The Return of The Lost

By Lana_writrs

59.4K 1.3K 489

13 years ago, 4 year old Valentina Russo was kidnapped from her family sending spiralling as they search the... More

Author's note
1|Mission:Seduce and kill
Val's Pets
3|"What happened?"
4|"Fucking Rules? What am I 5?"
6|Fake Bitch.
7|Hell AKA School
11|"More of you?!"
15| Girl talk.
16| Tomatoe
questions to you.
18| Time to shine...
19|"Oh,my baby."
20|"It's my fault."
24| Dancing.


1.7K 49 11
By Lana_writrs

A/N: Val always covers her scars and tattoos.

long chapter ahead, 2000+ words.


"It isn't my fault. She started it!" I said, frustrated.

My friend group and my brothers and their friends with Alek and Miss Barbie are now in the principal's office.

"Calm down, your father is on his way, he should be here any minute." Jerry, the principal said. I look at Alen and he was looking at me, thinking the same Idea. I smirked, he followed. I nodded he did too. By now our friends and the others looked at us in confusion.

I started taking deep breaths, which made them even more confused. The door slammed open and I saw dad. The tears started falling as I sobbed. "Dad." I ran to him and hugged him, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he put one hand to my head and the other on my back, preventing me from falling.

"Hey, hey. Its okay. Can you tell me what happened?"

"My friends and I were in the cafeteria when she came and hit me and called me ugly and a slut. She told me to stay away from her boyfriend, then she called me a whore and punched me. I don't even know her." I said it between sobs. Everyone, well, all except the principal, looked shocked and surprised. I looked at the bimbo bitch and smirked.

Alen looked at me and I winked at him. I continued my act.

" Who do you think you are calling my daughter that? "

" Excuse me? Do you know who my daddy is? Frank Williams."

"Oh, I know him. He works at my company. Why don't I fire him and expel you?"

Dad didn't wait for a response as she walked to a corner and called someone after he put me in my previous place.

She started crying, "Oh, don't cry now, blondie." I provoked her.


She came running, trying to hit me. I hit her right in the center of her face as she fell limp. "YEAH, THAT IS MY TWIN SISTER, BITCHES."

"Miss Russo, this behavior is unacceptable in my school. You are suspended for 3 days."

Dad ended the call and came to this commotion. "No you aren't going to suspended her for that long, Jerry. Do you know how much I went through to wake her up. She even punched me in the fac-"I cut him off by jumping on his back and putting my hand on his mouth." Um, no that isn't true. Right dad." I said with a forced smile as he looked confused." But, it did happen."

"No it didn't."

"Yes, it did."

"No it didn't."

"Yes, it did."

"Yes, it did."

"No, it didn't."

"Haa, see it didn't."

"Wait you tricked me!"

"Dad, lets go. 3 days is fine, Jerry. Bye."

The others were still laughing at us.

"Lets fucking go!" I shouted, angry at something I remembered.

"Oh, shit. This isn't good." Chris said. I left and dad followed as they stayed behind.


Think, think, think.

What did we do wrong?

"Why is it bad?" A guy asked.

"Who are you anyways?" I asked.

"I'm Aleksander."

After he said that, they all introduced themselves.

"Val isn't the one to lose her temper that fast. Sure, she has anger issues, but not to us." I said.

"The last time that happened, is when Isabella gave Vee's number to a guy. And one time, she grounded Chris and I because we got into a fight and broke her favorite vase." Jack explained as Bella and I shrugged at the memories.

"Oh, I remember how bad it was."

"Yeah, it was so bad. It lasted a week."

I look at this Aleksander guy and he looked impressed.

I hear my phone ring. I take it out of my pocket, with all eyes on me. I see Vee's number and panic.

"You better answer it; she likes you more." I tell Isabella. "No, give it to Jack."

"What did I do to you?"

"Not now, Jack."

"Goddammit." I said this as I picked it up. Vee's voice immediately reached my ears.


"Oh, this is so much worse than we thought." Jack said, as all of them heard that.

"Why is that?" Valentino asked.

"Val cursed more than once in a single sentence. One time, she shouted at Chris for eating two tubs of ice cream and getting sick the next day for 3 hours straight. We lost count of how much she cursed, but let me tell you, it was three per sentence. Imagine that."

I chuckled as I said, "How I regret it. That is why none of us mess with her."



I got ice cream.

I got fucking ice cream.

And let me tell you, I'm a total sucker for ice cream.

I did a dance in my head as I ate it with my dad.

We are now home, in dad's office. He wanted to talk to us about something.

"Tonight we have a business dinner with a friend of mine. I want you all to dress nicely and neatly. Be ready by 9."
Dad explained. We nodded and got out. I was with Alen.

"Can I get a piggyback ride, please?" I said to Alen.


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I said with puppy eyes.

"Fuck, fine." He said as he lowered and extended his hands backward and I jumped happily.

He then smirked and ran as I squeled as I held tightly and let out a laugh. He laugh with me as he continues running. We then walk, well run to the living room to find everyone in here.

"Hi guys." I smile and wave at them.

When they saw me on Alen's
back and smiling they laughed and smiled back.

"Hi neonato." Dad said

"What does it mean? Neonota, neonoto, ugh, whatever that was." I asked, acting dumb.

"Because, if you are cursing at me in a language I don't know, I won't talk to you." I continued, pouting.

"No, no. It means baby."

"I am not a baby."

"To us, you are."

I groan, knowing they won't stop teasing about it to me now.


It was now, 8:50.

I am wearing an off- shoulder sparkly red long dress with cone heels, paired with a YSL bag with bow earrings and a butterfly necklace. I put on some rings and did a soft makeup look. I let my hair down and brush it a bit causing waves. (smthng like the pic in makeup) I wear the bracelet dad bought me. He said to press a button hidden in it if something wrong happened or if I am in danger.

"Honey, are you done?" A feminine voice spoke outside my door.

"Come in, mom!" I said I was doing my finishing touches.

The door opens as Mom enters, closing the door behind her.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you, mom. You look gorgeous."

"Thank you, honey. Let's go down; they are probably losing their patience."

I laughed as much as Mom did too and went out of my room to the staircase.

The heels clacking caught their attention as they lifted their heads and looked at us.

"Wow, you girls look gorgeous."

"Thank you, dad."

After they all complement us we get in two separate cars.

We divided into two groups. Mom, dad, Sandy and, Ardo went into a black audi (Fist one) and the rest, Lor, Eli, Colly, Alen, and I got into the G-class.

A/n: I just realized that I don't really include Cole and Elijah. Will do later.


We are now here at a restaurant that looks expensive. I held onto Sandys hand as I got out of the car and walked to the restaurant holding hand(in a brotherly way 🙌)

We enter and dad talks to someone behind the counter about the reservation as he leads us to a table. We sat down as I asked, "So, where are they?"

"They should be here soon."

"Okay." I said

A few minutes later pass by and I got bored. Then a tall man appears as he says, "Alex, long time no see." As he shakes hand with dad. A woman, probably his wife, greets mom as she looks at me. "No. Lu, is this her?" The woman asks as mom nods and this lady hugs me. I pat her back as she pulls away, "Oh, you were so tiny when I last saw you. Look at you now, all grown into a beautiful young lady."

"Thank you." I smile at her as she gives me one, bigger. The man, then hugs me as he got the same news, "Look at you. The last time I saw you you were a baby. A really short one."

"I am not short." I say, offended as he laughs.

"Meet my son and daughter."
I turn around and see Alek, who was checking me out, and a little girl.

"Aleksander and Lia."

"Hi, you look pretty. I'm Lia."

"Hi, Lia. You look very pretty too." I said this as she blushed and rushed to her mother. She's probably 15. (I changed her age)

"Hi, Alek."

"Hey, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you. You don't look that bad too."

"Really, великолепный? You wound me."

"Don't worry. Ты по-прежнему красив."
(You are still handsome)

"Thanks for the compliment."

We sat down as a waiter came to take our orders. "I will take the Arancini and a glass of water, please."

"Of course, anything for you, beautiful." The waiter said this as he winked at me and left. The men/guys looked mad, real mad.

I look at Dad as his eyes soften, and he smiles reassuringly. I, then looked at Alek and saw him looking furious. His hand clenching and unclenching, and I swear I saw smoke come out of his ears as his jaw clenches.

A few minutes everyone is doing their own thing. I look at Alek and he gestures for me to follow him as he gets up and leaves. I get up too and follow him.

I turn a corner as I feel hands creep on my waist and pull me closer. The familiar smell af Alek fills my nostrils as I relax. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?"
He whispers in my ear, his voice low and husky.

"You certainly did."

"Well, you look really gorgeous."

"Thank you." I said as I lowered my head into his neck, trying to hide my blush. "Don't hide from me, sweetheart."

I look up at him, looking into his beautiful green irises. I then look at his lips as he does the same. We lean closer to each other but are interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

I hear him groan as I let go and answer the phone; it was Alen.

"Hey, Tina. Where are you? The food arrived. I'm starving, and dad said we can't start without you and Alek." I chuckle and say, "We are on our way; calm down."

"Ok, hurry!"

I cut the call and told Alek what it was as we went back.

I sit down as soon as we reach the table and say, "You can eat." As soon as dad said that, Alen devoured the food he ordered.

I chuckle at him as the rest do the same.

As we are eating, the waiter comes, "Is there anything else, I can get for you."

"Um, yeah. I actually ordered a glass of water but you didn't bring it." I said, relaxing that.

"Oh, sorry about that. I will bring it right away, gorgeous." The waiter says

As I mentally wanted to punch him, only Alek calls me that.

I force a smile as he goes to bring my water.

Alek looked angrier than before. The others looked like they wanted to beat the shit out of him.

Same, guys, same.

A few minutes later, he came with my water. I thanked him as he left. Before he left he flirted with me that caused a lot of angrier looks from the men.

I pick up my water as a paper falls, I pick it up and open it. Their was a number written with 'call me' on it. I looked at the waiter as he winked at me.

I crumble the piece of paper and throw it as Alek looks at me in a 'atta girl' look

I drink my water and continue eating.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whisper to Lor who was beside me and he nodded.

I get up and walk to the bathroom , feeling uneasy.

Something is wrong.

I open the door and enter as I start to feel dizzy. I hear the door open and close. Someone is here.

I look at the figure as my vision blurred, "You know, I was hurt when you crumbled the paper and threw it."

It is him. The waiter.

"Before I got the water for you I noticed how that guy looks at you. So, I drugged your water. And here you are."

Shit, shit, shit!

Black spots filled my vision as I pressed the hidden button on my bracelet before falling to the floor. Darkness engulfing me.


I was discussing business with Mr. Korolyov when I felt my phone vibrate, violently. I take it out of my pocket as I see the black screen on my phone with 'Valentina is in danger' written on it. I look up and notice her gone I glace at dad and my brothers who are doing the same.

"Fuck." I said as I got up, "Where is she?" I asked Lorenzo as he was next to her. "Bathroom." Him and I rushed their as Dad explained the situation and followed with the rest except the women. Lor turns the knob on the bathroom door, but to our luck it was locked. He tries to break it but it didn't work, "Move." Alek said as he kicked the door and it fell off its hinges. We saw Val on the floor, unconscious, with the waiter on top off her. He was kissing her neck.

Oh, he better start digging his grave right now.

He turns at the sound and stands up quickly. I rush to him and throw a punch to his face as dad goes to check on Val. I keep throwing punches at him.

How dare he kiss my sister. Even touch her. While being unconscious.

I feel two pairs of hand try to pry me off. I let go of him and look at dad holding an unconscious Val. We leave the bathroom after telling some guards to bring him to the basement in our house.


We are in the hospital, now. Waiting for Val to wake up. It has been about 2 hours.

No one slept. Not even a blink. I look at the clock about the door and see it was 1 in the morning.

We arrived at 11. We waited and waited until this very moment. I felt her hand squeeze mine as I was holding hers.

I look up and hear her groan. Her hand extends to her head, she opens her eyes, looking around.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here." I said as I pass her a glass of water. She thanks me.

"I'm going to get  the rest." I get out of the room and call them.

They rush in the room as mom hugs her first. They took turns as Val asks, "What happened?"

We look at her in confusion.
She doesn't remember?

Then the doctor entered, "Mr. Russo. A word, please."

Dad left and followed the doctor.


"We found a lot of the Starburst drug in her system. She took a lot, so she lost a few days of her memories. But, she will get them back after some time." The doctor explained as I looked at the wall, in a daze.

A/n: I made up the drug.

We just got here back a few weeks ago and couldn't even protect her.

We all failed her.



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