Torchwood Academy

MoonyXxPadfoot tarafından

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Where all The Doctor Who character's are children, and are attending Torchwood Academy! Which isn't your aver... Daha Fazla

Rose- Part One
Rose- Part Two
Rose- Part Three
Rose- Part Four
The Rule Game- Part One
The Rule Game- Part Three
The Rule Game- Part Four
The Rule Game- Finale
Kareoke in the Auditorium
The TARDIS~ Part One
The TARDIS~ Part two
Clubs- Part One
Clubs- Part Two

The Rule Game- Part Two

126 1 58
MoonyXxPadfoot tarafından

[Rose and 9 walk around, looking for the correct room]

Rose- We're going to be late, and on our first day!

9- no we're not, come on [grabs her hand] I'm sure it's around here somewhere...

Rose- maybe I should just go back to bed...

9- [laughs]

Kate- [appears around the corner] excuse me, are you lost?

9- well, I wouldn't say-

Rose- we're very lost! [Steps forward and holds out her hand] I'm Rose

Kate- yes, Rose Tyler, I know, you made quite the impression

Rose- I did?

9- It's a good thing, Rosey

Rose- is it?

Kate- [shakes Rose's hand] Sorry, where are my manners. I'm Kate, Kate Stewart

9- I'm The Doctor!

Kate- Doctor?

Doctor- yep

Kate- but your too young to be a doctor?

Doctor- says who?


Rose- [giggles] relax, he's not actually a Doctor

Kate- [nods]

9- [frowns]

Rose- he's THE Doctor

9- [cheers up]

Kate- But...Doctor who?

9- Doctor...waiting for you to show us where the classroom is!

Kate- Of course, sorry [Bangs on the bathroom door] hurry up, Ella!

9- Oh um-

Osgood- [walks out] Sorry. Oh, hello! Who are you?

[She looks at Rose and The Doctor]

Rose- I'm Rose Tyler and that's- you know what, we better get to class...

Kate- good idea! Follow me!

[They walk into class]

[The tables are stacked on top of each other]

Master- [looks at John]

10- [looks at Koschei]

Master- we should have added a tunnel...

10- yes! or a little shop!

Master- no...that's dumb. What would we even put in it? And don't say crisps

10- but-

Master- don't

11- [bumps into a table] goodness me, where did that come from?

River- is a classroom. They often tend to have tables...

11- [rolls his eyes]

River- careful, don't want your eyes to hit your brain

11- t-that can happen?

River- oh yes

11- [scared]

Amy- Oi, Rory

Rory- hm? [Looks up from a book]

Amy- I dare you to run under the table fort-

Rory- [runs under, the tables come crashing down]

River- Rory! Watch your head!

Amy- [laughs] she's fine

Rory- I'm fine!

[An adult walks into the room, but it isn't Russell]

Steven- everyone...please...put the tables back and take a seat

[He walks over to the front of the class]

Steven- My name is Steven, I'll be your teacher this year, and hopefully many more to come. Chop chop! We haven't got all day!

[Everyone takes a seat]

Sarah Jane- Psst, Rose, there's an open spot next to me

Rose- [grins and walks over to her]

Sarah Jane- Did you manage to get the green hair dye out?

Rose- [shakes her head] do you really think I'd be wearing this hat if I did?

Sarah Jane- [looks at the hat] it suits you!

Rose- thanks, Bill made it actually, she's so k-

Steven- Quiet! Everyone. Can I have all eyes up front please! Yes, I'm talking to you goth girl-

Missy- [glares]

Amy- [laughs]

Steven- thank you, now that I have your attention...

SpyMaster- get on with the lesson already!

Steven- Yes, thank you Sacha

SpyMaster- how do you know my name?

Steven- I know everyone's names, even the really obscure ones [looks at the Doctor]

9- [looks around, confused]

Rose- [giggles]

Steven- At Torchwood Academy, you'll be attending regular classes such as Math, English and Science-

Owen- Booooo

Dan- I hate math

Jenny- me too

Bill- I love maths!

12- agreed

Steven- you'll also be studying history, and geography, and I suppose languages and culture but um...we do that a bit differently here

10- what do you mean?

Steven- I mean...your going to have a very visual, hands on experience

Clara- [politely raises her hand]

Steven- Yes, Clara

Clara- will their be school trips? And will we need a passport?

Steven- yes, there will be school trips. But no, you will not need a passport

Donna- so we're not even going to leave the country? How lame is that

Steven- oh...just you wait

Ianto- [puts up a hand]

Steven- Ianto

Ianto- what about, drama?

Steven- anyone that wishes to form an extra curricular club, will be given the funds and space to do so. As long as they have over five willing participants

Ianto- so...we're in charge?

Steven- your in charge.

12- can we make ANY club we want?

Steven- So long as it isn't illegal, and you pitch it to Russell first. He's head of that department

Sarah Jane- [looks at Rose] Isn't that brilliant!?

Rose- [nods]

Steven- now, there will be enough time to ask questions at the end. For now, I want to get to know you all

SpyMaster- Uh oh, watch out. He's going to make us do one of those dumb trust exercises...

[They all laugh]

Steven- what was that, Sacha? You volunteer to go first! Fabulous!

SpyMaster- what- no-

Steven- up you get!

[He ushers him towards the front of the class]

SpyMaster- [groans]

Steven- You, young man, are going to tell the rest of the class what it is you want to be when you grow up!

SpyMaster- oh...that's easy, I'm gonna be rich

[Everyone laughs]

Steven- lovely. Please take a seat

[He scans the classroom]

Steven- Jodie! Up!

Jodie- Me?

Steven- Yes, you! Your name is Jodie isn't it?

Jodie- [nods]

Steven- then come on up! I promise I don't bite!

Jodie- My dog does, ALOT 

Steven- [laughs] the stage is all yours...

Jodie- okay, well...when I grow up I want to be on the west end! actor, or both!

Amy- I want to travell the world, and maybe...invent a new brand of perfume

Steven- Oo, what scent?

Amy- something...out of this world

River- well I'd totally buy it!

11- [wants to look supportive] y- yeah me too!

[He nudges Rory]

Rory- I hate perfume

Amy- thanks guys

Jack- I want to run Torchwood, and drop-kick some alien butt!

Steven- what a lovely use of the English vocabulary

Jack- shit, your not our English teacher, are you?

Steven- fortunately not. I'm just your form tutor. about you pick who goes next, since you want to become a leader one day...

Jack- sure!

Ianto- [mumbles] don't pick me don't pick me don't pick me

Jack- Ianto

Ianto- piss off

Steven- excuse me?

Ianto- er...I mean, thank you very much for the opportunity

Ianto- I'm going to be an accountant like my dad...

Steven- An accountant?

Ianto- yeah

Steven- Ianto, is that what YOU really want to be?

Ianto- yeah

[He shuffles uncomfortably]

Ianto- can I sit back down now?

Steven- you may

Ianto- [hurries back to his seat]

Gwen- I'm gonna marry a rich man

Steven- that's-

Gwen- Sir, you didn't let me finish, I'm gonna marry a rich man, steal his inheritance, run anyway, bail my friends out of jail and go to Florida

Steven- what makes you think your friends are going to end up in jail?

Gwen- [laughs] are you kidding? Look at them-

[Points to Vastra, who's threatening Jenny with scissors]

Vastra- she touched my vail...

Mickey- why do you wear one anyway?

9- because she's an alien

[Some of them gasp]

9- sorry...I thought we all knew that already

Steven- Vastra, why don't you go next-

Vastra- I want to be excepted for all that I am

Steven- [nods] good answer

Vastra- I know

Owen- are you really an alien?.

Vastra- are you really a human?

Steven- Mr Harper, why don't you come up next

Owen- when I grow up I'm going to be a famous footballer

11- what team do you support?!

Owen- MU

11- [happy dances]

River- [face plants]

Mickey- No way- Mc is WAY better

Owen- excuse me

Dan- your all wrong, Liverpool's the best

Ryan- shame on you, Dan, Shame. On. You.

Donna- I don't understand football

Steven- Next student, please! Before this turns into a debate

Martha- I'm going to be a Doctor!

Donna- Heck yeah you are!

Martha- Thanks Donna, It's been my dream for as long as I can remember

Rose- [looks at her in admiration]

Steven- It's a wonderful dream

Martha- thank you, Sir

11- I love football, but I don't want to compete, I want to commentate

Steven- interesting...would you did it alone or with a partner?

11- a partner for sure! Everything's better with a friend at your side

Steven- well said, Matt

River- [smiles, staring at Matt]

River- when I'm an adult, I'm going to become an archeologist, and study people from the past

11- That's so cool

River- I know I am

Steven- I think your really going to enjoy our history class Miss Song

14- Hello everyone!

13- hello!

Ryan- Sup

14- When I grow up...I want to be an Author, and document my travels

Steven- And where do you want to travel?

14- All over, but I'd particularly enjoy the amazon, did you know that there are over 2.5 million species of bug in the amazon Sir

Steven- 2.5 million?!

14- [nods enthusiasticly]

Steven- wow

Graham- that's alot of bugs...ergh

10- I'm gonna fix all the problems in the world

Steven- All of them?

10- Mhm

Steven- Well then, you've got alot of work to do young man

Master- When I get older I'm going to be really muscly and strong and I'll have all the women

Steven- Again, all of them?

Master- ye

Donna- you ain't having me!

Martha- or me!

Missy- ....what was the question?

Steven- what do you want to be when you grow up?

Missy- Oh um a DJ probably

Steven- A DJ?

Missy- Yeah, that's what I just said

Steven- and what sort of music would you make?

Missy- [shrugs] good music

Steven- good music...I see

Missy- are you deaf or what?

Clara- I want to be a teacher

Steven- and how long have you wanted to be a teacher?

Clara- my mum's a teacher...and I love my mum

Steven- that's sweet. I wish you best of luck, Miss Oswald. If you ever need some tips, I'm here

Ryan- he's promoting himself in his own school [laughs]

Clara- thanks but I'll probably just ask my mum...because-

Missy- because you 'love her' we get it! Move along-

Sarah Jane- I've also thought about teaching

Missy- [pretends to snore]

Steven- thank you, Missy, that was not needed. Save your strange noises for the DJing, please

[They all laugh]

Osgood- A scientist, or...a zoo-oligist, or a mechanic...though I also like computer science

Steven- wow

Osgood- sorry, too many to choose from I know

Steven- it's not that, It's've got a very bright future ahead of you, I'm sure

Graham- yeah, and alot of homework!

Graham- I want to go to the Moon

[The class laugh]

Graham- What's so funny? If the people on the TV can do it then why can't I?

Steven- that's the spirit! And who knows, maybe you'll be up there amongst the stars sooner than expected!

9- [looks up, intrigued]

Kate- I'm going to run the world

Steven- would you like to elaborate on that?

Kate- no

Steven- okay


Steven- what do you want to be, Peter?

12- I want to start a band

Steven- singer?

12- oh, no no, lead guitarist and songwriter

Steven- I see

12- but um...above all...I want to be a...good person. Yeah

Steven- I'm sure your already a good person, Peter

Rory- When I grow up I want to be a nurse, or even a Doctor but- I'm not that great under pressure

Steven- [nods] you'll get better

Rory- I hope so

Amy- [claps]

Yaz- [nervous] I sort be a cop

13- that's awesome [mumbles]

Yaz- I'm not really sure though...

Donna- I want to be a pop star, or just...any kind of star. But my mum says unless I get my grades up I'll probably end up as a temp. I don't even know what a temp is...

Steven- okay...well...good luck

Donna- I don't need it, imma be the next beyonce, just you wait

Mickey- I also want to be a footballer

Rose- [laughs]

Sarah Jane- what's so funny? [whispers]

Rose- he's awful at football, got two left feet

Sarah Jane- [laughs]

Tosh- I want to work in the video editing industry. Or maybe even...animation

Steven- I take it your a fan of computers

Tosh- yes, I programmed my own video game actually

11- do you play minecraft?

Tosh- maybe when I was five...


11- [frowns]

Bill- Hello, um, I guess I want to design clothes. But I'm also a science chemistry and physics nerd

Rose- [stunned]

Sarah Jane- your such an interesting person

Rose- I second that

Bill- aw thanks guys

Ryan- I'm gonna be a streamer

Steven- what's a streamer?

Ryan- sorry, forgot you were old-

Steven- hey!

Ryan- I want to stream myself playing video games and reacting to stuff

Steven- sounds fun


Steven- Wow, another one

Dan- but also I'd love to work in a museum of some sorts, probably in my home town

Steven- two very different answers there Dan, why a museum?

Dan- [shrugs] looks fun I guess

Steven- fair enough

Jenny- I want to be loved

Gwen- that's deep

Jenny- and I want to own a boat

Gwen- there it is

Bill- Oo, and then you could swim whenever you wanted in the ocean!

Jenny- oh no...I can't swim

Bill- You can't swim?

Jenny- no, that's why I want a boat, silly

Steven- what if you fall off the boat?

Jenny- I'm not going to 'fall of the boat' because I am infact capable of standing on two feet

Vastra- well said. Though I'd still get swimming lessons-

Bill- incase you hit an iceberg-

Jenny- I never said I wanted to be loved by Jack Dawson!

Steven- Okay, lovely...who do we have left...Rose and...The Doctor!

Rose- [stands up] I'll go

9- [watches]

[She walks up to the front of the class]

Rose- so...let's see....when I-

Master- show us your hair, Shrek!

Donna- Oi, round face, shut up [looks at Rose and mouths Sorry]

Rose- [mouths back] it's fine

Master- who you calling round face, carrot head!

Rose- I-

Donna- excuse me!

Steven- enough! Let Rose speak!

Rose- [looks down at the floor] I...I don't know

Steven- hm?

Rose- I don't know what I want to be. I'm sorry

[She rushes back to her seat]

9- [springs up out of his seat and walks to the front] I don't know what I want to be either!

Rose- Doctor, you don't have to-

9- no, I mean it! I have absolutely no clue! But...isn't that fantastic! [Looks at Steven]

Steven- Go on...

9- [looks at the class] my future could be anything and everything and I'll never know what to except. I'll never know what comes next and I think that's extraordinary

[He looks at Rose]

Rose- [smiles]

Steven- Thank you. That was wonderful. You were all wonderful. The Doctor is right, we never know who or what we're going to be, not really. But we should always try our very best to do what we love! Now, onto the lesson-

Owen- But Sir, wasn't THAT the lesson? It's almost lunch...

[He points at the clock]

Steven- No no, that was just the introduction. You see, the real lesson shall be taking place the moment you leave this room. You'll be entering something called 'The Rule Game'

Martha- What's...'The Rule Game'?

SpyMaster- I hate rules

Steven- Good, because the game is to break them!

SpyMaster- What?

Missy- [looks up]

Steven- you have two months, to break a rule, any rule, from this chalkboard

[He points to the board]

Steven- But...if you get caught. Your out.

Master- That's easy!

Amy- Yeah

Steven- Oh really? Amy, you've had your phone under the table this entire lesson. Koschei, you got up out of your seat when you thought I wasn't looking, and Gwen, gum...really?

Gwen- I-

Steven- Ryan-

Ryan- Uh oh

Steven- you've graffitied all over your desk, Owen...stop throwing paper at Peter, and David, I can see your Pijamas sticking out from under your clothes. Which isn't even a rule it's just weird-

14- It's comfy...

Owen- We're all doomed

Steven- I see everything, and so do the security cameras. So...if you want to win, you'll have to be Sneaky

Donna- And if we do win? What's the prize?

Steven- you'll be the first people on earth to get a tour around an alien spaceship. We call it the TARDIS

[Everyone chats in excitement]

Missy- Hang on, how do you know we're not lying about breaking a rule? If you can't actually see us...

Steven- Lie detector test. Once you've completed the task, come back here, and I'll confirm that what you say is true. But only come here after your sure you haven't been caught

Ianto- [quietly freaking out with excitement]

[The bell rings]

Steven- Good luck, everyone. And enjoy your first few months at Torchwood Academy...

(Sorry for the late update. But, PUT IN YOUR BETS FOR WHO YOU THINK WILL WIN HEHE)

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