Torchwood Academy

By MoonyXxPadfoot

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Where all The Doctor Who character's are children, and are attending Torchwood Academy! Which isn't your aver... More

Rose- Part One
Rose- Part Two
Rose- Part Three
Rose- Part Four
The Rule Game- Part One
The Rule Game- Part Two
The Rule Game- Part Three
The Rule Game- Finale
Kareoke in the Auditorium
The TARDIS~ Part One
The TARDIS~ Part two
Clubs- Part One
Clubs- Part Two

The Rule Game- Part Four

226 2 65
By MoonyXxPadfoot

[Week two]

[Maths class]

Chris- Well done everyone! Donna, much better today, now...for the homework

Gwen- [groans]

Kate- yay! We haven't got any homework yet!

Yaz- yes Kate, and we want to KEEP it that way!

13- [yawns] Yaz is right. I haven't been this exhausted since...well...forever!

River- [laughs] maybe that's because you kept jumping from one bed to another ALL NIGHT

Yaz- you could hear that from all the way across the hall?

Amy- we thought someone was being murdered!

13- Yaz's fault

Yaz- hey!

13- you rugby tackled me!

Yaz- yeah wouldn't stop rapping hamilton in my ear so-

13- [sticks her tounge out at her]

9- what I really want to know is...Amy, if you thought someone was being murdered...why didn't leave your room to go and check?

Amy- I...was comfy...

Donna- wow, good to know we can rely on you when one us is actually dying!

Chris- Enough! Nobody's going to die!

[He starts handing out the homework]

Kate- I don't remember them messing around, because 'I' was asleep! [Says proudly]

Osgood- Me too

Yaz- dreaming about extra homework no doubt-

Kate- Actually, I dreamt about the TARDIS

Master- Yeah well, keep dreaming, nerd. Because your not never going to win

Kate- I already won, thank you very much. After class on Monday-

Master- [laughs] are you okay in the head? There's no way that happened!

13- no really, she did! We all saw it, didn't we?

[She looks at her roommates]

Yaz- Yep

Osgood- [nods] it was very funny

SpyMaster- [shocked]

Master- I still don't by it

Kate- Your just jealous because you haven't won!

Master- Yet! I haven't won...yet. just you wait, I've got something amazing planned

10- [intrigued]

Chris- Oh really?

Master- [looks up]

Chris- would that 'something' be the hundreds of feathers that suddenly appeared on top of the fan before class-

Master- [looks down] feathers? What...feathers?

Chris- you can act dumb all you want, Koschei, but I keep a hidden camera in my desk

Master- you WHAT

Jack- he's been caught!

Ianto- [laughs]

Master- Shut up! Both of you!

Ianto- [flinches, slightly]

[The fan goes off and covers everyone in feathers]

[Gwen screams]

Amy- ugh, I just washed my hair!

11- [puts one in his mouth]

River- [exhales deeply]

Chris- Kosch, your out of the rule game

Master- But-

Chris- and you can stay behind after class to clean up your mess!

Master- that's not fair!

Chris- it's completely fair

[He turns to the rest of the class]

Chris- you may leave, but take the homework sheets with you

9- anyone fancy chicken for lunch? [He throws some feathers over Rose]

Rose- stop it, you

9- cluck cluck

[Everyone leaves the class, except Koschei and...]

Master- John?

10- mhm?

[He starts collecting feathers and shoving them into a large bag]

Master- Crummy Chris told me to clean up, not you

10- [laughs at the insult] I know. But I want to help

Master- alright then weirdo. Suit yourself.

[He tosses more into the bag]

10- that was a great way to end the lesson!

Master- not for me, I'm out, remember?

10- oh yeah...

Master- but...your not-

10- no- I-

Master- you need to win so you can tell me ALL about the TARDIS

10- I'm sure anyone would be happy to-

Master- No no! It has to be you! Your my mate

10- mate?

Master- yeah, don't humble yourself. I know I'm famous but-

10- [snorts]

Master- So, what do you say? Do you want me to help you win?

10- yes, but-

Master- but what?

10- leave the ideas to me, I'm probably better at it

Master- whatever you say! [Throws the bag into John's arms and walks towards the door]

10- where are you off to?

Master- I've got some sabotaging to do!

10- Kosch-

Master- Make sure the room is clean before next lesson!

10- I'm not your slave!

Master- And yet your doing everything I tell you to do-

10- you better do a good job taking out my competition then-

Master- Oh, don't worry, I will-

[He laughs before leaving the room]

[Not long later]

[John leaves the classroom and walks into the nearby lab]

10- hello?

Bill- [spins around, wearing a lab coat] can I help you?

10- are you allowed to be in here?

Bill- [nods] I asked Steven, after class

10- does that mean...I broke a rule?

Bill- I don't think wandering into a lab was on the chalkboard. Nice try though-

10- [walks over to the chemistry set]

Bill- Don't-

10- I wasn't going to touch it!

Bill- Good, because I need it

10- for the game?

Bill- [nods]

10- but...we don't have chemistry today? So what could you possibly have planned?

Bill- wait and see

10- wait and see? Do you have any idea how irritating that is?!

Bill- [spins him around] I'll be worth it, now scoot-

10- Do you have any ideas for what I could do?

Bill- Nope, sorry

10- [frowns]

Bill- but, if you actually read through the chalkboard, then I'm sure you'll come up with something

10- okay. Good luck with...whatever it is your doing

Bill- You'll find out soon enough, so long as you stay in the building

10- [an idea starts to form in his head] that's a great idea!

Bill- What is?

10- I've got to go! [Runs away]

Bill- what is it? What did I say?

[The corridor, near the cafeteria]

[Ryan's on Graham's shoulders]

Ryan- to the left-

Graham- [moves left]

Ryan- [draws on the wall] and...back to the right-

Graham- [moves right]

Ryan- down a bit!

Graham- [sighs] haven't you drawn enough already?

Ryan- I want to complete it! Now down a bit!

Graham- [crouches down]

Ryan- thanks, I'm almost done- Dan, any updates?

Dan- [on lookout, around the corner] all clear!

Graham- why couldn't I be on lookout?

Ryan- because your taller...up, up, I can't reach!

Dan- only by an inch!

Ryan- two inches, at least

Graham- two and a half, actually

Dan- are we still talking about height or?

[The Master walks up to Dan, holding a mug of hot chocolate]

Master- what are you up to?

Dan- [moves so he can't see round the corner]

Master- hm [He slurps his drink really loudly] ah...delicious

Dan- w- what's that?

Master- It's hot chocolate, they're serving it in the cafeteria. Pity though, it's almost ran out-

Dan- do they have marshmallows?

Master- Yep! And flakes!

Dan- [He runs off]

Master- [laughs and walks round the corner]

Ryan- Dan. What are you- oh, it's you-

Master- can I help?

Graham- so you can mess it all up? No way!

Ryan- yeah, you already lost. Get over it

Master- [drops the mug all over the floor, it smashes] whoops.

Graham- [groans]

Master- I'll go get a teacher-

Ryan- no! We'll get caught!

Master- not my problem

Graham- that's sabotage! It's against the rules-

Master- Fine, 'I' won't tell a teacher to come and clean it up. But I can't hang around all day-

[He walks off]

Ryan- what if he tells someone?

Graham- it won't count


[In the cafeteria]

Kate- [reading alone, peacefully]

Master- [taps her on the shoulder]

Kate- [looks up] can I help you?

Master- t-there's a mug splattered all over the floor- that way-

[He points]

Kate- well...why haven't you told a teacher?

Master- I..I'm too nervous

Kate- but aren't you the boy that always shouts at people in class?

Master- no? That doesn't sound like me at all!

Kate- but I-

Master- [sits down next to her] that sounds like Koschei! I'm owen. People are always getting up mixed up, it's quite upsetting actually [fake frowns]

Kate- Oh, sorry! I don't want to make anyone upset!

Master- It's okay. But could you please tell a teacher- Ryan...fell and hurt-

Kate- of course! You can count on me!

[She runs over to a teacher]

Master- [laughs, steals her orange juice cartoon, and walks off, pleased with himself]

[Not long later]

Graham- [puts Ryan down] done?

Ryan- done

[They look up at the art]

[Suddenly, Kate and the cook appear]

Cook- Boys! What on earth?!

Kate- [confused]

Ryan- It wasn't me!

Cook- It clearly was you!

[She looks at the paintbrush in Ryan's hand]

Kate- O- Owen said you were hurt-

Graham- Owen?

Kate- [nods] he..he told me someone broke a mug and-

Ryan- you must be confused, that was Koschei, not Owen

Kate- but-

Cook- Kate? Who was it? I need to know. They'll be out for sabotage

Kate- Well I'm not sure anymore but...he said his name was Owen

Cook- Owen Harper?

Kate- I...I guess so

Ryan- [groans]

Graham- Does this mean we're still in? Since it was Sabotage?

Cook- Normally, yes. But-

Ryan and Graham- But?

Cook- You lied to me, about what you did. Therefore you broke a rule AFTER the sabotage

Graham- [looks at Ryan] you idiot!

Ryan- I thought we could get away with it!

Graham- you didn't think very hard then did you!

Kate- [tearing up] this is all my fault

[They stop arguing]

Graham- no- Kate- it's not

Ryan- yeah. You couldn't have known. And if I WAS injured, you would have helped

Kate- [wipes away the tears] sorry, I don't usually-

Graham- why don't you come and have lunch with us?

Kate- a- are you sure?

Graham- yeah! I need some help with the maths homework. It'll be good to have someone SMART around [glares at Ryan]

Dan- [wanders around the corner with a hot chocolate, happy]

Ryan- Dan!

Dan- [looks at everyone, and the teacher]

Graham- where the hell have you been?!


[He moonwalks away]

[Kate laughs]


10- [walks into a room labeled 'gadgets'] I can't believe they have ALL this out in the open!

Master- [leans by the door] talking to yourself?

10- [Jumps] Kosch! H- how long have you-

Master- long enough to know you're going to be in SO much trouble if you get caught. I can't wait!

10- I won't get caught!

Master- we'll see. Anyway, I came here to tell you that's I've got Graham, Ryan and Owen out of the game-

10- three people already! Wow

Master- It's so much more fun that actually playing!

10- you're just saying that because you lost-

Master- [shoves him] whatever-

10- [Stumbles back into a box]

Master- [laughs]

10- hang on... [looks through the box] yes! Thats exactly what I need!

Master- what is it?

10- [He holds up a vortex manipulator
Teleportation, here I come!

Master- woah...give us a try! [He reaches for it]

10- no way! I found it, I get to use it! And you've already broken a rule-

Master- I've broken hundreds actually

10- exactly

[He stuffs it into his pocket]

Master- I've got to go now! Lots of stuff to do!

10- okay, have fun sabotaging

Master- have fun getting caught!

[He leaves the room]

10- [laughs]

[The girls common room]

Rose- wow! They have sofas!

Martha- and a TV!

Sarah Jane- It's very small though-

Martha- Who cares? It's a TV! We can watch La La Land!

Rose- I love la la land!

Donna- you two are adorable

Martha- [blushes]

Donna- ooo, look, a wardrobe!

[She opens it]

Rose- [Jumps onto the sofa] it's so comfy...

Donna- forget the sofa! I've just hit the jackpot!

Sarah Jane- what is it?

Donna- come see for yourself!

[They all gather around the wardrobe]

Martha- woah

[It's got heaps of dress up costumes]

Rose- bagsy the fairy!

[She grabs it]

Donna- here's an idea...let's have a fashion show!

Sarah Jane- I'll be the judge! Then I can wear this!

[She holds up a grey wig]

Rose- [throws stuff all over the floor] some of these are really realistic...

Martha- and they seem to have something from every century...

[Not long later]

Sarah Jane- Welcome to the talent show!

[She turns to the pillows that Martha put googlily eyes on]

Sarah Jane- I call up...Martha Jones!

Martha- [walks out, in a medevil Doctor's outfit]

Sarah Jane- Or should I say Doctor Jones! You look incredible

Martha- Thanks! [giggles and sits down on the sofa]

Sarah Jane- Next...Queen Rose Tyler...

Rose- [walks out wearing a really puffy spacesuit]

Sarah Jane- What happened to the fairy?

Rose- she's underneath! It's a space fairy!

Martha- [claps enthusiasticly]

Sarah Jane- Very good very good

[Rose takes a seat next to Martha]

Sarah Jane- And last, but definitely not least, we have the one and only...Donna Noble!

Donna- [dramatically walks into the room, wearing a wedding dress]

[They all laugh, Martha looks at her, mesmerized]

Donna- Yes, your all invited to the wedding

Rose- who are you getting married to? Jack?

Sarah Jane- ooo

Donna- oh shut up! [Jumps onto her on the sofa]

Rose- [squeals]

Martha- you looks lovely Donna

Donna- thanks, but I'd like to get out of it as soon as possible. It's very uncomfortable

[She walks back to the dorm]

9- [walks by] can I come?

Donna- huh?

9- to the wedding? [He looks at the dress]

Donna- Oh, very funny. What are you doing in the girls dorm anyway?

9- I-

Donna- let me guess, your here to see the space fairy

9- space fairy?

Donna- yeah. She's in the common room with the Medevil Doctor and The tall haired judge

9- right...sounds like a party!

[She walks into her room]

[9 heads to the common room]

[Donna suddenly hears someone]

[She opens the door]

10- oh, hello!

Donna- what do you want? I'm about to get undressed-

10- have you seen-

Donna- no! Now go away!

10- [He stops the door from closing] Donna, right?

Donna- Yes [She crosses her arms] What's it to you?

10- I'm John, we haven't properly met yet

Donna- [She looks at the teleporter in John's hand] What's that?

10- do you want to see?

Donna- Not really but-

10- I was going to show Jack but-

Donna- Jack! [Laughs] he's Russell's handsome little rich boy. Bet he's seen everything there is to see already! So go on then!

10- okay...

[He presses the button]

[He teleports to the roof of a nearby building, above torchwood]

10- yes! It worked!

Donna- [screams]

10- [turns around] Wot?! No- that shouldn't have happened. It was only supposed to take one!

Donna- I'm on a roof... I'M. ON. A. ROOF!

10- Donna, calm down-

Donna- Calm down?!

[She marches towards him]

Donna- Send me back, now!

10- I...I don't know how

Donna- you what?

10- [gulps] Idon'tknowhow

Donna- Do you see what I'm wearing?!

10- Yes. It looks very nice-


[She shivers]

10- [takes off his brown jacket and wraps it around her] better?

Donna- it would be better if I wasn't- [She walks over to the edge] 60 feet away from the lovely...SAFE...floor!

10- [feels guilty]

Donna- but...I guess the jacket does help...

10- [cheers up] It's my best one!

Donna- It's very long...

10- I wanted a trenchcoat, but they don't have any in my size

Donna- [laughs] of course not! Your so small someone could step on you-

10- hey!

Donna- So...what are we going to do?

10- well...there's a hatch over there-

Donna- great!

10- but it's locked-

Donna- well aren't you the carrier of good news!

[She sits down, annoyed]


[Bill's in the boiler room, pouring chemicals into a pipe]

12- boo!

Bill- [turns around] stop that! I thought you were a teacher!

12- what are you up to? Actually, I don't care

Bill- Well good because I wasn't going to tell you anyway!

12- [looks around the room]

Bill- can I help you? Or are you just going to lurk-

12- here-

[He hands her a fez]

Bill- thanks thanks

12- it's not mine! I stole it!

Bill- then you can keep it! I'm a genius, not a theif

[She continues pouring the liquid]

12- but... I stole it from Amy, who stole it from River, who stole it from Matt. It was to stop them from arguing-

Bill- Matt has his own style, and there's nothing wrong with that-

12- I never said-

Bill- and River's clearly flirting-

12- what? No-

Bill- you and social cues don't really mix huh

12- I try my best...

Bill- don't worry. It's not bad. See here, I've mixed tons of chemicals that shouldn't be mixed. But it's to make something even more beautiful...

12- is...that an analogy?

Bill- See! You're getting the hang of it already!

12- well, I do consider myself ALSO a genius. You could learn alot from me actually

Bill- Oh really?

12- [steps forward and looks into the pipe] Let's see...H2O

Bill- stop trying to sound fancy, it's just water

12- mixed with Glycerin [He sniffs the air] soap and....detergent. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've created bubbles

Bill- concentrated bubbles, actually

12- I better go get changed into my swim stuff then!

Bill- too late! [She closes the lid and pulls a lever]

[5 minutes before]

9- [walks into the girls common room]

Rose- Rah! [Jumps out]

9- [doesn't even flinch] Hello Rose

Rose- [pulls off her space helmet] well you could at least pretend to be scared!

9- what, like this? [He fake screams and runs around the room]

[Martha laughs]

9- where did you get all this stuff? Is your suitcase bigger on the inside?

Rose- would you like me to shove you in there so you can find out!

[She tackles him onto the sofa]

Sarah Jane- Honestly, they're like animals

Martha- [hits Sarah Jane with a pillow] I think your heads getting a bit too big for that wig!

Sarah Jane- Oi!

9- hey, Rosey. Got any costumes for me?

Rose- [grabs his hand] only like...hundreds! Come on!

[They walk over to the wardrobe]

Rose- See any you like?

9- your a... space fairy right?

Rose- Yep!

9- okay...then I'll be a space... [He picks up a space suit] pirate! [He picks up an eye patch]

Rose- perfect!

9- [starts taking off his shirt]

Martha- [squeals]

Sarah Jane- as a judge I am deeply disappointed. But as a teenage girl I am not going to tell you to stop.

Rose- Back off

9- [looks at her]

Rose- H- he's no Jack

9- [gasps] I'll have you know I'm just as irresistible as 'Jack harkness!'

Rose- Maybe but...he's got the confidence to flirt whereas you have the 'let's do a goofy ass dance in the middle of the room' kind of confidence

9- so what you mean to say is...I'm devilishly handsome, but I should flirt more?

Sarah Jane- Yes-

Martha- [nudges her] Sarah!

Sarah Jane- I said what I said

Rose- No. Your perfect the way you are. And the world doesn't need another Jack. One's plenty...

9- [grins] so...this 'goofy ass dance' how would it go exactly?

Rose- [laughs] I feel like there would be ALOT of head movement

9- [He starts dancing like a chicken]

Martha- aw man, we should have taken some of the feathers from this morning-

Sarah Jane- This dance is so bad it's brought back my inner judge [she adjusts the wig]

Rose- [smiles, Watching 9]

9- [pulls her into the dance]

Martha- Where's Donna? She would love this!

[Suddenly, the school sprinklers turn on and bubbles come out, falling down onto them]

(Bath bubbles btw)

9- [laughs]

Rose- [Jumps around trying to catch some]

Martha- It's like a giant bubble bath!

[The rest of the school are all running around in the mess]

Sarah Jane- Funny, we should have heard Donna scream at least once by now...

Rose- yeah...

[The roof]

10- [sits down next to Donna, defeated, and whistles a tune]

Donna- on the bright side, you'll probably die first. So at least I'll have a few minutes of peace and quiet before I go...

10- we're not going to die Donna, they'll find us eventually

Donna- yeah..and'll loose the game

10- like you care! I bet you'd be happy to see me loose

Donna- it would be like Christmas!

10- [groans]

Donna- wouldn't be fair. You clearly worked hard, even if you did accidently kidnap me

10- [laughs] your funny

Donna- what..for a girl?!

10- no, your just funny

Donna- Oh, thanks

10- when we get down, maybe we could start over?

Donna- what friends?

10- yeah!

Donna- okay. But don't come near me with that device EVER again, got it?

10- [nods] it's not dangerous. It even has an emergency red button incase we get stu....oh

Donna- It has WHAT

10- whoops. That completely slipped my mind

Donna- you imbecile! I...I could slap you!

10- please don't

[He presses the button, they both appear back at Torchwood]

Donna- Um...why is there bubbles everywhere?

10- it wasn't me!

Donna- of course it wasn't you, we've both been on a roof!

10- [He plops some bubbles on her head]

Donna- Oi! [She throws some back, but he ducks]

[It lands on 9 instead]

9- [blows them away the best he can] thanks for that

Rose- [runs up to them all, then looks at 9] you missed some-

9- where?

Rose- on your nose, right...there [She puts more on his face and runs away]

9- get back here Rose Tyler!

Martha- Donna, where have you been? I thought you said you were going to get changed...

Donna- I am, now that I'm back on planet earth!

Martha- [confused]

10- well, I've got to dash! I've got a lie detector test waiting for me!

Martha- good luck

10- [runs off] Allons-y!

Martha- [looks at Donna] why does he always say that?

Donna- mental, that one

[The end of the day]

[John and Bill leave the lie detector test room]

Master- [runs over to John] well?

10- I passed!

Master- I knew you would!

10- funny, that's not what you said earlier-

Master- yeah well...someone has to keep your fat ego in check-

10- I've had enough of that today actually!

Master- [confused]

10- Donna Noble, mental, I tell ya

Owen- [marches over to Koschei] Ryan told me what you did!

Master- [laughs] oh really? Bet you can't prove it

Owen- I hate you!

Master- who?

Owen- y-

Master- asked

[Owen tackles him to the floor, Koschei fights back]

[12 runs over and pulls Owen off]

12- this would be so much easier if we weren't all covered in bubbles

Bill- [laughs, watching them all]

[John holds Koschei back]

Master- Your just a sore loser!

Owen- [screams and runs off]

Master- honestly. Some people are SO immature

10- Koschei...

Master- What?

[Later that night]

[10 walks into room 101]

Martha- do you mind? We're getting ready for bed here!

10- sorry, I just-

Donna- [walks out of the bathroom]
Oh, hello John

10- I found something amongst the gadgets. Thought you guys could use it to help you break some rules

Donna- thanks but, I'm already out

Martha- me too

Sarah Jane and Rose- we're not!

10- [He uncovers the present. Its a small metal dog]

Sarah Jane- he's so cute!

10- [hands the controller to Rose]

Rose- thanks

Donna- [smiles at John]

10- [He leaves the room] Don't tell Koschei! He wants us to sabotage everyone not help them! Oh and good luck!

Donna- thank you!

Sarah Jane- [crouches down to pet the dog]

Rose- aw look, they're practically best friends already!

Sarah Jane- Animals are much better than humans

Donna- even metal ones?

Sarah Jane- especially metal ones

Martha- So...what are you going to call him?

Sarah Jane- I was thinking...K-9?

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