Dance of Fate

By iluvmdilfs

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The continuation of Dance of Shadows Amarantha has struck. Asteria and Rhysand are being held captive Under t... More

before we begin
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapted Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six

Chapter Sixty Three

741 34 9
By iluvmdilfs


Time seemed to still as the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen clashed into mine. I never would have imagined that I would feel such despair upon seeing him. But a wave of fear so great I couldn't breathe washed over me as the guards forced him to his knees mere feet in front of me, chaining him from his wrists and ankles and the base of his wings. And nothing was as agonizing as being so close to him and not being able to feel his skin against mine. As knowing that I would never be able to do so again.

There was no point in trying to pretend I didn't care about him. The king wouldn't believe me. And I had no power. My body was weaker than a humans, both from the strain of using so much power only hours ago, and from the whippings.

I couldn't save him this time.

The thought crashed into me and threatened to kill me right then and there.

Why? I screamed silently. Why would you do this?

Azriel looked at me without an ounce of fear. Because I'll do anything for you.

"Shall I begin, milord?" Orion said from behind me. I tensed as he picked up the discarded, still bloody whip.

Azriel's eyes filled with a rage unlike anything I had ever seen as he scanned me over. Took in my bleeding and broken body. He slowly tilted his head up, looking to where Orion stood behind me, whip once more in his hand. His face turned to a thing of pure, undiluted wrath.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Azriel growled, the promise of death in his low voice.

Despite the words, hearing the sound of his voice was like a breath of fresh air after being held underwater for eternity.

Orion let out a small, slightly strangled laugh. And despite Azriel being utterly outnumbered and held down, the faint scent of Orion's fear coated the air.

The King of Hybern wordlessly snapped his fingers, and the Cauldron appeared beside Azriel and I.



Azriel could think of nothing but Asteria. He didn't care if he didn't make it out of the camp alive. He could only see her. Bloodied and broken, her terror and despair shattering Azriel's heart.

He could only pray that Rhysand was having better luck than he. He'd managed to tell the High Lord where Asteria was, at least. But Azriel hadn't listened when Rhys had told him to wait before going after her. And that was how he had ended up in this position.

"Please," Asteria breathed. Azriel saw the flare in her eyes, how the violet seemed to glow brighter in the Cauldron's presence.

Azriel thrashed, but the chains didn't falter. They stung his skin, clearly coated in Faebane and ash.

Hybern smiled at Asteria, eyes lit with a predatory gleam. Azriel saw red at the way he looked at her, like she was his prey that he had ensnared to devour.

"I love it when you beg."

"Shut your mouth," Azriel snarled, thrashing again. He ignored the sharp sting of pain that bit into his wrists and ankles, into the root of his wings. He didn't care about pain anymore. There was only her. He had slipped into a place of pure primal wrath, where nothing but Asteria mattered.

Hybern slowly turned his gaze to Azriel, his smile wide and unfaltering. The male scanned him slowly, and Azriel began to tremble with rage.

"You were right to call him a lovesick male, dear Asteria."

Azriel made a sound that was more animal than Fae. It only made Hybern smile wider. His lifeless eyes suddenly flared, as if he'd had an epiphany. He turned to the Cauldron, and then back to Azriel.

"No," Asteria begged, thrashing against the chains that bound her. How she could even move, Azriel did not know. After what she had done in Adriata, and what they had done to her back... It enraged Azriel so much he could hardly breathe.

"I'll do anything." She pleaded, so frantic and desperate that it made his heart shatter. He couldn't stand to be so close to her and not be able to touch her, to hold her.

Hybern let out a short, sharp laugh. "Yes, you certainly will. You'll both do anything I say. At least you'll be together. Or should I make you fight to the death?"

Without any warning, power erupted through the dark tent. Azriel shut his eyes against the blinding white, Asteria's scream ringing in his ears. He felt it all around him, the ancient, raw power that could destroy him in a second. That should have already destroyed him.

Yet it didn't touch him.

Azriel slowly opened his eyes. He was cocooned in violet power, shielding him from whatever the Cauldron was about to do to him. Among the violet, shadows swam, even though he hadn't summoned them. Couldn't summon them. The ground trembled as the two forces fought, the feel of magic around him so strong he couldn't breathe.

But then it stopped. And he was alive. Untouched.

Asteria stared at him with awe and relief and shock. She let out a shuddering breath as she realized he was intact. Her eyes fell to the his hand. Azriel followed her gaze, to the ring around his finger. And surely enough, the violet glimmering around it was brighter than usual. Azriel clenched his fist to hide it.

The king, oblivious to the fact that a ring had somehow saved Azriel, slowly turned to Asteria, striding up to her. His face twisted into a thing of pure rage. Asteria looked away from Azriel, meeting the king in the eyes with a defiance that made him love her impossibly more.

"How did you do that?" He seethed.

Asteria tilted her head back to look at him, smiling slightly. "I don't know." She said, her expression bland and innocent. Azriel almost smiled at the sight, at the pride that rushed through him.

Hybern looked away from Asteria, meeting eyes with Orion. Azriel could do nothing but scream as the male drew back the whip. And he could do nothing but watch as he lashed Asteria's brutalized back, blood splattering around them as she let out a cry of pain.

Azriel thrashed and thrashed, chains ripping into his skin. He felt blood trickling down his wings.

Orion whipped Asteria again, and again. Azriel had never felt so helpless, had never hated himself so much for not being able to do anything. For not being able to protect his mate.

Hybern held up a hand, and Orion stopped. Asteria sagged forward, the chains at her wrists above her head holding her upper body up. She panted, clearly fighting to grasp onto consciousness. Her violet eyes glistened with tears, the scent of her blood coating the air.

Gods, where was Rhys? Azriel's only consolation was that Hybern would likely want to draw out their suffering for as long as possible, rather than kill them right away. Though Azriel didn't know if he could stand this any longer. Seeing her suffer was worse than any form of torture he had ever felt.

They were interrupted by the sound of screaming outside the tent. Hybern rolled his eyes, then commanded a guard to see what the uproar was about.

But then the ground trembled. And Azriel knew that it was Rhysand's wrath that he felt. That the entire camp felt.

Asteria closed her eyes, but not with relief. With dread, that Rhysand was also here. Because she didn't think there was any way they would make it out alive.

Hybern smiled, as if he could read her thoughts. "Your brother has come to join us? What a lovely surprise." He mused. Asteria's eyes snapped open, filled with rage and menace.

The guard then ran back into the tent. "Your Majesty, we have a situation."

Hybern sighed dramatically. "One moment, darling." He said, before striding outside the tent without a hurry in the world.

Grab her and get out, Rhysand's voice sounded in his mind. He could tell from the strain in his voice that whatever he was doing was taking a significant amount of effort, and that he likely wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

I can't, Azriel said back, pulling on his chains for emphasis, even though Rhys couldn't see him.

Find a way. Rhys pressed. His tone left no room for discussion. Hurry.

Azriel pulled again at his chains, to no avail. But then he caught Asteria's eye. Her face was expressionless, a cold mask that revealed nothing. They were still being watched by guards, and by Orion. But her eyes slid to his hand, to the ring.

Azriel had no idea how to use it. He'd hadn't realized she had actually put power in it. He'd noted the violet that had joined the shadows after that day in the throne room, but he hadn't thought anything more of it. Had barely been able to look at it most days. But it had saved his life. And perhaps he could use it to save both of theirs.

Asteria's chin dipped in a nearly imperceptible nod. Azriel clenched his fist, willing the ring in the same way he willed his own power. He felt it thrum through him in response, the feel of Asteria's magnificent power sending a shiver down his spine.

And just when he thought nothing would happen, the shackles fell from his wrists, ankles, and wings, a violet hue glimmering around the discarded chains.

He was immediately on his feet, fighting the guards that rushed at him. He killed them quickly and silently, fueled by an all consuming fury. 

And then Orion was upon him. Azriel grabbed the sword of one of the soldiers he'd already killed, then turned to face Orion.

The male smiled, silver eyes gleaming. Then he reached into the sheath at his hip, and pulled out Truth Teller. They'd taken it away from Azriel when they'd captured him. And now Azriel would get it back. And then he would get her back.

Azriel struck, metal clashing against metal. Orion deflected the blow with impressive skill, then smiled again at Azriel. "Are you really going to make her watch me kill you?" He snarled mockingly.

Azriel lunged, urging his shadows to wrap around Orion. But silver magic clashed against his darkness, and the shadows recoiled. Orion dodged Azriel's strike, then met the next with Truth Teller, and the next and the next.

And then it was Azriel's turn to dodge as silver power hurled towards him. He responded with his own strike of power, blue siphons gleaming. But Orion blocked it with unsettling ease. Azriel panted, gathering his power once more. 

Orion didn't give him time to recover. And he seemed to have tired of blades. Azriel ducked beneath a blast of power that he knew would have killed him. He winnowed out of the way of the next, barely in time. His power wasn't nearly replenished, especially after the chains. And Orion's power...

Azriel didn't stand a chance. 

Blade and blade met, and despite having the advantage of a sword against a dagger, Azriel stumbled back slightly. Orion advanced, Truth Teller lighting with silver. The male smiled, the silver of his eyes matching the power that swirled against the dagger he held against Azriel's sword, inching closer to his body with every second. 

Whatever magic Orion was somehow imbuing into Truth Teller was amplifying his strength, or perhaps diminishing Azriel's. It was only a matter of time before he gave out. 

"I told that bitch she would get what was coming to her," Orion hissed, pure wrath in his eyes. 

Just as Azriel thought his strength would give out, his own blade lit with power. Violet power, with shadows twinning throughout it. And Azriel had more strength than he'd ever had. 

In a near effortless movement, Orion was disarmed. A kick to the stomach, and he was on his knees, panting. Azriel threw the blade on the floor, the swirls of power around it diminishing. He grabbed Truth Teller where Orion had dropped it, and brought it to the male's neck. 

Orion struggled, but Azriel only pressed the blade in further. The scent of his blood filled the air, Fat, and yet not. Like whatever power the Cauldron had given him had corrupted him. 

"Please," Orion breathed. 

Azriel used his free hand to grab the back of Orion's neck, pushing his head into the blade slowly. He brought his mouth to the males ear. "I told you I would kill you for touching her." He whispered, Orion trembling beneath his grip. 

With the one quick, harsh movement, Orion's head was rolling on the ground, his body collapsing a moment after. 

Azriel didn't so much as look at the body of the male he'd just murdered. He only took a breath, then turned to her. 

Then he was running to Asteria, falling to his knees before her.

And it was like he could finally breathe. Like he was home again.

He didn't even have to command the ring this time. The chains fell free from Asteria, and her arms fell down to her sides. She swayed forward, but Azriel caught her by her arms. She leaned into him, her scent filling his senses.

A moment stretched into eternity as he held her. As she rested her head against his shoulder, shaking slightly. Azriel wasn't sure he would ever let her go again.

Azriel, Rhys growled into his mind. Azriel tensed, and Asteria slowly sat up.

"We have to go." Azriel said to her. Asteria nodded, face set with cold calculation.

Azriel grabbed a discarded cloak and wrapped it around her, careful to touch her back as little as possible. Asteria hissed, but held it around her body with trembling hands.

"Can you stand?" Azriel asked, stretching out a hand. She nodded and took it, her soft skin so perfect against his scars. Asteria swayed again, but Azriel had her.

Azriel's shadows came back in full force, and he willed them to cocoon them, to conceal them as they slowly made their way into the night.

It was utter chaos throughout the camp. Azriel hadn't realized the screams were so loud with how distracted he had been by Asteria. But now he could hear them as he beheld the fire, the screaming soldiers desperately running. Some of them turned to mist as they ran.

Azriel stood with Asteria, her arms wrapped around his middle as she half leaned on him. He couldn't see any sign of Rhys, but he could feel him. Azriel realized Rhys couldn't see them either, so he sent out a small pulse of power that only he would be able to identify as his.

Then there was a whoosh of air, and Rhysand was beside them. Azriel immediately covered him with shadows, then let him see the two of them.

Azriel had never seen Rhys look so agonized as he beheld his sister. And he felt her pang of pain, saw it in her eyes as well. Neither of the siblings spoke, twin pairs of violet eyes staring into each other.

"We have to leave," Azriel finally said, hating himself for interrupting them. Rhys finally turned away from her, nodding to Azriel. But the pain and rage did not leave his face.

"Can you conceal us in the air?" He asked.

"I'll try. But we have to hurry." Rhys nodded again. He turned again to Asteria, then looked away. As if he couldn't stand to look at her.

Azriel turned to Asteria, who tilted her head back to look at him. He felt like he might die as she stared into his eyes.

But Azriel forced himself to say, "I don't know how to hold you without hurting you."

"It's fine." She said. Azriel scanned her, knowing it wasn't. But there was no other way.

He bent his knees, and Asteria wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid an arm behind her knees. Then, as carefully as he could, he placed an arm around her back.

Asteria flinched, a strangled cry escaping her lips. But her hands remained around his neck, and she let him gently lift her off her feet. She hissed, squeezing her eyes shut.

"I know." Azriel soothed. "It's okay."

Azriel looked over to Rhysand, only to find his pained gaze on the two of them. Realizing Azriel was looking at him, he flared his wings and nodded. Both of them shot into the night sky, wings flapping with all of their strength.

He struggled to keep the shadows around all three of their bodies, and he could only pray no one noticed the shadows that were darker than the rest of the sky that flew through the air. Azriel didn't look down at the camp, but the screams didn't die down.

No, the screams were getting louder. Because they had been discovered.

Azriel banked harshly to the right, just in time to dodge an arrow. More flung in its wake, and Azriel held on tighter to Asteria as he swerved and dodged every which way, flying as fast as he could.

"Why can't you winnow?" Asteria asked, her voice almost drowned out by the screams from below.

Azriel dodged a spear, its wind grazing his wing. "It's too long. And you're too weak."

Asteria seemed like she would protest, but remained silent.

Azriel looked to his side to where Rhysand flew just in time to see an arrow pierce his flesh. He grunted, reaching his arm to rip the arrow out of his shoulder. He didn't so much as examine it before flinging it below.

They would only need to make it a little further before they were out of range. Just a few more minutes-

"Wait," Asteria said. Azriel looked down at her, but didn't slow. "Azriel, wait."

"We can't. They'll kill us." Asteria's face hardened with pure determination. Her eyes flared, power stirring in them.

"I need to get back to the camp."

"What?" Azriel asked, dodging another arrow.

"Guard me from above." She said.

"Are you crazy? You'll be killed before you set foot on the ground. "

"Not if you and Rhys guards me." She pressed.


"Azriel." She said, and her voice was so certain and commanding that he pursed his lips. "I need you to trust me."

Azriel breathed, still not stopping his flying. He didn't know why, but something about the way she spoke, the look in her eyes...

"Rhys!" He yelled over his shoulder.

"I heard." He responded. "There's no way-"

But Asteria was gone. Azriel halted mid air, looking down at the camp below them.

And there was Asteria, concealed behind a large towering tent. Unnoticed as everyone focused on shooting Rhysand and Azriel out of the sky.

Rhys cursed, gathering his power and striking the camp below. Azriel did the same, blue siphons glowing. And prayed that Asteria knew what she was doing.


I breathed deeply, urging power to course through me. It should have been impossible that it was already replenished after the amount of Faebane I had been given, yet I didn't question it. I invited it into my body, to flow through me as it wished, until I was more power than person. Until it was so prominent in me that it was a struggle to control it, to hold on to who I was. But I did. 

I would not falter. I would not yield. I was a star. 

And I would burn. 

I lowered myself to my knees, closing my eyes as I lay my palms onto the floor. With one last shuddering breath, I unleashed the full might of my power into the ground beneath Hybern's war camp.


A groan rumbled through the camp. A crack louder than thunder broke through the screams as the ground began to tremble so harshly that most soldiers fell over. Tents toppled, bonfires tipped over.

Azriel caught sight of Asteria, kneeling with her hands on the floor. Violet bloomed from them, stretching into the ground. He squinted, realizing the entirety of the ground underneath the camp had a faint violet glow coming from within.

It was then that Azriel realized Asteria was going to destroy the war camp.

He could do nothing but watch in awe as amethyst power swarmed around Asteria, glowing as bright as a star. And then the camp began to crumble. The ground began to piece away, large cracks appearing in the earth with an ear splitting boom. People and tents fell through those cracks.

In a matter of seconds, the camp was nothing but screaming survivors and fire and violet. Out of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers that had once been there, only hundreds remained.

Azriel watched as Asteria doubled over, the magic around her fading. Without another thought, Azriel plunged towards her, as fast as the wind would take him.

Asteria was barely conscious when Azriel took her in his arms. Her skin was freezing and coated with sweat and blood, her breaths labored pants. Her body shook almost as violently as the ground beneath them.


I saw the full scale of my destruction once I was in the air. The entire camp was in ruins. No tents remained. Very few soldiers had survived. What remained of the once magnificent camp was up in flames, the rest lost between the cracks in the earth that I had created.

But I did not regret it.


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