The Silence

By jagodaaaaaaaaa

5.6K 174 500

It's an enemies to lovers Larry Stylinson fanfic. Harry has just changed schools but he made an enemy on the... More

"To my Harry"~Letters


136 4 20
By jagodaaaaaaaaa

"Wake up, sleepyhead." I feel warm breath against my right ear.

"Leave me alone. Is Saturday." I turn over, hoping Louis will let me go back to sleep.

Tomlinson has been at my house for three days now. I like it very much, but the problem is that he is a person who loves to get up early in the morning. However, I prefer to sleep until noon.

Mornings with him are the worst that exists. It would be nice if he woke me up with his mouth around my penis instead of next to my ear and telling me it's time to get up.

"Harryyyyyyy, come onnnnn. I'm boreddddddddd."

That's what I was talking about. Now he won't leave me alone.

"If you give me a head, I'll think about getting up." I mumble sleepily to my boyfriend.

"Okay." He replies happily.

Wait what?

I open my eyes and Louis is already hidden under the covers and reaching for my boxers. O my God.

"Louis, I was just kidding."

"I didn't."


"Relax, baby."

After these words, the boy kisses my inner thighs and then takes off my boxers. I'm already half hard.

"Don't make a sound." He says and I just nod.

I gasp as I feel a slow, wet touch along my length.

"Shhhh..." Louis silences me.

The brunette spits on his hand and starts stroking my dick. I take slow, deep breaths and keep my eyes on my boyfriend.

After a while, my tip reaches Louis' mouth. I close my eyes and tilt my head back so I can focus 100% on this feeling. Everything is slow and gentle. My penis is more and more in my boyfriend's mouth.

I feel myself touching the boy's throat and then I hear him gagging. I have to hold back very hard not to move my hips up so that I can hear that sound again.

"Lou..." I sigh.

He leans back a little and looks at me with a smile. "Yes, baby?"

"Take it all in again... Please... It felt so good..."

Louis smiles slightly at me and then immediately takes my entire hard dick into his mouth. I can't help but tangle my hand in his hair to hold him in this position. Louis' sounds send shivers down my body.

I move his head up and down and when I get close, we suddenly hear a knock on the door. I panic and pull the brunette's head away from my cock and pull him to lie next to me. I cover us both with the duvet so that my erection cannot be seen.

"Can I come in?" My mom asks.

I clear my throat and say. "Y-yeah, of course."

The woman comes in and says something about shopping and food, but I can't focus on what exactly she's saying because all I feel is Louis's warm hand under the duvet, wandering over my body.

"Be good boys." My mom says and leaves the room.

I exhale and hit Louis' hand. "Why are you so horny?" I ask.

"Because I'm next to you."

I roll my eyes. "But you don't have to keep touching me when my mom is in the same room."

"Sorry, luv. Can I finish what I've started?" He asks with a smirk.

"No. I'm going to eat something." With that said, I get out of bed and go to the kitchen.

I hear an irritated groan behind me and I just smile to myself. After a while, I hear Louis' footsteps and his hand entwining with mine.


I look at my boyfriend. "Yes?"

Louis rubs the back of his head with his free hand. "I think I'll be going back to my house today. Lottie called me this morning and asked when I would be back."

I nod with a slight smile and kiss the boy gently on the lips. "Of course, baby. No problem."

"And..." Louis squeezes my hand tighter and looks down. "...I thought maybe you would like to meet my mom and sisters?"

I smile broadly, grab his chin lightly and lift his head up to make him look at me. I kiss him again. "I'd love to, Lou."

"Well, we can go today, right after breakfast and when we get ready."

I look at my boyfriend and see in his eyes how happy he is. I'm a little nervous about meeting his family, but I would do anything for him.


After two hours we were already at Louis' house. Tomlinson lives in a poorer neighborhood than mine. His house and yard are smaller, there are plastic buckets and shovels on the grass. They probably belong to his sisters.

I stretch with my finger the collar of my t-shirt because I suddenly feel a little stuffy.

"Don't stress, sun, you look beautiful." Louis smiles at me.

I'm wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. My hair are back in two braids and a small bun at the back. I think I look decent. I wanted to wear a white shirt, but Louis just laughed at me and threw me the black T-shirt I am wearing right now.

He, however, is wearing my black long-sleeved T-shirt which he "really didn't want to wear". His hair is slightly combed up. And on his lower body there are navy blue skinny jeans.

I take a deep breath and nod, showing Louis that I'm ready.

As soon as the boy opened the door, two little girls ran to him and hugged him tightly. While Louis crouches and hugs the girls, I start taking off my shoes.

"Who are you?" One of the girls asks me. Her little head is tilted slightly to the side and her height reaches to my hips.

"I'm Harry, Louis's..."

"...boyfriend." The boy next to me finishes the sentence for me. "Harry this is Phoebe and this is it Daisy."

The first girl who asked who I was, Phoebe, is standing in front of me and just looking at me, and the second one, Daisy, is hugging her brother's leg and hiding behind him.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Phoebe asks me.

I laugh slightly and crouch down to be closer to my boyfriend's little sister. "Because I have your brother and I don't need a girlfriend." I say nicely.

"And who is the girlfriend? You or my brother?"



I look at Louis after we said each other's names at the same time. I see him looking at me surprised and I just blow a kiss to him.

"Do you love my brother?" I hear a tiny voice behind Louis. I look over and see Daisy looking at me curiously.

"Yes, I love your brother very much." I say with a soft smile.

"No, you don't. I love him mucher." Phoebe says with a light tap of her foot on the floor.

""More" not "mucher"." Louis corrects his little sister.

"More. Yes, I love him more." The girl in front of me nods.

I chuckle. "I think I love him a little more."

"No. I love him more. Daisy say something. I love Louis more than Harry, right?" Phoebe looks at her sister who just shrugs.

Louis takes off his shoes and lifts the shy girl into his arms, rests her weight on his left hip and supports her with his hand so that she doesn't fall. "You both love me equally. Now let's go to mom."

Phoebe runs out of the hall and goes to her mom.

We stand in the room for a while, my hands sweating like crazy. Why am I so stressed? Louis wasn't so stressed when he met my mom.

"Mom will like you." The sweet, little voice calms me down.

I turn my head to Daisy and see that she is cuddled into her brother's neck, but she is looking at me and smiling shyly. I smile back.

I take a deep breath, grab Louis's free hand, and we walk into the living room.

"Your hands are sweaty." The boy whispers to me with a little chuckle.

"I know..." I answer even more quietly.

Finally we stand in a small room. An older woman is sitting with Phoebe on her lap, and next to them there are two more girls sitting on a red sofa, a plate with cookies is on a wooden coffee table. We are standing in the entrance, so they probably haven't noticed us yet because I see them watching a cartoon together on a small TV.

On the wall above the couch, I see lots of photos of Louis and his sisters. Neither their dad nor their mom is in any of them.

The room is small and the walls are a bit dingy, but that's okay. As long as people are nice, I don't care whether they live in a 10-story villa or in a tent under a bridge.

"Ooo, mom, mom, Louis and Harry are here." Phoebe says cheerfully to the woman she's sitting on and pats her hand lightly to make her look our way.

They all turn their heads towards us. Louis puts Daisy down and she goes to sit on the couch between the two older girls.

Louis's mother gets up from the couch with a smile and walks over to us. The first thing she does is hugs her son tightly. As she does this I see a few bruises on her left arm.

"Honey, it's so good that you're here." She says but after it she slaps slightly Louis's right shoulder. "Are you crazy? You could have told me you wouldn't be here that long. I worried all day and night."

"Sorry mom, I just had to take a break from everything. But nothing happened to me because I was at Harry's." The brunette pulls me towards him by my wrist. "Mom, this is Harry, my boyfriend."

The woman looks at me seriously for a moment. I feel your throat tighten. "Good morning." I greet her in a slightly distorted voice. I hear Louis trying not to laugh. I clear my throat and look at the woman in front of me.

"Hello Harry, Louis has been telling me a lot about you. Nice to meet you. I'm Johannah." After these words, the woman hugs me. After a moment, he pulls away from me and looks at his son. "He's cute."

Louis chuckles. "Yes, he is." He smiles at me, takes my hand and rubs it slightly with his thumb to calm me down a little bit.

"Sit down, boys." The woman points to a large armchair next to the window.

I sit down on a soft seat, Louis sits down next to me, but since the armchair is not big enough for both of us to fit comfortably, the boy puts his legs on mine and snuggles slightly into me so that we can fit in.

"I'll make us some tea. Louis, introduce your sisters to Harry." The woman talks to us and then disappears from the living room.

"So, Harry, you already know the twins, Phoebe and Daisy. The girl next to Daisy is Fizzy and the older one is Lottie."

The girls smile friendly at me.

"How long have you been together?" Fizzy asks me.

"Hmm, almost 2 weeks I think." I answer her.

"You've been together for a short time I see." The girl notices.

True, maybe we rushed with some things, but why wait, right?

After a moment of silence, Lottie leans out of the couch to see where their mom is and then leans towards us.

"Apparently dad is in the hospital. I listened to our mom talking to someone on the phone. I wonder what happened." She speaks in a conspiratorial voice.

I glance at Louis and I see that he's already looking at me.

"I think nothing serious. He probably had a fight with someone or something like that." The boy sitting next to me responds to his sister but continues to look at me. "Whoever messed with him enough to send him to the hospital must be a complete idiot." I can feel a bit of anger in my boyfriend's voice and I know it's directed at me.

"I wonder if dad-"

"Stop wondering so much, Lottie, or your head will hurt from all this thinking." The woman says as she returns to the living room with mugs and a pot of tea. She hands me and Louis mugs and pours us some tea. "So Harry, what are your parents' names?"

"My mom's name is Anne Twist and my dad... I'd rather not talk about him." I play with the fingers of my free hand.

"Anne Twist? I know her from work, although she works in a different department, but I sometimes talk to her during breaks. Very nice woman." Johannah says with a smile.

I exhale through my nostrils in relief, our mothers like each other. That's good. Louis puts his hand on my thigh and strokes it lightly to help me relax.

"Louis, why did you sleep at Harry's for so long? What were you doing?" Pheobe asks.

I bite the inside of my cheeks slightly to stop myself from smiling. Oh, we did a lot of cool things, Phoebe. Loads.

"I decided that I wanted to spend a little more time with my boyfriend and since his mom likes me, she didn't have too much of a problem with it. We didn't do anything special, I braided Harry's hair, we went to school of course. Nothing special."

"I see. Harry, you look very good with this hairstyle. My son could become a hairdresser." The older woman says.

I smile. "Thank you. Yes, I think Louis would be a great hairdresser, his hands are very skilled."

I hear the boy next to me choking on his tea at my words. He understood the real meaning, I'm glad.

He coughs. "This tea is hot." He says between coughs.

"Be careful, honey." I whisper into his ear.

"Harry, can you braid hair?" Fizzy asks.

"Not at all, when it comes to hair, I only know how to wash and comb it. But luckily I have your brother who comes up with different hairstyles for me."

"I can teach you." The girl says with a smile.

"Um, yeah sure."

After I agree to this idea, Fizzy takes Phoebe's hand and they walk to the armchair where I'm sitting. "Move." The girl says to her brother. Louis pats my shoulder, wishes me good luck, and moves to the couch.

I move to the side as much as I can. The older girl sits next to me and Phoebe sits on the floor in front of us, with her back to us.

Fizzy takes 3 strands of her younger sister's hair. "Do what I do."

I nod and take 3 strands of the girl's hair as well. I glance at Louis who is smiling at me. I return, slightly embarrassed, to Fizzy's hands and watch her movements carefully. The girl slowly puts the left strand over the middle one, swapping them. I do what she does. Now she does the same with the right strand of hair.

"And now you do the same thing all the time." The girl next to me says and moves the left strand to the center again and I just repeat her movements with full concentration.

I hear the sound of a photo being taken, I look up and see Louis sitting with his phone raised and the camera facing me. I blush, which is why I get lost in making the braid.

"I think I messed something up." I say to Fizzy.

The girl looks at my braid. "Yeah, a little bit, but that's okay. Just untangle the ugly part and keep braiding."

Fizzy is finishing her braid while I'm only halfway through mine, but when I finally finish, Phoebe reaches up to the back of her head to feel the braids we made for her, she turns to us and smiles, then goes to the others and shows them her hairstyle.

"Well, for your first time, you didn't do that bad at all, Hazz." Louis compliments me and I smile slightly.


I sat there for another hour and then went home. Louis stayed at his home this time. When I was halfway to my place, he texted me that his family liked me very much.

I take off my shoes in the hall and go to the living room to say hello to my mom.

"Oh hello Harry, where have you been?" The woman asks.

"At Louis's, I met his mom and sisters."

"Ooo, that's great, so what? Did they like you?"

"Yes. One of his sisters, Fizzy, even taught me how to braid hair."

My mom smiles. "So I guess today was a good day, huh?"

I nod. "Yes, yes it was." I turn to go to my room but I remember that I had something else to ask her. I turn back. "Mom, can I go to Niall's?"

"Sure, just eat something before you go."

I nod again, go to the kitchen to put dinner on my plate and I sit down at the table.

While I'm eating, I text Niall to see if I could come over. I get a positive response almost immediately.

I quickly finish eating, put the plate and cutlery in the sink, put on my shoes and leave the house.

I call my blonde friend on the way to his place.

"Wassup, mate?" The boy's voice coming from my phone asks in a friendly way.

"Man, I'm so excited about what I'm about to tell you. I just can't stand it. I have to tell someone."

"What is it?"

"Something that might make Louis kill me so you can't tell anyone. You understand?" I ask in a serious tone.

"Um, yeah, yeah, sure, I won't tell a soul. Don't worry."

"Good. I'll be there in 10 minutes." I hang up.

I walk quickly towards my friend's house. I'm glad that Niall and Louis don't live far because thanks to it I can walk there. Zayn and Liam live further away, but I'm not friends with them enough to visit one of them for no reason.

After some time, I am already at the blonde's house. I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it.

The door opens and I see a boy smiling. "Hey lad. Come on in." Niall lets me through the door. Take off my shoes and go to Horan's room.

We sit on the bed and look at each other for a moment.

"So? What did you want to tell-"

"Me and Louis are in a relationship." I interrupt my friend.

He looks at me and doesn't say anything and then he laughs a little.

"Ni, I'm serious."

Niall looks at me seriously again. "Wait, are you for real?"

I nod and the boy next to me smiles. "That's great. When you first moved here, I would have believed you more if you had told me that you want to kill Louis. But sure, why not a relationship. How long have you been together?"

"About 2 weeks. Today I also met his family."

"No way! You have met his family? I had to wait 3 years before he invited me to his place. You're a lucky man. Which of his sisters is your favorite?" Niall asks happily.

"Phoebe. I like how talkative she is. Very cheerful. Fizzy also taught me how to braid on Phoebe's hair."

My mate looks at me. I can see that he is very happy for me.

"But you can't tell the others that me and Louis are together." I'm warning him.

Niall puts his hands up in surrender. "Of course. I will remain silent as long as I have to. But I hope you will tell them soon. I can't wait to see their reactions."

"Maybe I'll talk it over with Louis today. But if we say it, because we probably will when we're all together, you have to pretend you don't know anything either, okay?"

The blonde boy nods. "Of course. You'll see, I'll win an Oscar for my acting skills." Niall chuckles.

"I'm counting on it."

"Okay, now, I have a few questions about you two."

"No no no, you'll only ask questions when Liam and Zayn know."

Niall groans dissatisfied. "Come on, lad. Don't be mean."

"You can do it. But hey, at least you'll have time to think of some other questions." I console my friend.

The boy rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"I'll try to convince Louis to tell the boys about it at school on Monday."

"I keep my fingers crossed that he agrees." Niall crosses his fingers. I smile at him.

Louis has to agree. After all, they are our friends, of course they will support us.


"Why not?" I ask, surprised, my boyfriend with whom I'm talking on the phone now.

It's already 8 p.m., I'm lying on my bed and trying to convince my stubborn boyfriend to agree so that we can tell the guys about our relationship.

"Harry, our families know, so why should anyone else know?" I hear Louis' voice from my phone.

"But these are our friends we're talking about! You've known them a lot longer than I have, so I bet you trust them. Honey, I can promise you they won't laugh. Really."

"Yeah, but why should they know? Don't you think the privacy we have now is very nice?" I hear Louis trying to get out of the way and convince me that this is a bad idea.

"Are you ashamed of me?" I ask, feeling my voice crack slightly.


"Hello?? Louis? I asked you a question. Are you ashamed of me?"

"Honey, of course not. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. But I don't want to tell them about us."

"But why?!"

"Because I don't want to!" Louis is shouting at me on the phone.

"Why can't you tell them? Because you're ashamed of me and the fact that you're in a relationship with a fucking faggot! That's exactly why!" My voice cracks and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.


Jesus Louis, answer something. Tell me that what I'm saying isn't true. Tell me you're not ashamed of us. Tell me I'm stupid for accusing you of such things.

"Goodnight, Hazz." Tomlinson hangs up.

I look at my phone's display in disbelief. He hung up. And he didn't deny my words. Why is he ashamed of me?

I go to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. When I raise my head I see myself in the mirror.

Too big teeth like a rabbit's, my hair never manages well and sticks out in every possible direction, acne, chubby face.

Now I know why. I'd be ashamed too. Louis looks like the most handsome man in the world next to me.

I lower my head and after a while I see a drop of salty liquid from my eye hit the bottom of the sink.

He's ashamed of me. He is ashamed of me. He is ashamed. And I can't help it.

In anger, I untangle the braids he made for me this morning. Stupid hairstyle. He only does it so that he can be less ashamed.

I run downstairs, tears streaming down my cheeks. I enter the living room.

"Jesus, honey, what happened?" My mother asks me in a worried voice and puts her glass of wine on the coffee table in front of her.

Without saying a word, I walk up to her, sit next to her and hug her like I did when I was 6 years old. My legs are tucked up so they don't touch the ground, my head is buried in the woman's neck and I embrace her tightly. Mom rests her head against mine and rubs my back to calm me down.

"Everything's fine Harry. Shhhhh." The woman speaks to me in a soothing voice.

"He's ashamed of me..." I whisper, still keeping my face hidden.

"What? Who? Louis?" She asks.

I nod against her neck. "He doesn't love me."

My mom pulls me even closer. "Oh my little baby..."

If she ever called me that in any other situation, I would deny it, after all, I'm 17, but it doesn't bother me now. Now I just need my mom's love.

"I'm sure you'll get through it. Everything will be fine Harry. I believe it." My mom whispers over my head.

I want to believe it too.

But I can't. Now I see that my old friends were right.

I get up from the couch and go to my room. I take the phone and dial Louis' number.

"What?" He asks.

"I break up with you. It's over, you don't have to tell anyone about us anymore, you don't have to be ashamed of me anymore. Goodnight Louis."

I don't give the boy time to answer and immediately hang up.

Tears are blurring my vision, but I can still see enough to be able to dial the next number.

I hear that the person on the other end answered. I take a breath and speak.

Hi! Sorry for the slight delay with this chapter, but I had absolutely no idea for it. I had ideas for my new fanfic in my head all the time.

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