herself, she had looked away so i was able to take in her attire again.

Of course even after a full day of shopping i presume she looks phenomenal. I had only now just realised she was holding a few shopping bags, i guess it went well.

I took note of some of the brands, Zara, Glassons, Mimco, Universal Store and Victoria Secret. An interesting collections of stores, clothing, accessories and then lingerie.

"was shopping a success?" I completely changed the topic referring to the bags i had just taken notice of.

"shopping was very successful, i was able to find everything i was looking for" Natasha glanced down at her bags raising them slightly before returning her gaze to me.

"that's good" I wasn't really sure what else to say. To be honest all i was thinking about was the Victoria Secret bag and what could possibly be in there.

"i wish i could keep talking to you, but ive gotta get going. i have some..." Natasha started as we began walking towards our apartments. "some content to film" I gave her a nod, she is an influencer so she probably needs to film a tiktok or a youtube video or something.

"have a good night then" I called out as i stopped at my door watching Natasha continue up the hallway to hers.

"oh i will sweetheart" Natasha gave me a wink before she was quickly entering her apartment. I let my eyes drift down to the rips in her jeans one last time before her front door closed.

I'll have to remind myself to try and find her social media accounts. I have her full name so it shouldn't be too hard to find. That was a weekend job, for right now though, dinner.


oh y/n is soooo clueless 🤦🏽‍♀️ who's figured out what natasha dose? i've seen a few comments guessing it correctly

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