Where Do We Go Now?

Galing kay LarrySTaylorsVersion

527 51 1.2K

If Louis was being perfectly honest, he did not expect to ever see that face again. That perfect, god like fa... Higit pa

Extra: Past.
Extra: Present.


34 4 65
Galing kay LarrySTaylorsVersion






"I fucked up so bad." Louis bangs his head on the desk and Niall looks at him out of the corner of his eye. They were in the library once more, it had become one of their go to places, and Louis was having a bit of a breakdown. It was three days after the "incident" as Niall had politely called it. 

"Yeah. You kinda did."

Louis peeks up at the Irish man, "Is he sad?"

"A friend never shares another friends secrets."

"Well if he was fine you'd say it so that must mean he's sad." Louis mumbled, "Fuck!"

"Yeah. You guys did."

"Shut up Niall."

"Um, you hurt my friend I can say whatever I want." Niall took a photo of Louis and sighed, "I'm sorry mate, you look sad too."

"Yeah. I am." Louis looked at Niall, "How can I make it up to him." Niall opened his mouth for a second before closing it and shaking his head. Louis clutched on to his arm. "Please, please, please, Niall." Niall scoffed.

"Fine but you're buying me coffee." He sighs, "Harry has been dying to go to this event that the university organizes for fundraising, it's a ball type dance and Harry's brought an outfit and everything. He doesn't have a partner though and he was going to ask Dan from his class but-"

"Who's Dan?"

"Soon nobody if you ask Harry to go with you."

Louis purses his lips, a dance isn't that bad. "Fuck it," He says, "Should I call him?" Niall shakes his head.

"He won't pick up, he's probably walking to class, and he was going to ask Dan when his lecture ends." Niall checks his phone for the time. "Which is in an hour, it's about to start." He smirks at Louis, "I think you should run."

Louis almost says no. Then he thinks about Harry. And how much does he want Harry?

Louis gets up without a word and speed walks out of the library. He runs into the main building, up and down stairs, hallways and past alcoves. God he's seen Harry walk into that classroom heaps of times, where was it?

He ran up a flight of stairs and as he turned a corner crashed into someone. "Ow!" He muttered, "Sorry." Louis glanced at their face and noticed who it was. "Harry." He gulped. "Hi."

His hair was swept to the side, like he had returned from a long walk on the beach, his curls fell on his brown scarf which sat on his neck, his black jeans were cuffed at the bottom and his shirt was some band Louis had never heard of. But he wanted to if Harry wanted to talk about them.

Harry looked at him for a moment before rolling his eyes and walking away. Louis chased after him, "Wait, Harry, no!" He stumbles after him and grabs his shoulder. Harry huffs and turns.

"It seems like you are forever chasing after me, Tomlinson, what do you want?"

"Do you want to go to the dance with me?" He asks, "God I feel like a teenager asking that, but, um, to make up. For me being a dick the other day."

Harry narrows his eyes, "Have you spoken to Niall?"


"Dickface." Harry inhales. "I don't know, Lou, you were..." He shrugs. Louis chews on his bottom lip.

"Yeah I know, which is why I'm trying to make up for it."

Harry glares at Louis, "You're not going to be an asshole this time?"

"No." Louis stares up at Harry, fuck he's beautiful with the sun streaming through the window behind them, his skin looked golden. "I swear and I'm..." He sighs, "I'm sorry. For the other day. I was being impertinent. It was uncalled for and I apologize."

Harry smirks, "Well well well," He grins, "I can't believe I'm seeing the day Louis Tomlinson is apologizing to me."

Louis smiled, "Yeah, just go to the dance with me okay? Not fucking Dan."

Harry frowned, "Who?"

Louis blinked, "From you're class. Niall said..." Harry laughs and Louis stands like an idiot, confused.

"There's no Dan in my class, Niall just didn't want to go with me." Louis blushed and Harry watched him, "It's cute that you got so jealous though." Louis stepped closer.

"Don't let it get to your head princess, okay?"

Harry blushed now, his ears turning red first, "Fuck, Louis, don't call me that in public-" Louis leaned up and kissed Harry softly, his hand touching Harry's jaw. As he pulled away Harry kissed him back, his hand on Louis' side, his other still carrying his books. "You taste like cigarettes." Harry whispers.

"Is that bad?" Louis asks, their noses brushing, Harry shakes his head slightly and kisses him deeper, Louis licked into his mouth and backed Harry against the wall, holding his jaw delicately, his other hand held Harry's waist firmly. Harry moaned softly into his mouth when Louis bit his lip, eyes closed. They both breathed heavily and rested their foreheads against each other. "I'm glade there's no Dan." Louis whispers and Harry giggles.

"Me too. And I'm glade you asked, I have a surprise." He pulled away from Louis and winked, walking away. "I'll text you!" He called and Louis very nearly fell on to his knees for the man.


Wearing a suit made Louis feel very, very stupid. And the stupid event was black tie, which made Louis want to throw himself out a window but the thought of Harry stopped him, and whatever this surprise was. His hair was pushed upwards into a quiff kind of, and he'd shaved his beard. He couldn't find any dress shoes though so he wore his black Vans and hoped that was good enough.

At seven thirty pm, Louis left his apartment for Harry's shared one with Niall, Grace and Michigan. He walks to it, Harry had said they would take his car and Louis was thankful because he was yet to buy one.

He finally arrived and knocked on the door, a very bouncy looking Niall opened it.

"Oh, hi Louis." He smiled, "Haz! You're boyfriend's here!" Louis wanted to fade away then and there.

"Hi." He tried for a smiled, "Is Harry ready..." His voice trailed off. Harry hopped over too the door, one shoe on. Correction, heel.

Louis nearly passed out. Harry wore a medium cherry red silk dress that fell over all his curves and made him look like an angel. His curls rested on his shoulders daintily and his eyes had the smallest bit of eye liner. Louis' jaw was on the floor.

"Fucking hell." He breathed. "H, you..." He swallowed and saw Niall smirking, standing behind a blushing Harry. Harry glanced at Niall.

"Fuck off Ni," He whispered and stepped outside the door, about to close it when Michigan appeared.

"Oh, hey, Louis, you look hot." Harry shot her a look and she shrugged. Harry shut the door and leaned against it.

"Hi." Harry smiled bashfully, "What Michigan said, you look hot."

Louis' head still felt fuzzy, he reached out and put his hands on Harry's hips, "Fuck..." He stared at Harry, "You look like..." His throat felt dry, words weren't wording. "You look breathtaking." He decided on, "Wait, no, better than that." He exhaled. Harry was smiling at him like he was stupid.

"You're cute." Harry leaned up and kissed him gently. He pulled back too soon. "We should go before I let you fuck me against the wall." Louis breathed out a laugh, following his angel down to the car. 

When they arrive, the hall is lit up and looks all fancy. Louis feels out of place but Harry looks like he belongs in this world, this place of lights and fame and beauty. They walked up the many steps and Louis tried not to blush at the feeling of Harry's arm linked through his. At the door they paid for their tickets and walked in.

The ceiling is high with chandelirs, waiters with trays circle the dancers, and classical music plays. It's definitly not Louis' vibe but Harry looks like he's about to cry from happiness so Louis presents his hand.

"Would you like to dance, Harold?" Harry represses a laugh and takes his hand.

"Yes I would, Lewis." Louis laughs breathlessly and takes Harry towards the dance floor.

"Now," Louis sets his hands on Harry's waist, Harry's around his neck, "If I'm being one hundred percent honest, the only dancing experience I have is the eighth grade disco." Harry smiles.

"Me too, I just wanted to come here for fun." Louis grins and sways to the music. They stay that way for a while, dancing around, but then Harry claims his feet hurt and they walk over to an empty table, eating small pieces of crusty bread and drinking champagne. 

Harry recalls a time when he and Louis brought Louis' first vinyl and played it at Harry's grandparents house. Louis had forgotten about this but apparently he almost set the kitchen on fire. Louis laughs so hard he chokes on his drink and coughs into his hand while Harry giggles at him.

They move back to dance once everyone is slow dancing and Harry wants to. Who is Louis to deny such a beautiful man anything?

Harry rests his chin on Louis' shoulder and Louis hold his waist gently. "You're not all bad, Tomlinson." Harry whispers into Louis' ear.

Louis smiles. Harry smells like vanilla and roses. Louis wants to kiss his neck. "You neither, Styles. And you some how manage to be good at everything you do."

Louis can feel Harry smile, "Am I good at doing you?"

Louis pinched his waist, "Naughty. We're surrounded by people." Harry hums and his hands run up Louis' shoulders.

"I wish I was alone with you. I want you to do so many things to me." Harry inhales, "I was dreaming about it last night. Woke up all sweaty."

Louis bites his lip, "Did I get you all riled up the other day princess?" Harry swallows.

"Yeah." He laughs, "But I got Dan to help me." Louis restrains his laugh, trying to sound annoyed.

"Hey, doesn't that show I care about you?" Harry sighs happily.

"Yeah it does," He kisses Louis' neck softly, "I think I need you to show me again though." Louis inhales through his teeth and glances around. It's getting later, people a leaving. Harry continues, "Unless you think I should go home with someone else..."

While Louis is feeling brave he leans into whisper in Harry's ear, "Don't act like you don't want this dress on my bedroom floor."

Harry smirks, "Who said anything about a bedroom? I do recall you saying I looks gorgeous against your kitchen bench."

Louis sighs and tries to calm down the soon to be problem in his pants. "Fuck off or we'll try the kitchen again. We're leaving. Right now." He takes Harry's wrist and pulls him towards the exit. Harry laughs and leans in.

"You assume I don't want to try the kitchen again?"

Louis closes his eyes for a moment in frustration and tugs Harry outside. "Sounds like a plan then, Harold. I bet you'd like to be bent over my kitchen bench."

"Oh, I wouldn't bet against it."

"Shut up." Louis snaps, "Get in the car." Harry laughs at him and slides in. Louis gets in and turns the key. Harry watches him.

"You're hot when your angry."

"I'm not angry." Louis snarls and drives out of the carpark a bit over the speed limit. "I'm frustrated."

"Hm," Harry says and lifts his dress up to mid thigh, slipping his hand underneath, touching himself, "It's under the same category. And you still look hot." He gasps softly and moans. Louis glanced at him and frowns.

"What are you doing? Harry! Stop that!"

He reaches over and tries to slap Harry's hand away. Harry giggles.

"What are you going to do? Punish me? That's not really your style is it?"

"Harry." Louis says through bared teeth, turning a corner, "I will turn this car around and take you home. And I won't ever fuck you. Do you understand me?"

Harry stares at him, wide eyed. Then he smirks. "You're bluffing. You want me too bad."

Louis groans, "Fuck you."

"You're going to. Though I could try I guess."

"Shut it right now." Louis snaps and parks out the front of his apartment. He rushes out of the car and opens Harry's door. Harry smirks, his hand still up his dress.

"What a gentleman."

"Yeah, sure, now get inside so I can take away your ability to walk tomorrow."

Harry snorts but pulls his dress down and gets out of the car, "I'd like to see you try."

"Don't test me or I can make it a week." Louis grumbles and pulls Harry up the stairs. Louis fumbles to unlock his door but pushes Louis inside quickly and slams the door. He turns and backs Harry against the wall, breathing against his lips. "Feel familiar?"

"Jesus Christ, man," Harry whines, "Get your dick inside me."

"Right. Fuck." Louis unbuttons his pants and pulls them down, Harry kicks off his shoes and Louis pulls him through the lounge room and into his bedroom.

Harry smiles smugly, "Thought we were going to the kitchen."

"Next time." Louis mutters, taking off his shirt so he's just left in his underwear.

"You're optimistic."

"Just get on the fucking bed before I make you."

Harry nods silently and gets on the bed, "Do you want me to take off my dress or are you going to?"

Louis crawls over to him and straddles his hips, feeling the dress under his fingertips. He bites his lip, "Fuck, keep it on, love, you look so pretty in it."

"That was a mood change."

"I can switch back if you want." Louis whispers, dragging his fingers up to Harry's neck, pressing slightly. Harry gasps.

"God, yes. Please yes."

Louis smirks, "Turn around sweetheart, hands and knees." He gets off of Harry so he can turn and sits on his knees behind him. He grips Harry's waist and moans at the view in front of him. "Fuck me, baby, you're so hot." He feels Harry's ass through the red silk. "Where on earth did you get this dress?"

"Well actually-"

"Don't answer that." Louis mumbles and lifts up the dress, groaning at what's underneath. "Honey, we're you planning on getting laid tonight? Lace is a little excessive, no?"

"I knew you'd fuck me. Or, well, I wanted you too."

Louis hummed and kneaded Harry's ass. "So needy princess." He leans up and kisses Harry's neck, curling his fingers in Harry's hair, pulling it into a ponytail. "So desperate." He whispers and bites Harry's earlobe.

Harry nods quickly, breathing heavy. "Hurry up will you? I haven't got all night."

"I'll take as long as I want to." Louis says lowly, "And you'll like that, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry breaths and moans, rocking his body back against Louis.

"Stay still, baby," Louis smirks, pulling the lace down, "Let me take care of you."

Harry moans in response and feels Louis kiss down his ass and against his hole. He whines and presses his face into the pillow as Louis opens him up with his tongue. Louis moans and fucks his tongue in and out, gripping his thighs.

He slowly removes his tongue and he sits back on his knees, "I'm going to get lube now okay?" Harry nods into the pillow and Louis reaches over to his bedside table, grabbing lube and condoms. He sits back behind Harry and grabs his hair, pulling his face away from the pillow. He leans over Harry's body and kisses his shoulder.

"Don't hide baby." He whispers and Harry nods. Then Louis presses a lube coated finger in and Harry throws his head back.

"Fuck." He moans and squirms. Louis holds his hips still.

"Stop moving." He demands and Harry stops immediately. Louis smirks at the man. He opens him up, moving from one finger to two and eventually three, Harry getting more and more responsive. Finally Harry cries out.

"Can you get in me already Louis? I'm dying over here." Louis chuckles and pulls his fingers out, rolling a condom on and lubing himself up, he grips Harry's waist harshly and pushes in. Harry winces and bites his tongue. "Fucking fuck." He whines out.

Louis groans, "Fuck, princess. Jesus, Mary, God!"

"Summoning the whole family, hey?"

"Shut up and let me fuck you." Louis grits his teeth and pulls almost all the way out, then pushes back in. Harry moans as Louis builds up speed, he pushes back and meets his thrusts.

"So fucking good baby." Louis says, breathing heavily. "Gonna make me cum so fast." He grips Harry's ass and Harry groans.

"Fuck, Louis." Harry rambles, "Missed this so much."

"Yeah?" Louis presses his fingers around Harry's neck, and Harry moans, "Want me to choke you? Want me to bend you over the kitchen counter? Or press you against the shower wall? Want me to cum all over you and lick it off? Want to ride me while I praise you?"

"Jesus," Harry gasps, jolting with each thrust, "Yes. Please. Louis," He bites his lip, "Let me ride you, let me finish you off."

"Let me finish you first, honey." He reaches down for Harry's cock and tugs it a few times, "Cum, Harry." Harry whines and Louis thrusts in deep, Harry cries out. "Cum for me princess, I'll bend you over," He breaths in Harry's ear, "And fuck you so hard you won't ever want anyone else ever again, you hear me?" Harry nodded and Louis pulled his hair, timing it with a thrust. Harry came all over his hand. "Good." Louis said and pulled out. Harry groaned and turned around, his face dripping with sweat.

Louis laid down and watched Harry straddle his waist, "You don't have to do this baby."

"Want to make you cum. Want to cum again."

Louis smirked, "That's it, babydoll. Good boy." He held his hips and helped Harry. Once Louis was in Harry sat down fully. "You can take off the dress if you want." Louis mutters, feeling the silk.

"No." Harry breaths and rises, "I like being your princess."

"You'd still be without it."

"God, Louis," Harry's head drops, "I can feel you everywhere."

Louis smirks, "You mean daddy."

Harry freezes for a moment and glares at him, "I hope you're joking."

Louis only smiles and grips Harry's ass harder, leaning up to kiss his collarbone, "I'll be whatever you want me to be darling."

Harry moaned and started to ride him, Louis threw his head back on to the pillow. "And you look pretty with or without the dress."

"Yeah, but it's better with it on." Harry says between heavy breathes.

Louis nods in agreement, "God, you feel so tight." Harry was already hard again.

"Yeah," Harry mutters, doing a figure eight with his hips, "Just for you. Only for you."

"Yeah?" Louis breathes, eyes closed in ecstasy, "There's no one else?"

Harry smirks, "No one as good." Louis' eyes darken and he thrusts up into Harry. Harry grits his teeth and holds Louis' chest down. "Stop it, I'm joking."

Louis falls back onto the pillows and starts talking between groans, "Don't think you're in charge here princess."

Harry had a sudden urge to get on his knees for Louis but he kept going. "I know I'm not."

Harry started to go faster, his thighs burning but the look on Louis' face was worth it. Louis stared up at him, his face glistening with sweat, his eyes dilated and his expression in utter bliss. Harry threw his head back and moaned, closing his eyes, his hair sticking to his shoulders, the curls sticking out.

"Fuck, baby," Louis thrusted up but Harry shakes his head and swivels his hips.

"Let me."

"Babe I'm going to cum."

Harry smirked, "If you cum on my face I'll lick it off."

Louis eyes darkened. "On the bed, now." He rolled them over and pulled out, pulling off the condom and straddling Harry. He moaned and stroked his dick. Harry closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Louis groaned and came all over his face. Harry smirked and licked it away.

Louis sighed and collapsed on top of Harry. Their breathing slowing down. He reached up and wiped the cum off Harry's eyes so he could open them. Harry wiped it away and licked his fingers. He frowned.

"You need to eat more fruit."

"Be quiet," Louis whispered, "Just for a moment." He slide down and pulled up Harry's now sweat stained and cum covered dress, Harry's cock still hard underneath.

Louis wrapped his lips around him and bobbed his head up and down, licking the top. Harry only lasted a moment, gripping Louis' hair as he came.

Then Louis crawled up and motioned for Harry to turn. He unzipped Harry's dress and threw it on the floor. He laid down beside him, flicking off the bedside lamp.

"You know, even though you piss me off sometimes, I did miss that."

"And me?" Harry whispers softly into the darkness.

Louis doesn't reply and Harry can only assume he's asleep. Louis stays awake for a while though, and after Harry falls asleep he swings his arm over him and cuddles him from behind.

Yeah. He definitely missed Harry.



heyyyy wsg my little sluts

jesus i think i have issues cos I CANNOT STOP WRITING THIS BOOK AKKSNKFDJ

it was originally meant to be a lot slower paced but i got bored so here we are. On that note, I don't know when I'm going to publish the next chapter and it may take a while cos im a bit burnt out and also I'm having my birthday party this week and its giving me anxiety so...



1. I'm almost 15 and will be at the end of the month but we're having my party on Saturday cos one of my friends isn't going to be here for a while and we need to have it before she leaves.

2. Taylor Swift is the music indusry. I love her sm but missed out on concert tickets.(it haunts me to this day we dont talk about it) One Direction is literally one of my favourite things ever you fight them you fight me. Olivia Rodrigo is soooooo good I've loved her since HSMTMTS don't bully me.

3. Any of the One Direction boys, Taylor Swift, Renee Rapp and Walker Scobell could rail me idc I love them all so much it's not even funny.

4. I have the best friend group in the entire world but also crippling anxiety so i think they all secretly hate me.

5. I'm a shit speller. Like so bad. I've also wanted to be a writer since I was two years old when I memorized an entire Nursey Rhyme book and could quote them to this day. I wrote my first story when I was six and i can't even read it cos my handwriting is so bad but it was about fairies so yk i'm sure it was a banger of a book.

6. I sometimes write songs in my notebook but i cant sing or play an intrument so that's going no where. Also idk i think they're kinda shit.

7. My bestest friend in the whole wide world ever and ever is also on this app if she reads this (like she says she does) she'll comment. I'll make her.

8. I love music and film sm and want to be a director, or maybe work in theater because I don't think my writing career is going anywhere. Ps Percy Jackson is the best book series ever don't even argue cos you can't.

9. I went to Louis' concert in January (on the 28th) and it was the best night ever but it was also my first concert and I had a panic attack and ruined it for myself but then we found a stop next to the stage and every one was quiet and I could see him so well :)



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