Love Bites!

By Nerdy__Turtle

30.2K 2.8K 752

Mixed platter of short romance stories that will hopefully bring a smile on your face! More

Introduction & Table of Contents
*Ineffable Bonds!*
Ineffable Bonds (1)
Ineffable Bonds (2)
Ineffable Bonds (3)
Ineffable Bonds (4)
*Perfect Peace!*
Perfect Peace (1)
Perfect Peace (2)
Perfect Peace (3)
Perfect Peace (4)
Perfect Peace (5)
*Sweet Heaven!*
Sweet Heaven (1)
Sweet Heaven (3)
Sweet Heaven (4)
*Confession Letters!*
Confession Letters (1)
Confession Letters (2)
Confession Letters (3)
Confession Letters (4)
Confession Letters (5)
*When Life Happens!*
When Life Happens (1)
When Life Happens (2)
When Life Happens (3)
When Life Happens (4)
When Life Happens (5)
When Life Happens (6)
*Unexpected Serendipity!*
Unexpected Serendipity (1)
Unexpected Serendipity (2)
Unexpected Serendipity (3)
Unexpected Serendipity (4)
Unexpected Serendipity (5)
Unexpected Serendipity (6)
*To Be With You!*
To Be With You (1)
To Be With You (2)
To Be With You (3)
To Be With You (4)
To Be With You (5)
To Be With You (6)
To Be With You (7)
To Be With You (8)
To Be With You (9)
To Be With You (10)
To Be With You (11)
To Be With You (12)
To Be With You (13)
To Be With You (14)
To Be With You (15)
To Be With You (Epilogue)

Sweet Heaven (2)

345 32 3
By Nerdy__Turtle

N - Uh, let's go! - he said while gesturing her to lead the way. 

Avni gave him a small smile & started walking as he walked beside her. The sky was full of clouds and the air was damp with moisture, however, Neil welcomed the coolness to his skin with a soft smile on his face. He had always loved rains, no matter what people said about it being a nuisance! 

They walked together side by side in silence, the only sound being the rushing of wind & the rustling of leaves due to the wind. The roads were dimly lit with yellow street-lamps & Avni thought she was definitely going to write one such scene in her book. 

A - You know, I never liked rains! - she said as she looked at Neil. 

N - Why? - he asked with a small smile. 

A - The weather becomes so humid, damp & sticky. And, the sky becomes so dark, you can not spot even a single star. - she grimaced as she looked upon the sky. 

Mirroring her action, Neil looked up the sky too while he nodded to himself. 

N - So, you like clear skies? Into stargazing? - he wondered while Avni smiled in an answer.

A - Yes. When I was small, my father used to take me to the countryside, we used to stargaze for hours! - she told while Neil flashed one of his gorgeous smiles - the one that highlighted the little freckles on his nose, she noted. 

N - Hm...stargazing is fun on laid-back summer nights, but rain has it's own charm, you know! I love to bake when it rains. - he told her. 

A - So, when & how did you discover that you wanted to do baking? - she asked excitedly. 

N(smiles) - My grandmother loved baking, she taught me how to bake when I was a kid. Growing up, it was just a hobby, I started my job at one of the top MNCs after completing my MBA. But, I always used to feel this hollow, you know, that it was not what I wanted. So after three years, I left the job, used my savings as investment & opened the bakery. I knew it was a risk but fortunately my family has always been supportive. Also, by god's grace the bakery turned out to be an instant hit. So...that was it! - he explained while looking at her & then at the road ahead them.  

A - That's so cool, Neil. Not many people have the courage to follow their passion! - she smiled genuinely which Neil thought was breath-takingly beautiful. Shreya tells me you want to start a chain of bakeries? - she then added. 

N(nods) - Yeah, that's correct. Currently, we have two outlets in Mumbai & I do intend to expand the chain. I..uh, don't know how you'll see it, but...I've never been a city-guy! I've always preferred towns for settling down, you know! - he looked at her as if making sure that she wasn't getting bored. But when he found her listening to him with all her concentration, he smiled & continued. So, once I make a good rep for the bakery, I'll just open one in my hometown Panchgani & manage all the other outlets from there! - he completed as he looked at her. 

A(smiles) - I..I don't understand, how do we look at it so similarly, but honestly, I too, am not very fond of the city-life. I came to Mumbai just for the exposure, you know! And, I've heard Panchgani is a great place! 

N(smiles) - You've not visited? You're missing out, Avni! You should visit sometime! Around September would be great. - he thought out loud making her smile. 

There was a comfortable silence for a while which Neil decided to break. 

N - Okay, so apart from romance what genres do you like? - he asked. 

A - Um..I read everything & anything to be honest - she laughed. But, if I have to name something, then, I like to read horror & murder mysteries. - she told while he nodded. Do you read? - she couldn't help but ask. 

N - Uh..I do read...but non-fiction! - he told with a goofy grin on his face. 

A - Why? - she asked being curious. 

N - I don't know. I..just..uh, find fiction boring! - he said while his arms reached the back of his head as he scratched his neck. Avni definitely found the action utterly cute. 

A - You know, you're missing out too! I think you've just not found out the right genre for you! - she thought. 

N - May be you could recommend me some! - he said sheepishly while flashing a grin! 

A - Sure thing! - she said enthusiastically! 

Avni flashed him a full-blown grin when a huge droplet of water fell on her nose, and then another on her forehead. Before she could do anything, Neil held her hand & quickly walked them towards the corner of the lane where they stood beneath a tarpaulin of a small shop. The little pitter-patter had now become a heavy drizzle and for the first time Avni didn't scrunch her nose because of rain. In fact, she had a soft smile on her face. 

N - Let's wait till it stops or at least slows down a little.  - he said concernedly. 

A - It's okay. - she reassured. 

N - Uh, do you think you need my jacket? Its..a little windy & cold. - he offered as he saw her shivering a little. 

Biting her lower lip nervously, she just nodded. Neil gave her a small smile & wrapped his leather jacket around her arms while she blinked her eyes at him, as if saying "Thanks, you're the sweetest!". 

It was still raining after fifteen minutes of them standing there, however it has slowed down a little. Neil knew that there was no way it was to stop completely right now, & her home was just a lane away! 

N - Uh..Do you think you can run in those? - he wondered while looking at her heels. 

A - Just, hold my hand & I'll be fine! - she said & smiled  which made Neil smile back at her and hold her hand in his.

They had fit so perfectly, as if they had been molded just for him to hold - he thought! 

Subconsciously, he intwined his fingers with hers and gestured her to run. They both ran towards the lane of Avni's house, hand in hand, and stopped only when they were in front of her door-step. 

A - Uh, you should come in. It's still raining. - she said while huffing because of the run. 

N -, no! I'll just book a cab & head home! Shrey must be worried. - he said. 

However, it disappointed Avni a little, but he was right, she thought & therefore, she just mouth him an "Okay!". Just when Neil was about to take his phone out from his jeans pocket, he noticed that their hands were still intwined & his eyes somehow got stuck at their hands. Following his gaze, Avni too, saw the hold & removed her hands from his nervously. Neil didn't really like the feeling of her removing her hands from his hold, but shaking it off, he took his phone out & booked a cab. They stood their in the porch until the cab arrived.

A - Uh..Bye, Neil! I, really enjoyed the walk with you! Thankyou. - she said while biting the corners of her lower lip as the cab arrived.   

 N - I...had a great time too, Avni. Thankyou for letting me drop you home! - he smiled. 

Both Neil & Avni had more to say but before they could, the driver honked loudly demanding their immediate attention. Neil chuckled & waved Avni bye while she did the same as he sat in the car. 


The winter holidays were commencing and Neil had never been so busy ever. With two bakeries to look after and so many urgent orders to cater to, he had been working non-stop for the last three days. 

Right now, he was at the office of DayNight Magazines, to make sure that the Christmas treats that they had ordered for their employees had reached there perfectly. After making sure that the delivery had been made properly, he asked the driver of the delivery van to leave and was making his way to his car, finally retiring for the day when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. Confused, he turned around to find her there - jogging up to him in her work clothes & her laptop bag dangling on her shoulders. Neil had only seen her three days ago when he had dropped her home, but in these three days, he had missed her! Whenever, he got a short break at work or when he finally settled on his bed to grab a few hours of sleep, she stubbornly made her appearance in his thoughts.  

He flashed his best smile at her as he waved at her. 

N - Hey! - he said. 

A(huffing) - Hey! Why do you walk so fast? - she wondered making him chuckle. 

N - I didn't know I'll find you here? 

A - Yeah, me too,  Pâtissier! - she said dramatically making him laugh!  I work here, as a daily columnist. - she told while he nodded in acknowledgement. 

N - I just came here to deliver the Christmas treats your company had ordered. - he told while she nodded. 

A - Yeah! As soon as I got my treat, I saw the packaging & thought that you might be here! So, I..uh, rushed downstairs. - she completed as her cheeks started turning pink. 

N (smiles) - Uh, so, where are you headed to? - he asked. 

A - Hmm...Its still 9 pm, which means I still have three hours to dance with Prince Charming before it strikes midnight! - she mumbled while Neil laughed out loud making her laugh too. 

N - Hmm...So Cinderella, where do you think the ball tonight is? Shall we move fast? - he said in a fake British accent making her laugh harder. But, on a serious note, come, I'll drop you home! - he said after sobering up. 

A - Dropping me home seems like your new favourite thing! - she teased. 

N - Actually, that might just be an excuse to spend time with my new favourite person! - he winked while opening the passenger door for her.  

Blinking her eyes in astonishment, she quickly sat in the car to hide the heat & blush that had started creeping up her cheeks. 

The ride to her home was mostly silent, the only sound being the music that was being played on the radio. Both of them snuck a few glances here & there thinking that the other one wasn't looking. 

A - Uh, Do you think you'd like to come inside? Coffee, may be? - she asked hopefully once they had reached outside her house. 

N(sighs) - Hm, I think I'd love that. I am beyond exhausted today, coffee might help! - he said 

A - Come on, in! - she said while giving him a comforting smile. 

To say the least, Neil was fascinated by her huge collection of books. There were different shelves for different genres - romance, of course! , horror, mystery, historical, mythology, fantasy & what not! He was looking around when Avni came in with two coffee mugs in her hands. She smiled at him looking so fascinated while she handed him one of the mugs. 

N - Have you read them all? - he stupidly asked. 

A -  Yes. - she answered while chuckling. 

Neil settled on the sofa while sipping his coffee when Avni made his way towards him. 

A - Here. You might like this! - she smiled as she gave him one particular book from her prized possession. 

Neil took the book & looked at the cover that read "The Particular Sadness Of Lemon Cake". To Avni, he looked like an innocent child who blinked his gorgeous eyes to decipher what the object in his hand was about. She chuckled while she sat next to him on the sofa. 

N - Okay, I'll take this home & read. Is that okay? - he politely asked which only made Avni's heart flutter even more. 

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