Extra: Present.

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Takes place roughly a year and a half or so after epilogue.

Also smut warning cos ya'll know me by now fr



"I'm nervous." Louis says, pacing back and forth in front of Harry, his shirt is grass stained and sweaty, his face scrunched in anxiety. Harry loves him all the same.

"It's okay," Harry sooths, trying to calm his boyfriend the fuck down. It's the last game of the season. His baby made it to the finals. And now he has to shoot the last penalty goal.

"It's fucking not. I'm going to fail, I'm going to let everyone down... I can't do it babe. I can't." Harry huffs and grabs the smaller man, pulling him into his arms. Louis reluctantly accepts it, letting Harry run his fingers through his hair.

"No matter what happens I'll love you, okay? You can't let me down, never. I'm so proud you made it this far and I always knew you could." He kisses Louis' forehead. "You're going to kill it out there. I believe in you, yeah?" Louis scrunches up his nose and Harry knows he's trying not to cry.

"Thanks love." Louis sighs, "No matter what?" Louis whispers and tucks Harry's hair behind his ear, the crowd fades away when Louis looks at him like that.

"I'll never not love you sweetheart, 'kay?" Louis blushes pink and nods.

"Same. I love you."

"I love you baby." Harry leans in and kisses him quickly, "Now go. Kick ass." Louis smiles at him fondly and turns, jogging over to the rest of his team. Harry watches them line Louis up.

It's 2 - 1 after the other team scored their penalty and Jesus Harry has never felt more nervous in his life. Louis' going to be so heartbroken if he doesn't get this. He will. Harry thinks. That's the love of my life out there, of course he will.

The crowd grows louder and Harry wants to tell them to shut the fuck up. Let Louis concentrate. He sees Louis close his eyes and inhale heavily, stepping back and finally, finally, kicking the ball.

Time stops for a moment. The ball frozen mid air. Louis catches Harry's eye, looking shit scared under that brave face he's putting on. The goalie jumps to catch it, and Harry swears his fingers brush it...

Oh fuck. He thinks. Shit shit shit shit shit.


It goes in. Time starts once more. Cheering erupts so loud Harry almost goes deaf. Louis turns to him and his smile is so wide Harry worries Louis will break his face. Harry bursts out in a laugh. Louis' team jumps on top of him, cheering and grabbing Louis. Who, by the way, hasn't taken his eyes off Harry. He shrugs them all off and runs towards Harry, who does the same.

They meet in the middle and Harry throws his arms around Louis' neck, Louis picking him up and wrapping Harry's legs around his waist, spinning him around. Harry holds his face and kisses him roughly. He pulls back and holds Louis' face him his hands, his eyes blurring from tears.

"Oh my God," He swallows a sob, "Honey, baby, I'm so proud of you." He buries his face in Louis' shoulder, kissing his sweaty neck, "I'm so so so proud of you." He whispers. Louis kisses his shoulder and holds him, looking stunned.

"I did it." He says, his voice raspy. "Holy fuck." He mutters, "I did it." He squeezes Harry close and kisses him, open mouthed and full of tongue, he moans, "Holy shit, princess..." He puts Harry down and holds him close, "I can't wait to get you home."

Where Do We Go Now?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora