The Isekai'd Knight (Genshin...

By GuardianLugia8

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be actually Isekai'd. Not reading a character going to anothe... More

Prologue - Being Isekai'd!
Chapter 1 - The City Of Wind And Freedom
Chapter 2 - The Butler Of The Knights
Chapter 3 - The Crown Of Thorns
Chapter 4 - The Flying Bunny And The Witch's Class
Chapter 5 - Helping A Bunny
Chapter 6 - The Spindrift Knight
Chapter 7 - Noble Vs Plebeian
Chapter 8 - The Understanding Between The Knights
Chapter 9 - Date with Lisa
Chapter 10 - The Meeting Of The Captain's
Happy New Year!
Chapter 11 - Becoming An Adventurer
Chapter 12 - Life Is Hilarious
Chapter 13 - Friendship Of The Spindrift Knight
Chapter 14 - I Can't Catch A Break Can I?
Chapter 15 - Am I Lucky or Unlucky?
Chapter 16 - Taking Care Of Jean Gunnhildr As A Child
Chapter 17 - The Cat Mascot and The Lion's Protector
Chapter 18 - Jean's Case, 1 Vs 21 Is A Fair Match, A Second-hand Embarrassment
Chapter 19 - A Robot Or More?
Chapter 20 - Damn you Varka! Kaeyaaaaa!
Chapter 21 - Every Action Has A Consequence. Sometimes Electrifying.
Chapter 22 - The Power Inside, Rage Is Dangerous (For The Enemies)
Chapter 23 - My Flawed Heart
Chapter 24 - Another Step in Power and Getting Two More
Chapter 25 - Leveling The Battlefield and A Trip To The Icy Mountain
Chapter 26 - The Wolf's Trial For Strength And Wisdom
Chapter 27 - The Party For A Vision And The Bards Stage
Chapter 28 - Love Advice and A Special Greeting
Chapter 29 - The Start Of A Great Day And Meeting Of Two Adventurers
Chapter 30 - A Trip To The Entombed
Chapter 31 - First Obstacle
Chapter 32 - Second One and Reaching Final
Chapter 33 - At the Top
Chapter 34 - Fighting A God
Chapter 35 - Return to the City of Freedom and Surprise Visit
Chapter 36 - The Talk with Buddha and His Task
Chapter 37 - A New World of Battle
Chapter 38 - World of Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 40 - Return to Teyvat
Chapter 41 - My Spark Knight
Chapter 42 - Confessions
Chapter 43 - A Stroll

Chapter 39 - World of Battle (Part 3)

810 41 4
By GuardianLugia8

Hello my fellow readers, writers, players, adventurer's and Traveller's. I have come up with another chapter for this book.

I knows it's been a month and I have no excuse about it. I was focusing on new ideas that I was getting and other stories of mine and since this one already has so many chapters I thought I could focus on the others a bit.

Anywho, about the wishes, I have decided to try and get Eula. Chiori has the girl boss attitude but Eula is the first and original one and she is pretty rare due to how long her banner seemed to take so I want to take my chance with it. Who are you guys wishing for?

I also saw Arlecchino's post by Genshin Impact and I am happy about it. But I decided to focus on Eula currently since I know for a fact that considering how popular Arlecchino is, she will most likely get a rerun.

I have to say though, I love her design. It has a certain grace, but also a sense of danger as well, which you can see from her eyes and nailed fingers. She perfectly fits the girl boss image and I'm pretty sure a large chunk of the Genshin community are already salivating on her.

So, I thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy this chapter of mine. Let's begin!

I dodged a punch covered in purple flame like energy as I ducked, blocked
another and used my leg to redirect another as I kept on dodging the punches  of my opponent. All of them were very fast and he is sending five punches in 2 seconds

"Just stay still!" Bison shouted in anger as he kept on attacking me.

"As if." I said as I kept on dodging before I grabbed his right arm and judo flipped him and smashed him on the ground.

He grunted before he got up and kept on with his barrage of attacks as I returned back as his Psycho power is quite a powerful ability to have as his punches are pretty powerful as his attacks kept on getting stronger and faster as winds started to be created by his attacks.

Alright, that's enough analysing. Time to return fire.

I coated my fists in my energy before I threw my own punches towards him. Our fists met as we kept on cancelling each other's attack out but he was steadily growing stronger as I also started to increase my strength.

Our attacks started to cause tremors until I sent a punch, weaved it around his own and punched him in the face and sent him flying. He turned in the air but I grabbed his face and smashed it on the ground as I ran while dragging him with me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled before kicking me as I blocked it and skid to a stop before I brought my hands up and blocked his punch and covered my right leg in my energy, Geo energy and Anemo energy and kicked him away before I ran after him.

He skid to a stop before he fully coated himself in his Psycho power and punched me as punched back and our fists connected and send the both of us back. I grabbed the ground and stopped myself and shot towards him as we met each other and started to trade attack after attack.

I would sometimes gain the upper hand but then he would use another technique to fight me and I would have to adapt. It is easy to know that he has knowledge and experience on many martial arts and his own power increases his strength.

But I wasn't behind as I am also fighting him using my own spiritual energy and I am learning techniques from his usage of them as I grabbed him and threw him before I jumped into the air and punched him to the ground. Then followed with a kick as the ground cracked and rose up from the attack.

"RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Bison roared out as a pillar of Psycho power shot from him as it pushed me back.

Okay he is very angry. If I remember it right the more angry and hateful he is, the more powerful his Psycho power will make him.

With that thought I concentrated my own energy as I covered my body in it as I also used Geo and Anemo. He shot towards me covered in his power as I also dashed towards him and then we punched eachother. Both our fists met and an explosion happened but we kept on punching each other again and again not stopping.

Then I increased my rate of punches and started to overwhelm him with my increasing strength and speed. Then I punched his elbow causing it to fold towards him as I did the same thing to the second one.

Then I sweeped his legs and punched his face and dug him into the ground creating a large crater as my power exploded as he screamed out. Then I started to punch him again and again without stopping the barrage as my punches were fast and very powerful.

After a minute I stopped and took some breaths to calm myself as I looked at the downed form of Bison as he lay defeated in a crater as he has been literally punched into the ground. Then his body disappeared from in front of me as I let out a breath at that.

"Okay, he is a very skilled martial artist. No doubt about that." I said as I stretched my body.

Well, at least I managed to increase my proficiency in hand to hand combat. Fighting monsters using fists is nice but the don't have technique or finesse so this is a good thing.

"Now, onto the next opponent." I said to myself as I healed myself and my armor before I started walking again.

My next opponent was the one called Necalli, it was a good battle but his fighting style was more beast like, and he used overwhelming power as well. But in the end I managed to defeat him and then went on towards my next foe. Who is arguably the strongest fighter I'm going to be battling against, and he is currently standing in a mountain area.

"Hoo boy, this... is going to be tough." I said as I looked at my next opponent.

Well, he is going to clobber me. I thought it would be Shin Akuma, not Oni Akuma. And he is glaring at me right now and I can see his power surrounding him as his hair stood up as he glared at me.

Honestly, he truly fits the appearance of a demon, cause goddamn, even I'm getting a bit nervous from seeing his appearance, considering the fact that he was originally a human.

And maybe I shouldn't be thinking like this cause he is right in front of me right now.

My eyes widened as his right foot is about to hit my face as I immediately brought my hands up and protected myself. But the force from the kick sent me flying far, like really far. I went through the air before I hit something hard and dug into it as I gasped from the sensation.

"Oww. My arms hurt." I said as I winced from the feeling in my arms.

I healed them as I walked out of the small hole and looked at what I had crashed into and was surprised that it is a mountain. Though I didn't have the luxury to look at it as I had to immediately jump out as Akuma crashed into the place I was at as he caved that part of the mountain from his attack.

Yeesh, unlike Bison he attacks with all he has and goes for the kill.

I landed on the ground as I covered myself in Geo dome while also drawing on my spiritual energy as I looked at the place he is. Though he immediately appeared out of the crater and launched himself towards me with his teeth bared. He appeared in front of me in less than a second as I had to dodge his attack.

I gave a punch to his chest and sent him back a bit before following with a knee to his face. But he dodged and grabbed by right leg and slammed me on the ground before throwing me away. I grit my teeth and looked at him as he jumped and reached me and then hit me with a barrage of punches as he executed his technique and sent me flying.

Damn! His technique is flawless. Despite how beastial he looks and fights like, his moves are perfect and have great finesse.

I landed on the ground and charged myself before I ran towards him as he kicked the ground and took a huge chunk of the earth, as big as a house and threw it at me. Not wasting any time I punched it to dust before I caught his fist and delivered a right hook before I also sent a barrage as I punched him back.

He however was only sent back a bit before he came in front of me and started to attack me again. I returned in kind and met his attacks with my own as our battle is literally destroying the land around us.

We managed to punch each other's faces and since I had started to use much greater power the two of us were sent flying back before we corrected ourselves and glared at each other.

"GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Akuma roared out like a mad beast.

The Satsui no Hado gathered in larger amounts in his right fist as I did the same with my own spiritual energy in my right fist. It only took a few seconds before we launched ourselves towards our opponent as the ground cracked under the pressure and dust was kicked up.

"Hraaaah!" I roared out as I gathered my power.

"RAAAAAAHHHH!" Akuma also roared out as we neared each other.

Take this!

I sent my punch and he also sent a punch towards me. Our fists neared each other as we looked at each other eye to eye as our fists met. The result was instantaneous as our attacks met each other and caused a very big explosion, and the force from the blast destroyed the ground and created great winds and sent the two of us flying back again.

I used Anemo to stabilize myself and landed on the ground as I looked in front of me. There Akuma appeared as he has also landed and roared out before he shot towards me. I narrowed my eyes and ran towards him as well.

We met again and he sent a punch which I dodged, I punched, he took it and sent a kick to my chest, I grabbed his leg and kicked his face, to which he headbutted my leg, I sent an energy blast right on his face, he sent a punch which I defended against. Then we started to punch and kick each other in great speeds as our limbs were blurs now as we kept on attacking each other.

He punched my face as I punched his elbow before I grabbed his arm and slammed him on the ground before I stomped on his face creating a crater. But he shot his Satsui no Hado and twisted the space in front of me as I jumped back.

He immediately got up and reached me as I ducked and grabbed him before I German suplexed him, but he wasn't that bothered since he used his hands to grab on the ground before he picked he up with his body instantly using the fact that I have grabbed him and slammed me on the ground as I groaned out in response.

I let go of his body as I got up and jumped back as he glared at me and lunged at me. After that we started to execute technique after technique on each other, I was able to hit him from time to time but he is able to hit me a lot more than I can.

I am also healing myself as I fought against him, now using my spiritual energy, Geo and Anemo energy to fight him as we traded blows. Blood was openly flowing from the both of us as we kept on with our relentless assault on eachother.

The both of us knew that if one of us were to slack off for even a millisecond then they would be at a disadvantage. I knew that well and I kept on attacking as I drew on more power.

Then I created a shield and let him hit it as he broke it but I sent a punch straight to his chest and boom was heard as he was sent flying. I immediately reached him, grabbed him upside down and slammed him head first into the ground.

Then I jumped back as he got out before I slammed him into the ground again, but he kicked me away as I skid to a stop. Then I blocked a kick from him and threw him to my right.

But he immediately turned and shot himself towards me as the both of us traded blows again as the both of us tried to gain the upper hand. Out fists and legs meeting as now the two of us were matching each other in speed and power as I kept on drawing on my energy as I looked at him right in the eye and sent a punch directly to his face.

The attack connected but his fist also hit my face as I felt the pain, but I dug my legs into the ground as I heard it crack as I tried to push my fist forward, but he was also doing the same. I gathered more and more energy until I pushed him back. He stumbled back but he sent a punch to my chest but I also gave an extremely kick to his chest as well.


The both of us were sent flying back as I hit and cratered a mountain as I felt my entire body hurt as I groaned out. But I jumped out of the crater and started to gather a huge amount of my spiritual energy into my right fist as I looked towards Akuma.

I can see him gathering his energy as well as he roared out again before he ran towards me. I didn't waste a second and also started running towards him as my right first glowed with the power. I kept on gathering it and also added Geo and Anemo as the two of us reached each other and threw our punch.

But just when our punches were about to meet, it didn't, instead we felt a force between both our fists as lightning and wind started to form from between our fists as it was pushing back.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Akume roared out as he pushed forward with his Satsui no Hado increasing.

"RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I also screamed out as I increased my spiritual energy as well.

We brought our fists closer as the force from between our fists increased. I roared out as I put more power as lightning crackled as the ground cracked,  deformed and got destroyed at our clash.

"GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" The both of us roared out as I felt my energy in my entire body as Akuma's eyes glowed brighter.

And the next thing we knew the clash of our energies ended and right after a great force was generated from it, the ground which had already been damaged was torn asunder and I watched the sky was split open, but not just the sky, it was day time and despite it being day, there was a hole in the sky and I could see the stars.

But it was only for a moment as I dug my feet and hands on the ground as I stopped myself from being blown back as I looked at Akuma who did the same. We looked at each other and didn't waste any time to throw ourselves to attack the other.

I traded blows with him but this time I am slightly faster than him, and I am also slightly stronger than him, and most of all I can draw on more of my spiritual energy quicker. And that was all the difference I needed as I dodged his punch and reeled my right arm back and sent a punch.

My fist met with his chest and completely went through it and his heart as my hand came out of his body. Akuma gasped when that happened as his blood was spraying out of the wound. But I didn't mind that, I kept my eyes on him as he looked at me, I was ready to act if he still wanted to continue.

"That was a marvelous battle." Akuma said as my eyes widened at his words.

He then also disappeared from in front of me as I stood there for a few seconds, before my body relaxed and I kneeled on the ground. No sooner did the muscles of my body relax, I felt blood rush to my mouth as I vomited it out, as even though I was healing myself, blood had started to accumulate inside my body. And now that my muscles have loosened it can get out now, and so it did.

I threw up a good amount of blood before I took in a few breaths, after that I wiped my mouth of my blood before I used my spiritual energy to heal myself. I repaired the damage to my body as I also removed all the blood over me.

After that I sat on the ground and took some breaths as I looked at the giant hole in he sky and at the stars.

Man, to think that I would be able to see the stars from the Earth during the day, guess we blew both the ozone layer and the atmosphere huh.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the strength we both had. If it weren't for the fact that the two of us we focusing out attacks on each other, then this area might've been completely erased.

I also noticed a distinct lack of clothes on my body, almost all of it having been destroyed from the last attack as it was only rags left on my body. I used my energy to create some simple clothes on myself as I sighed and started to calm myself.

"You did good." Buddha's voice came from behind me.

My eyes widened when I heard his voice as I looked back and saw him standing behind me with an easygoing smile on his face.

"Yo, glad to see that you advanced so much. But I think that's enough training." Buddha said to me with a smile.

"Really?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"Yeah, that's more than enough actually. Now come on." Buddha said as he walked through a golden portal.

I looked at the portal before I stood up and walked through it as well. I found myself standing on the clouds with him sitting on a large lotus again as he smiled at me. A couch appeared a few feet in front of him as I went and sat on it and it was very soft and comfy.

"How was the experience?" Buddha asked me with a smile.

"It was great actually. Fighting monsters, Gods, Demons, Dragons, Spirits, powerful martial artists and all. It was pretty fun if I have to say." I said with a smile.

"Good to hear that. And it looks like your body has also become more powerful." Buddha said as he looked at me.

"Yep. All that fighting and moving has helped my muscles grow very strong." I said as I flexed the muscles in my right arm.

"You've grown physically, mentally and spiritually as well. That just leaves only one thing." Buddha said as he stood up from his lotus.

"And that is?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Some training from me." Buddha said as he summoned a golden staff into his right hand.

My eyes landed on that staff and I immediately realised that it is no ordinary staff. I looked at Buddha as he stood straight and grinned at my direction.

"This is my weapon, do you know about the six realms in Buddhism?" Buddha asked me as he showed me his weapon.

"Yeah, something regarding the karma and the Wheel of Reincarnation." I said to him as I vaguely read about it.

"Well, this channels the power of those realms due to my connection to them." Buddha said with a smirk.

"Really?" I said as I looked at the staff.

"Yes. And now I'm going to teach you a bit more about fighting and your spiritual energy." Buddha said as he got into a stance with his staff.

"Um, can you dial your powers down when you are fighting me cause I don't want to be beaten to a pulp." I said to him nervously.

He just smiled at me before golden energy surrounded him and a halo appeared behind him as I looked at him with worry and fear.

Well, guess it's time for me to get my butt kicked.

Time skip

"OOF!" I groaned out as I hit a wall.

I slumped on the ground as I winced a bit and looked at Buddha who is looking at me with a smile on his face as he twirled his staff and rested it on his shoulders.

I was damaged quite a bit much from his attacks and though I did attack back and they did connect, it wasn't enough as he is more powerful, skilled, knowledgeable and very experienced in the art of war and the use of his spiritual energy. Any kind of damage that I had managed to make on him was instantaneous healed, like nothing happened.

And now I am in this state as he beat me up. Though I did get trained by him as he taught me more stuff which I can do with my powers.

"And done. You did a great job. I expected nothing less." Buddha said with a smile.

"Is that so? I guess I have gotten stronger than before, again." I said to him as I stood up and stretched my body and heard some snaps.

I felt relieved at the feeling as I looked at my teacher as he smiled at me. I also smiled nervously at him in return.

"Well, I'm happy to announce that your training is over. Time to go back to Teyvat." Buddha said to me with a smile.

"Right. Well, this was a valuable experience. I learned more fighting, about my powers and gained a lot of experience as well." I said as I looked at him.

In hindsight, everything worked out fine and I also got a few new perks in the form of greater mastery over my body, a stronger body, proficiency in drawing and using my spiritual power and increase in my physical, mental and spiritual aspects. All in all, this was a very good training session which has helped me greatly.

"That's right. Which is why, I have decided to give you this Six Realm Staff." Buddha said to me with a smile as he presented the staff to me.

"Wait what?" I said surprised at his words.

"My staff. I am giving it to you." Buddha said to me with a smile.

"Hold on a minute. You just said that it draws power from the six realms. Isn't that a bit too valuable?" I asked him shocked at his proposition.

"Just take it. I can create another one easily. Remember, this weapon was created using MY connection to the Six Realms." Buddha said to me as he gave me the staff.

Oh, yeah, that's also a thing isn't it? Considering his powers, creating another staff like that wouldn't be much of a problem for him.

"Well, thanks, I'm honoured that you are giving me such a weapon." I said to him as I looked at the staff.

"Don't mention it. Also, since it is a Divine Weapon, mortal weapons cannot destroy it, maybe redirect it but not harm. Unless it's another weapon of Divine rank then it will be able to destroy any other weapons made by mortal means." Buddha said as he pointed at the staff.

"Good to know. I'll keep it as a secret weapon." I said to him with a nod.

"Yeah, it won't be much fun if you just break every enemy's weapon." Buddha said with a smile.

I smiled at his words as I looked at the staff in my arms. It is a really powerful weapon and with its ability to shapeshift it is one of, if not the most versatile weapons anyone can have in their arsenal.

I closed my eyes and felt the weight disappear from my hands as I looked at my hands and saw the weapon is no longer there. Its a new trick he taught with me having my own pocket dimension where I can put my things, completely different from how I store things using my Vision.

"Ah, and before you go. I would like to gift you this armor as well, cause your current one and most wouldn't be that strong." Buddha said as he snapped his fingers.

My body from my neck down was covered in a golden light as I looked down and a second later it disappeared and I was in new clothes as my eyes widened.

"Now that is a good look." Buddha said with a smile on his face.

I looked at myself using my powers and my eyes widened at my new look.

Woah. Okay I did not expect such a good looking armor, it entirely made of gold or something similar and has a good look as well, not to mention the cape and this jewelled necklace. Though I wonder why my chest and abdomen isn't covered. But aside from that this is a solid outfit.

"How do you like it?" Buddha asked me with a smile.

"I love it." I said as I looked at myself.

"Good. Cause when your mind gets back to Teyvat, you will be able to call on this armor from your pocket dimension. Your friends would be shocked." Buddha said with a chuckle.

"I guess you're right about that." I said as I knew that this armor will turn heads.

Hell, I'm pretty sure even the nobles would be jealous of this and you have to be very wealthy to get this type of armor. I mean come on, it is like gold, and kind of gives me the feel of royalty with how much gold it has. I can't wait to see the reactions of my friends.

"When your mind returns to your body will also change due to the training you have done here to match the strength of the current you. Don't worry, no complications will happy, you can rest assured." Buddha said to him with a reassuring nod.

"I see. Thanks for everything." I said to him with a grateful smile.

"Don't mention it. Well, now enjoy your time in Teyvat." Buddha said with a smile as he looked at me.

"Yes. Thanks for your help and the lessons." I said as I gave him a namaste.

"It's alright. You're a good person and I'm always ready to help improve someone like you. Just be sure to save all of those people in the world. They deserve a chance to walk in the land of the living." Buddha said as he winked at me.

I looked at him confused at his words. I didn't have much of an idea about what he is saying but I nodded to him regardless.

"And remember, don't let your powers get to your head." Buddha said as he looked at me.

"I won't." I said with a nod.

Buddha nodded to me before I saw myself starting to disappear in golden motes. Soon I disappeared from the place as my vision went blank.

End Chapter

Finally the training arc for Luciel has come to an end. Some of you didn't seem to like the fact that the story seemed to be deviating from canon, but rest assured, I wasn't thinking about dragging this arc too long.

Anyways, this arc has ended and now Luciel will return back to Teyvat and continue his journey there.

So finally, how was the chapter?

Was it good?

Was it bad?

Please leave a vote and comment and keep on supporting my book.

Until we meet again in the next chapter.

Ad Astra Abyssosque!

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