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HI EVERYONE!!!!! Thank you so so so so so so so so much for all the support you have given me ever since the first chapter came out! Just wanted to warn you guys, I am a bit flakey with my publishing and don't really have a certain day I publish chapters or anything. I write when I have time and try to as much as I can!!!!

I also try to give you guys about 3000 to 4000 words a chapter and that takes kind of a long time to write haha. Also, I'm a teenager and I go through emotions like a train, sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad, and sometimes I want to lock myself away and not speak to anyone. This makes it hard to write sometimes because I feel like shit.

Please excuse any spelling mistakes, I'm not a very good speller but I try my best :)



The tennis court was covered up in some tent like things. The school fare was on today and it was Harry's first. He had agreed to meet up with Louis next to the popcorn stall, but seeing as he didn't know where that was, he'd gotten there extra early and was standing at the front entrance, hoping to catch Louis on the way in.

The school year was passing by quickly, seeing as it was already March, but that didn't mean Harry liked his classmates, or they liked him. He kept his head low every time a Sasha or a Thomas walked past with their family, side eyeing him.

Then he saw a red and white striped scarf and a blue coat. His heart leapt as his best friend walked up to the gates chatting to his mum and sisters. Louis' mother, Jay, spotted Harry and waved. Louis turned and grinned, his hair windswept but also perfectly ruffled, they were twelve and thirteen now. 

Harry had turned thirteen in February and he and Louis had spent the whole day at his house, playing football in the backyard. Even though Harry was one of the worst players in the world, Louis was patient and helped Harry kick straight.

The scarf Louis was wearing had been and gift from Harry for his twelfth birthday. That had been a proper birthday party, with balloons and streamers and a layered cake and more than twenty kids. But he sat with Harry all day and opened his presents. They opened Harry's later though, and Louis had said it was the best gift he'd ever gotten. And it reminded him of Where's Wally.

Louis ran towards him and waved enthusiastically. "Hi Harry! I thought we were meeting inside."

Harry shrugged, "Yeah. I couldn't..." He felt dumb all of a sudden, why couldn't he just find it? Stupid. "Yeah. I wanted to surprise you." 

Louis smiled, "Aw, you're a cutie Harold." He playfully pushed Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled softly and grabbed Louis' wrist, pulling him into the fare.

"Come on." He tugged and Louis waved bye to his mum before letting Harry drag him in.

The fare was beautiful, fake flowers hung everywhere and girls in pretty dresses ran past with their friends laughing. Louis pulled Harry towards some hay bales in the middle of the tennis court. He sat down and dropped Harry's hand. Harry felt his heart drop to his shoes. He swallowed.

"So," He glanced around, feeling overwhelmed, "What do you want to do?"

He turned to Louis who grinned and pointed at a shooting game with stuffed bears as prizes. "We should do tha..." His jaw went slack. "Oh my God, look at Sara!" He pointed at a ginger girl wearing a pale green floral mini dress. He turns to Harry, "She's so hot, don't you think?"

Harry looked at her, she flicked her hair back over her shoulder and laughed at something her friend said. She had long tanned legs, and was objectively quite pretty, her eyes were green and she had a headband matching her dress. He guessed she looked fairly mature if that was the word. But did he want to kiss her? Not really. Harry noticed a tall blonde boy was holding her hand.

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