Yes, Miss?

By iloveolderwmen

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new teacher replaces her favourite, much to her surprise she's a lot better... teacher x student #welovewomen More



567 13 29
By iloveolderwmen


I let myself stay up last night, I texted Mels until she fell asleep and then proceeded to send endless vlogs to my best friend about my day. She screamed with joy when I told her about my antics. I didn't tell her about the kiss.

I can't stop thinking about it.

I've been away from her for so many hours her scent no longer lingers on my body or around me, I find myself searching for the jumper she had washed for me. I slide it on and I'm instantly at peace. Inhaling the fabric all my thoughts about her flood in at once, I remember her body tight between my legs as her hands explored my hair and her tongue explored my mouth. 

I crave her touch and her taste. The way her lips tasted so sweet without any reason, the way our lips fit so perfectly together and our hands like magnets, connected. 

I ache to feel her hair slip through my fingers again, to listen to that gentle gasp on repeat. 

I need her.

These thoughts have to stop. It's only a day. I see her tomorrow. 

My mum is nowhere to be seen, so I take over the front room as usual. I quickly dig into the cupboard to find a bag of salted popcorn. Obviously the best flavour...

I park myself down onto the sofa and switch the TV on.

I sit here for hours on end just watching TaraYummy, she's my muse. After a while I get myself dressed and clean and decide to take a trip to the shop to grab some sweet treats. When I reach the door to get my coat, the doorbell goes.

I swing the door open super fast, not peeping through the glass to check who's stood behind. 

I'm met with the person I've been daydreaming about. She stands on my doorstep, for the second time this week, her blonde hair whipping around in the wind. She's clutching a plastic bag and she wears a sneaky smile.

She barges into my house and removes her shoes, surprised, I close the door behind her and follow her.

'Melissa?' I ask incredulously.

'The one and only' She comes over and kisses my cheek, then pulls open her bag, revealing dozens of sweets. 

She then slides over to the sink in her pink socks and grabs a bowl from the above cabinet.

She knows her way around my kitchen already.

The blonde rips open all her sweet packets and pours them all in at once.

'Candy salad' She simply states, popping a sour worm in her mouth

'What on earth are you doing here?' I ask, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

'I came to visit, I missed you I guess' She shrugs

'What about work...' I raise an eyebrow

'The kids I was teaching have a trip, free day!' She exclaims and turns to face me, now placing her arms around my waist. I bury my nose into her shoulder and inhale her scent, my heart warms. 

We stand and sway for a while, just holding eachother. Eventually she gets fidgety and pulls away, gripping her 'candy salad' and shuffles towards the sofa. I follow close behind and we sit together, my arms around her and her head on my shoulder. She flicks through Netflix to find a movie for us to watch. She chooses something called 'Bloomington' which she had to download using Prime. We start to watch it and I realise slowly what it's about. 

A teacher student romance, how coincidental. 

Melissa starts to get bored after about an hour and starts poking and playing with my hair. She makes me turn to look at her while she fiddles around, I can't help but stare at her lips.

I lean in and press a kiss on them, feeling her hand reach back and fall into my hair.

This kiss lasts a lifetime, so I wish. She kisses me full of a burning passion, her lips so sweet I need more. I pull away and hook a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear, and then place my lips on hers hungrily. I grip her waist as I kiss her more intensely, she pulls me down as she lies across the sofa. I'm towering over her, sitting on her waist. I hold her tightly in my arms, feeling the tension between us heat up. Our lips are combined, a battle of dominance. I give in and follow her lead for a while, letting her have the control of the kiss. I felt the need inside of me grow stronger every time we pulled away, every smirk she gave me every movement she made. I adjust my position, our lips still connected. One leg sits between hers, the other holds me up. I slide my knee forwards, slotting it between her legs. I feel her body move underneath me, she pushes against my knee, gasping quickly as I increase the pressure. She gasps into my mouth as her heat rides against me, hitting just the right spot. I press harder, pulling away from the kiss to watch her. Her eyes are shut, her mouth is open. She releases a gentle moan, making my head spin. I want her to do that again. I press against her spot again, harder this time. Her eyes snap open and lock onto mine as I look at her with a grin. A moan spills from her mouth, my eyes widen and I'm aching to touch her. Melissa looks up again, biting her lip hard as I move my leg away from her centre. She watches me closely as I lean down and leave a light kiss on her lips, then sit up.

I hear her sigh and I turn to look at her. 

'Baby...Please' She catches my eye and groans.

baby. im so wet

'Hmm?' I ask, innocently

'Lily.' She closes her eyes and leans her head back onto the sofa. After a few seconds she leaps up and announces she's going to the toilet. 

I sit on my own in awe for a minute, until she returns. I replay the noises that emerged from her mouth in my head over and over and over again. 

Fucking hell. I need the toilet. 

I walk to the bathroom and wait for her to come out, leaning against the wall.

She walks out, her face a deep red and her hands damp. 

'You okay sweetface' I wink at her

She scowls, but reaches up and kisses me on the lips, letting me go into the toilet. As she passes me in the hallway I look down and slap her ass, making her jump. 

that was an impulse okay. anyone in their right mind would do that if their girl had SUCH A NICE BUM...

My girl, I think to myself as I clean myself up. God the things this woman does to me. 

I finish in the bathroom and make my way back into the living room to find Melissa scrolling on my phone.  I plot myself down next to her and peek at what she's doing. Scrolling through my recent messages for some reason...

'Who's Lizzie' She asks

'My friend, she lives in Northern Ireland'

'You speak to her alot. Do you know her in real life?' She raises an eyebrow

'No, why?' Online friends are the bestest friends' I exclaim

She just narrows her eyes and keeps scrolling.

I think nothing of it as I watch the TV in front of me, zoning out.

'Let's do something' Melissa suddenly announces

'Okay, like what?' I reply

'Let's bake a cake' She hops up and starts pulling things from the cupboard, laying them out. She then searches up a recipe on her phone and sets it against the wall.

'What kind of cake?' I ask

'Hmmm, what's your favourite?' She looks up at me, tying her hair up.

'Lemon drizzle. Yours?' Her eyes light up and she smiles widely.

'Same!' She does a little head shake as she speaks with excitement. 

We read the recipe and she lets me mix the eggs for a minute, before she takes it out of my hands.

'You need to do it right, Lily.' She demands.

'Woah, bossy' I remark.

'I'll show you bossy' She looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

'Oh yeah?' I toy

'Shutup' She replies

'Rude' I snort, secretly gripping flour between my fingers, ready to strike.

'What's that behind your back?' She grabs my arm, trying to see. I quickly pull out of her reach and blow on my palm, sending flurries of white dusk into her face, coating her hair in flour. 

'Lily Rimble. Are you JOKING me' She screams, gripping a handful of her own. 

I squeal and run around the island, she chases me and throws it across, it lands on my chest, spreading over my clothes and leaving a big spot.

'Melissa. I just washed this.' I joke, trying not to laugh.

I grab more and sneak up behind her, slapping it onto her stomach, leaving my handprint behind. She screams and runs across the living room, the excess flour covering her socks, marking her feet out in my house. I can't hear her giggles anymore...

I follow the prints on the floor, like a child would on Christmas. Armed with another handful of chaos I tiptoe around the room, finally spotting where she's hidden. The small nook under my stairs. The footprints stop and I hide behind the door, waiting for her to come out. A few seconds after, I see her now streaky white hair poke out from the corner. I take my chance and pounce, getting her right in the face with the flour, she sputters for a minute and then I see her face.

She looks at me, tilting her head to the side. Even coated in flour, her eyes mean war. I run for my life and hide in the utility room, my heart thumps. I hear nothing for a while. Nervous, I peek my head out of the door. Stupid decision. I'm met with a blast of dry dust, it even gets in my mouth. I hear Mels burst into a fit of laughter and as I'm scraping it from my eyes I see her clutching her stomach on the floor, she cackles at me loudly. I walk over after releasing my face of the powder and tickle her with my foot, making her writhe on the floor.

'Lily, stop no tickling Lily PLEASE' She screams with laughter and I have to come to a stop before I wet myself from giggling at the sight.

She lies on the floor, surrounded by flour, like a layer of snow. I lie beside her and she rolls towards me, so we're face to face. She gives me a sweet smile.

'That was the most fun I've had in a while.' She says, still catching her breath. 

I lean over and kiss her forehead before lying on my back, arms spread. I make an angel out of the wasted flour and she copies. I pull myself up using the counter and offer my hand down to Melissa, who grips it tightly and looks down at our creation. 

'That's cute' She states, and then wanders off to find her phone. She takes a picture and smiles to herself. 

'I guess we're not making the cake then...' I laugh.

'Errr yes we are' She trots over to the counter and continues mixing, her full concentration is now on the cake.

She lets me mix the dry ingredients, only after making me pinky promise not to start another food fight.

We bake together and I put on some music for the overhead speakers.

'Be my baby, The Ronettes' starts playing, my favourite song.

I sing along under my breath as Melissa is icing the cake. She spots me singing and grabs my hands, prancing around the room with me. 

My cheeks hurt from smiling. 

When the song ends, she kisses me softly and holds up our creation. I take a picture of her beautiful smile. 

She cuts a slice for us to share, it melts in our mouths.

We keep dancing around the kitchen together, our hands don't leave eachothers.


aren't they cute x

be my baby is actually my favourite song its so cute pls go listen



-dais xoxo

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