Perfection of Hell

Bởi Emogrape__

725 5 5

In the kingdom of Asheora, a prince named Amiro Utasa has to deal with past and current issues, along with le... Xem Thêm

Author's note
A/N read before continuing


16 0 0
Bởi Emogrape__

Amiro was exhausted; his hair was a mess, and his body was covered in bruises, cuts, and cum. He had initially half expected Kien to release him in the first few days. However, as he remained bound in the same location for nearly a week, with Kien returning regularly to assert his control, he realised freedom was not on the horizon. Nobody had even come to look for him at that time either, which wasn't surprising to him. He didn't even know anyone who would come to look for him, but that's what he got for not getting close to anyone. He despised it, knowing that it was his actions that led to this predicament.

His entire body tensed as the basement door creaked open, and in the mirror's reflection, he caught a glimpse of Kien entering the room. He was holding something; Amiro could hardly see what it was until Kien stood behind him, reaching in front of him. It dawned on him that he had a dog collar only when Kien was already fastening it around his neck. In his time with Kien, he realised that struggling only worsened the situation, so he remained still, allowing Kien to use him as he pleased. He blocked out most of it but could still feel his hands all over his body; he could feel the ruthless thrusting that always left him in pain. He could also hear Kien's sickening words, most of which were about breeding him, and recently, more praise.

Amiro didn't mind the praise, as sick as it was, but the praise for his obedience pleased him; the breeding part worried him. He liked the idea of being bred, but he did not want it to happen in this manner, especially not by Kien. With each passing day, Amiro's worry escalated, fearing that Kien might have impregnated him. Anxiety raced through Amiro's mind as he pondered how he would cope if the situation indeed unfolded as he feared. The idea of bearing Kien's child tormented him relentlessly, a nightmare he couldn't rid himself of. He forcefully shook those thoughts from his head, as if trying to rid himself of an unwelcome presence. He's given birth before, and he did well; surely he'd do well this time too. Then, he stopped feeling Kien's thrusts and watched him walk in front of him.

Expecting a harsh slap or something worse, he watched instead as Kien crouched down and removed the chain holding his feet in place. "I'm allowing you to go anywhere in the house you please, but do not go outside, and you must listen to me. Understand?" Amiro gave a small nod and said, "Yes, sir, I understand." Amiro's voice was hoarse, and it surprised him; he hadn't been speaking the past few days, so it was expected, but not this bad. "Good boy," Kien whispered and untied his hands before patting his head and leaving him to explore the house. Amiro's legs were weak, and he stumbled to the basement door, where he then climbed the stairs slowly. He had been in Kien's house many times and knew where everything was, so the first thing he did was go to the bathroom to take a shower.

He turned the water to the hottest setting and got in. He sat on the floor of the shower, letting the water burn his skin, and then he finally started washing himself off. He found his shampoo and everything rather quickly. Amiro assumed Kien had taken them with him when he kidnapped him, but he was happy about that; he wasn't about to use Kien's soaps. He dried himself off and walked to Kien's room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He knocked first, not wanting to annoy Kien. He eventually watched the door swing open, and Kien looked him up and down. "Do you need something?" Amiro hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Do you have any of my clothes from when I used to come over?" Kien shook his head, but Amiro noticed a smug smile spread across his face. "But, I do have some clothes I bought you before I brought you here." Amiro grimaced but nodded. "Oh, okay. Where are they?"

Kien pointed to his closet. "In there, they're on the right." Amiro nodded and walked into the closet. He looked around; everything matched his style currently, so he picked out a light pink skirt and a white mesh shirt and put them on. When he walked out of the closet, he was met by Kien standing in front of him. He looked him up and down, then gave him an approving nod. "Perfect." He murmured and ran his hand across Amiro's cheek. Amiro played with the hem of his skirt a little nervously and gave a weak smile. "Thank you." He managed to get out. "Uhm, when are you getting the pregnancy test to see if I'm pregnant?"

"Sometime in the next few weeks. Unless you're that excited to have my kids." Kien chuckled, and Amiro shook his head. "No, I just wanted to know." Kien patted his shoulder. "Now go make dinner; I'll join you soon." Amiro nodded and headed to the kitchen, where he began to think about what he wanted to make. He eventually decided on chicken; he wasn't going to eat, and he didn't have much of an appetite at the moment, so he made just enough for Kien. Amiro finished and plated the food before calling for Kien. He was there soon after and looked at his plate, then at Amiro. "Aren't you going to eat?" Amiro shook his head and gave Kien a small smile. "No, I'm not hungry." Kien didn't say anything else and sat down. He patted his lap for Amiro to sit.

He was hesitant at first, but after a minute, he sat on Kien's lap and cuddled close to him. He was tense, and he was sure Kien could tell, but he didn't care. Kien wrapped one arm around his waist and used the other to eat. "This is good; you've gotten better at cooking." Amiro hummed in response and nodded. Kien eventually lifted Amiro's head, offering him a bit of the food. The taste made Amiro's stomach churn, and he couldn't bring himself to swallow it. He just let the chicken sit in his mouth until he could make up an excuse to go to the bathroom. Amiro's heart raced as he tried to hide his discomfort, feeling guilty for not being able to eat the food. He quickly excused himself and hurried to the bathroom, his heart pounding with the fear of Kien noticing his unease. He desperately hoped to avoid Kien's scrutiny. He spat the food out in the toilet, feeling a wave of nausea and guilt wash over him. He sat on the bathroom floor for a long while, grappling with his emotions. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down before returning to the table. He sat on Kien's lap, and when asked why he got up so suddenly, he just said he needed to use the bathroom.

To his surprise, Kien believed him and pulled him close to him once again. After a while, Kien stood, still holding onto Amiro, and took him to his room. He laid Amiro down on the bed and hovered above him. Amiro stared at Kien with a hint of fear in his eyes, but Kien ignored that and kissed him. Amiro had no choice but to kiss back, and he let his body fall limp under Kien. His skirt had risen, and when they broke the kiss, Kien took off his own pants. Amiro stared up at the ceiling as he felt Kien's cock enter him. He winced a little, but after a few seconds, it wasn't too hard for him to imagine himself somewhere else. He remained silent as Kien thrust into him, each movement sending a jolt of pain through his body. The only noises in the room were Kien's low grunts, skin against skin, and the bed creaking. It felt like hours had passed before Kien finally came and collapsed beside Amiro. He pulled him into his chest and kissed his neck softly while whispering to him. Amiro's eyes started to tear up, and he stilled himself as much as he could, and he cried. He cried until he was holding his breath because if he didn't, Kien would hear him. He cried until his head throbbed with pain, tears blurring his vision. Exhausted and overwhelmed, he cried until darkness enveloped him in unconsciousness. 

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