See you in hell (Male OC X Ni...

By Young-Ringleader

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Heya, bois and girls, welcome to the happy hotel! since Hazbin Hotel released as a series, i wanted to make a... More

Context here :D
No purpose?....or lack of hope?
Building closure
Worthless Lifestyle
Changing...for the better? or for worse?
Meet your friends. Read their souls
Pure in all aspects
Not that strong
Frustrating feelings
Looking for a lost sheep
A showdown uncalled for
One hell of a party
I'm always watching
Over my friends
The "Big" Boss
Fake Paradise pt 1
Fake Paradise pt 2
Cute Seraphim (side story)
The sun sets even in Paradise (side story)
Last day with you
Annoyance incarnate

Counter Genocide

215 8 10
By Young-Ringleader

Word count: 10069

The next day Alex woke up in bed, naked...

At first he was confused, but then suddenly he remembered what happened last night and his face flushed red, he tried to stay calm, he shouldn't get too flustered with things like this anymore, although the thought of having finally done it made him extremely joyful...

But then he noticed Niffty wasn't there...and the sheets were clean, and neatly stretched, each lengthy end was put under the matress

He wondered how the hell did she do that without waking him up, the mental image of her just casually carrying him while cleaning the bed was rather hilarious, and adorable

Despite that though, the bed still smelled like her, in fact...the whole room did...

He was feeling so satisfied and content at the moment, but realization hit him as this could very well be the last day he enjoys time with his family, and with her...

He never stopped to think about it, maybe because he was angry at Heaven, or maybe because it never really crossed his mind

He was enjoying being with them so much, that he never stopped to think how he would feel if he lost all of that
And it burdened him greatly so soon in the morning

On the contrary, Niffty was beaming with happiness, sparkles all over her expression, she looked even more cheerful than usual, she was humming a happy melody while cleaning the hotel

Charlie and Vaggie stared at her a little while she did her daily chores

"Uhh Vaggie?"


"I uhh...i know she's cheerful and all it just me or..."

Vaggie chuckled
"Yeah hun, she seems more...happy than usual"

"Should i ask??"
Charlie questioned with a smile

Vaggie simply shrugged, they were not ready for what they would hear next

Charlie looked towards where she was, but Niffty had vanished, she scanned around and saw her in the kitchen

"Hey uh...Niffty?"
Charlie approached her as she baked a small cake

She looked at her with a bright, actually completely innocent smile

Which made Charlie even more puzzled
"I uhh...noticed you seem way more...happy than i'm trying to say is..."

"Why are you acting so...normal?"
Vaggie interrupted

"Exactly..." Charlie added

Niffty seemed to have zoned out while they talked, but then she flinched slightly, snapping back to them
"Oh! I'm just happy because I had sex with Alex last night!"

Shocked by her brutal honesty and lack of shame in general...
Charlie blushed heavily while Vaggie simply facepalmed while eye widened

"Why am I not surprised?"
Vaggie spoke underneath her breath

"He was so rough~ hehehe!..."
She said while cupping her own face and closing her eye in joy remembering the events from last night

"That I confirm!"
Said Angel with a mischievous frown, while sitting in the bar with Husker

"My dorm's right next to theirs!"
"N' holy fuck were they NOT quiet!"
Angel had small bags under his eyes, which only confirmed that he was telling the truth

"Either that or these walls are thin as fuck!

After adding more fuel to the fire
Angel smirked and turned back to the bar, snorting and giggling, he was obviously heating up the situation just to troll Alex, he knew things would get awkward once he walked down

"Shouldn't ya settle it down?" Husker whispered to him with a tiny smug

"Shh shh! quiet Husky! He's gon' walk down any minute now!"
He hushed Husker, sealing his lips with his finger, which earned a small blush from him, although Angel didn't notice

Then of course, they heard footsteps and the sound of wings folding and stretching, followed by the sound of bones cracking
Then...while yawning, Alex made his way downstairs

"Speak of the devil" said Angel with a smirk

With his eyes closed, Alex scratched his back, he looked really drowsy, like he had slept too much, which wasn't a lie...

"What time is it??..."
He asked, with such a dry tone that it sounded like he just got buried alive

"...9 am..." Charlie said awkwardly

His eyes shot open, fully widened

"Whaaat!?...agh...fuck, no wonder i feel so shitty..."

He rubbed his eyes a little to rid himself of his "hangover", after opening them again, he noticed the awkward stares

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Angel was trying his best to hold his laughter
Husker sighed audibly and spoke

"Kid...teach Niff to keep things to herself"

He was still confused, but after seeing how Charlie was embarrassed, and Angel was nearly dying

Realization hit him like a truck

He was stuck still as if he had placed roots on the floor, having a look of pure shock and near dread as a huge blush painted his face, his wings were tensed upwards, the feathers ruffled to the sides

" didn't just...tell them that right?"

Niffty giggled and with a sly smile she said
"Who me?..."

"Niff!!" He shouted, frustrated

That same instant Angel burst out laughing, tears leaking out while he held his stomach

He lightly tapped Husker's arm in the process, who just chuckled along with him while taking a swig of whiskey

They subtly touched each other's hand in the process, their fingers brushing together

Seeing this, Alex's embarrassment faded away, replaced only with sorrow and longing

He had felt the same way when he fell down in Hell

Niffty noticed his sadness and aproached him, grabbing his hand with hers

"You okay?"

Alex's lips quivered when he looked at her

"Kind of..."

He sat on the parlor with her

"I'm just...look at them"

He gestured towards Angel, Husker who were laughing together, also Charlie and Vaggie enjoying doing small talk while Charlie preened her wings

"They're having so much fun, even down here...we all are"

Niffty gestured for him to spread his wings, and he did, she started preening his wings aswell, trying to do it like Charlie was, she let Alex keep talking

"And well...we might lose all of that today, i....i don't want to lose this"
"I might want to bash all the exorcists' skull in but....i'm still scared..."
"If we all die then what was it all for?! I don't know if i can even do enough!! I'M NOT THAT STRONG!!"

Amidst his short panic he accidentally raised his voice too loud, which echoed through the hotel, everyone looked at him with confusion, but seeing how he just adverted his eyes, they went back to what they were doing

Alex sighed, then glanced at Niffty, who was still happily working on his wings while humming a nice little melody

"I guess that's what was troubling you last night right?"
He looked down, folding his hands together and hunching forward, giving her better access to his wings

She simply affirmed with a smile

He sighed again
"Am i being too dramatic?"

"Not really" she said, then reorganized one of his feathers, which immediately made him relax, his tense shoulders fell down smoothly

"Found a good spot huh?" She said while smirking

"M-mhm..." he nodded, his body shivering slightly from the relief she gave him
"Never knew i needed something like preening..."

"Yeah i'm new at this too..."
She replied with a nonchalant tone, without a care in the world, or at least it seemed that way

When she finished, she hoped down from the sofa and looked into his eyes

"Hey...i'm kinda scared too y'know?..."
"But then i just think of how many angels i'll get to stab and then the worry goes away..."
She shrugged with a cheerful smile and closed eye

"Plus...i get to protect my new friends....and you"
She gestured towards the others, and then poked his nose

Alex was speechless, he smiled warmly, and then laid his head down to hide his blush, scratching his hair a little

"I guess you're right..."

He got up and picked her up in his arms
"Thank you Niff..."

They cuddled closer to each other, then he let out a sarcastic laugh
"Heh...yeah besides, i'm still pretty fucking angry at Heaven, i should be focusing on how i'll tear them all apart..."

She brightened up like a puppy at this response
"Now that's my bad boy..."

They kissed softly, enjoying each other's touch briefly

Charlie approached them silently after they kissed, raising her index finger to catch Alex's attention

"Em...I know this is kinda sudden but are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm not gonna pretend i didn't hear that was...kinda worrying, h-haha..."

Alex let Niffty go down while he walked to Charlie
"Well uh...i'm better now...i'm just...scared y'know?"
"I don't...wanna lose you guys..."
"You're all like a family to me..."

Charlie was already sniffing and sobbing, her eyes welling up with tears
"O-oh, that's...oh my God"
"I...really appreciate that Alex..."
"Thank you"

She hugged him, lifting him and squeezing hard, Alex was in a bit of pain for a second but weakly hugged her back

She let go of him and put him down on his two feet
"I'm scared too...i cried last night and to be honest, i really....really love you guys...."

She gestured around the room, towards everyone

Angel smirked at her while Husker nodded with a smile

Niffty and Alex grinned cutely at her, and Alastor was...being himself, as always, he simply tapped her shoulder lightly, with the same smile he always wears

And Vaggie gave her a small kiss on the cheek

"Anyways how was your bangin' last night?"
Angel asked, interrupting this heart-felt moment

"Angel!!!" Charlie yelled to correct him

"Don't play innocent with me princess, i know ya did it too, ya weren't quiet eitha"

Charlie blushed heavily and hid her face with her hair

Alex chuckled
"It was perfect...right Niff?"

Niffty laughed teasingly at him
"Ooh~ it was more than perfect..."

Angel clapped his first set of hands together, while keeping the other on his waist
"Aight, i got a few tips for ya to try"
"If you're in the market for new ideas of course~"

Alex was deeply considering it, Angel had a lot of experience afterall...

When he was about to say something, they heard a loud alarm go off throughout the entire pride ring

Alex grumbled angrily
"Right...i almost forgot they're going down today...both literally and by dying that is"

Angel: "Those Motherfuckers"

"Alright guys..."
Charlie spoke with confidence
"Whatever happens...i want you all to know that...well...just like i said yesterday, it's been the biggest honor of my life"
"So let's fight!! Go get ready!!"

Everyone got their weapons and proper clothes for battle

Alex was in his bedroom when he spotted his old clothes that he used before Charlie gifted him that suit

He smirked and put them on, feeling refreshed

"Just like the old days"

He said before rushing outside with everyone else

The cannibals were ready, and the staff had prepared to receive the guests

It was time for the show to begin

Angel noticed his changed attire and scoffed playfully
"I guess we're all going back to old looks huh?" He said while gesturing to his own clothing, which was from italian mafia

Alex gave him a cocky smirk
"Of course, gotta stick to my roots so I can stick it to the fools"

The skies suddenly opened and an army of angel exorcists flew down to attack the hotel

Angel: "Speakin' of fools!!"

As the deadly angels charged towards the army of misfits, Alex felt his heart beating faster and faster, maybe out of fear, or out of excitement

Vaggie inspired everyone else, lifting their morale higher than the Heavens themselves
"Get ready everyone! We fight together!!"

Somewhere in the ring of pride, inside the top floor of their building, the Vees: Velvet, Valentino and Vox were watching the event live through Vox's drones

"Hohoho! Oh, this is gonna be good!"
Said Vox while sitting down with some popcorn

"NOW! For your souls!!" Vaggie shouted, and everyone let out a war cry in response

"Let's fuck.them.UP!!!"
Charlie shouted as well while everyone charged into the fight

Alastor looked up to the never ending stream of Exorcists falling down, and after confirming a big mayority of them were already close enough, he chuckled
"Let the slaughter begin..."

He extended his staff up, raising a powerful shield, it was made out of some black substance, several voodoo symbols covered it

The angels that attempted to get in had their faces slammed into it

Adam: "the fuck!?"
He exclaimed, surprised they were managing to hold them back

Lute: "They appear to have some kind of shield sir!"
She informed, as part of her role as lieutenant

Adam: "Oh? Really!? I didn't see this giant fuckin' shield in front of me you dumb bitch! NO SHIT!"

Lute simply tolerated his stupidity, unamused

Any angels that attempted to get close would get sliced into shreds by the tentacles around it using angelic weapons to cut them

Adam: "That's how they can kill us!? With our own weapons??? Fucking...weak dude..."

As he said this Lute angrily roared and charged towards the battlefield

Meanwhile inside the shield, everyone did their best to wipe out any exorcists that got stuck inside

Angel was cackling while shooting down the exorcists with his tommy guns

"Ha ha!! Come n' get sum!!"

He gave Cherri a boost upwards and she threw her bombs around them

"Eat scrap you fuckers!!"

General Pentious, inspired by his comrades, also shouted
"All angelic weapons! Fire at will!"

Husker was flying by and angrily yelled at them
"HEY! Yelling while fighting doesn't help!!"

Meanwhile Niffty ran past him while....yelling
And stabbing any angels that fell down

Charlie and Vaggie fought together to fend off as many enemies as they could
"Alastor's shield is working!!"
Charlie shouted with hope

"Tryna focus sweetie!"
Vaggie said while killing am exorcist

"We might actually have a chance!"

Vaggie threw her spear next to Charlie, hitting an angel behind her
"Love the optimism, still try to focus..."

As everyone fought together, a flash of light blitzed through the battlefield
An exorcist attempted to kill a canniball woman when suddenly a glowing handgun pressed against their forehead

Before they could even see who, or what it was, they face got blown off

And so, walking over the dead body of the exorcist, Alex extended his hand over to the cannibal, his wings spread to the side, a shadow covered his face, only his grey eyes....
And his smile were visible

"You okay ma'am?"

She blushed slightly as she sheepishly took his hand, only to be quickly put somewhere more safe

This is actually fun!
Alex thought while shooting and cutting through angels, he had a Glock 20 on his left hand...or at least the gun resembled one, and a shining sword on his right

Spinning through the skies, he took down several exorcists, while also shooting some others far away from him

Niffty looked up and watched him with admiration while she sat on top of a few angel corpses

She whistled out loud, which catched his attention, he looked down, his smile was pure joy, despite being in war, but he was enjoying protecting his home, just like his family

He flew down towards Niffty
And she lifted her arms up, demanding her upsies
"Get me in the air too!! C'mon!!"

He picked her up with a smile, and after swiftly throwing her up on his back, he took off, flying across the battlefield as they both took down as many exorcists as they could

Adam: "I'm fucking over this..."
He said, while charging towards the shield to break it

Alex flinched, suddenly he felt slight shivers, and then looked up

"Lex? What's up?"
She said as she looked upwards aswell, only the see the shield Alastor made crack open, revealing Adam, the first man, flying above them

Alex: "Shit...Niff we need to get down, and fast!"
He retreated with her, and after landing on the floor, he put her down gently

"The air's too dangerous now, so uh...go have fun?"

She raised her angelic dagger with a smile, and gave him a little kiss before continuing her rampage

"Love you..." he shouted while getting ready to take flight, going directly to Adam's location, where Alastor was confronting him

"Adam! First man, next to die"
He said in a sarcastic tone

"Who the fuck are you?"
Adam questioned, beaming with hubris

"I'm Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you..."
"Quite a pleasure..."
"And i'm about to end your fucking life"
He summoned electric tentacles around himself

Unbothered, Adam simply got his axe-guitar ready to fight
"Nice voice, don't you know jazz is for pussies?"

Alastor sent his extra limbs to impale him, but Adam cut through them rather easily, although slowly he was being overwhelmed by them

"You think you can take me on?? A mortal soul is no match for me, Edgelord!"

Al: "You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate"

His shadow creeped through while Adam fended off his attacks, hitting him in the jaw when he was distracted

"You think you're tough shit huh?!"
He said while still recovering from the blow he received

"Tougher than you, Hahahaha!"
Alastor replied, suddenly spawning behind him...

Startled, Adam tried to slash him but he dodged effortlessly as he mocked him
"You lack dicipline, control, and worst-!"
"You're sloppy"

Alastor tapped further into his demonic powers, overwhelming Adam with his minions

He spoke gibberish as he tried to come up with a decent comeback
"You-! Fuck! Shit! You fucking piece of-...Shut up!!"

While he was in the air, suddenly Alex flew closer and hit him in the stomach with an uppercut, then Alastor threw him down on a signpost with his tentacles

"Hahaha!, poetry!" He said, mocking his disorganized words

"You don't mind if join the broadcast right?"
Alex inquired while cracking his knuckles

"A show requires more than one actor on stage my friend"
Alastor replied

They nodded to each other, a sign of respect, Alastor kept his usual elegant composure and Alex took on a more beast-like stance, being slightly crouched and with his arms open forward

Adam got up from the rubble he was slammed into, furious
"I'm gonna rip that shit eating smile off your faces!..."

He flew up in the skies and Alex charged after him, his weapon suddenly increased in size

"...'Cause radio is fucking dead!"

He slashed forward and a blade of light shot out of his axe
Alex's eyes widened in surprise, he barely managed to dodge the attack, it grazed him, chopping off one of his fingers

Alastor tried to block it, the flash of light blinded him
"What just happened??"

His radio voice filter was suddenly gone due to his shock, he looked forward only to see his microfone staff broken in half

Before Alex or Alastor could recover and react, Adam lunged towards the Radio Demon and slashed him across the chest, sending him flying backwards and hitting the concrete of the building

Vox yelled to the screen, showing his middle finger to the injured Alastor on the floor

"AL!!' Alex shouted out loud while flying to aid him, Alastor tried to stand up but failed due to his wounds, he searched for his staff and found it, and after realizing Adam was about to kill him, he sat back on the concrete of the building ceiling

"Have to disagree with you there" he said, barely able to utter a word
"Radio is not dead, but it is ending this broadcast"
He turned into shadows and teleported away, manifesting himself somewhere else

"Bye bitch!" Adam mocked him

"NO! Fuck you-fuck you-fuck you, pussy!!"
Vox insulted Adam for not dealing the final blow, which frustrated him

While Adam was distracted however, Alex landed a good punch on his face
"Argh! Fuck! That's it! I'm tired of you bastards punching me in the face!!"

He punched Alex right back with twice the force, the shockwave however traveled through him and destroyed the ground behind him
Yet Alex only moved a little, he stared at Adam from the side of his eye, spitting a broken tooth on the floor

"Fat chance i'm losing to you! LITERALLY!" He shouted with a serious expression

He tried to land another punch but missed, his attack hitting the floor instead, destroying the building they were in with the impact

He got even stronger!?
Adam thought, raising his axe and throwing it at Alex, but he deflected it with his wings

"Did you just call me fat!?" Adam responded to him, not showing a shred of fear or intimidation

They exchanged blows for a moment, but due to their difference in size they couldn't seem to land a hit, Alex was smaller and thinner, but Adam was huge and had longer limbs, if one tried to hit the other they risked being countered back

Without much other option, Adam summoned his axe-like guitar again, and...
Mostly out of instinct, Alex summoned an electric guitar of his own, it was red with traces of gold, and was similar to a sword

They clashed weapons, the shockwave from the impact sent them sliding back a little

Alex looked down at his own hands
"Hoho! Now this is cool..."

They lunged towards each other, clashing their weapons again, Alex was managing to stand his ground, but he needed to find an opening, and he couldn't do it alone
Or could he?

If only Al didn't get hit, dammit!

Adam swung his axe under him, and Alex barely blocked it

He felt a strong pain in his gut, being sent flying up into the sky, he looked up with tired eyes

When is this crap going to end? He thought

Then he looked back down, preparing to charge headfirst against his opponent

Before they clashed there was a strong light and....

A huge crater was made on the rubble left of the building Alex destroyed, due to the explosion caused by their clash, but it was not over yet

As they fought, suddenly Adam simply pointed his finger towards Alex, which made him flinch, he did not know what to expect, but he pointed at Adam with his gun just in case

Adam spoke in a silent tone, unlike how he usually speaks

"I don't care how much you're willing to fight here, i'm doing what i'm supposed to do and the end result's gonna be the same..."
The tip of his finger started glowing

"So just fuck off! And fucking die already!"

Without a second to react, Alex was hit with the full force of a holy beam of light, sending him flying several meters, he crashed into a wall, the building of which collapsed on him, burying half his body within the debris

While this happened, Vaggie and Charlie tried to defend themselves against the wave of exorcists attacking them

Although Charlie still refused to harm them, only defending their attacks with the shield she had in hands

"Sorry! Oops sorry, agh! Sorry!"

Vaggie was stabbing a few exorcists while parrying their attacks, when she blocked one that was about to hit Charlie
"Now's not the time for that babe!"

Charlie looked up at the multiple foes flying down to kill them and pointed her finger towards them
"Die motherfuckers!"

She shot small fireworks at them, forcing them to scatter, which surprisingly worked smoothly

Earning a bit of a smile from Vaggie, who looked back at her while shrugging

Meanwhile, Husker fought alongside Angel
"These fuckin' angels won't stop comin'!!"

"HA!" Angel joked about his poor choice of words, waving his waist playfully, earning a smile from Husker

Husk: "Ok i walked right into that one"

But then he noticed one of the little egg bois about to get killed by an exorcist
"Hold that thought"

He rushed towards them, and after an acrobatic jump, he parried the exorcist's attack with his tommy gun, summoning his extra pair of arms and shooting her in the stomach

"You alright twerp?" He said, looking back to check on the little egg boi

"I-i almost scrambled...myself"
The egg boi said while hugging his leg

"Get somewhere safe" he said to him before a beam of light shot down next to them, the explosion stunned Angel and he fell down

"Suck my holy light! Fuckers! YEAH!!"

Adam shouted in a high pitched voice, shooting down the battlefield with the same attack he had nearly killed Alex with...

"But...Alex and Alastor were supposed to handle him, oh no! They must be-...."
Charlie's voice wavered at the horrifying thought that her friends had been murdered

But there was no time to think or grieve, Adam attacked them relentlessly

"We aren't gonna last long unless we do something about him!" Vaggie yelled

Meanwhile Pentious was watching everything through a tablet

"Of course..."
The General said, having a plan in mind
Knowing what kind of fate could await him, he saw Cherri and pulled her into his arms

"Wh-!? I'm tryin' to fight here, you outta your fuckin' mind??"

Pent: "Yes"

In that instant, he kissed her deeply, she let go of a bomb she was holding out of shock, the explosion from it made the scenario behind stunning as they shared a short but sweet kiss

After pulling away, he confessed

"Miss cherri bomb, i love you!"
"Remember mee!!"

He shouted as he ran to his ship
She was left charmed and enamored, blushing slightly because of him
"That was kinda hot"

As the battle raged on, General Pentious walked inside his ship

"Eggss, activate thrusterss, and charge the death ray"

"Yes sir!!"

His ship left its' position close to the hotel, and headed towards Adam

"Pentious?" Charlie said as everyone looked up to the ship departing to face Adam directly

"That crazy motherfucka"
Angel spoke with worry in his voice, when he saw the ship flying

"Target in range!" Spoke an egg boi

The ship approached Adam further

He coldly comanded, his eyes glowing with determination

"Ah- wha-?..."
Adam looked to his side to see the ship preparing to shoot him

But then he shot a laser at it and it was vaporized in an instant
"Ha...haha, That could've been ugly" he said with a smug

"NOOOOO!!" Charlie shouted into the sky, falling to her knees from grief, from possibly already losing three members of her precious family

Everyone stopped to grieve his death, General Pentious died as a hero, despite how instant it was, despite it seeming meaningless

Even Niffty stopped to grieve, despite her usual behavior and lack of concern for her surroundings

" did good buddy" Angel whispered to himself in hopes that his words would reach Pentious


Buried in the rubble, Alex began glowing, despite being barely concious, he felt a strong pain in his head and chest, and just like that...

He knew what happened

He got up, blowing up the building behind him, moving almost robotically
Yet strangely, he was smiling, his voice was doubled as he spoke

"Oh dearie us, this fight is dragging out longer than predicted....and now the vessel's life is in danger"
"We should lend him more power in this case...but for now"
"Let us check on his emotional state"

The voice spoke in a nonchalant tone
Suddenly, a stream of tears fell down on Alex's face, but it reacted shocked, touching Alex's face with his own hands, seeing the tears streaming out

" that's how it is"
"Pain, regret, the loss of a friend..."

"No...of a brother"
"Vessel...your grief is understandable, but you need to push through this, only that way, things will end correctly"

"Only if you and your family all push through, will you get your happy ending"



"How do we know all this, you ask?"
The voice chuckled, responding to Alex, who spoke in their mind

" probably know our name"

"Our role, is to know"

Alex's eyes stopped glowing slowly, and the voice started fading away

"Remember the anger you feel right this moment, let it fuel you"
"And so we shall never let our precious ones die ever again"

His voice returned to normal, his expression turned from a smile to pure grief
Stumbling and trying to stand up

Alex remembered Pentious words

"Cheers for being alive today and not dying tomorrow"
"We are brothers tonight!, remember my cheer, so i can see you alive tomorrow and be content!"

The memories fueled his anger further, he growled so much it threatened to destroy his throat, his rage exploded along with the power he was trying so hard to contain

Omnipotence was acting on its' own, and he felt a surge of power from within

"You bastards...."

"You just won't stop taking everything away from me"

"I'll kill you...i don't care anymore, i'm not holding anything back this time, you hypocrites"


"If i couldn't laugh at myself, i'd probably go insane"


He extended his arms to the sky and....

With a soul-shattering shriek, Alex extended his wings upwards, powerful blasts of energy naturally flowing out of him

He flew across the battlefield with immeasurable speed, leaving light trails behind him, anywhere a single trace of him was seen, there were also exorcist heads rolling on the floor

The air vibrated and the land shook violently in the places he blitzed through

Suddenly he slowled down
And he saw Charlie flying up to face Adam, but then he noticed multiple exorcists overwhelming Angel, Husker and others

He flew crashing down, leaving most exorcists around either dead or gravely injured

Angel: "Is that....Alex?"
Husk: "Kid...?"
They stared at his imposing figure with confusion, his eyes were glowing, and light was visibly pulsing out of his body

Alex looked at them with sorrow in his eyes

Cherri: "This is the same whiny guy i met a month ago?"

Between all the lighting and energy pulses, a small one eyed demon walked closer to Alex, she looked up to him


Alex adverted his eyes, but she jumped and pulled him down, forcing him to crouch

"Are you okay?..."

He let out a long, tremblorous sigh
She always asked this same question, and most of the time the answer was


"Pent...died, didn't he?"
He asked her, his face never changing from the same grief-stricken stare

She only looked down, saddened

Alex sighed, then looked up, he saw how Vaggie, while riding Dazzle, one of Charlie's little dragons, fell down as the dragon's throat was cut by Lute

It crashed inside the hotel, and Lute killed it in cold blood

Alex knew Vaggie could take care of herself, but he wasn't sure about Charlie, who was launched towards the hotel's marquee by Adam, she fell down and landed on the ceiling Adam followed to confront her

"Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit, even for Lucifer's brat"

Charlie scowled at him
"These sinners are my family!"

"tHesE sInNeRs aRe mY fAmiLy!"
"Do you even hear yourself!?"
Adam mocked her, which only earned an angry, unamused stare from her

"You should've stayed in your place, girlie-"
Interrupting his insults, she stabbed Adam with her trident, and flinged him away towards one of the ceiling windows

"That's Princess of Hell to you, pig"

"The fuck?! That hurts!!"
He said while touching the stab wound on his shoulder, the golden blood coating his hand

"And it's gonna hurt even more"
Alex arrived at the scene

"You're still alive?" Adam replied, with a confused expression

"Come on"
He put up a fighting stance, Charlie simply nodded to him, prepared to fight Adam aswell

He got up slowly while chuckling, and spreading his wings sideways

While Alex and Charlie fought Adam

Lute was gaining the upper hand against Vaggie, she knocked her down on the floor

"You were always weak"
She said to her as she took her spear and stabbed Vaggie's hand

The pain reached Alex, who looked back in worry, only to get hit directly by Adam

He shouted

He lunged towards Adam and grabbed his arm
"The fuck!? WOA-!"

He lifted Adam in the air, slamming him against the ground several times, throwing him up, then kicking him back down against the floor

Adam struggled to get up after that, he was clearly affected and took some decent damage...

Alex stood far away from him, walking forward slowly

"You better get ready for what's next-"
Before he could say anything else, he suddenly felt a strong ache in his chest, falling down on his knees

" seems your body has reached its' limit"

"We would be lying if we declared it wasn't an expected outcome, you are so young afterall, it's a miracle it held out this long with omnipotence on a rampage"

"What!? No! Why right now!?"
He tried to get up, only to spit out blood

Charlie looked over to Alex
"Are you okay!?"

Alex, still trying to force himself up, replied
"I'm fine- gasp, watch out!!"

She looked back at Adam and barely parried his punch with her trident

But he knocked it away and held Charlie on a chokehold

"NO!!" Alex shouted, feeling immense pain all over his body, he couldn't move a single muscle, and it felt like doing so would tear his body apart

His family was dying, and he couldn't move

Hey!! Can't we do something about this!? Please!


Do not be afraid


The lightbearer will arrive shortly

What do you-

Alex's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud crash inside the hotel, seeing Vaggie holding a spear to Lute's neck, who was stuck under debris, he was washed in relief

But there was still an issue right in front of him, Adam lifted Charlie up by her neck while cackling

"!!" Charlie shouted, trying to break free from his grasp

"This fight was cute and all, but it's t̐̅î͂̕ͅmͯȅ to̤͎͓ͣ̄ ͇ͤ͞d̥͔͗i̓e̟̝̭͛̾ with the rest of them"

Did his face just...glitch?
Alex thought, still trying to force himself up

Dammit, get up! Get the fuck up!!

The others were surrounded by exorcists, and Lute got away from the debris, after ripping her own arm off, and she held Vaggie down

It seemed like it was the end

No one could help

Wait a minute...lightbearer?


Alex's eyes widening in realization as he figured out what omnicience meant

This should be interesting

Huh? Is that-

Without notice, Adam was punched in the face, his mask shattered and he was blown away, falling through the ceiling window Charlie had already damaged earlier, after she threw him at it

The person who struck him, Lucifer, catched Charlie in his arms before she fell

Alex smiled in relief
"Hell yeah!"

Charlie's eyes widened in surprise

Luci: "Sorry i wasn't here sooner sweetie"

He put her down and they looked at each other with a smile

Lucifer glanced over to Alex, who was lying down and struggling to get up, his eyes flickering between their usual gray and a white glow

" look....what's the word?..."
"Terrible! Jesus!"

Alex chuckled at his awkward remark
"I'm glad i don't look dead at least"

Lucifer helped him up
"Your name was...Alex right?"

Alex's eyes widened slightly
" remembered"

The king of hell roled his eyes
"Oh c'mon, i'm not the type to go:
'oH yOu'Re sO iNsiGniFicAnT tO mE i DoN't rEmEmbEr yOuR nAmE'...."
"Unlike a certain someone, I have some humility y'know?"

Alex laughed a little, despite the throbbing all over his body
"I'm flattered your majesty"
"Although i do agree...Alastor could use some modesty"

As they talked, Adam climbed up from inside the hotel
"Huff, huff Okay seriously, how many of you freaks do i have to fight!?"

Lucifer tossed Alex over to Charlie with little effort, and walked towards Adam

"Oh i'm the only one that matters, see you messed with my daughter and now i'm going to fuck you"


Everyone, even Adam, stared in silence, Alex tried his best not to laugh

Welp...he tried

A certain moth Overlord claimed this had just gotten interesting while he watched the battle along with Velvette and Vox

"U-uh...your majesty- wheeze, i-i think that's wrong- pff- HAHA-"

Charlie cringed awkwardly and whispered close to her father
"It's fuck you up....Dad..."

Luci: "Wait what did i say-?"

Without any warning Adam tackled Lucifer, slamming him against a wall, while they "fought"....
Or rather, while Lucifer toyed with Adam, Alex watched in disbelief

"...really? Another suicidal?"

Charlie: "What do you mean?"

Alex: "First Alastor insults your father and now Adam has the guts to throw hands??? What is wrong with these people?? I can understand sinners being crazy enough for that but Adam too??"
"Why the hell is everyone insane enough to fight Lucifer?!"

He shouted out loud, earning an unamused expression from Charlie
"It doesn't....really happen that often..."

Alex suddenly looked at her with a frown and widened eyes, he looked almost offended

His voice created a bit of wind when he shouted, pushing Charlie's head to the side as she remained unamused, she glanced behind her and saw Vaggie still being assaulted by Lute and hurried over to help her

"S-sorry Alex, but i gotta go..."

She dropped him on the floor in a compromising position

He groaned out loud
"Yeah just...drop me down, i'm totally fine..."

As she rushed to save Vaggie, Lucifer was still fighting Adam, dodging his attacks effortlessly

"So this is what you've been up since Eden? Gotta really let yourself go"

Adam: "Oh! Hoho!, You judging me!?, you're the most hated being in all of creation!!"

Lucifer shapeshifted into a snake, that Adam catched and attempted to hurl away, but Lucifer simply turned into a small bird and flew up to recover his balance

"Well your first wife didn't seem to hate what i had to offer..."
He put one finger to each side of his mouth in a "V" sign in order to mock Adam

"Or the second~!"
"Bow chica bow bow~"

Adam: "Urrgh!! I'll fucking end you!"

Lucifer turned into a horse and kicked Adam away from him while giggling like a little kid
"Woohoo! Missed me! Not even close!"

"Nice try douchebag"
He spoke in a lower tone

"UGH! Hold still!! You slippery fucker!" Adam replied

And while trying to hit Lucifer, he shot a considerably more powerful beam of light, nearly hitting Charlie and tearing the Hotel in half, Alex was hit directly, and both him and Charlie fell to the huge crater in between the now destroyed hotel

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!! Alex thought while moving around desperately, he couldn't fly, and the hit he just took left his mind foggy

As he fell to certain death, suddenly he felt something pulling him up, and it was Lucifer, who was also holding Charlie

"Oops! Sorry kid! I caught ya"
"And i caught ya too..."

He said while smiling at his daughter
She smiled back at him too, with tears in her eyes, but then she looked up, and her eyes widened



He looked up with disinterest, seeing Adam charging at them from above

Filled with rage, Charlie's arm transformed and held Adam's punch, which she was unable to do before
This shocked him immensely

"Wait what the fuck!?"

Alex chuckled while holding for dear life
"That's new..."

Lucifer turned to him with an angry expression and Alex smiled devilishly

Taking momentum as Lucifer spun around to slap Adam, he mustered all the strength he could and kicked him aswell, the impact caused a shockwave and Adam was flinged downwards, crashing against the floor

The other members of the staff, such as Cherri, Angel, Husk, Niffty and others, were slightly affected by the shockwave of his harsh landing

Alex looked down with relief, seeing that they were safe, although the damage from Adam's attacks were starting to kick in

Despite his pain, when he saw Adam, and remembered everything he said to him, it seemed like something awakened within him, his eyes shined brightly as omnipotence temporarily came back to him

Both him and Charlie mounted on each of Lucifer's sides while he spoke, hatred in his tone while he was in a more demonic form, his eyes glowing red, with huge red horns growing out of his head

"You come at me! And my daughter!? DON'T FORGET..."

He flew down and...along with Alex, struck Adam with a barrage of punches

"You're in MY house BITCH!"

Lucifer prepared a fireball to finish him, but Charlie stopped him
"Woah Dad! Alex!....he's had enough..."

Lucifer's gaze softened, then he looked down, seeing Adam completely defeated

"How's mercy taste you little bitch?"
Lucifer backed away from him, along with the other two
Alex's gaze was still cold and unforgiving
While Charlie's was empathetic, she had a bit of sympathy left for him still, enough as to let him live

But Adam got up, his voice trembling and cracking
" don't get to end this!"

Climbing out of the crater caused by his fall, both literally and metaphorically

He did not know what else to do but to insult others around him out of desperation

"I'm fucking Adam! I'm the fucking man!, you're all just some fucking clowns or somethin'!"

Alex: "That's a lot of fucking ain't it?"

Adam: "Shut up!"
"I started everything on earth!!, all of mankind came from these fucking nuts!"
"You all should be worshipping me!!"
"You ungrateful, disgusting! Fucking! Losers!- AUGH!!"

Suddenly a sharp pointy knife pierced through Adam's chest, earning a genuine smile from Vaggie

"WOAH!" She said while taking in the scene vividly, with both hands on each side of her face

Lucifer: "Uhh, you got something sticking out of...your-...your thing there"

Adam's face contorted in pain, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he fell down, revealing none other than Niffty behind him, still holding the knife with a straight face and emotionless stare

"Niffty??" Charlie asked with shock

Niffty's expression remained blank until she looked down at Adam and began repeatedly stabbing him with a manic smile

She laughed in psychotic joy and relished on his blood that left his body non-stop

Everyone stared silently, even Vox was shocked beyond belief
Meanwhile Valentino was realizing how big of a bullet he dodged a month ago in the sex club, his face being of pure terror and disbelief

Alex's was slightly shocked aswell, before melting into a lovestruck stare, he had a bit of a crooked smile drawn by his lips

"Is it....i-is it weird that i'm kinda turned on right now??..."
He asked, everyone simply gave him a look of disbelief, and he adverted his eyes, simply clicking his tongue

Meanwhile Niffty was enjoying the moment for a few more seconds

When she was done, she got up and walked away, Alex went over to meet her and extended his hand
"Can i borrow that?"

"What? The knife? Sure-"
Suddenly, he cupped her face and...after giving her a loving smile, he kissed her

"Nah...i meant borrow a kiss"

She blushed slightly and giggled
"Oh you~"

Husker simply sighed while witnessing the scene
"Those two are both nutcases, works like magic..."

"You can say that again Husky..."
Angel replied

Then, maybe it was because of her smile, or because the battle was finally over, but Alex's body relaxed completely, he collapsed on the floor, exhausted...

"Fuuuuck....everything hurts...."

Niffty sat next to him, a bit worried, but soon she realized it was okay

Meanwhile, Lute spotted Adam bleeding out on the floor and shouted in despair

"Sir...SIR! Stay with me Sir!"
She flipped his body over so he could face her, he was at death's door, and the last thing he saw was her....

So he smiled
And it was pure, and genuine

"ADAM!!!" She called him by his real name, but he was long gone

Lucifer towered over her
"It's over, take your little friends~! And- GO HOME!....."
He leaned down with a smirk

Lute gritted her teeth and grabbed Adam's halo to fly away

Alex: "Ya know...i know it's sad but-"

Lute: "I don't need your sympathy, red blood..."
Her tone was cold and harsh, almost poisonous

But Alex was...unsurprised
"Huh...alright then! Fuck you too!"

Lute scowled and commanded all exorcists to retreat and fall back

Alex managed to stand up with Husk's help, and he was showing them the middle finger

"I hope you cry your eyes out until you sleep tonight!"
"Knowing this was all your fault!!"
Alex said provokingly

Angel: "..."
"Holy fuck dude..."

Alex: "What? If they don't want my compassion they can have my hate"

As the heavenly portal closed, Lucifer turned back to everyone else with a bit of a smile

"Soooo sigh....who's up for pancakes?"

The entire hotel crew was clearly exhausted and injured, except for Niffty, who just lifted her hand up excitedly
Alex also weakly lifted his hand, he loved pancakes afterall

Meanwhile, 666 news started an emergency broadcast

K: "Good evening! I'm Katie Killjoy"

T: "And i'm-!"
She pushed him aside to skip presentations
K: "Nobody gives a shit about who are Tom"

"Breaking news!"
"Extermination day is cancelled!"

"Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words!"
In Cannibal Town, Rosie enjoyed some tea while she listened to the marvelous news on the radio, and she smiled happily when she heard about their victory

"In an unseen turn of events, our hot-headed Lucifer stepped in to save his daughter's ass in the last second"
The news were playing in Velvette's phone, Valentino passed by and turned on the Tv to see it better due to his (probably) poor vision

"We're also getting news that Adam, leader of the angelic exorcists, first man, and totally fuckable bad boy! Has been slain by a filthy janitor!"
The Tv showed Niffty being interviewed by several reporters

Suddenly a nerve on Alex's forehead swelled as the nickname Katie gave to his one and only wasn't exactly pleasing
"Your majesty?"

Lucifer flinched and looked over to him nervously
"Wh- y-yeah?"

Alex smirked as his right eye twitched, trying to hide his anger
"Can ya help me with something? Please?"

Back to 666 news...
"The janitor said, quote: "Charlie told me to stab, so i did"
Somewhere inside the pride ring's pentagram, Carmilla Carmine smiled warmly after hearing the news

"Anyway, congrats to Charlie and her friends for not being fucking useless for once!"

Suddenly a portal opened behind Katie, Alex stood there with an angry expression

Katie: "What the??"

Alex: "You called her WHAT?
"BITCH! Come here!! I still have more than enough to beat the hell out of you!"

He tackled Katie mid live, exchanging a few blows with her, before walking back to the portal with blood in his hands and breathing heavily, but before leaving, he looked back and lifted his index finger

"Don't ever insult my girl again..."

He walked back to the portal and it closed behind him, and he bowed down to Lucifer to thank him
"Thanks your majesty"

He was a bit weirded out by Alex's sudden outburst, but he still chuckled nonetheless
Luci: "It's nothing pal"
"We're both on the same boat afterall aren't we?

Alex smiled, glad that someone could relate to him

This little moment of comfort was torn down quickly however...
Charlie was heartbroken, Sir Pentious had died, the hotel was destroyed, and she blamed herself once again for the destruction and death caused

"He did it for us..."
"The ultimate sacrifice..."🎶
"He gave me his trust"
"And look how we paid the price"🎶

"This bloodshed could have been avoided"🎶
"If i had convinced Heaven to work together"🎶
"I took a hotel and destroyed..."
"I know i could have done better"🎶
"Instead of letting you down..."

But her father comforted her, reassuring that there was hope

"Come on little lady, why the frown?"🎶
"In the last 10.000 years, you're the first one to change this town"🎶

"You can do this!"
"Now I know it!"🎶
"Your story has just begun"🎶
He looked at her with loving eyes, feeling more than proud of his daughter, then pulled Alex along with him, gesturing for him to join in

Alex: "I-i uh...ahem"
"You can't quit now"🎶

Luci: "Hell you owe it!"🎶

Alex: "There's so much damage to be undone!🎶

Luci: "You've changed my mind"🎶

Alex: "You've touched our hearts"🎶

Luci: "Found the good in souls gone bad"🎶
"The stage is wrecked"

Alex: "And our crowd is gone🎶"

Luci: "But by God! Charlie, the show it must go on"

While the song went on..Alex let out a huge sigh
"Sorry but, i'm done with the musical stuff, at least for today....i need to pass out"
He raised his index finger with a tired smile and faceplanted the floor, completely knocked out

Oh well...let the redeemer rest...
And the other souls sing at last

Everyone(except Alex): "We can do this! We can build it!" 🎶
"Best hotel that you've ever seen!"🎶
"Twice the bedrooms! We can fill it-!"

Lucifer: "With all the sinners that you can dreaam!"🎶

All: "It starts with you! You know it's true!🎶"
"Fulfill your destinyyy!"

Charlie: "So long as i got all of you with me!"🎶

Wiping tears off her eyes, Charlie embraced everyone in a group hug
And, since they needed all the hands available, Niffty poked Alex to make him get up

He simply let out a muffled groan
"NOoOoO! Let me sleep!"

Niffty giggled
"C'mon~ lazyboy! We gotta build a hotel!"
She leaned closer, whispering on his ear
"And you know...i promise to reward you tonight~"

Alex instantly lifted his head, as if he had some sort of coil instead of a neck
First he inhaled deeply....then sighed

"Alright, why not anyways?"
He got up, his body was trembling slightly, but despite the fatigue, he could still help

"Yay!!" Niffty clapped her little hands repeatedly before speeding through the destroyed remains of the hotel

"To build a hotel i think we need some brick and lumber!🎶"

Luci: "Good thing we're in Hell! Check out this little magic number!!🎶

Alex: "Is that a fucking keyblade!?"

He rushed over to Lucifer, fanboying over the big sword-like key that keekee had turned into

Alex: "Best thing i've seen in this perdition!"🎶

Angel: "Start with foundation"🎶

Luci: "ha HA! Remedial creation for meee~🎶"

Alex: "Oh how bright is the future i see" 🎶

Niffty/Angel: "It's as easy as can be!"🎶

It transitioned to Charlie walking through the already half built hotel, giving tools to everyone working on it
"No time for crying! We got a lot of work to doing"
"We gotta try and, make the best of what's in ruins🎶"

Vaggie: "New coat of paint" 🎶

Husk: "New lights across the marquee"🎶

He sang while he put on some decorative lights along with Alex

"With a little sorcery!"🎶
Everyone sang together as Charlie casted a spell to turn on said lights

Meanwhile, the Vees celebrated
Now that Hell was in pure chaos, even more than usual, and with Alastor missing
They had their big chance, to take control of Hell, starting with the pride ring

So they danced, Vox and Valentino danced together while Velvette filmed them

Vox: "After the battle! Masterless cattle!"🎶

Vox/Val: "Overlords hanging by a thread, with the bid of bravado, maybe tomorrow, we'll be atop the heap"🎶

Val: "While the rest of Hell's pissing~"🎶

Vox: "And Alastor's missing"🎶

Val/Vox: "Fled with his tail between his legs" 🎶
"Nature abhors a power vacuum and leaves room for you and me"

"The future of Hell belongs to the Vees"🎶

They laughed together as a group while they celebrated their succesfull plan of causing a war between Hell and Heaven

Meanwhile, a certain Overlord with a sharp cut that painted red across his chest, walked through the ruins of what used to be his radio tower

"This place reeks of death"🎶

"There's a chill in the air"🎶

"And I barely escaped, being killed by a h͙͙͈ͭ̄a̴̢̘̬̱ͣir͂͊"🎶

"Great Alastor Altruist! Died for his friends!!"🎶
Disgusted by the thought of dying altruistically for his so-called friends, he held his face, desperately trying to keep himselt sane, still forcing his smile, despite going through a breakdown

"Sorry to disappoint! That is NOT where this ends!"🎶

"I'm hungry for freedom like, never before"🎶

"The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor"🎶

He looked around frantically, to see if that someone was watching, whoever it was

"Once I figure out how to unclip my wings" 🎶

"Guess who will be pulling all the strings?"

While Alastor recovered from his meltdown, everyone put up a memorial painting for Sir Pentious, and everyone, including Lucifer himself, paid their respects to him with a salute

Everyone: "We can do this"🎶

Charlie: "We can do this!"🎶

Everyone: "We'll be better"🎶

Charlie: "We'll be better!🎶

Everyone: "Though redemption may take a while"🎶

Charlie: "Though it may take a whiiile!🎶

Everyone harmonized together, when suddenly Alastor appeared in between everyone before they joined for a hug
"And we're doing it with a smile!"🎶

Everyone except Husk and Lucifer we're happy that Alastor lived

Alex: "Sigh i can't believe i'm happy that he survived, that bastard"

Lucifer: "Ugh, this guy..."

Charlie: "We'll make a difference wait and see"🎶

Vaggie/Charlie: "We're gonna do this you and me"🎶

Everyone walked away to see the hotel in its' full display

"And tomorrow it will be a fucking happy day in Heeee-"



As the entire crew, except for one, admired the hotel they built together
Suddenly, Alex felt a strong pain in his chest
Tears fell out of his eyes by themselves, much to his confusion


Charlie: "Aw, honestly, i feel like crying too...but i've done that way too much today..."

Alex: "N-no...this is...different"

Charlie: "What...what do you mean?"

Reality suddenly darkened, Alex's eyes gazed towards his left, towards...nothingness
As if he was hypnotized

Niffty: "....Lex?"

Alex: "I-i sad...but..."
"This is not my sadness"

Ah...such unfortunate souls

The voice spoke, but this time, everyone could hear it

Charlie: "W-who was that?"

Alex: "Omnicience..."

Angel: "The fuck? It can talk?"

Why yes, but our ability to speak is not your main concern right this moment
Go towards the place the vessel gazed towards, find them

Shelter them

The vessel shall guide you, for he feels their sorrow

A sorrow he is very familiar with

Alex's face suddenly turned to pure dread

"No no no no no...."

He suddenly rushed towards that place he placed his grey-ish eyes upon

Vaggie: "What the- f-follow him! Everyone!"

They tried to, but he was far too fast for them, Alastor could teleport, however he did not know to where, suddenly he had a great idea

"Little darling?"

Niffty looked up to him

"Don't let us hold you back, follow him"

She nodded with a grin and ran at top speed after Alex, leaving the others eye-widened

Cherri: "Holy shit...i knew she was fast but...not this fast"
"Guess you did well playing nanny that night Angie"

Angel: " i right or am i right aye?"
"HoOoOoh shiet! I ain't built for running a lot, not after fightin' all those holy bastards"

Husk: "wheeze...Don-...Don't even get me started...fuck's sake"

Vaggie: "Couldn't you...y'"

Husk: "Do these look in good shape for flyin' right now??"
He spread his wings to both sides, showing how bloodied and wounded they were

Vaggie: "..."

Charlie: "Babe...can't you fly too?"

Vaggie: "Not that fast..."

Lucifer: "I'll go after them too..."

Alastor: "Finally willing to take the initiative??"

Lucifer: "Oh fuck you"

He flew away without another word


Niffty arrived at where Alex was...he was simply...standing these...while staring at something

"L-Lex? What are you..."

She suddenly heard the sound of crying

"Looking at..."

Her only eye widened slightly at the sight of two bloodied angels, one male and one female

Both having mild demonic features, the male angel was hugging the female one, to console her, as she cried much more than him

Alex stared at them in horror

Suddenly the tall angel looked up to him, his eyes a hellish red, and welled up with tears

His voiced trembled, he looked to the person in his arms, who held a glowing orb of light that was engulfed in flames

Her six wings were clearly broken, she looked up with eyes identical to Aiden's, filled with tears

"I-i just wanted to help..."
"M-my sister will come help me...right?"

As Alex was at the verge of a panic attack, Lucifer arrived, hiding his wings while he approached them

"Kid? Hey! Can't you hear me right now-?"

"Oh no...."


Emily's scarlet eyes widened when she saw him, the morningstar himself

"M-mr Lucifer?"

Shocked beyond belief, Lucifer covered his mouth and held his stomach to avoid puking out of pure disgust

An angelic figure walked past him, with a melancholic look on his face, he pitied them, his heart sank deeper than Hell for them, but he couldn't afford to let his trauma get the best of him this time

Reaching his hand out for Aiden and Emily, he spoke with a soft, yet tremblorous tone

"Come on, let's...sigh, let's go, we have a home for you two"

Lucifer recovered from nearly spitting his insides out, and approached them aswell
"We have- urk! Cough, we have pancakes too"
"'re welcome here...i know it's not much but, let us bring you somewhere more safe, and comfortable"

Four fallen angels, unjustly deserted by their own home, and between them a small demon who could only undertand one of them

But she stayed, and she grieved for their sake, not wearing her usual sharp grin

Instead staying silent for them
Maybe all this time spent with Alex had a good influenced on her, she knew when, and how to keep quiet, and why she should do so


Finally, a positive emotion grew, and Alex felt it

Sadly, it was growing between thorns, thorns made out of despair, sadness, and hopelessness

However, maybe it could still bloom, as Hell wasn't that bad of place, at least in this world

They brought them slowly and gently, Emily's tears streamed down without consolation
The family she trusted with her very soul betrayed her for being empathetic, for desiring good on millions of souls

Aiden was devastated, but he remembered that moment clearly, that same bright lighting intervened when they were about to destroy his wings, it harmed Sera
And he remembered how the voice shouted

"Sinner! SINNER!, you high Seraphim...are not worthy"
"Once the vessel becomes strong enough, he shall rebuild the very foundations of Heaven"

"Mark our words, while your losing war unfolds"

The voice vanished, but Sera, despite being horrified, casted Aiden down along with Emily

That memory engraved on his mind, and he was planning to report it to Alex

But now, he needed rest, Emily needed rest, so it would be better to tell it another time


Somewhere in Heaven

A woman sat on a chair, admiring the view of the ocean as she relaxed on the beach, but then, Lute approached her and threw Adam's halo on the floor

"Adam's dead, and your deal is done so i'm in charge now"
"Your brat is threatening the very foundations of Heaven"
"And if you want to stay here, you're going down there and stopping.that.bitch"

The woman's gaze sharpened, as if she was annoyed by Lute, but she kept quiet

"You understand me?...."


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