Love and High School are Just...

By nickie_thg

52.3K 869 860

Follow Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Annie, Glimmer, Marvel, Johanna, Gale, Cato, and Clove through their final ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

1.1K 24 22
By nickie_thg

Glimmer POV:

    I'm in a car with Clove, Ian, Loki, and Marvel. It's Ian driving, Loki has shotgun, and I'm in the back in the middle of Clove and Marvel. Finnick and Annie took Finnick's car; Peeta is driving himself, Katniss, Kay, Rue, and Prim. Thresh is taking his own car. We are all meeting at the game with Johanna.

    "So is everyone rooting for the mutts tonight?" Marvel asks.

    "No, I'm rooting for the jabberjays," Clove says. "Yes, we're rooting for the mutts."

    "Just trying to make conversation," Marvel says. We pull into the parking lot and Ian pulls into a spot next to Katniss' and Finnick's cars. I see everyone sitting on the front steps of the school. We all walk over to them.

   "Long to no see," I say grabbing Annie's shoulders.

  "Hey, you finally came!" Finnick says. "How long have you been waiting for us?" I ask.

  "Like two minutes," Peeta says. "Here comes Johanna that Gale?" All of our heads snap to where Peeta is looking.

  "Yeah, that's Gale," Katniss says.

  "What is she doing with Gale?" Annie asks. She can be so clueless sometimes.

   "She obviously ditched us for Gale," Clove and I say at the same time.

   "Did you guys see the new episode of that show?" Finnick asks trying to make it look like we weren't just talking about Johanna.

   "What show?" Johanna asks coming up behind Finnick.

   "Oh never mind," Finnick says.

   "Clove. Bathroom. Now," I say. She nods. We go inside the school and into the bathroom.

   "What's up?" she asks. "As soon as Peeta mentioned Johanna's name you tensed up."

   "No I didn't," I say. I don't remember tensing up.

   "Whatever. Do you actually need to go to the bathroom?" she asks.

   "No. I need to talk to you alone," I say. She nods. "So I have this, like, new hatred for Johanna." She looks confused.

   "Whyyyy?" she asks dragging out the 'y'.

   "Because she got me grounded," I say.

   "How?" she asks.

   "Because today we had that Math test. I forgot to study, so I went out in the hallway. Do not kill me, but I talked to Cato," I say. Her face goes red with anger. Then she takes a deep breath and calms down. "He told me that I should cheat, so I did. As soon as the game's over, I have to go home because I'm grounded for two weeks and as of Monday, I'm suspended for three days. My mom is letting me go to homecoming because I already bought everything for it. Plus she always bad mouths Marvel."

   "Glim, four things. First, I'm so happy someone else doesn't like Johanna. Second, how did she catch you? Third, who did you cheat off of? And fourth, why would you take advice from Cato?" she says.

   I say, "I don't know how she caught me. I guess she saw me looking at Finch's paper. I don't know why I took advice from Cato. I could've taken advice from the Devil I was so desperate. You're not mad at me right?"

   "No. I'm mad at Johanna. If I saw Cato cheating, I wouldn't turn even turn him in. Actually, I take that back, I would love to make his life a living hell. If I saw anyone I was friends with cheating I wouldn't turn them in," Clove says.

   "We should probably go, the game is going to start soon," I say.

Finnick POV:

     We got our seats as soon as Clove and Glimmer joined us again. Our seats are in the middle of the stands. It's Gale, Johanna, me, Annie, Marvel, Glimmer, Clove, Ian, Loki, Thresh, Peeta, Katniss, Prim, Rue, and Kay. Wow, there are a lot of us. Whatever. The game starts. In the first half, the jabberjays scored two touchdowns. We got a field goal. When it's halftime we all just stay in our seats.

     "Does anyone want food?" Peeta asks.

    "Duh," Johanna and I say.

   "Ok, I'll go get you guys some 'cause I want some too," Peeta says. He gets up. Katniss grabs his hand. He turns around.

   Katniss says, "I'm coming with you. Those Jabberyjay kids are dangerous."

   "Ok, let's go before everything good gets sold out," Peeta says. Katniss and him maneuver passed everyone and go down to the food stands.

   "I hope we don't lose. We always lose homecoming games," I say. Literally almost every year except last year we have lost. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but last year was the first year Cato got on the team. He is a really good player. For some reason Cato isn't playing. I'm not even sure he is even here.

   "We're losing because Cato isn't playing," Clove says.

   "Not necessarily true," Johanna says.

   "Really?" Clove challenges.

   "It's not like Cato carries the team," Johanna says.

   "Yeah he does. We have lost a majority of the games without him. Last year was the first time in twenty years that we made it to the championship and the first time in history that we won it. That was also the year Cato started playing. I don't think that's a coincidence," Clove says.

   "Why are you defending the guy you claim is your sworn enemy?" Johanna challenges now.

   "I'm not I'm defending the team. Why do you hate me so much?" Clove asks randomly.

   "Because you hate me," Johanna says. Well that's a valid reason.

   "I only 'hate' you because we were literally the only person here that didn't give me even a little bit of sympathy. Even Marvel--who we all know is still loyal to Cato and pretty much always well be--gave me some sign that he feels bad. Of course I'm going to hate someone that has been a bitch to me for six years!" Clove is now yelling. Some kids from the surrounding areas are looking at us.

   "I haven't been a bitch to you, you've been a bitch to me!" Johanna yells back. Johanna gets up and goes over to Clove. She pulls her hand back and forms a fist. She punches Clove in the jaw. Clove is about to fight back when I step in and drag Johanna away from Clove. "Don't touch me!" She shakes me off and goes down the bleachers. Gale goes after her. Clove grabs Glimmer's wrist and drags her down the bleachers. Marvel, Ian, and Loki all follow them. Now it's Annie, Thresh, Kay, Rue, and Prim.

   "Why don't we go and find Katniss and Peeta?" Prim says Kay and Rue.

   "Sure," Rue says. "Thresh, come with." Thresh nods and they all go off the bleachers.

   "Now it's just you and me," Annie says.

   "Yep," I say. I pull Annie onto my lap and starts to kiss her.

Katniss POV:

     Peeta and I start to walk back to the bleachers when I see Gale pull Johanna onto his car. They start making out. OMG!!!!! I start smacking Peeta. "Peeta, Peeta, Peeta, Peeta!!!!!"

     "Ow! What?" he asks looking down at his arm.

     "Look, look, look, look!!!!" I say pointing in the direction of Gale and Johanna and still hitting him.

     "What about him and Madge?" he asks moving my hand. I forgot about that.

    "I don't know. I need to record this," I say looking in my purse for my phone. I find it, give my purse to Peeta, and go into the camera app. I start to record them kissing. They stop and I think they saw me.

     "Peeta, run. I think they saw us. We need to get this to Madge and fast." We start to walk to the bleachers until I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see that it's Johanna and Gale.

     "Hey, we know that you saw us," Johanna says.

     "You can't tell anyone. Especially Madge. Please," Gale pleads.

     "We won't," Peeta says. "Can you guys help me with this?" I take my bag while Gale and Johanna take the food. "Thanks." We all walk up the bleachers and back to our friends. Well, what's left of them. I saw Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, Ian, and Loki all go off somewhere. I also saw Prim, Thresh, Kay, and Rue all go in line for food. So basically just Annie and Finnick acting flirty.

    "Hey, where is everyone?" I ask.

    "Coming up right now," Annie says. We all take our seats and watch the rest of the game. At the end of the third quarter the score is 21:3 Jabberjays winning so far. As fourth quarter starts I see that Cato is in the Game now. Good, we might have a chance at winning. By the end of the game the score is 21:24. We won! Everyone on the mutts side is cheering. I feel my phone vibrate. I see that I got a text from Madge saying 'party @ Delly's after game'. I see everyone looking at there phones. I guess everyone is coming.

     "Should we all just meet there?" I ask.

     "No I can't come. I'm grounded," Glimmer says.

     "What?" everyone but Clove and Johanna says.

      "Long story. Let's just say I cheated on a test and got caught. Cough, cough, Thanks Johanna, cough, cough," Glimmer says. That must be why Glimmer was in the office today.

      "I don't want to go to anything that evolves Delly," Clove says. That's understandable.

      "I didn't get a text sense I'm new so I'm just going to go home. I can drop of Kay, Prim, and Rue if you want," Thresh says to me.

      "Sure," I say.

      "Thresh, do you care if I ride home with you sense you are dropping of my sister?" Clove suggests.

      "Sure, and you can take shotgun," Thresh says.

      "Deal," Clove says satisfied. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Who's house are we meeting at?"

      "We can meet at mine," Annie pitches.

      "Boys, pick us up at 7:30." All the guys nod. "Thresh you can come with us too. You can meet us at the school."

       "Ok, c'mon people I'm taking home," Thresh says. Clove, Kay, Prim, and Rue all leave behind Thresh.

       "I'll drop Glimmer off then we can all meet at Delly's" Ian says. We all nod and go off to our cars.

Peeta POV:

     I drive myself and Katniss to Delly's. I see my friends cars and figure they are already inside. Katniss and I get out of the car. We meet at the front of my car and I grab her hand. We walk into Delly's huge house. "Her house is huge!" Katniss yells over the extremely loud music.

     "I know right! I haven't been here in like six years!" I yell back. The thing with Delly is that she used to be a total sweetheart in elementary school. She used to be one of my best friends. When we got to middle school she became popular and dropped me and my friends completely. That is another reason that Clove hates Delly.

     "Oh my God!" I hear Madge say from behind us.

     "I've been looking for you guys!"

      "Why?" I ask.

      "Have you seen Clove?" she asks.

      "No. She's not coming, but I have something to show you," Katniss says going on her phone. Oh no. Is she seriously going to be showing her the video? "Here," she says handing Madge her phone. Madge's expression is originally confused then it moves to shock and then to anger.

      "Where is he?" Madge asks.

      "We just got here," I say.

      "Do you mind if I use your phone to show this to him, Katniss?" she asks. Katniss shakes her head. "Good, I'll give this back to you later tonight." With that Madge is off and she is pissed.

Gale POV:

     I'm looking around for Madge with Delly when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I figure it's Johanna. I turn around and see that it's Madge. She slaps me. "What the hell?!" I ask.

     "What the hell is this?!" she screams. She shows me a video of me and Johanna from the game.

     "That isn't me," I say trying to cover my tracks.

     "To hell it isn't! That is your freaking face!" she screams again.

     "I'm sorry Madge. I didn't--" I say before getting cut off.

     "Save it. We're done. Go to that little slut. I hope you rot in hell, you bastard!" she says. She runs off. I turn to Delly and she slaps me.

     "What was that for?!" I ask.

     "Because you hurt my best friend!" she storms off to find Madge. What do I do now? Where is Cato?

Hey, guys! Last time I checked this story was almost at 600 reads! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story. Does any one else watch Brooklyn Nine Nine? That show is hilarious! So I'm really trying to update as much as possible because it's summer break and I don't have any homework. Please comment and vote! District13gal and I really appreciate it! Sorry if this chapter was really long. In the next few chapters some stuff is going down! I'm gonna go watch some more Youtube. Peace out girl scout!


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