Bright win: The lonely god an...

By janeeshashashimini

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The book is inspired with the kdramas, goblin (2016) and tomorrow (2022). The story revolves around a lonely... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
- Chapter 3-
- Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
- Chapter 7 -
-Chapter 8-
- Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-chapter 12-
-chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 16-

-Chapter 15-

92 6 2
By janeeshashashimini

"COMING THROUGH...MOVE....PLEASE...MOVE...."it was a family of three, who shouted and made way to a badly injured person at the stretcher. in response, doctors and nurses too came and quickly arranged the hospital emergency ward.

nurses and doctors surrounded and monitored the injured person. all were quick in connecting the patient to the monitors.

we are loosing was a nurse who said while monitoring the vitals. doctors were quick with the CPR, he tried first time, also the second.

all were doing their best, maximum effort, not knowing the fact that, a reaper with a black hat was waiting at the injured person's bed, waiting for him.

doctor went for the last time.


the vitals left with a single line; no curves nor spikes.

reaper then and only took the death card from his blazer and looked at the person who now was in soul, looking at his dead body.

name Mr. Anan Chaiwet...reaper said in his deep voice. The soul who was concentrating on his dead body, without utter understanding what he was witnessing right now, turned at the black figure, when he heard his name.

age...38years old...time of death...8.37am...cause of death...severe damage to head..reaper paused.

this soul has been collected...reaper declared, and the soul just nodded with cries.


grim reaper owned a tea house, gifted to him when he was assigned as a grim reaper. it was a place between heaven and hell, that all 'after death's will visit. there was this special tea, grim reaper prepared for every soul who comes to this tea house. and that was what he was doing now, preparing his 'special' tea.

here you go...he placed the cup of tea, at the table, where Mr.Anan Chaiwet was seated.

what is this sir...he softly asked.

its what helps you to forget this life...all the memories, before you move to your was grim reaper who also took a seat at the same table, opposite to the soul.

and suddenly the person started to cry. this was not a new thing to reaper as he already had seen this for centuries. but yet, he always respected their feelings.

what would happen to my family sir...i am the person who earned money for them...i have two daughters wife...i never left her to worry about anything will they manage sir...the person was pouring his feelings out with sobbing.

they will would be hard....but they will live...they are proud of you for what you have left for them...but nothing will matter once you drink this...reaper eyed the tea.

it will erase all...from your first to your was reaper who continued.

the person(soul)cried so much, but finally realized that he had nothing to do, so he held the cup of tea up close and looked at the reaper.

thank you sir for this final cup of tea...he said and reaper decently nodded.

you lived good in this was reaper who said. second after he saw that the other party drank the cup of tea.

this way please...reaper stood and showed the door for the soul.

open the door...and take the was reaper who said politely, with a final bow, and the soul did as instruct. the door was opened, and the brightest light was sparked, for few seconds, and reaper saw how the figure went slowly blurred and finally not seen.

take care was reaper who muttered to himself, once the doors slowly closed.

reaper waited there for few seconds, and went to polish the drank cup of tea, and kept it at his tea gallery, at the rack with that person's name.

he finally sighed with relief.


Goblin was at his mansion, wearing his 'wear-to' silk blue gown and laying on his wife spaced bed. He was shaking his legs nonstop while biting his fingernails.

Did I somehow mention about the sword....goblin thought.

I am damn sure that I didn't tell anything about it or for that matter my past....goblin said to himself while adjusting his pillow to the bed rest, and aligning on to it.

So...he paused.

why now...I mean....he paused again.

why him...goblin slowly said to himself, thinking to untangle all of this mess.

Or did he ask from that black reaper...goblins thoughts drove fast.

No way...he spoke to himself again.

He is afraid of that reaper...he only feel safe with me...hah...goblin was proud for that.

But he said that he was handsome...he didn't seem to be afraid of reaper when he told so....goblin again thought, this time seated on the bed.

I mean how can that dumbo be handsome and I am just good kids...goblin sighed in annoy. More like jealousy.

But...he paused,this time he was serious.

No can see my sword, even the grim reaper...he took a break for his thoughts.

He was telling the truth then..? Goblin stood up slowly. he really my bride...goblin asked to himself, now infront of the mirror.


Win was done with his lectures and was getting off the school premises to leave for his part timer.

He was walking along the pavement, wearing his one ear broke headphone, listening to his favourite list, where suddenly he was shocked for the sudden horn of a vehicle which stopped right behind him. He suddenly turned to see the person who shocked him. saw once it was clear for him to recognize that it was not any other but goblin who was at the SUV.

Why are you walking alone...he said coming out, with an annoyed voice.

Uhh...someone is on said while noticing the red flares form goblins face.

I told you I will pick you up today...goblin said while taking Win's bag on to his hand. didn't say anything like told with confused manner, neglecting the cute way of how goblin took his heavy bag from him.

dumb nephew....goblin sighed while rubbing his temple, knowing that mix forgot to mention about goblins message to win.

I should have said you personally....goblin said and sighed, as let bygones be bygones.

Get in....he said to win, and win was already ready to get into the vehicle. He always liked to travel with goblin. Not that goblin was talkative or responding type of person but still, there was some enough amount of comfort that win felt when they were traveling together. He felt as himself.

How was school today....goblin asked once he roared the engine up and got the SUV to the track.

It was good....maths was was an assignment on due by next Tuesday...presentation by end of this is sooooo needed sarcastically.

Goblin showed a light smile.

What is it...goblin asked with a light hidden smile.

Hmm..what is asked while taking a choclate bar from his bag, which he bought back at the interval.

What's your assignment topic...goblin asked and suddenly win stuffed a piece of choclate in goblins mouth for goblin was surprised, and couldnt even have some time to see what it was or even to fully open his mouth,cause win just pushed it inside childishly, as if signaling, don't ask about the topic. Goblin felt as he was going to choke, but thank God didn't.

What the....goblin suddenly looked at win.

And win was peacefully eating his half of choclate bar, and showed bunny smile at goblin.

How can I just get annoyed after seeing that smile, goblin thought. So he just ate what he was stuffed with, surprisingly it was tasty.

On the other hand, win anyhow felt somewhat easier. He never had the chance to describe his day to anyone before. To be honest, no one asked, and hearing that goblin asked from him, and him listening to whatever win was blabbering about, made win to felt comfortable. He smiled to himself, and goblin noticed it.

What happened...goblin asked after seeing the sudden smile.

Nothing....I am just said.

I am surprised to see a person suddenly smiling just because they are hungry...I mean ended in sarcasm. And win showed a narrow line back at goblin.

I smile when I am hungry....I am win...I can do anything I want to ....and you... mr.goblin can't judge me possibly for anything said while pointing his index at goblin, as if he was threatening but goblin was flattered with those cute gestures of win.

If you do so...I will just pull that sword demanded and goblins smile slowly faded away. Goblin slowly side the vehicle and stopped. He looked at win.

Mister...what asked while rethinking what he said.

Is he angry at thought.

No one in this existing world could see what I have in here...that's what I was told...goblin said while looking at his own chest.

But you.....he continued and win too looked at the sword again.

And that's what it makes me confused...why you...out of everyone why you....goblin said. But this somewhat hurt win.

Is he not happy with thought.

Now I don't know what to do....I am really many countries I many centuries I one....but how you so easily came to me and said that you see what I have in here...goblin said this time in serious tone.

I know it's hard to believe mister...but it's what it is...I saw it..and even now I see confessed.

I dont know...It feels so complicated to me...don't know why god is still playing tricks with me...goblin said as if he was already lost.

Is it because of me mister...that you can't trust asked in calm. He was in guilt.

And goblin had no answer for it. He even don't know why he dislike the fact that finally a person such like win came to his life, who could actually see the sword at goblins chest. Was it because he was scared that he will finally be at peace, was it because he would loose all his powers and just go into thin air, or was it because it was win who had the power to pull that sword out of his chest. He had so many questions for he didn't want to try to find the answers.

For now...I can't tell anything's not easy for me to explain it to you...goblin said while rubbing the steering wheel and feeling it's grip just to be less tensed.

Then take time said. He didn't want to argue about this again, with him.

But tell me a date to go from the hotel...I can't be a burden to you all the said, seeing outside from the glass.

It was in that moment, goblin felt that the conversation was going away the normal. He has somehow made win confused, again.

Here...kid...goblin asked but win didn't turned or responded, his thoughts were outside the glass.

Win....and that made win to hit the reality. Goblin's voice when he uttered Win's name always shook wins mind.

I am trying...but...even I made you as my bride...I won't...goblin just stopped there. He didn't want to continue what he was gonna say but win had other plans.

You won't asked and goblin had no answer.

You won't what asked again.

And there goblin sighed without any replay and started the vehicle and accelerated. All along the journey from there to wins part time, was in silence.

Mix will be here to pick you up...goblin said when win got out the vehicle.

No need...I can go on my said and snapped the vehicle door. He was angry, annoyed, pissed off with goblin.

Why it is always me who has to understand everything....why they can't just understand's thoughts ran fast, where he ended up in opening the restaurant door.

Goblin was still there processing wins annoyance and him going in to the restaurant.

Goblin waited for few seconds and drove the SUV back to mansion.


Reaper and goblin was now at the table, taking their dinner, prepared by reaper. Mix went to pick up win, and also to leave him by the hotel plus to meet grandpa.

Goblin was not eating but just playing with the ribs.

Isn't it good...reaper asked while wiping his mouth from handkerchief.

The worst I ever had....goblin said despite the fact that he was actually enjoying his meal, but just to mock off reapers mood.

Reaper showed a middle finger to goblin and took a sip of soup in his mouth and again looked at his opposite party.

What about the kid...I never saw him again...reaper asked. And he noticed his goblins face got changed.

I took him off his school and left at his part timer...goblin said with a taste of disappointment.

Something happened between you two....? Reaper asked this time finishing off his meal with a glass of water.

It's complicated....goblin said while wiping off his mouth and making a ball of his handkerchief, from his left hand.

Complicated for's....that's a first time...reaper said with a paused plus an awed expression.

Goblin sighed with a lost tone. And reaper noticed.

What happened...reaper asked, with concern.

I don't know how to believe what I have now...the kid...goblin paused.

He...he seeing the sword....he teleporting behind me...he is someone I least expected to draw my sword out...goblin said the latter while looking at goblin.

So...what's your concern now...that god picked the wrong guy to do it...reaper asked while crossing his palms and placing the elbows on the table.

I don't know...I just...goblin was in search of words.

afraid of death...aren't you....where reaper finished the missing pieces.

You are afraid that he will pull the sword and for what will happen are addicted to this luxury and peaceful life of yours now...isn't it...reaper asked with a Kindy tone at the end.

And goblin just showed a meh face and ignored his expressions.

Whatever...goblin sighed. Reaper smiled and rested his back at the chair.

But yeah...goblin in mean time spoke.

I guess I don't want to die now...yes it hurts...but I just want to be like this...immortal...and powerful...goblin said with concern mixed with regret.

ignore him was reaper who suggested.

Done that already...didn't work...always ended up in meeting him...goblin said with lost tone.

Then give him to me...I will take care of that soul nicely and calmly....reaper said with a death note. are in a middle of freaking serious conversation and you are just being such a Fucking grim reaper....goblin said in annoy.

For your kind information....I am a grim reaper....reaper said with annoy too. And later sighed thinking how their conversations easily get off the track.

You like him...reaper suddenly asked.

Yeah I like him...he is a good kid...goblin said while looking at his finished plate plus with a smile.

Dude...god told that he will send you a bride to take the sword not a kid...that's what you told me... remember....reaper asked.

And you can't just like your future bride have to love him....jeez...I don't on what basis you came to honestly....reaper sighed in annoy.

Love him...that line echoed through goblins heart. Why it made some impact on him.

But if you love better tell him the whole in what happens after the sword...reaper suggested and goblin ignored, cause he could never agree to reapers suggestion.

Telling win the 'after sword' story was out of the conversation, cause he might don't even care about goblin once the sword is taken, goblin thought likewise.

But dont you think you are taking advantage of him...reaper suddenly asked while moving the dishes to the sink.

What's the meaning of that now...goblin too joined near the sink.

I mean it's like you are just protecting your gem without other thieves to steal out from are keeping it safe for your advantage....reaper said and goblin couldn't agree or disagree to

You are just keeping him for your if he is your bride you will use him to rest in peace...or if not you will just banish him from the place...reaper cleared his argument.

Are you Fucking nuts you idiot reaper....why should I do like that....goblin was annoyed.

I mean it seems to me like that...anyways if the kid asks anything you better be prepared for anything...reaper said and walked towards his room where goblin was left alone at the dish, with his things running hard on what reaper pin pointed.


Win was at the suite again. He finished his part timer and came back home, not by bus, but mix insisted he would drop win by the hotel, cause he had to see grandpa who was just around the corner of the hotel too.

For the whole time at the part timer, win thought goblin. As if why he was so nice sometimes, but so rude another time. So calm and understandable, but also unpredictable sometimes. He always do the things in his own way, win thought.

I should just get him here..and ask right away...saying that, win light up all the candles, that were inside the suite at the nice long table placed just inside the room, facing the front door.

He took one out of lit candles and blew it off. He counted on to five seconds and opened his eyes, but no one was there.

Normally he murmured to himself with concern.

Win again the lit the same candle and blew it off.

Huh..why he isn't coming...he asked to himself, annoy mixed with concern.

Should I call grandpa and asked to himself.

Knock knock...

And suddenly there was someone at the door. And win opened it thinking it might be the room servic for the snack he ordered few minutes ago.

Mister....but it was not any other, but goblin himself, wearing black neck turtle with a black long leather jacket to cover him warm..

Why didn't you come...I called you two told in annoy. Goblin came in where win closed the door and followed goblin, to ask why.

Beautiful....goblin said once he saw the long table of lit candles.

Why so many....he added. came infront of goblin.

Don't change the topic added.

I summoned you two times...why didn't you asked this time as if he was in an integration room.

Is there any rule that I should be here whenever you summoned me now...goblin directed and that somehow cut right through wins feelings.

Did something asked once he noticed goblins change of tone.

Nothing....i am just here to take you...goblin said with a pale, direct face.

Take me aunt's asked. And goblin shook a no.

My home...goblin said with an echoed manner.

But all of a asked.  But there was no answer from goblin.

Okay said in calm.

I will there any guarantee that you will keep me in of any problem arises between us two won't make me leave the house asked.

That won't happen...I will not let you don't worry....bright was still with his pale, expressionless face, directing his eyes at win. Win glances at those eyes for few seconds. you love suddenly asked.

And goblin didn't reply, at instant. He waited for seconds.

I can love you if you want me to...goblin said and win was like, 'what the fuck was that answer'.

I don't couldn't finish what he was Gonna say.

I love you....goblin finished off in rush.

Will you be my bride...

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