Team AZUR: KANSEN Watch!

بواسطة Archer6ald

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Kinetic Artifactual Navy Self-regulative En-lore Node Watch is a technology that allows any individual to tra... المزيد

Volume 1 Chapter 2: Beacon Academy
Volume 1 Chapter 3: Initiation
Volume 1 Chapter 4: Emerald Forest
Volume 1 Chapter 5: Team AZUR
Volume 1 Chapter 6: First Day
Volume 1 Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Volume 1 Chapter 8: Forever Fall
Volume 1 Chapter 9: Stray
Volume 1 Chapter 10: Vol 1 Finale Part 1
Volume 1 Chapter 11: Vol 1 Finale Part 2
Volume 2 Chapter 12: Night Assault
Volume 2 Chapter 13: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2 Chapter 14: Investigation Begins
Volume 2 Chapter 15: White Fang Meeting
Volume 2 Chapter 16: We Need to Talk
Volume 2 Chapter 17: Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 18: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 19: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 20: Night Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 21: Vol 2 Finale
Volume 3 Chapter 22: Crow & Ice
Volume 3 Chapter 23: Fall
Volume 3 Chapter 24: Destiny
Volume 3 Chapter 25: Player Vs Program
Volume 3 Chapter 26: Evacuation
Volume 3 Chapter 27: Angel & Wyvern
Volume 3 Chapter 28: Demon & Taurus
Volume 3 Chapter 29: Vol 3 Finale

Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Crow

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بواسطة Archer6ald

Date: November 6, XXXX

Time: 9:05 PM

Location: Junior's Bar

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Qrow Branwen."

The owner of Junior's Bar welcomed. Qrow, the veteran huntsman, smirked. He knew what this meant.

"Did my niece beat up your boys?"

"More than that, Branwen. What do you want?"


Junior immediately took out a bottle and poured a glass. Taking a sip, it wasn't long before the huntsmen finished his drink.

"How much?"

"The drink or the damage?"


Taking out his scroll, Junior presented the amount. The screen showed a total of twenty thousand lien. Thinking about his two nieces put a smile on his face, sure. But one was also taking a large sum of lien in his pocket.

"That much?"

"I have to take care of my boys, Qrow."

"Yeah, I get that."

Qrow then took out his credit card and passed it to Junior. Last time he checked, it probably had more than twenty-five thousand lien, enough to pay for his niece's shenanigans.

"That's probably more than enough."

"My thanks."

Receiving his second glass, the huntsman took another sip. Unbeknownst to him, four new arrivals had entered the bar and immediately got the attention of the entire establishment.

"Four martinis, please."

Looking to his right, Qrow saw four gorgeous ladies. The person who ordered the drinks wore a naval hat and jacket. If he could describe her looks, it would be busty as hell.

'Well damn. This might be my lucky night.'

The veteran huntsman thought as the ladies took their seats.

"I've never seen your face. Are you new here?"

"Yes, I am."

"Qrow Branwen."

The huntsman introduced himself with a handshake, and luckily, the woman accepted. He smiled, seeing the woman's beautiful face as she shook his hand.


"Pleased to meet you."


Junior then stepped in with four martinis in hand and placed them down.

"Here's your order, ladies."

"Thank you, good sir."

A calm and soothing voice responded. Looking past Enterprise, Qrow was stunned to see someone dressed in a maid outfit, complete with a headdress.

"Are you okay?"

Enterprise asked with a worried expression. Regaining his posture, Qrow faced her and gave a smile.

"I'm fine. It's just that your friend over there surprised me."

"I see."

'What the hell is a maid doing here?'

Taking another sip, Qrow watched as Enterprise and her company drank their respective drinks.

"Well, if you ladies need anything else, don't hesitate and ask me."

"There is one more thing that we need."

The maid stated. This prompted Junior to stop and confront his customer.

"What is it?"

"Forged transcripts."

In a second, Qrow's world turned upside down. Forged transcripts, why the hell would they ask for that? As far as he could tell, if these ladies wanted to become professional hunters, they could enroll for free.

"For what purpose?"

"Applying on Beacon."

"Why would the four of you want forged transcripts for Beacon?"

"Reasons only known by us, good sir."

Hearing at least one of their reasons, he could ask Ozpin to make them an exemption. But before he could say a word, a handful of Junior's boys arrived with cuts and bruises on their persons.


"What happened?"

"White Fang ambushed us!"


"When we were making our dust delivery at the docks."

One of the exhausted boys explained. This wasn't a surprise to Qrow. He'd already informed Ozpin about the White Fang's intention to extend their presence here in Vale.

"Those bastards!"

"How many?"

Enterprise asked bluntly, expecting an answer in return. And this surprised Qrow, a white-haired hottie asking where the White Fang was.


"How many of them did you see?"

"About twenty of them."

"Less than I expected."

With her question answered, Enterprise stood up from her seat, and so did her associates.

"Let's pay them a visit."

Suddenly, in a flash of light, a bow materialized on Enterprise's hand. Unfazed by this, Qrow continued to watch as Enterprise confronted her associates.

"Shall we."

"Very well, Master Enterprise."

Much like what happened earlier, weapons started to materialize directly out of thin air, and after that, the girls left the establishment, leaving only their lien as payment. Qrow was dumbfounded, seeing what just transpired in front of him.

'It's impossible, and yet, I saw it all happen. How did all of them possess the same kind of semblance? Just who are you, ladies?'

"Hey Qrow, what the hell just happened?"

Junior asked because never in his life had he seen something like that before. A summoning semblance, sure, he could believe that, but four people having that similar semblance was not possible.

"Hey, Qrow! I asked you a-"

Looking where the veteran huntsman was seated, Junior found it empty.


Date: November 6, XXXX

Time: 9:25 PM

Location: Vale Docks

It was late at night, and two White Fang members guarded the entrance of a particular warehouse.



The former Faunus answered the latter. This opted the latter Faunus to look at his partner.

"You ever wonder why we're here?"

"It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it.''

''Why are we here? Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff, I don't know, man. But it keeps me up at night."

Staring in disbelief, the former Faunus could not believe that his partner did not understand his question.

"What, I meant, why are we out here guarding this warehouse!"

"Oh yeah."

"Well, let's talk about god."

"Uh, nothing."

Seeing that they had nothing to do, the former Faunus thought. Since that, it would be a good idea to chat instead of silently guarding.

"You wanna talk about it?"


"You sure?"


As the two conversed, neither of them seemed to notice the head maid of the Royal Navy behind them.

"Seriously though, why are we out here?"

"Why indeed, gentlemen."


Before they could do anything, the maid swiftly delivered a knife-hand strike onto their necks, knocking them unconscious.

"Master Enterprise, the entrance is cleared."

Belfast informed through her earpiece. Emerging from the shadows were her masters, making their way toward her.

"Nicely done, Belfast-san."

"It is my duty as a maid, Master Ayanami."

After tying up the unconscious goons, they went inside the warehouse unnoticed and discovered something bizarre.

"Well, look at what we have here."

"Jawohl looks like they're stealing dust."

"And from the looks of it, he's leading them."

Enterprise pointed at a bulky man with a chainsaw in hand. They watched as the man barked orders at the goons, sensing something was up. Enterprise couldn't say what their motives were.

"Something's not right here."

"Indeed, Master Enterprise."

"From the information we gathered, the White Fang was supposed to be an extremist group of Faunus."

"That is correct. The White Fang would not have plenty of reasons to steal this much dust."

Enterprise found it hard to comprehend the reason behind this, but that didn't matter.

"It doesn't matter. Our main focus is to stop the White Fang and minimize property damage."

"Agreed schwester. But what is our plan of attack?"

Analyzing the surroundings, it looked like most of the White Fang present were too busy hulling dust on crates. This meant they had the element of surprise by their side. Striking while the enemy was preoccupied would make it easy for them.

"Belfast, Graf, you two take front center. Ayanami take care of the other exit, while I'll handle the leader. On my mark, we strike."

"Very well, Master."



They quickly got into their positions and readied themselves for the signal. Enterprise spotted the target, the leader of this operation.

"Target locked, get ready."

She said through her earpiece before pulling the string of her bow and materializing a glowing arrow.

"Owari Da!"

Enterprise released her arrow toward her target. An explosion then occurred, which indicated her attack was successful and sent the White Fang Lieutenant flying backward.


"Quick! Help him!"

"What the hell was that!"

"We have intruders!"

The rest of the White Fang panicked as they searched for the one responsible. It wouldn't be long until they found the culprit.

"Over there-"

Belfast interrupted as she punched the goon in the face, sending him flying. Regaining her posture, the head maid stood tall for the rest of the White Fang to see her.


"Get her!"

Pointing their firearms at the maid, they opened fire. A hail of bullets peppered the maid for some reason. Their barrage was not hurting nor injuring her.

"Master Graf Spee, shall we?"


The Iron Blood Heavy Cruiser revealed herself, brandishing her claws. The Heavy Cruiser nodded in agreement. The faunus stared in disbelief at what had happened, seeing their weapons did not affect their targets.

"Fire again! Don't let them get close!"

One of the goons ordered, but it wouldn't matter as the cruisers moved in on them. White Fang goons immediately opened fire at the incoming cruisers, and much like what happened earlier, it did not stop them.

"It's not working, retreat!"


Cutting the goon off was the demon of the Sakura Empire, blocking them from escaping. The retreating goons pointed their weapons and fired at Ayanami. Meanwhile, the cruisers were busy taking care of the remaining White Fang members. Belfast and Graf Spee had no problems subduing them with ease.

"Were trapped!"

"What do we do!"

Another arrow landed on a group of goons and exploded, knocking them out. Enterprise didn't want to do it again, but the remaining White Fang were inching closer to each other. Ayanami utilized her swordsmanship to cut the weapons of the White Fang in half before taking them down.

"Surrender yourselves!"

Enterprise demanded. The remaining White Fang looked at her with fear as she prepared another arrow to fire at them.

"We would never surrender to humans!"

"We would rather die!"

The cornered goons responded. Belfast, Graf Spee, and Ayanami wasted no time engaging the remaining goons, defeating them and knocking them out. In a matter of minutes, the battle was over. Enterprise dematerialized her arrow and approached her comrades.

"Well done."

"All in the day's work, Master Enterprise."

"What about their Lieutenant?"

The ship girls then searched the warehouse for the White Fang Lieutenant, but he was nowhere to be found, and this only meant one thing.

"Oh, dear."

"Scheisse! He must've escaped without us noticing!"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we tie up rest before calling the authorities."

"Enterprise-san is correct. Seeing what happened here, It's not far fetch to cross blades with the Lieutenant again."

Soon after, they rounded up the unconscious goons and tied them up so they couldn't escape. Unbeknownst to them, a certain crow had watched them do their work and was impressed by it.

The crow would make its presence known by releasing a high-pitched noise, which caused the ship girls to take their respective battle stances upon hearing it. The demon of the Sakura Empire scanned the area thoroughly before finding the culprit.

"It's just a crow."

"False alarm schwestern."

Seeing things had calmed down, the bird glided safely before transforming into a man. This prompted the ship girls to take their battle stances at the unknown.

"Who are you?"

Enterprise questioned. The man held his hands up to signify he wasn't a threat and revealed his face.


"The one and only."

Lowering their weapons, they watched as the huntsman took out his flask and took a sip in front of them.

"You gals sure are powerful."

"You were spying on us?"

"Well, I was spying on you. The key word here 'was' before I revealed myself to you."

Qrow kept his distance from the girls. Fearing that if he made a mistake, he could transform and fly away.

"Tell me, mister Qrow, why shouldn't I break every bone in your body?"

"Because I can help you."

Unamused, Belfast took a step while Qrow took a step backward. Hearing the maid's threat of breaking his bones, Qrow didn't want her near him.

"And how can you help us, mister Qrow?"

"Tell me, why did you ask for forged transcripts?"

"And why should we answer that? Hmm~"

"Because if you want to get inside, Beacon. You better tell me the truth."

Silence ensued, and for a minute, neither side spoke. Whether or not Qrow was telling the truth, they knew he had some connections to Beacon Academy.

"Because we're not from this world."

Enterprise responded. This puzzled the veteran huntsman, not from this world. What were they, aliens?

"You're joking, right?"

"It's better to show you, I suppose."

"Whatcha talking-"

A flash of light shined throughout the warehouse, blinding Qrow momentarily.

"Ow! You could've warned me!"

He had his eyes blasted with the power of a thousand suns. Qrow looked in front of him, only to see a boy with a weird-looking watch on his wrist.

"Uh. Who are you kiddo?"

"I'm the person who identified himself as Enterprise."

"You're telling me that your Enterprise?"

"I was Enterprise, but my real name is Adam Eagle."

It was at this point that the veteran huntsman knew that things just got complicated, and worst of all. Something was telling him that the kid wasn't lying either.

"Son of a-"

Team AZUR: KANSEN Watch!

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