Adler | The Aces of St.Sincla...


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Book One of the Adler series ** St. Sinclair, the illustrious academy honoured nationwide as a catalyst for t... More

Prologue & Aesthetics
Summoned | A ONE
Coeus | A TWO
Throne | A THREE
Hangman | A FOUR
Recruitment | A FIVE
Visit | A SIX
Deduction | A SEVEN
Influence | A EIGHT
Disarray | A NINE
Odds | A TEN
Evens | A ELEVEN
Partying | A TWELVE
Thursdays | A THIRTEEN
Exposed | A FOURTEEN
Mistakes | A FIFTEEN
Doomsday | A SIXTEEN
Obscure | A EIGHTEEN
Revelation | A NINETEEN
Virtue | A TWENTY
Excuses | A TWENTY ONE
Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO
Designated | A TWENTY SEVEN
Stranded | A TWENTY NINE
Honesty | A THIRTY
Reflection | A THIRTY TWO
Bradford | A THIRTY FIVE
Tapestry | A FORTY
Everything | A FORTY FOUR

Goodbye | A FORTY SIX

1.1K 51 47

A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Thatgurlaturdoor and blobwithdajob. Thank you for all your support and feedback!

My eyes stared upward into nothingness. Darkness surrounding me. Only the silvery streaks of light casted from the bay window providing me some sort of visual on the silhouetted objects in the room. Snores from the bed across wailing out like a siren, no signs of ending. I turned over on my pillow.

Tonight was shaping up to be one of those nights. It wasn't anything trauma induced, or an illness. I self acclaimed it as a me thing; it would happen at least twice a year at random where sleep would be close to impossible. No matter how tired I knew I was, my body wouldn't cave until daybreak.

Except, I didn't have the option to sleep in this time round. Our flight back to England was scheduled at eight am and I had to try to slay this dragon somehow.

The burst of bright luminescence had me wincing, eyes crinkling until they gradually adjusted to the light of my phone screen. Quarter past midnight flashed as my starting point and the race to wear myself down to the bone was on.

Sneaking in to Garren’s suite came to mind first but during our return, he ran into Xinyi who wanted to 'share a few last things' and they slipped off somewhere. Maybe I was thinking wrongly but I wasn’t in the mood to drop by and possibly find someone else was on that bed besides me. Will and Ben didn’t answer their phones.

I texted Shaun without meditating on how exactly he'd perceive a 'Hi' in the middle of the night. I was his girlfriend though— I was allowed to inconvenience him, right?

I waited several minutes and there was no response. I sighed. Granted, it was a long shot to assume every teenage boy was nocturnal like Liam.
Unlike my body, my mind was what would be in affect, growing sluggish as I aimlessly browsed through Ashton's profile page and recent posts. Then in the blink of an eye, I somehow crossed over to her cousin's boyfriend's card trick channel. He knew some pretty interesting manoeuvres.

I planned to abort after a while, but then my eyes strayed to the related pages and my groggy brain hooked on a familiar string of letters that formed the name.

Alger Hess

Maybe I would've stopped there if I hadn't seen it after opening the profile. The little symbol of notification that the person was currently active.

Before I could think over what I was doing, I'd already scoured out the number and set my phone to dial.

‘Hess and Charlie differ greatly.’

Like an echo, Garren's words back in his suite that night replayed in my head, along with that unforgettable expression I witnessed in those crystal blue eyes that could no longer be put to rest.

The line pitched in on the third ring and the snake's voice came through.

Hearing Hess sound anything besides assertive was intriguingly bizarre. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

There came a pause before he spoke again, voice a little more settled and recognisable. “I have reason to be, don’t I? Striking up the conversation is my thing.”

I scoffed. “Conversation? I don’t recall having any of those with you. What I recall is you following me, making inappropriate remarks and harassing me.”

I wanted to imagine the bastard would be holding this chewed up look or at least bear a frown but that was what made Hess so insufferable. None of my disgust seemed to faze him— in fact, it was like in his warped mind, there wasn’t a reason to feel rattled by it.

That’s why his next response didn’t surprise me. “Is that what it is? You want me to apologise for that?” It wasn’t asked in annoyance or remorsefulness, but vivid disinterest. “Okay, I'm—”

“I don’t want your empty apologies.”

“What do you want then?”

“I want you to tell me if I'm right about why you took the fall for what happened to Mr. Goy-Smith's sculpture.”

Dead air filled through the line and it may have been my severe drowsiness, but when Hess finally spoke, he was tense. “Mm, afraid I don’t know what you mean.”

“Shaun thinks you leaked the photos. After you didn’t deny it when I brought it up, I thought it had to be true but a few things weren’t adding up. Like, what was the motive in doing that? Or why did Rosita believe you but not Shaun? Even if she was into you, why openly defend you? If proof turned up that you were the culprit, that would put her in a bad spot with Shaun’s parents.

She obviously wasn’t as welcomed. Despite being their son's girlfriend, she was never shown the sculpture, unlike you. Also, if you were the culprit and you and Shaun no longer were in contact, she wouldn’t carry any responsibility in getting between your friendship. She could freely go to you so why put herself at risk there?”

“Because she stupidly believed I wasn’t that sort of person,” answered Hess.

“Maybe, but the greater factor was that she knew the real culprit.”

“… Oh, now that does sound interesting. The problem there, Buns; why didn’t Rosita just expose them if it wasn’t me?”

I'd more than anticipated he'd point that out. “You sure you want to hear this bit?”

“By all means.”

“It’s very simple— Rosita wasn’t in love with you. She might’ve felt some attraction and teased and flirted, whenever Shaun wasn’t around. And you hated her for that.

The photos got leaked, Shaun accused you immediately and that hurt. You felt betrayed and thought it had to have been Rosita who put the idea in Shaun’s mind. But then she defended you so if you called her out, you'd only make yourself look worse.
You got frustrated and confused. You suddenly weren’t sure if Rosita was behind it or knew anything, but none of it mattered anymore after losing Shaun’s trust and his parents. You still thinking highly of Goy-Smith's talents with how you bragged to me on the sculpture making it as a hit.

You gave up on clearing your name and sought out the only place you thought you weren’t rejected— which turned out to be the biggest mistake. Rosita welcomed you in to her house, she had you vulnerable, you weren’t thinking straight and harboured anger for Shaun abandoning you. The rest is the typical 'one thing led to another'…”

A bark of laughter filled the line at that, momently jilting me. I had never heard anything more jarringly void and pitiful.

“I think you've watched one too many soap operas.”

For some reason, it made me smile he denied it. Not that I believed everything I said was right. Many things Shaun told me didn’t still add up, nor did I feel satisfied if my creeper stalker was just a broken hearted boy, acting tough like those sappy romance novels.

“I’ve never actually watched one, before,” I confessed, curling up into the covers. “Got any you'd recommend?”

“… Is that a serious question or am I missing something?”

“Something like what?”

“Why did you really call me? Did something happen with Shaun?” His voice sounded funny again, like he actually could be concerned.

“You’d think I'd talk to you of all people if that was the case? Just how egotistical are you to…” A yawn escaped my lips and with it, weariness creeped in. “Y'know what, fuck boundaries. Why do I need to be considerate for someone who can’t accept reality? It’s stupid. You’re stupid. Do you hear me, Alger Hess?”


I could envision his irksome smile. I was at my wits end wondering why I was both perturbed but arguably at ease with it. One thing for sure, it was the last thing I remembered before my eyelids began to steadily drop.


I awoke to bright light against my face— daybreak.

I'd actually salvaged two hours of sleep but that didn't mean I wasn't horrendously knackered. At least there was no snoring. The bathroom door was shut. I forced myself upright and found my phone by my pillow with the battery on the brink of death. I plugged it in then crossed over to the empty bed across to quickly put my little 'thank you' present for my wonderful roommate before she got out of the shower.

I pulled out the shoes I knew Amina would pick to wear out, carefully peeling open a gap in the soles to cramp the tiny paper balls I'd made prior inside. In a way, this tournament had been educative— those Tokyo Tech pranksters deserved all the credit.

The quick shower I took aided to add some energy I'd need to get to the airport before I could finally rest. Yet, I couldn't shake off the odd feeling I was forgetting something.

Thankfully, we were getting to eat at the eloquent dinning hall for breakfast before checking out. Although, Mr. Hertford called me over while everybody went on ahead. Will promised to save me a seat and I obliged to follow the school supervisor to the door of his suite.

"Your uncle wants to speak to you." He stated, handing me his phone.

Scrunching my eyebrows, I placed it by my ear. "Uncle Louie? What's up?"

"It's me, Stevie."

My lips fell to a line, still that odd sensation when he addressed me correctly. I darted my eyes to Mr. Hertford, "Could I have some privacy please?"

He complied, stalking off to probably have one last secret smoke before the staff caught him.

"Stevie, are you there?"

"Yeah, sorry uncle Louie but the connection seems pretty bad. You're sounding a lot like an arsehole."

There was a sigh on the other end, but no putdown followed. "I called to check and Dune's daughter backed your story. Just wanted to let you know you're in the clear."

"Why, thank you, inspector. Any other irrelevant facts you want to tell me?"

"Look Stevie, what I said yesterday... I... don't take it literally."

"Oh, how else should I take that you hope I end up dead?"

"I never said I hoped for it. Don't twist my words, I'm trying to say something here."

"Well clearly, you haven't thought it through much and I don't see why I should miss out on breakfast for it so bye."

I hastily terminated the call, along with any space reserved for him in my mind and started to the dinning hall. I did not need his bullshit ruining my morning.

After packing up a platter of pastries, eggs and sausages I occupied the vacant chair kept for me between Garren and Will who was assisting Ben with buttering his toast. My phone beeped and I placed down my fork to view the incoming text from Shaun. It was him apologising for missing my message and calls last night and that immediately had me puzzled and scared.

What was he talking about? He missed it?

I went to our chat log to see the baffling truth for myself. There was nothing in recent, my 'Hi' left deserted in the empty space until just now. Except, who had I been talking to then? The details were a blur but I was very certain I'd been chatting with someone, the low phone battery I woke up to was proof of that.

But who?

Trying to remain calm, I hovered over to my contacts and went to Ashton's name. No new chats or recent calls on her social media. I'd never been more relieved and yet pained by the reminder of that emptiness. I checked Liam too— nothing. Who was it?

"We're leaving in five, people!" hollered Mr. Hertford.

Forced to postpone my searching, I set aside my phone and began scoffing down my breakfast. Garren and Will wore odd looks while Ben assumed it was a contest and tried to outdo me.

Everybody had gathered their luggage and we queued to return our keycards when there was an alert from my phone. It wasn't from the central inbox, but from social media as I was still hooked up to hotel Wi-Fi. What lay in wait as I glanced at the text made me freeze on the spot.

@AlgerHess- morning

Memory ensued and I cursed aloud, stirring an odd look on the elderly receptionist in front of me. Alongside Will who stood behind me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I was too frazzled by the rude awakening that just surged, not to mention my melodrama wasn't something I wanted to discuss with a line behind us so I muttered to Will I'd tell him at the airport. He nodded, giving me a presumptuous pat on the shoulder and I tried not to panic.

Hess. Out of all the bloody people to pick, why did it have to be him? What was wrong with my head?

Watching Amina squirm in discomfort and start shaking her feet to find the lumps when we walked through the terminal eased my nerves a tiny bit. It was better than the blonde sat beside me who was chuckling.

"Would you stop? It's not funny, Will."

"Yes, it is." He nodded. "I'd understand drunk texting but you didn't take a sip of alcohol at the club. How do you call someone in your sleep?"

"I wasn't asleep. I was sleep deprived and trying to distract myself."

"Quite a fine distraction you chose."

"Shut up." I groaned.

"What did you guys talk about?"

"I don't know.” That was a slight lie. I partially remembered poking about the whole sculpture story because deep down, my curiosity was drawn to it.

That couldn’t have been the case with the range of texts exchanged a little after the call. I'd tried to read a few, but I had no data and we were too out of reach to access the hotel WiFi by the time I discovered it.

"Well, let's hope you didn't send any nudes."


"I have mates who did that when they were drunk texting an ex or something. This one guy accidentally sent it to his dad's boss and it got pretty twisted because it turned out that wasn't the first naked pic of a kid the boss had on his phone."

"Will please shut up now you're not helping."

He did just that. Then all that lay was the background noises of a busy Dutch terminal in the morning.
Ever so slowly, I scooted closer to the boy scrolling on his phone and I rested my head to his shoulder. His honey brown eyes never leaving the screen, he caressed my hair and tension left my body at his tender motherly-like touch. I shut my eyes.

"Don't worry, Stevie. You'll be—"

"I said shut up."


Once we were up in the air, my heart started hammering and reluctantly, I went to my social media chat box. There were no nudes, thankfully to learn but I was highly doubtful on that anyway. What was surprising was that the chats consisted of very ordinary topics, no flirting intent or anything like that. Even more surprisingly, the chats ranged up to two hundred and went on for the span of three hours.

I'd only ever done that kind of thing with Ashton— just how sleep deprived was I?

No. I couldn't write it off as that. It seemed somewhere in my delirious mind felt high hope. Hess wasn't as empty as I thought.

That maybe, he held that misinterpretation Fenna had and I suddenly grew sympathetic. Will didn't know Fenna at all but he was kind enough not to stomp on her heart just because it wasn't reciprocated. Perhaps, I needed to follow that example. Even if I wasn't dealing with a sweetheart like Fenna, Hess was still, though easily forgettable, human too.


That day went on to be just a day. A day where another one of Coeus' victory was honoured, Garren stood at the centre and the only thing most of the student body really cared about; a party.

Garren hosted, I got acquainted with people who normally paid me no mind in the classes I shared with them. Now those same would make it a duty to acknowledge me if I passed them in the corridors. It was incredible.

I got Shaun into a closet with me during the storm of the party to test tasting him with tongue. The effect was great but fell far from what I'd even consider as everything. I had tried to be patient, giving it a few times delving in and some groping, but it didn't amount to that feat. So the formula must've been time.

No problem. I could wait. I'd explore many other grounds while I did, too.
So tomorrow came also like any other day and when I walked into linguistic, I wasn't expecting a difference but there I came surprised to see Carmen Costello slouched in one of the back row seats.

It made me scoff. To think we'd shared a class for a whole term. It appeared the change in perception applied to me too. Carmen tore her deep hazelnut eyes from her jotter when the chair in front screeched against the floor. They widened before contorting to that steely gaze she did so cutely as I grinned back. "Morning."

I received no greeting and she faced her book. She ignored my existence throughout the lesson, along with the majority of what Mrs. Harvey lectured on. Scribbling in her jotter every now and then. She put her arm up as a shield if she caught me peeking.

I planned to have an 'accidental run-in' with Shaun by the west hall that would lead to snogging by the fire escape to put into action before heading to history, when my ears pricked up on an interesting conversation.

"Carmen, your scores are tanking."

I peered to see a bored Carmen stood at Mrs. Harvey's desk as the woman chastened her with a deep frown. "You promised me that you would improve so I laid off and you're doing more poorly than last term. It is not acceptable."

"Sorry." She hardly sounded sincere.

"An simple apology is not what I want to hear. I want you to quit idling by, drawing doodles in your book and take your studies seriously." said Mrs. Harvey. "I've heard from your chemistry and maths teacher that your falling behind there too. This can't go on. Now, do I have to make a call to your parents or—?"

"No! Please don't." Carmen pleaded. "I-I'll study alright? Just give me some time."

Mrs. Harvey pursed her lips. "I would like to believe that but you've tested my trust once too many. So, I need to see something more solid than your given word."

Carmen was visibly at loss. It didn't matter if she had the whole day—her brightly coloured head wouldn't think of something feasible to appease the woman sat waiting with arms folded.

"Um, excuse me." The pair turned, comprehending my presence as I meekly stepped forward.

"Oh Stevie, what is it?" asked Mrs. Harvey.

"I apologise for eavesdropping but I just thought that I can tutor Carmen, if she'd like."

I watched in amusement at the look of horror that erupted on her face. Mrs. Harvey's was the complete opposite. "Oh really? That would be splendid!"

"What? Hell no!" Carmen exclaimed.

"Language, young lady." hissed Mrs. Harvey. "And what are you objecting for? She's offering to save you from being the first student in all my years in this school at failing a class. Do you want to bring such disgrace to St. Sinclair and your parents?"

Carmen held her tongue, shooting me daggers. "Okay, I'll get a tutor but please miss, not her."

"No." Mrs. Harvey refused. "Stevie has the top marks in the class and not to mention, she's part of our exceptional academics club. She's perfect. Why wouldn't you want her?"

"Isn't she busy with her club stuff to be taking on tutoring me?"

Mrs. Harvey cued me with a glance.
"Not really. Our biggest project was the IAO but now that that's done, my schedule's pretty open." I informed with a smile.

Our teacher happily mirrored it. "Oh yes, congrats again on that."

"Thank you miss."

"Well then it's settled; Carmen, Stevie will tutor you for the remaining term and you had better listen to her well. This is your last chance."

I saw her hands clench, the fire starving to wreak havoc but she retained it in the end. Inhaling deeply, she shot me one final evil eye and stormed out. I sent Mrs. Harvey a polite nod then sped off after the punk girl.

"Carmen, wait." She kept marching forward pretending she didn't hear when she was well within earshot.

I used all ounce of stamina to just tug on her backpack so she begrudgingly halted, snapping her head my way. She vehemently shoved me off. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to and it's not going to work." She growled. "I won't ever accept you as Shaun's girlfriend. And I won't let you hurt him like the other one. So just keep your distance from me outside of studying. Got that?"

"Carmen I'm not trying to help you to get on Shaun's good side." I was pretty sure I could get on all his sides without regarding her. "I'm helping you because I honestly like you."

"Bollocks." She spat.

"It's true and, I think it would do you a lot of good not just academically but in every way to get along with me."
She laughed. "Never in a million years would I be friends with you."

"We don't have to be besties." I assured her. "But I already know more about you than even your closest friends."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know your biggest secret."

Carmen rose a brow, the sheer skepticism and confidence so vibrant yet it was only mere seconds away from crumbling to smithereens. "Oh and what would that be? That I stole a pen from the staff room?" She dramatically gasped. "Oh no, the cat's out of the bag. Please, don't tell anyone."

"Well, I didn't think I'd be tutoring a thief but sure, I'll keep it in the closet," I stepped closer and spoke in a hush, "just like your sexuality."

Carmen's face was artistically drained of all colour and cockiness. Pale white as a sheet. It wasn't a large jump to make when observing little tells and why despite her spunk, she refrained from letting it out to anyone.

"I'm sure Mrs. Harvey would've struck a better deal if she knew you were the daughter to the director of the super elite Harvey Julliard." I began, devouring how she shrunk as I pressed on, "In fact, your family holds a tradition dating back to decades of every male graduating from that place. And that's what scares you more than your folks knowing you failed a class, isn't it?"

Carmen's lips tremored, trying to form a comeback through her paralysed state but it was a rhetorical question anyway.

"I mean, you already can't enroll in their family's school legacy. It just makes you wish how everything would've been better if you were a boy—"

I barely got out the word before I was pinned against the wall. Shock subsided, she flew into the defense mode and her fire was set to torch me. She could possibly attempt to do it too, the halls were nearly deserted.

"I'm not gay." Her venomous tone only to mask her panic. "I'm not so don't you dare say a word."

"Were you listening to me just a second ago? I said I wouldn't. Besides, I've got no proof since you don't exactly go around waving a rainbow down the halls. Who would believe what I say on word alone?"

Which we both know was the biggest load of bullshit. This community was a flock of vultures looking for whatever body cut by rumours, false or not to devour and feast. The expanse to spread, even further mangled from the beginning. Any word of someone with a title was golden and I was at the top of that in St. Sinclair.

I was simply letting her know truth or her heterosexual act wasn't going to be able to prevent anything if I decided to squeal. It sank in soon enough as her eyes fell to the floor. "Whatever. Give me your number and address so I know when to come round to study."

The grin I'd been holding back was free to show. "I'm so glad you understand."

As she brought out her phone, I reached out my fingers to stroke her mane of ebony and indigo that I resisted the urge to do since what felt like forever. She flinched.

It was a lot softer than it looked. Just like her. "I've been meaning to say, I really like your hair."

Carmen smacked my hand away. "Never put those filthy things on me again." She adjusted her backpack strap, steering the path with hefty strides and high held up. Twirling back at one moment to flash me her middle finger.

The scowl she had on was menacing enough to trigger a faint reminder of Ashton's and it made me shiver with delight.


When I got to the hotel, Nadia was sporting those weird looks again. This time, I dodged past her and ignored her calling my name as I sprinted into the elevator. I was seriously going to get my uncle to sack her if she let one more weirdo into my suite. I flung open my door, ready to give hell to whoever was attempting to ambush me when a rosey aroma hit my nose.

A fairy goddess draped in a satin floral robe that was wider than my sheets was perched on my bed. "Bonjour, Alice."

I broke into a smile and dove into Ms. Dion's arms as she wrapped them around me. We started giggling and rolling along the bed for a while as I let myself get lost in her celestial essence. Sometimes I would begin wondering if she was real or maybe a being sent from above. Just the presence of her had me bawling with emotions.

We calmed ourselves down and she said she wanted to take me out to dinner in celebration of the project. I'd forgotten it was coming out today. She'd even brought me a copy of the issue, pointing proudly at each one she assisted in crafting in the layouts. I could tell without her word, her style was familiar to me and I could recognise it from a mile away.

At one point, we reached a page where I recognised one that Ms. Dion didn't single out but it definitely had her flair of influence marking it. Then it hit me why it was so familiar; it was the outfit I'd worn to the Dutch nightclub. The V-neck was a different shade to blend with the theme and the model's Burgundy Cardigan was definitely not bought on a bargain sale two years ago but it was my attire from head to toe. "Um, Ms. Dion who designed this?" I questioned.

"Oh it wasn't one of the people listed but Beswick himself. He added it in last minute. I thought it was pretty good." She stated. "I felt glad for the girl who they called back to wear it— she was one I was forced to boot out of fifty others and it was a very difficult choice to make. I don't know how those judges on X Factor do it. She's close to your age too, y'know? And when they're that young..."

I zoned out as Ms. Dion rambled on. My eyes were fixated on the issue. Last minute, she'd said. Then he'd definitely gotten it from me.

'You look nice, by the way.'

His comment I was sure had been said mockingly had in fact, been genuine. I swallowed the mixed feelings that washed in.

Did I still hate him? Yes. Did I feel flattered he'd actually put it in his magazine? Hell yes. Did that ultimately sum up I cared about the opinion of a selfish tyrant who couldn't give a damn about me and only used my image for profit? Apparently so.

I mentally sighed.

It was back to the drawing board on my pillar of my self-esteem. I'd get the priorities in order, make it air tight and strong as steel. A fortress from there on out.


As Mr. Dulfer wiped away the course we'd just recapped off the board, I could tell what was on every boy and girl's mind in that room. The clock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. On it went in that never ending cycle with no way for man to be sure where it ever began. The minute hand was so slothful in budging, like it had been burdened with the weight of every student and faculty member's stress through the year but ardently, it persisted. It clasped over to align on the exact middle of three. The shrill dismissal bell sounded.

Class was officially over. The school year had reached its end.

I swore I could feel the high spirits of my peers as they got up from their seats they'd never have to put their bottoms on for three months. Three, glorious months away from the school, the gossip, the hierarchies and the overall drama that every teenager lived through at least once. In my case, several but who was counting? That was over for now.

We were all getting a much deserved break and I knew more than half were going to spend those first few hours lying in bed doing nothing. I sure as hell was.

No time to spare, I made my way to my locker to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything I'd want to take with me. That was where I found someone standing there that shouldn't be.

Ashton Moore.

Her dirty blonde hair was curled by the tips, her bangs cut short in preparation for the season and it felt like I hadn't seen her in a lifetime. I aimed to consider that it was bad timing but she was leant right against my locker. She knew that was my locker, there was no way she'd forgotten. I calmly walked forward and as I grew nearer, her eyes found mine. She straightened, pushing herself off the compartment to face me. Then she just stared, looking so surprised like she didn't expect to see me here.

I stayed unperturbed. Whatever little game she had in mind, I wasn't going to let her play me. "Hi." I greeted.

"Hi." Her voice hoarse.

I didn't let myself go into thinking why. "How've you been?"

"Good. You?"

"I'm alright. Is there something I can help you with?"

Witnessing her tug at her sleeves, a nervous habit still so fresh in my mind from when I was invited to that party. I didn't think I'd ever be the cause again.

"That day you asked me to deal with you wanting to stay friends with them, there were some things I need to tell you."

"Really? I thought you told me more than enough. What, with just walking away and avoiding me."

She frowned. "You've been avoiding me and Liam too."

"Were you expecting me to just start following you everywhere? Don't try to guilt trip me with bull, Ashton." She paused, looking alarmed by my tone. "I don't know what you came here for but please leave."

When I took assertive steps forward, she backed up, yielding me space to pry open and get the hell out of here. Only, she was still standing looking at me. I knew she was.

"Stevie, this isn't easy for me."

I whipped my head to her, incredulous. "For you?" I scoffed. "What hasn't been easy? I'm the one who got deserted."

"I know!" Ashton bawled. "I know and, and I know I shouldn't have done that to you." Her bottom lip trembling. "I didn't come here to fight with you. I came to apologise."

"Apologise?" I parroted. "You waited until now to do this?"

"It's been on my mind everyday and you don't know how many times I tried to walk over to you or step into the hotel. I, I even called once— you know that time? I was lying. It wasn't an accident. I just couldn't do it when I thought..."

"Thought what?"

"You hated me." She choked out in a strain that was nothing like the girl I knew had nerves of steel. Dauntless to no end. "And Jesus, it scares me to death, Stevie. I'm shaking."

I stared down to her hands and true enough, her fingers were trembling frantically. I couldn't stop myself anymore. I pulled Ashton to my chest, binding my arms to trap her there as I shut my eyes, leaving the pleasure of senses to my nose and touch. Her Cashmere Quartz perfume was still what she wore and her heart was pounding wildly to reassure me her words were genuine.

I drew back to be met with tear stained cheeks. I held the sides of her face in both hands. "I could never hate you." My voice a whisper, despite the school being a ghost town now.

We might as well have been the haunting spirits with unfinished business. Inevitably drawn to meet each other. Now the curse was finally lifted before it completely ate away at both of us.

I was rewarded with that wholehearted smile shaping her lips. "Really?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too." She sniffled. "God, if somebody overheard this it would seem really misunderstanding."

I feigned a hurt look. "What, you mean you didn't come here to seduce me?"

"Maybe I should. It'd be more of a challenge than Liam. I just grab a banana from the fruit bowl and he pounces on me."

That kindled a fit of chuckles from within me, sparking in Ashton subsequently and we're both just laughing like we always did. How many more times could we have done this if things had gone a little differently? I wondered.

"Can I come over?" Ashton questioned in a squeak. She was still apprehensive that I'd suddenly turn around and push her away.

"I'd love that but I'm going home and staying there for the week." I informed her, feeling apologetic.

I couldn't cancel it now even if it was for her. My parents were always excited that I'd be around for longer than just a day and I'd broken my habit of frequent visits thanks to all the craziness that happened this term. I didn't want to make them think I’d forgotten about them.

"Oh, okay. Yeah that makes sense." Ashton muttered. "Uh, why don't I help you pack then?"

"I packed last night."


"You could come with me. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind. They've always wanted to me you too."

"I can't. Tonight, I'm joining Liam's family on a cruise. It's to celebrate a huge investment deal one their new supplements and a chance for me to finally meet them as his girlfriend. I can't miss it. Sorry."

"That’s okay. When will you be back?"

"Next Friday. So I can just meet up— oh wait, the shooting starts by Saturday."

My brows knitted. "Shooting?"

"Oh yeah, I um, y'know Diana right? She got me an audition for this upcoming TV show her dad's directing. It's got this musical theme so there'll be a lot of singing but it's a thriller too so like, kinda stupid.” Ashton shifted her weight, cheeks a little pink to betray she was shy to confess it. “I thought it could help get me a kick start on getting scouted by a label, maybe. I got casted."

"Wow, congrats. That sounds great."


"And uh, how much time exactly is that gonna take?"

"I'm not sure but I know I'll be in town for my aunt Hayley's wedding on the 23rd. I'll just sneak out of the rehearsal dinner and meet up with you."

I pursed my lips. "Did you say the 23rd?"


"I'll be in Venice by then."

"Venice?" Ashton jerked her head back. "You mean like, Italy?"

I nodded. "Ben's parents own a beach house there and he invited me to join him and the guys."

"Can't you just go a little later?"

"He's planning to celebrate his eighteenth birthday there too. It's on the 24th."



A silence lapsed over us as we stood, processing just how fate seemed to be pulling a cruel joke on us. We'd drifted and formed new roads, finally to meet again but only to cross over by our contradicting schedules.
Ashton chuckled but it fell flat from sincere. "What the hell, so we won't see each other even once for maybe the whole summer? That's... wow."

That was when her smile weakened. I hastily cradled her cheeks, tears on the verge of spilling and I didn't dare let it sink lower. Otherwise, I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep my own at bay. "I'll call you everyday." I declared. "And we can Skype too so there you go, I will see you."

"No, I'll call you first." She said. "I need a do over to regain my dignity from chickening out last time."

"Okay. Just make sure to charge your phone or I'll think you fell over board and got lost at sea."

Ashton rolled her eyes. "Paranoid much?"

"It's possible."

"I'll call you before we board, alright? I promise."

"Alright. Then I'll be waiting."

By that, I no longer had to support the faltering bridge on her face and she graced me with the widest, endearing smile which involuntarily trickled a tear. I moved to wipe it before it slipped when I found her closing the distance to brush my lips with hers. In that faintest of kisses, it surged deeper than anything Shaun stirred in me. We held each other again, even tighter. Not to savour it but to convey we both knew this was a friendship neither of us could really let die.

As it turned out, I was still far too naïve.

A/N: What do you think about Stevie and Ashton's reconciliating? Do you agree that they were right to give their friendship another shot?

Also, I'd love to know everyone's favourite pairings (it doesn't have to be romantic and can be multiple pairings)

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