By rhaenyrraa

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When Rose Delaunay is forced to leave Georges Sand boarding school, leaving behind her friends and the only l... More



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By rhaenyrraa


Standing in front of my mirror, I was staring at the violet mark I had on my shoulder since the fight I had with Descamps. It's been two weeks now since we fought in the classroom, and the wound only seemed to worsen given the way it had changed colours multiple times : red, blue, yellow and now violet.

Fortunately, it was quite easy to hide. Because only God knows what would have done my dad if he knew a boy bite me...
I didn't even wanted to imagine.

"Gross," I muttered, trailing my fingers on the bite and feeling the imprint of his teeth on my skin.

That bastard really did not missed it. I knew he could be mean and vile and despicable, but violent ? With a girl ?
What could have gone through his brain ?

Well, you hit him first.

And what could have gone through my brain ? Fighting with others wasn't in my habits, but he had been so hard to deal with these last days that I couldn't resist the temptation to just slap him. Although I didn't expect that my slap would have led us to a fight.

So I've tried to defend myself as best as I could, knowing damn well that he was way more stronger than me, and that I didn't stand a chance.

So I've ended up pinned to the ground miserably, with him on top of me smiling proudly, as if the balance of power wasn't completely unbalanced.

But yet... there wasn't just that.

It's been two weeks and I keep wondering myself, what was he expecting when I had leaned toward him that day ? A kiss ? I couldn't believe it.

There was also that stare from the other day, on my doorstep, right when Jean kissed my cheek.

He was acting... weird.

It's Descamps, I reminded myself, trying to clear my head from all these weirds thoughts. He's playing games.

Without warning, my mother entered my room and I quickly rearranged my sleeve on my shoulder before she could see something. "You could knock on the door before coming," I sighed.

"And you should be outside by now," my mother said, taking a look at her watch. "Why are you not dressed yet ? And why are your hair still wet ?"

"I just got out from shower... I didn't wake up in time." Because I spent the night studying for my presentation with Belkacem, which I've completely forgot.

"Yeah, you slept pretty late last night." She narrowed her eyes at me as she leaned her back against the wall. "Your light stayed on during a very long time. What were you doing exactly ?"

"Nothing !" I fired back with a frown. "You're spying me now ?"

"You're my daughter, Rose. There's nothing I haven't done before you," she chuckled and I rolled my eyes. As if studying late at night was something super illegal. "Whatever, hurry up. You've already missed the first hour."

"I know," I sighed as I turned around to open my closet, pulling out a baby blue dress before throwing it on my bed.

The presentation. I had completely forgot about it, and I could only hope Belkacem had not. I couldn't even be mad at him if he did... but still. We needed to have a good grade. I needed that grade. The holidays were two weeks away from now, and I needed to give my best to get that well-earned rest after it.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you... we're having dinner at the Dupin's tonight," my mother dropped casually as she exited my room.

"What ?! Wait !" I followed her in the corridor. "You're only telling me this now ?"

"I didn't thought it was such important information for you," she cooed without turning around, although I could hear her smirk in her voice.


I quickly got ready when I returned to my room.
But it's when I put my earrings on that I remembered to look for my ring, the one I wore every single day, which I haven't seen for... too long.

So I made a mess of my room by opening every drawers, every box, every bag, without finding it, and a tight knot formed in my stomach. Did I really lost it ? Two weeks had passed and I still couldn't put my hand on it. My parents weren't aware and I couldn't tell them, although I cared about this ring a lot, because they will literally kill me if they knew I lost it.

I didn't lost it. It must be under my bed or something. I'll check later.

Before leaving, I took a look at my appearance in the mirror and winced at the sight of small pimples on my right cheek and forehead. My periods. The foundation on my dressing table was tempting to use, but I grabbed my favourite perfume instead, spraying it all over my neck. Foundation wouldn't do anything, except make it look worse.

"Finally," my mother said when she saw me walking down the stairs.

"I didn't even take that much time," I rolled my eyes as I headed towards the kitchen.

"Maybe, but you're still late," she mentioned to the clock behind her, which was showing a time far too late for me to be in class in time.

"Shit !" I cursed, grabbing a red apple from the recipe on the table and my mother clicked her tongue disapprovingly.


I walked past her, sending her a flying kiss in the process. "See you tonight !"


After being such well greated by Camille, the supervisor with the moustache —I've finally learned his name after months in that school— I walked up alone to my class, boiling with rage because of the words he had wrote on my carnet for my parents to sign. As if my dad would care about my ten minutes delay. Couldn't he just close his eyes for once ?

I took a deep breath when I arrived in front of Marcelin's classroom.

Spinoza. The Enlightenment. Rationalism.

Everything will be fine.

I knocked on the door twice, before I heard the teacher's voice allowing me to come in.

"Sorry for the delay, sir," I excused myself with a shy smile, closing the door behind me.

"I almost thought you were going to let that poor Belkacem do the presentation alone," Marcelin said playfully. "Come sit, Miss Delaunay."

Pichon and Annick were already standing at the board, and according to Annick's annoyed expression, I must have interrupted them. I winced slightly and walked across the rows, trying to be as discreet as possible when I heard Pichon continue his presentation, until I tripped on something and laughs erupted.

"Careful when you're walking, Delaunay. You could fall..." Descamps cooed and I realised that I didn't tripped on something, but he tripped me over. I shouted him a death stare, which made him scoff. Bastard.

I took a sit next to Belkacem, who happened to be right behind Descamps. Jean was nowhere to be seen, though. I took a look around the class to see if he hadn't sat next to someone else, but he obviously wasn't there today..

"Where were you ? I thought you abandoned me," Belkacem whispered next to me.

"Abandoned you ?" I chuckled as I opened my bag and put my stuff on my desk. "You're that much afraid of a presentation ?"

"It's not just the presentation..."

I gave him a confused look. "Then what is it ?"

"Would you please shut up ? We're trying to listen to Pichon and Annick," Descamps said loudly as he turned around to look at us.

"But we didn't—"

"Silence !" Marcelin yelled. "The next time I heard someone talking, they'll finish their conversation in Bellanger's office."

Silence settled again and Pichon resumed his speech.

"He's such an ass sometimes," Belkacem muttered.

"Always. What's bugging you ?" I asked him in a low voice, pretending to write something on my notebook to avoid Marcelin's gaze.

Belkacem turned his eyes on my fakes notes. "I think someone talked."

I frowned. "Talked ? About what ?"

"About.. you know.. the magazine. Bellanger is calling each one of us in his office since this morning."

"Oh... well, that's great ? Some people will finally get what they deserve... you don't have to worry about it," I waved him off, drawing roses on the cover page of my philosophy notebook.

"Well... it's a bit complicated."

"What do you mean ?" Confronted with his mutism, I stopped what I was doing to look at him. His features were twisted in a mix of worry and shame.

"No way," I let out a bit too loudly. "You too, Belkacem ? God..."

What was I expecting ? In the end of the day, boys were just boys.

"You're a girl, you can't understand !"

"Shhhh !"


"And that's how we came to the conclusion that Spinoza has influenced the Enlightenment by encouraging freedom of thought and challenging strict religious ideas," Belkacem concluded before he looked at me. I gave him an encouraging smile as I mouthed silently "Perfect".

Our classmates applauded us, except Descamps, with who I accidentally made eye contact when I was looking for Jean, forgetting that he wasn't there today. I quickly looked away as soon as our gazes crossed, focusing my attention on our teacher instead.

"That was great," he praised, a smug smile tugging at his lips. "Does anyone have any questions ?"

I held my breath, praying mentally that no one would say anything.

Marcelin chuckled at the mutism of the whole class. "No one ? Well, I guess you two can go back to your—"

"Actually, sir, I do have a question," Descamps announced dramatically as he rose from his chair. "I didn't really got the part when you were talking about Spinoza and God..."

"Well, it was Belkacem's part so I let him the honour to answer your question," I replied with a fake smile.

I didn't remembered a single thing about Spinoza and his relationship with God because it wasn't in my part of the work, but I had trust in Belkacem. He was brillant earlier, surely he could handle a stupid question asked by Descamps...

"Oh o-okay... I... it's like... you know God and Spinoza are like..." Belkacem cleared his throat. "It was actually your part," he hissed next to me.

"What do you mean my part ? It was yours," I fired back between gritted teeth.

Descamps frowned. "Could you raise your voice when you talk Belkacem ? We're not hearing very well—"

"I said that it's Rose's part !" Belkacem yelled and my eyes widened in shock. "She'll answer your question."

My heartbeat quickened when he gave me an apologetic look. No. This wasn't happening.

But when I averted my gaze from that traitor of Belkacem, the whole class was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Huh... It's more like..." I looked at Simone and Michelle, seeking support, but I've only found pursed lips and puzzled looks. Shit. "His relationship with God is not like us mortals, you know ? I-It's different," I chuckled nervously and my nails dug into my palm when I saw a vicious smirk forming on Descamps' lips.

"Really ? I thought he didn't even believed in God," Descamps said and I gasped, while Belkacem let out a little scream of shock.

"Enough," Marcelin stated coldly. "And this isn't true, Spinoza did believed in God but as a non human figure."

"Yeah.. that's exactly what Rose just said," Belkacem added, trying to minimise the damages.

"...Not really."

I guess I'll have to forgot about the good grade.


"Marcelin said that those who had a bad grade will be able to do another homework. Don't worry, Rose," Michelle tried to comfort me.

"I can't !" I snapped, my hands gripping at my hair's roots. "That bastard screw up everything !"

She chuckled. "You're talking about Belkacem or Descamps ?"

"Both," I sighed as I let go of my hair. "Let's just change topics before I lose my mind... Anything new ?"

The bell had rang a few seconds after the end of our disastrous presentation. Belkacem had immediately flee, not even bothering to apologise. But he was right to do so, because I think I might kill him with my bare hands if he'd try to approach me in the next few days.

The bad grade I was going to get and the extra homework was depressing me just to think about it, but it will never reach that feeling of shame I've experienced, during the public humiliation I had just gone through because of him and Descamps...

That one-eyed bastard.

Sometimes I think Jean-Pierre was just a misunderstood genius.

"I've met Laubrac's friends," Michelle told me, pulling me out of my murderous thoughts. "Or at least the people he used to be friends with."

"Really ?" I gave her a smile. "How was it ?"

"Awful," she replied and my smile faded. "They're so stupid... and literally dangerous. They've tried to make me climb on a bike for their stupid race !"

I laughed at the thought of Michelle on a bike. "No way ! I'd kill to see that."

"Girls !" Simone's voice yelled and both me and Michelle turned around to see her walking down the stairs, before she sat just between us. "I was in Bellanger's office. He's still looking for the responsible who brought the magazine."

"Yeah, Belkacem told me about it this morning..."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "It's ridiculous, everyone knows it's Descamps and his friends."

"Yes, but there's apparently something else," Simone said in a low voice. "And no one has really spelled Descamps' name so he's still innocent. They could call all the parents if no one manifests..."

"What ?! But I thought we were just going to be punished collectively !"

"He's bluffing. There's no way the school will call our parents to tell them about a porn magazine," I claimed confidently, although I was as desperate as Michelle from the inside. If my dad was to know about this...

"I'm just repeating what Bellanger told me," Simone sighed. "But..." she looked around us before she whispered, "As I told you, there's something else. He said he knew for a fact that a girl was involved in the story."

"A girl ?" Michelle frowned. "My uncle said that ?"

"I swear it !"

My heartbeat quickened when I thought at the only girl that could be involved.

"Where's Annick ?" I asked casually as I glanced around the courtyard, looking for her familiar figure.

"Sitting right there," Simone pointed at something behind me and I turned around. Annick was effectively sitting alone on a bench, with a book in her hands.

"Where are you going ?" Michelle asked when I stood up.

"I'll be right back."

"Did you two became friends ?"

I scoffed. "Almost."


"What do you want ?" Annick said when I sat next to her, not even bothering to look at me.

"Hi, Annick. I'm well thank you for asking," I said sarcastically, but she didn't even cracked a smile. "Did you know that Bellanger was looking for the responsible ? About the magazine," I added when she stayed mute.

"No," Annick shrugged. "And I don't really care."

I pursed my lips. "Fine..."

The cold wind had made my hands completely red and frozen, making it difficult for me to move them, and yet... it was a much better feeling than to endure this deafening silence.

Of course, Annick had never been this super friendly girl who talked a lot but still...
She kept reading peacefully, as if I just wasn't there and the awkwardness of the moment was starting to piss me off. Say something for god's sake !

I waited a few more seconds before I blurted out ridiculous apologies, just to fill that uncomfortable void with words. A bad habit of mine. I hated silences, especially the one with unspoken words hanging in the air, full of guilt and anger.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I've hurt you or did anything wrong. It was misplaced of my part to make such assumptions, but—"

Annick's eyes looked away from her book to settle on me. "Don't tell me you're talking about what happened the other day ?"

"I... I am, yes."

"I've already forgot about it," she said as her gaze returned to her book. "You should do the same."

I frowned. "Well, it's just that your behaviour isn't really... Wow." A chuckle escaped my lips. "I don't even know why I'm trying."

I stood up and left her, with the strange feeling of Descamps' bite burning my shoulder. "Bitch," I muttered on my way back to Simone and Michelle.

It wasn't in my habits to try that much to be friends with someone. I didn't even wanted to be friend with Annick to be honest —at least not since this stupid day when I implied she was doing pictures for a porn magazine.

But we were twelve girls in Voltaire. Twelve. Staying alone all the time and pretend to not care would soon or late become more frustrating than she thought, especially in that school. I didn't wanted her to be alone. I didn't wanted to leave her alone.

But who I was to decide for her ? If she didn't wanted my help, or whoever's help, I couldn't force her to accept it... yet, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Later after Meyer's class, when it was time for lunch break, I found myself in the infirmary because of my aching shoulder.

"What happened to you ?" asked me Madame Bellanger while staring at the bite.

"A... dog bite me," I half-lied after I cleared my throat.

"A dog ?" she chuckled. "This looks like human teeth, Miss."

I looked at the ground to hide my embarrassment, feeling my face grow warm.

What an indecent behaviour ! The familiar voice of George Sand nurse played in my mind. I slightly winced at the memory of Miss Agathe, who was always scolding me for my bad manners, which consisted of eating too fast or laughing too loud.

The poor woman would faint on the spot if she found out I had a fight with a boy...

"You know there's nothing to be ashamed of. You're young, experiencing things... it's normal," she winked at me when my gaze returned to her.

I frowned out of confusion. "Experiencing... things ?"

"Yes," the nurse smiled as she opened her drawer to pull out an ointment. "Did you guys used a condom ?"

"What ?! No ! I mean— we didn't have to !" My cheeks weren't just warm now, they were burning with shame at the thought of me and Descamps doing such things. God, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

"Come on Miss Delaunay, I am a nurse. I'm not going to tell anyone. I just want you to be safe," she explained me as she applied the ointment on my shoulder.

"You're mistaking yourself, I—"

But my words died on my lips when the door of the infirmary swung open to let Descamps in.

"I've already said to knock on the door before coming in !" Madame Bellanger gave him a disapproving look. "What if she wasn't dressed ?"

Descamps' eye darted at me. "I'm sorry, I just..." he brought his hand to his neck. "I just have these scars on my neck... do you have anything to make it go away ?" he asked with his brows furrowed, clearly annoyed.

Bellanger wiped her hands when she finished with my shoulder, before she came closer to him and slowly raised his chin to get a better view on his neck. On the scars I've made. "Did you had a fight ?"

His eye was still on me when he answered her, "Yes."

"Jean-Pierre ?" she asked with a frown and Descamps shook his head.

"No, it was a girl."

Bellanger scoffed, letting go of his chin to go sit at her desk. "I hope you acted like a gentleman and didn't hit her too," she said as she took a pen and started to write something.

"Oh no, I just bite her," Descamps dropped casually and I've never wanted to disappear that much in my whole life.

My lips parted in shock and he just kept looking at me with a stoic expression, as if he hadn't just exposed us in front of Madame Bellanger.

Bellanger looked up from the papers she was filling before her eyes slowly widened in realisation, glancing between me and him.

"I-I.. actually have to go," I stuttered out as I got off the examination table. "Monsieur Bellanger called me into his office and he seemed super angry. So.. goodbye."

"Wait, Miss Delaunay—"


Neatly hidden behind a tree, I was patiently awaiting for Descamps to come out of that damn infirmary to explain myself with him.

He was clearly taking advantage of the fact that Jean wasn't there today to get under my skin. And it seemed that he particularly liked to humiliate me. This morning during Marcelin's class, now with the school nurse...

After what felt like eternity, Descamps finally emerged from the infirmary and I didn't lost any more time before I walked up to him.

"You've been waiting for me ?" Descamps drawled when he noticed me coming. "How cute."

"What did she told you ?" I asked him, ignoring his stupid remark.

"She just applied some ointment to my—"

"I don't care about your wellbeing ! I just—"

"Oh, you mean what did she say about us," he said and I nodded. "Well, she thinks we fucked," Descamps replied with a shrug.

My eyes widened. "And you denied it, right ?"

His lips curved into a vicious smile. "Nope. I even asked her what should we do next time to avoid getting you pregnant—" I hit him in the chest with my bag and he laughed loudly.

"I'm not joking Descamps !"

He leaned towards me and I instinctively took a step back. "Who said I was joking ?"

"God, you're disgusting," I spat before I turned on my heels to go to class and avoid him. But the sound of his footsteps behind me reminded me that we were going the same way.

"You're so concerned and all for nothing. She'll forget about it by the end of the day !"

"I don't care ! I don't want to be associated in any ways with you."

"By any ways you imply—"

"I imply any ways," I snapped, turning toward the wrong direction on purpose, trying to separate our paths. "And don't think I've forgotten your stupid behaviour. My semester is screwed because of you !"

But he kept following me. "You mean the same behaviour I had when you punched me in the nose and tried to kick me in the balls ?" he asked sarcastically. "Yeah, I remember it too."

I scoffed. "You can talk, you literally bite me !"

"Well, in other circumstances you would've loved—"

"Don't finish that sentence," I warned, turning around to face him and he grinned.

Descamps stopped his tracks just in front of me, leaving a very small gap between us. "Why ? Fearing the truth ?" he teased. "I liked doing it, if you must know."

My breath got caught in my throat. He's acting weird again.

No, he's playing.

"Cat got your tongue ?"

"Shut up," I said almost automatically, his previous words still playing in my head.

I liked doing it.

"Monsieur Descamps," Bellanger's cold voice said, which made me startle with fear. I averted my gaze from Descamps to look at the general supervisor. "And Miss Delaunay, how surprising."

Descamps took a step back from me, his victorious smirk completely gone. "..Hello ?"

"In my office. Now."

He sighed and I took that as a clue to leave discreetly, until Bellanger stopped me. "Wait, Miss Delaunay. You too," he stated and my heart missed a beat.

"What ? Why ?"

"Just follow me."


"What do you mean we're both getting detention ?!"

I was expecting to be called into Bellanger's office in the next few hours since Belkacem and Simone had talked about it, but what I didn't expected was to be punished that fast for something I haven't done !

"Lower your voice, Miss Delaunay," Bellanger said dryly. "That's what you got when you're doing such things at school. Your parents will be notified. Same for you, Descamps."

Descamps, who was strangely quiet, only shrugged. "And when will it be ?" he asked.

"On the last Friday before the holiday," Bellanger replied and my eyes widened.

"But I didn't do anything !" I yelled. "I didn't brought that magazine, I swear !"

"Really ? Then tell me, what were you doing in Herman's classroom ?" Bellanger asked, tilting his head to the side.

Oh shit. "I-I.. wasn't in Herman's classroom either," I lied. "It must be a mistake."

"Right, a mistake. Listen Miss Delaunay, I know it can be tempting to follow the lead of the boys because it's funny and less boring than classes itself, but trust me, this won't get you far."

I shifted uncomfortably on my sit. "I'm not following the lead of anyone..."

"Then what were you doing in that classroom ?" he repeated and I knew I wasn't going to get myself out of this trick.

But I won't tell him the truth unless he shows me a proof that I couldn't deny. For now, it was my word against whoever spoke.

"I wasn't in that classroom."

Bellanger smiled smugly and as if he had read through my mind, he opened a drawer, pulling out something that made my heart miss a beat. My expression must have betrayed me because Bellanger's smile faded, his face contorting itself into something more serious.

"You recognise this, Miss Delaunay ?"

I swallowed thickly. "Yes.. that's... my ring."

"Exactly. Your initials engraved inside helped me a lot during my investigation," he said, his eyes fixed on me. "Now, would you stop taking me for a fool and tell me the truth ? Was there someone else with you ?"

As much as I was mad at Pichon for locking me inside of the classroom with Descamps, I couldn't snitch. It was actually my fault if we ended up like that, it was my idea to go free the frogs in Herman's classroom and I even dragged Michelle into it...

"You'd better cooperate."

I guess I just have to drag someone else in hell with me.

"Fine... it's Descamps, sir. It was his idea."

"What ?!" Descamps screamed next to me.

Bellanger raised his brows. "His idea ?"

"Yes," I sighed, trying to look as helpless as I could. "He said... he said that we were going to teach Herman a lesson..."

"She's lying !"

"Quiet !" Bellanger snapped, his large palm crashing against the wood of his desk.

"I was just following Joseph..." Crocodiles tears rolled down my cheeks and I almost scoffed when I saw Descamps' expression. "I didn't know it was bad, they didn't taught me that in my old school."

"Bullshit ! She was already inside the classroom way before me !"

"Then why is your friend telling me the exact opposite ?"

I hide my smile behind my sleeve. Playing the poor girl corrupted by boys always worked. Always.

"We're not even friends !" Descamps yelled as he stood up from his chair.

I stood up from my sit and joined my hands together, looking at the general supervisor with puppy eyes. "Please don't punish me with him, please. I didn't do anything."

"Okay kids, that's enough..."

"You're completely crazy," Descamps scoffed. "Get some help !"

"Don't speak to me like that you dick !" I snapped at him, coming out of my sad character during a few seconds.


Silence settled into Bellanger's office, in which both me and Descamps sat down. I straightened the fabric of my dress, feeling a twinge of shame at the thought of Bellanger figuring out that all of this was just comedy.

My eyes darted at Descamps next to me, who grabbed each side of his chair, gripping tightly at the wood until his knuckles turned white and the veins of his hands became visible. I surprised myself by thinking that his hands were so large and looked like they could break anything that would fall between his grasp... or anyone.

I trailed my fingers on my left wrist as flashes of the last time his hands were wrapped around them came through my mind. God, what is wrong with me ?

That's the kind of indecent behaviour Miss Agathe would prohibit. Thinking about a boy's hands... in the office of the general supervisor.

I looked down at the ground to avoid any eye contact, waiting for Bellanger's verdict, although the only thing I heard was the sound of a lighter and a desperate sigh, followed by the scent of cigarette.

"You'll both get detention on the last Friday before the holidays," Bellanger declared and I looked up to meet his gaze.

He had took off his glasses, which were now on his desk, and his tie was slightly loose. He looked a bit less scary without his usually strict air, and the cigarette he was holding between his fingers reminded me that he was just a man tired and bored by our stupid behaviour.

"You can go back to class. Or just go home if you haven't got any classes now. I just hope that I won't find any of you sneaking around a classroom outside of school time," Bellanger said with a bitter smile. "Thank you for your time."

Descamps was the first to leave the office by slamming the door shut behind him.

"..Can I at least know when will you call my parents ?" I asked.

"No," Bellanger crashed his cigarette against his desk. "Maintenant, dehors."


I walked up to the portal of Voltaire High with my face cast down. This was such a shitty day, the only bright side was that it couldn't be worse.
At least I was going to see Jean tonight...

"And here I was, thinking that Michelle was the snitch." I startled with a gasp when I heard Descamps' voice behind me.

"I tried to protect myself. You would've done the same," I replied, not bothering to look at him as I exited the school.

"You were just trying to blame me for everything," he spat. "Just admit it."

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"Besides," he suddenly grabbed my arm to make me look at him. "It's your fault if we've been caught."

"It's not my fault if Bellanger found my ring ! And I don't have time for this—"

"It's not my fault if Bellanger found my ring," he mimicked ridiculously. "You sold me to him without hesitation ! What kind of person does that ?"

My gaze locked with his. "You should've thought about it before humiliating me this morning."

Descamps' jaw clenched. "You're really going to regret this, Delaunay," he said coldly, squeezing my flesh between his fingers.

I winced at the pain and tried to yank myself free from his grip. "God, just leave me alone—"

"Rose ?"

Descamps' eye looked at something over my shoulder and he slowly let go of my arm. I turned around and— oh no.

What was he doing here ?


Who's that guy ?

"Antoine," Rose said. "Wow.. I didn't expected to see you here."

The man smirked. "It's been a while, Rose. How have you been ?"

She gave him a forced smile. "Great. What are you doing here ?"

"Business," he replied, motioning his head to towards a man with a big moustache who was leaned against a very nice car, speaking with Annick.

Annick ?!

Rose seemed to have the same reaction than me, according to how her eyes widened. "Oh... I see."

I felt a strange feeling in the air. Rose was a bit nervous, which was not really surprising. But this guy —this man— seemed extremely confident, as if he didn't noticed Rose's strange behaviour... or as if he had chose to ignore it.

Her lack of enthusiasm didn't seemed to faze him, quite the opposite I would say, given the way his smirk just widened. "I heard that you and Louise are no longer best friends," he dropped casually. "What happened ?"

Louise... wasn't it that girl Jean called a bitch ?

"I don't think it's the best place to talk about it and... it's complicated," she said, motioning not so discreetly her head toward me.

But Antoine didn't even acknowledge her silent request. "The rumour said that she's furious. You have robbed all of her friends, leaving her with nothing. And you had the audacity to quit Georges Sand," he chuckled. "You're phenomenal."

Just like the other day at the café, I'm witnessing a conversation between Rose and someone else about an era that seemed so far away and, at the same time, not that much.

It's an era I'm not a part of, but Jean certainly must have. I wonder if he knows this guy who speak with the girl he likes with so much confidence and... dominance ?

I greeted my teeth together when he kissed tenderly the back of her hand.

"And you're even more beautiful than before," he purred.

"My father removed me from Georges Sand," she corrected him with a light chuckle, slowly pulling out her hand from his grip. "I actually—"

Antoine's picky gaze left her to land on me. "Why don't you introduce me to your friend ?"

And then it hit me. That man was a problem.

That man was... the scandal I've been talking about with Charles. The scandal I was seeking. But who was he exactly ? An ex boyfriend ? Someone she used to sleep with ? Impossible, Delaunay is a real prude.

So who was he ?

Rose suddenly wrapped her arm around mine, and it took me all the efforts to look completely unbothered, although her action had clearly caught me off gard. "We're in a hurry, next time maybe ?"

"Is that your boyfriend ?" he scoffed. "What's your name, boy ?" The man asked me, ignoring her again.

Rose squeezed my arm against her tightly, as if she was seeking for protection.

"I'm Joseph. Who are you ?"

Antoine raised his brows in surprise before he chuckled. "Antoine, an old friend of Rose."

"Yeah, I can see that you're very old," I looked at him from head to toe while she pinched me discreetly.

I couldn't help but act a bit aggressive with him when he was trying to manhandle me like that, as if I was some sort of child. That bastard was acting like Paul.

But also because that bastard seemed to enjoy a bit too much manhandling Rose, and I really did not liked it. This was only okay when it came from me.

And for Jean of course, I couldn't let him humiliate her like that.

The man chuckled. "Oh, I'm not that old. How old I am Rose ?"

She swallowed thickly. "Twenty-two."


"And you're friend with a girl who's sixteen ? It's weird," I chuckled nervously.

But Antoine only smiled with disdain. "You should ask your girlfriend what kind of friends we were," he winked at me before he walked away. "It was nice to see you, Rose. Come at my work one day, when you have time."

Antoine looked at her one last time before he fully turned to join his friend.

"What the fuck was that, Rose ?"


Not the chapter I'm the most proud of but here it is, I'm still happy though because I've finally introduced Antoine 😏 and I think I'm starting to really like doing Rose and Joseph's POV for each chapter!

hope you liked it!! 💕

I'VE FINALLY FOUND SOME EDITS OF DUPIN ON TIKTOK (there's only two-) but he's so fine I can't

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